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Value and Contribution to Organisational Success

University: Nelson College London

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2807
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 901
Question :
This sample will let you know about:
  • Explain Human resource management.
  • Discuss about the Approaches and technique used for motivation.
Answer :
Organization Selected : ARM Holding Plc


Human resource management is responsible to motivate the manpower in terms to perform at highest level which maintain the culture of an organisation. The internal drivers of business as well as contribution of HR manager develops impressive strategy for the long term success of an organisation (Akhavan and Mahdi Hosseini, 2016). To better define the topic ARM Holding Plc company has been selected which design software and has diversifies its services in 15 countries. As business is intensively based on the innovation due to which it focuses to constantly develop the skill of people for better talent management. This report cover topics like importance of organisation design to deliver sustainable performance. The requirement to develop as well as motivate experienced individual as well as team. Conduct research and apply contemporary knowledge to support emerging HR developments. Further, evaluate desirable relationship between the organisation design as well as change management are covered in report.


1. Evaluate the importance of organizational design theory in the context of organizational structure and fulfilling organizational strategy, using specific organizational examples.

Organization design theory is an ongoing process which helps the organization to modify the internal structure, working procedure as well as system to systematically implement the changes for sustainable performance. The theory mainly focuses to improve technical aspect in order to bring favorable changes and improve final result to effectively encourage the internal processes. Application of this theory can assist ARM Holding Plc to bring innovation and engage employees by offering them desirable growth as well as development opportunity. Along with that it offer excellent customer services that motivate business entity to improve the efficiency for better productivity (Anitha, 2016). Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Importance of organization theory

  • This is the comprehensive approach that help to maintain the trust and loyalty of customers due to the supreme quality of product and services. It systematically leads to the growth of ARM Holding company by using advance technology and adopting latest innovation which help in delivering advance software services.
  • Application of organization design theory can critically help the manpower to acquire new skill as well as knowledge. Although it is not simple for ARM Holding Plc company to bring transition in their staff's performance because some of them may resist changes. But with the help of reward system they motivate employees to participate for personal as well as organizational objective.
  • Strengthen internal culture by improving the efficiency and mitigate operational cost by integration of people in terms of using advance technology, system as well as processes.

Application of theory in context to organizational structure

The manager of an organization usually group the people together in order to establish the strong network and effectively perform the task to attain collective target (Beneke and et. al., 2016). Adoption of desirable structure assist ARM company to better delegate the authorities as well as working procedure for adequate deliver of services in national and international market. Explanation of some structure in context to company are determined below:

Divisional structure: As ARM Holding company has diversified its business in various territories and involve diverse workforce so it is not that easy to track the record of different activities. Generally large companies prefer to follow Divisional structure because it is used in better administration of an organization design. Here the departments are classified in different categories like customer service, marketing and production (Five Approaches to Organizational Design, 2016). Each unit has its own manager that is responsible to overview the activities and plan out strategy for successful accomplishment of target. Like, due to the changing trend ARM company needs to acquire unique technology in order to overpower competitive pressure. Thus, this process encourages flexibility and help to bring out responsive to change.

Team structure: Based on this structure the organization attain confined purpose by dividing the function into different groups. These teams are formulated on the basis of individual capability or knowledge and cross function with one other to effectively solve the problem and explore opportunity effectively. For instance, while bringing out innovation ARM Holding company can face various hurdles and leads to performance gap due to lack of knowledge about advance technique. So this structure helps in better carrying organizational design theory by generating desirable relationship among people which can help to effective solve the ongoing problem (Brewster, 2017). Therefore, this structure motivate both employer and employee to make effective decision within stipulated time period.

Therefore, based on above discussion it has been analyzed that organizational design theory helps to bring out the innovation which encourages sustainable performance. Along with that managers need to adopt the desirable structure for better flow of the internal activities (Delery and Roumpi, 2017). For instance, adoption of divisional structure within ARM limited helps to bring specialization by effective allocating the responsibilities as well as resources for different functional unit. Thus, it is an effective process in terms to articulate desirable strategy to carry out systematic performance in order to gain long term profitability as well as productivity.

