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Analysing information data and problem solving

University: University of Suffolk London

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3579
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 804
Question :
  • What was the growth rate of the German stationery industry between 2014 and 2015?
  • What is the significance of high-quality standard products in the German stationery industry?
  • Which country has the highest spending on drawing and writing materials in Europe?
Answer :


Analysing information data is crucial part of problem solving in business where focus of company is on accumulating relevant information about business sin order to depict customer satisfaction, growth and profits. The study will evaluate Duque Papetiers Gros who owns stationery business in Northern France. The person is aware about data analysis for small business management but the analysis of data in this report will be done to assist in better decision making and problem soling with regard to mean cost, sales, annual spending. Thus, the study will outline customer satisfaction by evaluating all the perspective of stationery business.


2.1 Overview of wholesale stationers market in Germany

In Germany the stationery industry is positioned on epic graph which depicts its sustainable growth and economic contribution. In accordance with evaluation of German stationary brand association stationary industry in Germany grew by 3.5 % in between of year 2014 to 2015.  The increasing growth of industry resulted in incline in demand graph by 2.5 % at domestic level and at international level there was increase of 5 %. Th inclines in demand graph depicted a remarkable growth of stationery industry of Germany.

As per Trade association for office supply and writing material evaluation it is demonstrated that stationery industry has total turnover of 14. 8 billion Euro every year. Th turnover of every year is equal to spending on each individual which is 182 Euros annually. However, the stationary industry if Germany comprise wholesalers who sell paper, writing instruments and office supplies, business to business trading and direct commercial selling of shoppers (Hobby & Stationery, 2018).  The stationery market of Germany comprise 5500 specialist retailer among which majority of them have turnover less than 250,000 each. 

The major strength of industry is high quality standard products with premium stationery services which aid in managing consumer trust and attention over industrial products. Further, some retailers who offers premium and unique customised stationery are settled in high end shopping malls which is more conducive to shoppers. Th location and uniqueness of retailer stationary products in Germany is the copy right of industry which makes stationers services of Germany uniqueness and customer satisfactory.

2.2 Annual spending on drawing and writing material per capital

On the basis of pictorial presentation, it can be said that simplification of numerical data is the best of analysing information and data analysis for better decision making.  Analysis of data is best understood when in form of picture and graph as it promotes clear comparison of financials on the basis of incline and decline in figures (Charnes and et.al., 2013).  The below given illustration has clearly predicted annual spending on drawing and writing material of European countries.

 In accordance with bar graph it is demonstrated that the major spending is of Switzerland with overall spending recorded at 35.5 Euros. It is the highest spending country in comparison to all other European countries. The major competitor of Switzerland is German which is on second rating with spending of 35. 2 Euros. On the other hand, Austria is on 3rd position with spending of 35 Euros which is competitive with regard to 1st and 2nd postilion.  In addition, from the graph it is clear that France is on 4th potion from where it is determined that spending of France on drawing and writing material is 28. 3 Euros. From the study it is analysed that France is one of the highest grossing market and is focused on expanding its business to support unique in innovation and spendings.

Further, Hungary is on 8th rank with spending recorded at 9.6 Euros which is comparatively very less from other European countries in graph but the country is focusing on increasing spending by promoting flow of money and products in accordance with customer expectations (Frieden, 2012).  In accordance with analysis and graphical placing of European countries it can be said that Duque Papetiers Gros can focus on expansion in German as it is major consumer spending which can boost its sales sustainability and revenue generation.

2.3  Analysis of Duque's financials of sales of last three years

Analysis and Interpretation

In accordance with sales data, scatter diagram and correlation coefficient it is determined that Correlation coefficient helps in determining relationship of different variables of stationary. Accumulation of sales data and correlation and coefficient helps the firm in understanding performance f business and needs of improvement. 

In accordance with sales revenue of three years that is 2015 to 2015, it is demonstrated that business and demand of stationery products company has increased which denotes customer support and increase in revenue of stationer. However, the correlation coefficient was recorded at 0. 73 which presents positive relationship of different variable of business.

As per increasing sales revenue of Duque Papetiers Gros it has been analysed that stationery business has marking tremendous success and growth in industry which is beneficial for the expansion plan. The coorelation of sales revenue is recorded at 1 which demonstrates increase in positive relationship of variables of business which is supportive for the company (Schmid, 2012). Thus, it can be articulated that expansion in Germany requires consumer acceptance and sustainability in sales and revenue which is positive with regard to scatter diagrams correlation with multiple variables of organisation.

Future trend analysis

Future trend analysis is made for two consecutive years is taken from scatter diagram and future trend.

Hence, from the accumulation of future trend analysis it is demonstrated that the firm will attain 188000 in 2018  which will increase to 194500 by 2019.  Henceforth, it can be outlined that the business will face tremendous growth in upcoming years in sales revenue which is positive analysis of expansion plan in Germany.

2.4 Feasibility of Expanding to International and German standards

In accordance with feasibility table pros and cons of expansion of stationery business of  Duque Papetiers Gros is determined from where it is articulated that expanding in Germany will help the business in enhancing customer satisfaction because the stationery industry of Germany supports innovation, and premium stationery products. However, the industry analysis outlined spending of consumer and revenue generation of entire industry which denotes positive response of shoppers to innovation of retailers.

