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Importance of Organisational Structure

University: Arden University

  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3111
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: HRM4002
  • Downloads: 630
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Define effective team theory.
  • Discuss Motivational Theory.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A

HRM is the main part of the organization human resource plays various functions such as planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating. Human resource perform various roles i.e. recruiting, motivating, monitoring and introducing profitable strategy. The main goal of the HR to meet company from their objectives by the helps of employees. That's why manager encourages employees by resolving their issues relevant to work pressure, task complexity and salary. Peoples refers employees who are the main assets for the company because they are responsible for profitability or loss. Therefore, employees plays crucial role in the business. To understand the concept of people in organizations there is an example of Johnson of Whixley. It is wholesale plant nursery in England, UK. It is the largest commercial nursery organization in Europe. Company has more than 90 members of staff. This report covers role of leadership which exist within organization. It includes structural and culture of the organization which helps effective transitional change.

Structure, Cultural and Leadership

Johnson of Whixley is the largest company of the Europe where organization have a goal to improve employees productivity along with success. Organization adapts democratic leadership because company has 90 staff members and wants to enhance around 200 staff during seasonal peaks.

It is also known as participative leadership style where group of member are involved in decision-making. The main goal of this leadership style is to fulfil employees needs as result which  lead to high profit in the company. Manager of the company adapts democratic leadership style for meeting staff requirements and their expectation with the company (Abu Sultan and, 2018). Manager involves employees in various operations such as in decision-making process, where promotes them to shares their ideas and opinion to manager for implementing decision. Even manager encourages them to explore creativity at workplace which leads protectiveness in the business. Democratic leadership posses effective characteristic i.e. honesty, creativity, competency, fairness etc. leads effectiveness in the leader. While manager follows all guidance during changing leadership style. Manager keeps fairness in decision which supports employees to follow their leader.Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

To retain employees for long-term with the company manager introduces attendance recognition strategies which leads effectiveness in employees attendance at job place. This strategy raise self-esteem of employees and inspires them to give the best performance in the company. Manager introduces annual profit share bonus strategy that improves employees task achievements and attendance. The main objective of the both strategies to raise staff attendance in the company. Manager observes that both strategies can hold employees for short time, not for long time. Therefore, democratic leader introduces rewards and recognition strategy for the employees because self-esteem is matter for each employee in the organization.

Money is source of motivation which can keep employee motivated for short-time, but recognition lead emotional attachment of the employee with the company. Recognition motivate them for meeting company from their mission, so identification is major source of the success (Zhen, 2017). To raise staff's working efficiency manager offer profit sharing strategy which motive employee's to earn large profit along with bonus or incentives. Manager organizes training development classes for the staff for improving their skills. While employees gets chance to improve their skills which makes them eligible for getting rewards and recognition in the company. Democratic leadership style helps manager to understand employees behaviour and attitude in the organization. Democratic leadership style helps manager to understand employees behaviour and attitude in the organization.

Based on the attitude and behaviour manager enables to explore various strategies that leads equal profit in the company. For example manager offers reward strategy that motivate employees to give the honest performance at workplace. On other hand organization gets high attendance of the employee along with complete task. Manager offers recognition as result group of staff inspires to perform themselves best which makes them able to get recognition. Thus, manager is able to build good relation with them. Johnson of Whixley is nursery business where large number of staff requires to perform various operations (Ukaidi,  2016). Manager observe employees has time issues as well. To resolve time issue, organization allows for early closure that appreciate group of employees to retain in the company. Johnson of Whixley offers “hot spot” rewards for identifying strong performance which is based on the activity of employees through heavy weather. “Hot spot” rewards is simple such as fish & chips in winter or freeze full of ice cream in summer season. The main goal of this reward to maintain well-being of the employee and inspires them to give high attendance during seasons. Democratic leadership style supports manager to raise high productivity of the employee at workplace.

Structure and culture of the organization supports effective transitional changes

Organization structure is a model for the culture which can implement for creating organizational culture, on other hand culture guides how organization can be organized. Thus, both structure and culture are dependent  to each other because cultural value and norms both leads compatibility in the organization culture. On contrary, task performance and achievement etc. are implemented by the organizational structure model. Johnson of Whixley possess fruitful culture for the employees because company has goal to meet staff objectives for maintaining well-being in company. Organization structure is integral part of the organization because it leads culture in the business. Johnson of Whixley posses divisional organizational structure which gives control and coordination to manager (McNamara and McNamara,  2019). Divisional structure also categorizes into organizational structure where members of team is aligned into division. Each division posses crucial resources and roles  within organization which supports organization during transition in company. Organizational structure promotes organization to explore new strategies which helps staff to improve their skills. Divisional structure gives values to each department by assigning job responsibility. Organization culture which has been described above that quite good because staff gets various facilities i.e. extra holiday, hot spot award, early closure etc. which inspires employee to complete task on time and be honest during task performance. Thus, organization culture and   organization structure are crucial part for the organization. Order assignment help from our experts!