2. Analyze the different approaches and techniques used for attracting, maintaining, developing and rewarding human resources to create a skilled and dedicated workforce.

Motivation plays desirable role within an organization in terms to encourage the personnel for developing their knowledge as well as skill. The role of extrinsic motivation is to expand the potential of staff in order to acquire the desirable changes and explicitly perform to attain the target. HR and other managers plays an essential role in terms to bring transition in the day to day performance of staff by systematic talent as well as reward management.

Approaches and technique used for motivation

Collaborative approach: As per this approach employees or staff are considered as the desirable part of an organization due to which they are treated as an asset of company. Generally the employer encourages the response of employees by allocating them the rewards either in monetary or non monetary term. Promotion, salary hike, recognition, incentives as well as performance appraisal are the source of positive reinforcement that encourages the staff of ARM limited to acquire the innovative and put forward their constructive suggestion. Such creation of valuable idea supports the success of an organization in terms to enrich individual and team efforts (Higgs and Dulewicz, 2016).

Authoritarian approach: This approach compel the individual to improve their performance through authoritarian approach or negative reinforcement technique which include the fear of punishment. Instead of abiding by the the rules of supervisor the staff does not have any other choice. So either willingly or unwillingly they acquire new working pattern to avoid the chances of punishment which can be in form to termination, demotion or transfer.

Approaches and technique used for human capital

Training and mentoring: It is an effective technique for the human capital that enrich the existing abilities of the employees. As the HR manager of ARM limited regularly run the training seminar and conferences for their staff on the regular basis which leads to the preparation of competitive team that acknowledge changes and fulfil upcoming needs. This is therefore an effective method of human capital which monitor the performance of employees and raise the morale of personnel.

Attract potential talent: To better manage the workforce successful organisation remains capable enough in order to attract the fresh talent that gives shape to the talent of human capital (Jabbour and et. al., 2019). Herein, ARM company gives opportunity to the employees which can bring flexibility in terms to perform desirable task and accordingly attain the predetermined objective. Thus, it offer the desirable skill in terms to define the work and perform the task effectively.

Approaches and technique used for knowledge management

Tactic knowledge management: To better manage the knowledge it is essential for internal manager to understand knowledge of an individual who work within an organization. Accordingly, they can help to transfer the knowledge of people and managing their career within an organization. The representatives of ARM company inculcate significant knowledge in order to improve the existing knowledge of an enterprises.

Explicit knowledge management: It comprises the use of document, operating procedure as well as drawing in order to inculcate the desirable knowledge among workforce (Kannan, 2018). This disseminated knowledge can help the overall employees of ARM holding company to update their information by gaining desirable learning.

Blended knowledge management: Respected knowledge management involve building up the open communities that facilitate desirable communication in terms to carry out discussion on the particular idea, post news as well as share links. The main significance derived out from the blended knowledge is that it widen up the learning opportunity for an enterprises. Order assignment help from our experts!

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3. Conduct research and use contemporary knowledge to support evidence for emerging HR developments.

HR development is the crucial process that involve training programme for both new as well as existing employees in terms to acquire new skills. It is the beneficial process that assist employees to extend their capabilities in terms to gain success and retain the interest of manpower. As absence of inadequate design in the training programme affect both personal as well as professional skill that can leads to stagnant growth of employees. Therefore, to adopt the innovation it is essential for companies like ARM holding to integrate the training program in terms to develop the efforts of individual and group member.

Emerging HR development can affect the role of HR function in the future

Embrace the use of advance technology: The emerging use HR development will be more inclined towards technology based on which the role of HR is to access the strategy for better employee retention programme. Like, the use of job portals and chatbots can help staff to directly communicate with employer or HR manager in terms to address their queries. Such personalised communication mitigate the chances of delay in terms to address individual as well as group member's performance (Leal-Millán and et. al., 2016).