In accordance with disadvantages it is determined that increasing needs of funding which can be disastrous for the expansion but have score which denotes minor impact of the limitation which is also in support of expansion. Thus, limitation can be managed Duque Papetiers Gros by focusing inuring cost and expenditure (Gudipati and et.al., 2013). Further, on the basis of advantage score, it is identified that increase stationery business will have remarkable increase in revenue which denotes positive existence and acceptance industry. However, It is identified that expansion will assist in enlarging sales which is another positive sides which denotes increase in sales revenue of Duque Papetiers Gros business.

The average pros score is 2.3 and cons score is 1.5 which clearly depict advantages of managing successful expansion. The business offers unique stationery products which will be supported by general stationery trends and will assist the fir in managing successful growth Hence, it can be said that acceptance of customer is another response which depicts increasing in sales of products when expanding in some other region.  The stationery will be able to manage changes and ease profits according to demand of German stationery industry.

International standards

Risk management in business: ISO 31000: As per risk mitigation standards uncertain situation are common part of business. However, the standards promotes ways which can assist the business sin managing risk at every step like identifying uncertain situation at initial stage. Further, deriving changing trends which can be risk of product and sales of business (Gupta and Gupta, 2017). Apart from this, the standard articulates about occupational health and safety which is crucial part of business especially hen expanding in different region.

Social responsibility: ISO 45001: In accordance with this, it is the responsibility of business when expanding to focus on socially responsible practices.  Th international standard assist the firm in managing sustainability in operational activities which is effective for growth in new market.

2.5 Cost of new building

In accordance with cost of mortgage for 30 years, it is articulated that amount of loan is 200000 with discount rate 0.10, which makes is 21215 per years. However, the company can pay loan on monthly basis which will cost 1767. 8.  Thus, it can be said that stationery business should focus on monthly cost of building for year which will help in maintaining stability in returns after expansion. After on year the firm can focus on yearly payment because it will assist the business in outlining need of changes or consumer response to its products and services.

2.6 Mean value of orders

Hypothesis testing

H0: There is no significant variation between sample mean value and order mean value

H1: There is significant variance between sample mean value and order mean value

As per hypotheses testing the significant relation of two variables is of 5 % where null hypothesis will be accepted which denotes that there is no significant variation between sample mean value and order mean value. The acceptance criteria of null hypothesis is 0.5 which is met from the testing with regard to 0.5910 which is accomplished. The values denote normal distribution curve for mean value orders.  Hence, it can be articulated that mean population will b considered in accordance with related test to study (Nakagawa, Johnson and Schielzeth, 2017).

2.7 Customer satisfaction

Response rate to questionnaire

The question are is deigned to seek quick response of shoppers over expansion of business.  The designing of question is precise in order to avoid the chance of confusion among respondents. The question will set according to objectives of business. With the help of this designing firm will able to attain positive responsive rate which is 5 %.















































































































Standard Deviation





In accordance with calculation it is determined that stationery business should focus on prince management and strategic in order to retain shoppers of Germany when expanding. Consumers are price sensitive and therefore to attract buyers attention at the time of expanding business and its products focus of firm neds to on reducing process in accordance with competitors.


The assessment analysed the data in order to promote better decision making for stationery business of Duque Papetiers Gros. In this the business person focus on analysing annual spending of European countries with the help of pictorial presentation from where it is analysed that potential countries where firm can expand its business is France, Austria and Germany. The analysis of Germany stationers industry denotes supportive expansion and growth. Further, the study outlined international standards and feasibility of German market which will support successful expansion of business. On the hand it outlined cost of new building in Germany for where yearly cost of loan and monthly rent is calculated. Thus, it concluded by stating mean value of orders and customer satisfaction which is necessary port of success of business. Thus, from the report it can be concluded that expansion of stationery business in Germany will assist in serving customer satisfaction, developing scale of operations and increasing revenue which over all depicts braincase in sales revenue and profits of company.

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Books and Journals

Charnes, A. and et.al., 2013. Data envelopment analysis: Theory, methodology, and applications. Springer Science & Business Media.

Frieden, R., 2012. Probability, statistical optics, and data testing: a problem solving approach (Vol. 10). Springer Science & Business Media.

Gudipati, M. and et.al., 2013. Big data: Testing approach to overcome quality challenges. Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities. 11(1). pp.65-72.

Gupta, K.R. and Gupta, M.P., 2017. Business statistics. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.

Nakagawa, S., Johnson, P.C. and Schielzeth, H., 2017. The coefficient of determination R 2 and intra-class correlation coefficient from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14(134). p.20170213.

Schmid, V., 2012. Solving the dynamic ambulance relocation and dispatching problem using approximate dynamic programming. European journal of operational research. 219(3). pp.611-621.


Hobby & Stationery. 2018. [Online]. Available through: <https://www.statista.com/outlook/260/137/hobby-stationery/germany#market-revenue>.

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