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Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations - Whirlpool

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3685
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1453
Question :

This assessment will cover certain questions which are like:

  • Evaluate employee knowledge, skills and behaviors opted in Whirlpool by HR professionals.
  • Give factors that are to be considered for implementing and evaluating different inclusive through which learning and development will be drive sustainable business performance in Whirlpool.
  • Give the understanding in Whirlpool for high-performance working (HPW) which contributes to basic employee engagement and also a competitive advantage.
  • Explain performance management with collaborative working and also effective communication in Whirlpool which manages high-performance culture and commitment.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Whirlpool


Human resource department plays an important role in ever organization as their major role is to recruit and select the best and suitable candidate for the organization. In addition to this the other major role of HR is to develop the individuals and team within the organization so that they can help in achieving the vision and mission of the organization. In this project Whirlpool company is taken into consideration which is an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of home appliances. Its headquarter is situated in united states of America. In this presented report brief analysis is done to determine knowledge, skills and behaviour which are required by HR professionals. In addition to this, differences between the organizational and individual learning are also explained in this file. Moreover the importance of continuous learning and professional development is also mentioned in this report. Lastly, brief demonstration has been done about how High Performance Work Practice(HPW) contributes to achieve the competitive advantage in the market.

Task 1

P1 Knowledge, skills and behaviour required by HR professional

Human resource professional work has changed from time to time. They use to handle the administration work or clerical work but now they help the management to make strategy according to the available resources (Bolden, 2016). Their work is to keep up the peace of the company so that every employees can work with their full commitment towards their work. Proper utilization of the employees should be attain to help the company to achieve their vision within time. HR professional should have proper knowledge, skills and behaviour then only they will be able to complete their work with full perfection which are described below.


Rules and regulation: HR professional of Whirlpool should have the knowledge of laws like employment laws, working conditions law etc. Working condition of the Whirlpool helps the employees to motivate them and increase their productivity to a certain level. All the rules and regulation which is set by the government should be follow by the whirlpool so that they stay away from the penalties. Moreover, Workplace of the company should be properly maintained so that all the employees can fully devote themselves for the work.

Competitor knowledge: HR professional has so many crucial work other than recruitment and selection. Whirlpool HR should be well aware of all the competitor and their strategy so that they can help the management while making the strategy. Strategy should be made according to the competitor so that every action taken by the competitor would be tackle with greater productivity (Eime and et. al., 2013). This strategy is helpful for the Whirlpool to create an competitive advantage over others.

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Organisation and planning: Whirlpool HR professional should know that when to recruit more personnel or how to assign the task according to their skill set. Total number of headcount in the Whirlpool should be according to the strategy as it affects the company's profit directly. Apart from that HR should know that how to assign the task according to the individual capabilities. As it will help the company to utilize their resources properly.

Technology: Nowadays most of the work is done with the help of technology. So Whirlpool HR should be well aware about the latest technology and how they can use it to maximize their productivity. Basic knowledge like MS power point, MS excel, SAS, SAP HR should be there in the HR then only they would attain success in their professional field.


Impartial and objectives: Partial behaviour of any individual of the company leads to the conflicts among employees. Whirlpool HR should take care of any type of activities and try to resolve it before it become a buzz for the company. Performance appraisals, promotion, hikes etc should be given according to the abilities and performance of the employees rather than on the basis of partiality.

Adaptability: The only thing which is constant in the external environment is change. External environment affects the working culture of the company that's why HR should be well adaptable to the environment. So that no external or internal factor can affect the productivity of the employees.

P2 Personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviour to develop a professional development plan

Personal skills refers to a factor which differentiate the person to one another. It could be helpful for the person or can impact the persona in negative way. Personal skill audit means assessment of own skills and capabilities so that it can be improve with time thus increasing the productivity of the individual. It can be helpful for Whirlpool as improve in knowledge and skills of the employees leads to increase in knowledgable workforce for the company (Belbin, 2012). As a HR professional I will analyse my strengths and weakness so that I can make my professional development plan according to that.

As per the above mentioned skill audit, it can be monitored that there are some skills like technology,communication and others are helpful for me to me personal and professional development. Because I have good knowledge about them which will helpful for my future growth and development.

With the help of the above mentioned Strengths and weakness, I will make my professional development plan so that it can be upgrade with time.


Time Taken

Activities I need to undertake

Monitor by

Numerical ability

3 months

Aptitude classes will be taken by me for 3 months so that I can solve mathematical problem fast.


Knowledge of laws and policies

2 months

I will read and understand all the important Journals, Magazines and online so that I can make myself aware of all the policies which will be helpful in the workplace.

Manager and subordinates

IT skills

3 months

IT classes will be taken so that knowledge of MS word, MS power point, SAP HR would be improve.


Task 2

P3 Difference between organization and individual learning, training and development

Learning refers to the modification of one's behaviour by experiences. In addition to this process of acquiring and modifying the knowledge, skills, values and preferences. As skills and knowledge of the individuals plays a vital role in achieving the successful growth of the organization in the market. The HR manager of the Whirlpool company should focus on developing the individuals knowledge and skills in order to increase the productivity of the company. Individuals and organization learning plays an important role in achieving the competitive advantage in the market.