Apply artificial intelligence to perform recruitment cycle: High dependency on the digital media has simplify the use of HR development in terms to carry out operation in more desirable manner. This can in future bring revolution in the role of HR like based on Artificial technology the company can carry out recruitment process via online media. This is more effective and efficient process in terms to enhance the quality and carry out whole process within stipulated time period.

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Use of Analytical tool for continuous performance management: Embracing the use of analytical tool can assist the HR manger to focus on the areas by which they can manage firm's profitability. Based on the use of analytical tool the manager overview the experience of existing as well as potential candidate. Like, based on this tool if the company examine that it experiences high absenteeism rate then it can be addressed by offering flexible working hours or setting target. So the role of manager based on advance HR technique is to determine the performance and bring transformation to enhance the overall operations of ARM holding company. Hence, it helps to manage the talent and engage the employees to gain desirable target (Rani and Samuel, 2016).

Conclusion: Based on the research it has been analysed that the use of technology offers better experience to the employees in terms to systematically manage their experience. This process changes the role of HR manager because rather than carry out physical interaction in involves the use of online options. Also it helps to systemically store the data which leads to design the better analytical programme that enrich the potential of an individual to process the functioning in an adequate manner.

4. Evaluate how organizational design has to respond and adapt to change management and the relationship that exists between the two using a specific organizational situation.

Change management is the desirable part of an enterprises that help to bring out the innovation by systematically managing the tool as well as technique of internal structure, process as well as system of an organisation. As organisation design emphasize more on the innovation as well as creatively due to which it completely depend upon the change management policy. Based on this technique ARM limited company can effective compete against its rivalry in order to manage the competitive pressure because their internal affair function as per organisation design. This strengthen the network of company with both internal and external stakeholder because employees gets the environment to develop and put forward their constructive idea. Similarly, customers gets the offering which significantly cater their existing as well as upcoming requirement (Shou and et. al., 2017). Thus, adoption of changes which is continuous improvement technique can help the manger to effectively shape the internal operations and requirement of company. Explanation of different change technique which affect the organisation design in terms to address the specific situation are determined below:

Transformational change: As per transformational changes the company on the regular basis update their plans, working pattern of the employee and acquire latest technology to participate in the dynamic environment and effectively accommodate the need of people. It helps to address the adverse situation of business entity like switching of customer to other brand due to dependency on advance technique. To cope up with the situation of decline in the interest of customer ARM holding company needs to rapidly bring revolution by using desirable resources as well as efforts of competitive team. Therefore, this helps to attain the opportunity due to systemic growth and development program.

Psychological changes: It involve bringing critical changes in the learning processes, thinking as well as development of an employees. The manager of ARM holding company needs to understand the perspective of an individual and bring the transition in their performance by progressively helping them to enhance their role. For instance, in terms of the software design operations of company is based on the latest innovation because in there exist huge competition in software based company. So to deal with such situation the HR manager design communication programme where they deliver the essence to adopt the changes in terms of facts and figure (Singaraju and et. al., 2016). Thus, purpose of this exercise is to generate awareness amongst the employee sin terms to acquaint desirable organisational design. Ask for Academic Writing Service from our experts!


  • To gain sustainable performance the manager of an organisation should adopt desirable organisational design which encourages ARM holding company to acquire latest innovation. This maximizes the growth of company by enhancing the organisation structure as well as strategy in order to adopt the global changes effectively.
  • The HR manager should frequently contact with the employees by using job portals and chatbots which promote personalised conversation. This is the desirable technique to motivate and retain the interest of existing personnel. Along with that performance appraisal and reward technique is the desirable way to retain the talent of an enterprises.


From the above report it has been determined that effective contribution of the HR encourage smooth business practices which acts as a valuable tool that ensure long term success. Organisation design theory is associated with innovation that helps in drafting creative strategy to give desirable direction to internal business structure. There are different approaches of motivation, human capital as well as knowledge management such as collaborative approach which encourages the participation of workforce to develop skilled workforce. The emerging HR development can support the performance of enterprises by using advance technology and embrace the advantage of long term sustainable performance. Therefore, adoption of change management technique helps to bring out the affirmative impact in order to proceed the internal functioning systematically.

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