Johnson of Whixley permits staff to share their ideas regarding decision and gives them values to listen properly, as a result employees gives their participation and shares their ideas about in decision process. This strategy assists company to influence their values in front of employees. Reward strategy i.e. annual profit, bonus etc. maintains well-being of staff from the job. While  recognition strategy leads sustainable success in company. Respect, values etc. are first priority for the people because they expect where ever they give services, gets respect from seniors or employees (Al Khajeh, 2018). Organization appreciates employee on their efforts which encourage employees to work hard more. Hot spot reward also offers by the manager during heavy season which makes happy to employee's for retaining and be attentive at job place. Such kind of strategies supports employee's to improve financial conditions. On other hand strategies alleviates number of task achievement in the company. Even thus kind employees supportive culture assists organization during transitional change. There is an example to get organizational cultural effect on the transitional change. Johnson of Whixley alerts employees about stresses and limitation which can occur due to smaller business. To handle that situation manager propose two situations where employees can choose only one situation. First situation where they can appeal for the extra money in their wage, on other hand they can reserve their own job safety. This type situation helps manager to keep employee with company and better their working presentation. Overall organization tackle employees and inspires them for supporting in transitional change. While employees helps organization for keeping safe their own job securities. Thus, organization culture assists for effective transitional changes.

Organization structure is a framework who lead effectiveness in the culture because hierarchy of structure express job responsibility and defines culture. For example Jonson of Whixley has divisional structure where groups are classified into divisions and provides necessary resources and functions which can use during decision-making or tackle challenging situations. Employees supportive culture helps divisional structure to communicate freely about task issues and assist team performance (Kegan and Lahey, 2016). Even divisional structure helps business to play balance mode so that employees conflicts doesn't take place in the company. To establish well-being, business provides annual award sharing strategy so that each department act well and explore new ideas which helps to adapt transitional change. Thus, divisional structure also supports during transitional change. Leadership style also helps to maintain both organizational structure and organization culture in the company. Leadership style gets situation and introduces strategies which leads protectiveness in the company. Johnson of Whixley adapts democratic leadership to improve culture of the business and raise understanding of each department by the organizational structure. Manager offers recognition and rewards strategy for motivating employee's. Both strategy works in different forms such as rewards inspire staff, while recognition appreciates department and make them feel integral part of organization. Even manager offers extra holiday and early closure of business that leads satisfaction in the employees for the job. Manager inspires staff to support in transitional changes effectively.

Motivation and effective teams theories

Effective team theory

Tuckman's FSNP model is organized for the team effectiveness which is proposed by the “Bruce Tuckman”. This model defines the Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing (FNSP) model in 1965. Organization adapts Tuckman's model for influencing team effective. This model classifies into four stages for achieving team effectiveness.  Stages are-

Forming: It is initial stage where manager invites employees for meeting and forces them to introduce themselves. Manager clarify goals and objectives of company to each employee and permits them to share their opinions which can make more effective goals and objectives. The main goal of this phase to lead collaboration between employees and management as result effectiveness comes in work performance. This phase also helps staff to interact each other and gives values each other by listening them properly.

Storming: It is second stage which supports staff to raise communication and shares their feelings to each other which leads emotional attachment for them as result builds trust.  Building of trust leads team bonding (Jaques,  2017). Manager also encourages employee to do work as team member. The main goal of the team building to lead understanding each other about working styles and helps employees that how to work as team. This phase assists employees to being part of team or prepares team. Generally team building leads conflicts and complaints between employees initially but later on, as team member manages their relation by resolving issues.

Norming: This stage supports team member to understand importance of working together. As team member they begin to accept and stand team member conflicts for the keeping member in the group  (Argyris, 2017). In simple word norming stage defines significance of the team member or group and also understand them how to lead group in team towards success.

Performing: when team member establishes trust between them as result builds strong relationship between each other. Even each member of team encourages each other to perform better and works together for achieving shared goal so that they get team success. Performing stage improves team performance and makes them liable to accomplish same goal.

Adjoining: It is last stage which leads accomplishment of task means when task is completed as result outcomes gets prospective, this stage evaluates effectiveness of team building through the outcomes.

The main objective of the team effectiveness to improves their understanding and knowledge about project and maintains transitional change by number of groups in team. This model leads drastic change in Johnson of Whixley because it builds team of members, and they help each other to clarifying objectives. Even team building supports each other to improving their skills which helps for achieving success. Thus, manager leads effectiveness in team members. Struggling with your dissertation, get phd dissertation help from our experts!