Individual learning: It refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skill through individual reflection. In addition to this it is refer to as the capacity to build knowledge through external sources or through personal re-elaboration of individual experience by interacting with outside environment. So HR manager of Whirlpool company should influence and motivate their workers in order to develop their learning ability as individual learning plays an important role in increasing the productivity unto certain level.

Organizational learning: It is the procedure of creating and transferring cognition within the organization. In addition to it is described as the bridge between working and innovation of individuals. It also helps in gaining and acquiring new cognition about the environment and the goals (Poksinska, Swartling and Drotz, 2013). So HR manager of the Whirlpool company should motivate their employees to develop their individual learning capability as individual learning helps in developing organizational learning.

Difference between individual and organizational learning

Individual learning

Organizational learning

It refers to the personnel development of the individuals. HR manager of Whirlpool should focus on motivating workers to develop their individual learning ability in order to increase the productivity unto certain level.

Organizational learning refers to the overall development of the business concern.

It is a wider concept.

It is a broader concept.

Development of individual learning depend upon the motivational factors rendered to them by the HR manager. So the HR of Whirlpool company should provide their worker with best motivational factors like promotion, increase in salary etc.

Development of organizational learning depend upon the individuals working in the organization. So HR manager of Whirlpool should focus on improving and developing individuals learning as they are the one who help in the development of organizational learning.

Training and development:

Training is the process of sharpening of individuals knowledge, skills, concepts so as to improve their performance level. It is all about knowing where the individual stand in present before training and after attaining training program where will the individual reach with their abilities. So it is important for the HR manger of Whirlpool company to develop some training program session so that employees can learn some new methodology, and can refresh up their existing knowledge and skills in order to bring up the company to the next best level (Huczynski, Buchanan and Huczynski, 2013). Whereas development is the process in which the individual grow and become more advanced by acquiring and modifying skills and knowledge. With the help of it, the manager of the company can make improvement in the skills and knowledge of the employees if they feel lack and want to make development and learn new skills. It is beneficial for employees because if they improve their skills then they can do their work with more effectiveness in appropriate manner.

Difference between Training and development



Its major purpose is to develop additional skills of individuals.

Its major purpose is to develop the total personality of individuals.

It is a short term process.

It is a continuous process.

P4 Importance of Continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning: It refers to the regular practice adopted by the individuals in order to expand their skill set by gathering new knowledge. Moreover it can be said that it is the strategy which is essential to develop in order to achieve success in life. So HR manager of Whirlpool company should give their employees continuous training programs like through workshops, seminars in order to develop their knowledge and skill power. As the enhancement in the workers skills and knowledge will be beneficial to drive sustainable business environment.

Professional development: It is the process of improving the capability of the individuals by accessing through training possibility in the workplace. In addition to this it refers to the development of the workers related to their specific job profile. HR of the Whirlpool should conduct some professional development programs in order to develop individuals as it helps in increasing the productivity level of an organization up to certain level. Workers will get promotion opportunities due to their professional development which indirectly will result in driving sustainable business performance (Carlopio and et. al., 2012).


Some of the importance of continuous learning and professional development in driving sustainable business performance of Whirlpool are as stated below:

Fill up the skill gap more efficiently:One of the first importance of continuous learning and personal development is that it helps in filling up the skill and knowledge gap more efficiently within the individuals. So Whirlpool company should develop some continuous and performance development programs in order to develop their workers skills and knowledge. Thus, it will result in driving sustainable business performance of an Whirlpool company.

Helps in gaining competitive edge in the market place: Strong continuous learning and professional development culture in Whirlpool company will result faster time to market for goods and services, for faster response to customers needs as well as it will also lead in meeting future demand in the market place (Pakdil and Leonard, 2014). So HR manager of Whirlpool company should ensure from time to time that there workers are continuously developing their learning abilities. Thus, it will be helpful in driving sustainable business performance of Whirlpool company.

Helpful in creating better working environment:When individuals in the Whirlpool company continuously develop their professional as well as learning ability culture then it will lead in increase in the workforce productivity. In addition to this it will also help in creating more innovative environment within the organization. Thus, it will also lead in driving sustainable business performance level.

Overall it can be concluded that continuous learning and professional development of individuals plays an important role in driving sustainable business performance of Whirlpool company. Moreover it help the company to engage their workforce more effectively so that it can benefit both the companies as well as workers of the organization.

Task 3

P5 High performance working contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High performance working explain as practices done by the company in recruitment, selection, training and retaining the employee so that overall productivity of the organization would improve. HPW is an approach of creating an environment in the workplace so that employees could attain high levels of performance. With the help of HPW Whirlpool can create the favourable environment for the employees where the all the process are transparent, communications are easy to make, every employees do their part in decision making skills etc. Whirlpool could increase effectiveness and productivity of the employees and the organization through HPW (Woodcock, 2017). There are different types of HPW practices which can be use by the Whirlpool to improve its overall efficiency which are explained below,

  • High employment involvement: Climate and culture of the environment impacts the quality of work of the employees in the organization. Better working condition motivates the employee to work harder and bad working condition degrade the effectivity of the individual. Whirlpool should make their environment working friendly so that everyone can perform their best thus gaining the competitive advantage over others. Besides this Whirlpool should organize informal parties regularly so that employees can interact with one another and trust can be build then. Employee involvement in the work can also increase through redesigning their work to make it challenging for employees.
  • Human resource practices: One of the crucial work of the HR department is to recruit the potential candidate for the company. Recruitment should be properly done by the Whirlpool so that skilful candidates would be selected for the job rather than selecting a candidate due to biasness or favour. Apart from that, regular training should be provided to new employees so that required skills and competencies can be imparted. It will help the employees to accomplish a given task given by the Whirlpool (Boud and Brew, 2013). At last, Training should also be given to old employees so that they can improve and learn news skills and technology that can would be helpful for the future.
  • Reward process: Reward should be given according to the performance of the employees. Top performing employees of the Whirlpool should given rewards like hikes, bonus, foreign trips, promotion and recognition. Through this, employees motivation and productivity would increase gradually. Apart from that those who did not perform well should be given training, workshops, classes so that there hurdle can be removed. It will help the low performer to improve their performance in the future.

Task 4

P6 Different approaches of Performance Management

Performance management is one of the broader function which is performed by the HR of an organization. It consist of activities like continuous progress review, implementation of continuous and professional development programs, feedback for improved performance and to provide reward for better workforce performance (Approaches for measuring performance of employees. 2018)

Approaches of Performance Management:

There are some of the approaches of performance management which is used by the Whirlpool company in order to develop and support high performance culture are mentioned below:

Comparative approach: Under this approach of performance management comparison among the employees of same job profile are done. For example A and B are working in a Whirlpool company under same job profile and A has more skills compare to B, then company will rank higher to A as compared to B. Thus, it will help in increasing the competition level and their performance level of the workers and it will also help in developing and supporting high performance culture within the Whirlpool company.

Result approach: Under this approach employees are ranked on the basis of their outcome they result for the company (WatsonManheim and et, al., 2012). For example whirlpool company rank their workers on the basis of evaluation of their result and evaluation is done on the basis of their productivity. By using this approach company can increase their productivity level as well as can develop and support high performance culture within the organization.

Overall it can be concluded that Whirlpool company should apply such approaches in order to increase workers productivity level as well as to examine their performance level. As this approaches help in identifying workers strength and weakness so that they can overcome their weakness (Tabassi, Ramli and Bakar, 2012). Thus, it will be very much helpful for the Whirlpool company in achieving the competitive edge in the market. Thus, it can be said that this approaches of performance management will help in developing and supporting high performance culture within the organization.


From the above mentioned report it can be concluded that HR professional work has changed time to time and now they help the management to make strategy for the company. Personal skills audit is helpful for the individual as it helps the employees to find out their strengths and weakness so that it can be improved with time. Whirlpool should give focus on individual and organizational learning so that overall productivity of the Whirlpool would increase. Continuous professional development should be follow by Whirlpool to increase their performance and ability to manage unique situation with full efficiency. Apart from that Whirlpool should organized HPW in their organization so to increase their overall efficiency of the company. At last performance management and its different approaches helps the Whirlpool to improve their performance according to the scenarios and helps the Whirlpool to gain the competitive advantage. Are you worried about assignment help in the UK? We provide the best assignment writing service at the best price.

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  • Belbin, R. M., 2012.Team roles at work. Routledge.
  • Bolden, R., 2016. Leadership, management and organisational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development(pp. 143-158). Routledge.
  • Boud, D. and Brew, A., 2013. Reconceptualising academic work as professional practice: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development,18(3), pp.208-221.
  • Carlopio, J., Andrewartha, G., Whetten, D. and Cameron, K., 2012. Develop management skills. Pearson Higher Education AU.
  • Eime, R. M. and et. al., 2013. A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport.International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity.10(1). p.98.
  • Huczynski, A., Buchanan, D.A. and Huczynski, A.A., 2013.Organizational behaviour(p. 82). London: Pearson.
  • Nancarrow and et. al., 2013. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. Human resources for Health,11(1), p.19.
  • Pakdil, F. and Leonard, K. M., 2014. Criteria for a lean organisation: development of a lean assessment tool. International Journal of Production Research. 52(15). pp.4587-4607.
  • Poksinska, B., Swartling, D. and Drotz, E., 2013. The daily work of Lean leaders-lessons from manufacturing and healthcare. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,24(7-8), pp.886-898.
  • Tabassi, A.A., Ramli, M. and Bakar, A.H.A., 2012. Effects of training and motivation practices on teamwork improvement and task efficiency: The case of construction firms. International Journal of Project Management,30(2), pp.213-224.
  • WatsonManheim, M.B., Chudoba, K.M. and Crowston, K., 2012. Perceived discontinuities and constructed continuities in virtual work.Information systems journal. 22(1). pp.29-52.
  • Woodcock, M., 2017.Team development manual. Routledge.
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