Motivation theory

The motivation theory is organized for motivation which leads effectiveness in company culture. Organization applies Herzberg's motivation theory for motivating employees which supports organization during transitional changes. Herzberg's motivation theory model also known as two factor theory or dual factor theory (Fotaki, Kenny and Vachhani,  2017). This theory leads job satisfaction by resolving dissatisfaction issues. Frederick Herzberg propose this theory model in 1959 who describes that theory is based on two factor hygiene factors and motivation factors. Johnson of Whixley uses this theory for raining employee to improve performance and gives high productivity at workplace.

Hygiene factors: Hygiene factors refers job factors which is crucial for motivating employee at workplace. Job factors doesn't give long-term satisfaction but essential for the job performance at job place. Hygiene factors includes pay, company policy, physical working condition. Fringe benefits, job security etc. which is essential for the job. Organization focuses hygiene factor which attracts employee and maintains their well-being in company. Company offers company policy and administrative policy which specify rules and regulation of the company and keeps fairness and clear for the policies (Fiaz, Su, and Saqib, 2017). Even organization includes flexible working hours and extra vacation for the employees it leads satisfaction in employees for the jobs. Manager provides proper sitting facilities, air conditioning room along with hygiene workplace.

Even manager provides fridge and oven facilities to staff which can use according to weather situation. It keeps happy to employees and inspires them to give proper attendance at workplace. Jonson of Whixley offers fringe benefits means healthcare policies. According to this  policy employees and their relative can take advantage because organization pays charges of medicine if employees is unwell. It leads satisfaction in the employee and their families for the job. Manager encourage employee to work in team which leads effectiveness in work and maintains culture in the company. HR offers direct communication facilities where employee can communicate to each other regarding task complexity. Manager builds good relationship with the employees by resolving their conflicts relevant to work pressure, salary, safety issues. Johnson of Whixley also offers job security to staff which assist staff to retain in company prolong time.

Motivation factors: Hygiene factor is short-term satisfaction factor which leads satisfaction in employee for the job place and improves their productivity. On other hand motivation factors are long-term factors which leads inspiration in employees for the prolong time. This factors helps to lead sustainable success in the job. Motivation factors motivates staff to give the high performance which leads high profitability in the company. Motivation factors includes recognition, promotion opportunities, responsibility etc. which assist company to achieve their goals. Manager observes that rewards keeps employees motivate for short-time therefore organization gets short-term objectives. Recognition is the source of success which keeps staff motivate for their job responsibility  (Coghlan, 2019). To improve performance of the staff, organization appreciates employees efforts on workplace which is identified by the manager.

Such kind appreciation improves self-esteem and motivates them to work hard more. Manager gives challenges  staff for checking their mind ability and collaboration in team. The main goal of the challenge to prepare them mentally for each type situations. Johnson of Whixley offers promotional opportunity for staff which improves their operational actions. On other hand it is golden opportunity for the employee to get higher post by giving highly performance at workplace. Manager assigns job responsibilities to each employee in the workplace which leads concern in employees for their responsibility. Thus, Johnson of Whixley motivates staff for giving more efforts during performing task and prepares them mentally for transitional changes.

Current strategies

Johnson of Whixley uses both theories motivational and team effectiveness theory for improving their productivity and performance which supports employees to tackle situation which organization can face due to smaller business. Organization uses Tuckman's theory for lead effectiveness in team and understand them team building is essential for success. While Herzberg's theory is applied by the organization to motivate employee's to be with organization and supports organization during transition changes (Burke, 2017). Through the Tuckman's theory organization prepares them mentally about situation and encourages them to work together and inspire each other for accomplishing shared goal. While two factor theory through organization offers company and administrative policies which inspires employees to retain in the company. Beside of this company offers incentives  strategy to employee which boost staff to give the high performance and tackle upcoming situation. Current strategies are-

Job security: It is the  first approach of the organization for handling transitional changes which can occur due to small villages and can lead drastic changes in company(Bosse and, 2017).  The main goal of the approach to satisfy employees about their job and retain employee within company. Opposite side staff also get assurance that they become permanent employee of the company can  improve their post by performing well. Job security is the way of retaining employees in the company and influences their productivity at workplace.

Annual award sharing : It is second approach or can say strategy of the organization which is organized by the manager to influencing their working efficiency. Even employees gets golden opportunity to earn high profit along with incentive by giving large number of task achievement over the time, the main goal of the strategy to make them intellectual for the transitional change which can improve their sense of humour for identifying opportunity and loss.

Thus, both strategies are used by Johnson of Whixley for accomplishing long term goal over the time.


This report can be concluded role of leadership which exist within organization. Organizational structure and organizational culture has been summarized in the report. This report has been concluded significance of the organizational structure and culture in effective transitional changes. Motivation theory i.e. Herzberg's hygiene motivation theory can be summarized in the report. Tuckman's theory has been concluded in the report. Current strategies such as job security and annual award sharing has been summarized in it.

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