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Management of Health and Safety

University: Anglia Ruskin University London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3759
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1285
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Impact of policies on health care practices.
  • Discuss about the effectiveness of health and safety policies
Answer :
Organization Selected : North Staffordshire NHS Trust


Health and safety care is important in the health sector. Present report deals with different scenario and helps to understand the importance of health and safety in our daily life. The report presents roles and responsibilities for managing health and safety within North Stafford Shire NHS Trust. It also analyses the health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and safety care work place. Report also analyses how the information from risk assessment informs care planning for every individual and organizational decision to help in making polices and procedure. It also discusses various dilemma that encountered in relation to implementing system and policies for health and safety. Further, it analyses the effects of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in specified place. The report explains how these policies or practices are reviewed and the effectiveness of policies help in promoting a positive health and safety culture.


1.1 Presenting the responsibilities of North Stafford shire NHS Trust for the management of health and safety

It is very important for maintaining the health and social care in the perceptive of surgical department by the management of the hospital. Management should make various workplace as well as a framework which defines the duty of every employee who is related to this department and the timings which will denote their activeness at that particular area. There should be special attention given to the moping timings where a sign board will be implemented and entries will be restricted till the floor dries out. This should be done in order to prevent those accidents which are caused by wet floor (Liu, 2018). Apart from this, storage areas for all the surgical instrument must be in such a way that it should be out of reach from any other individual who is not associated with this department. There must be proper arrangement for the washing up those equipment a well as disinfectant must be present to make them disinfected from any kind of germs which can make other people prone to many diseases which can be life threatening. There must be description on various boxes of equipment which contain harp equipment in order to prevent from any kind of cuts or other injuries which can happen due to those equipment. Proper training must be given to lower employee of health department for creating the awareness regarding keeping up of cleanliness aspect in the surgical department and several recommendation which shall be followed for making that area free from any kinds of accidents.

1.2 Presenting health and safety priorities appropriate for the specific health and social work care

There are various measures which surgical department must follow in order to prevent any kind of misshapen that can be life threatening also. There should be safety rules to be followed by employees who works in that department. A proper cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained in order to provide protection from diseases and other kind of illness which can be caused due to viruses present at that workplace. Individual who is performing the surgery must Wash hands, as well as equipment before and after the surgery apart from this special solutions, are provided to the department which is used after washing to disinfect those instrument as well as the hands from any kind of bacteria (Friend and Kohn, 2018). Apart from this, there must be proper communication between all the individual present there so that effective processing of the task can be done which would lead to prevent any lacking gap that can affect it in many ways All the equipments must be new or appropriate to use, further those sharp objects which are not in use must be dumped properly by packing them so that other might not get infected or injured. All the individuals should be properly trained in handling those chemical as well as instrument which include all the aspect such as storing as well as using them in the perfect manner which can avoid all accidents which can harm any one.Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!


2.1 Presenting how information from risk assessment inform care planning for individual and organizational decision

Care planning for Individual:

By analyzing risk management, it help a patient to improve their present condition and this risk factors assist helps to save cost by being proactive instead of reactive. So it is necessary for a patient to be safe at work place. Risk assessment is very important in care planning. As it shows whether the work is done at proper place or not. Risk assessment can be done by identifying the hazards, evaluating the risks and deciding the precautions with reviewing the assessment and updating it daily. Under the law of health and safety, an employee must provide complete training in order to know the work done in the job place (Steinemann, 2018). Risk assessment refers to the process which completely reviewing the risk of employees, support to a person and if someone else is involved. By analyzing risk management, it help a patient to improve their present condition and this risk factors assist helps to save cost by being proactive instead of reactive. So it is necessary for an individual to be safe at work place.

Care planning for Organizational decision:

It has been analyzed that obese population increases day by day in the UK and the trust are not still implement any bariatric policies. Bariatric surgery is an operation that helps to lose weight with the help of making changes in patient's digestive system and allow them to drink and eat less for making them comfortable as soon as possible. It has been identified that they did not have proper management system for building and vehicle. There is poor management system and almost 30 percent of the ambulance not having specialist vehicle whenever needed. Many trusts have no proper staff management system, no appropriate equipment, lack of inter- intra communication system (Hunt, 2018). These all shows that still health and care system did not have enough infrastructure system that help to lead every individual in positive way. In order to analyses risk factors, it will help to take better decision for a company and as a result they will recognize and control hazard in a job place. By analyzing those risk factors it set risk management standards that help in improving quality of products and hazard identification will help to creates awareness among employees.

2.2 Presenting the impact of health and safety policy on health and social care practice

In the UK, there are various health and safety act that help to ensure the health and safety of every individual who may be affected by work activities. Some of them are mentioned as below:

Impact of policies on health care practices:

  • By applying health and safety policies into work area will help to reduce negative practices within an organization and raise work ethics that creates positive output.
  • It also facilitate high level of security not only patients but for an staff members too.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene also help to make sure that security are done at large level.
  • Complying with policies will help to reduce harmful effects for society too.
  • Health and Safety Act of Work, 1974 defines the duties of employees, employers and whole staff. This act ensures individuals the need of health and safety in any work area.
  • Another act, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation, 2002 which help to minimizes the risk of health and safety from the use of dangerous or hazardous substances.
  • Next act is Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations, 1999 which defines the role of employer and managers to carry out risk assessment and tries to eliminate or reduce the risks related to health and safety in work area (Arewa and, 2018).
  • Another act i.e. Health, Safety and Welfare Regulation Act, 1992 ensures the reduction of risk to health and safety related with working conditions.
  • Reporting to Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1995 states that there should be some local authority that reported to health and social care related to dangerous occurrences or work- related to injuries.
  • In related to case scenario, government of UK introduces the act in 1992. Manual Handling Operations Regulation Act, 1992 minimizes the risk of health and safety which directly related to moving and handling activities.
  • Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulation, 1992 minimizes the risk of health and safety care which are associated with cross- infections (Abbott and Tyler, 2017).Take ghost writers Experts Now!!

Impact of policies on customers

Health and safety policies creates direct impact on customers such as if a firm follow all policies related to health and safety act then it shows that their customers are in safe zone related to improved quality of products as well as infrastructure too. These policies creates positive impact upon customers and even help them to analyze their duties towards an organization. Even by conducting policies as well as programs related to health and safety will also help to ensure t them in order to keep them aware related to all health and safety laws.

These all health and safety policy, are directly impact on the health and safety act care. But in context of moving and handling activities only, Manual Handling Operations Regulation Act, 1992 would help. In this act, it states to reduce the risk of manual handling by avoiding hazardous manual handling operations.

2.3 Presenting how dilemma encountered in relation to implement system and policies for health and safety

Health and safety :In health and safety act, employees and workers face dilemma in order to implement system and policies. There are various examples which show that workers will be encounter in carrying out health and safety policies and procedures. The major dilemma occur regarding the planning and communicating because an organization follows the hierarchical system and it is not possible to communicate from higher level to lower (Acheampong and Akumperigya, 2018). However, workers are aware regarding the changes but there should be proper requirement to follow all the rules and regulations with respect to health and safety policies. Further, lack of training towards operations and machinery is another major issue in health and safety care. For example, when a worker working, faces different dilemmas that includes risk- benefit analysis, personal risk and risk to other individual, priorities of different stakeholder that may be external as well as internal etc.

Security: In the case scenario, one worker is asked by the service user to check the progress of bariatric surgery. Now, the worker is in dilemma whether to share a information or not because as per the Data Protection Act, it is illegal to share any information related to anyone without consulting upper authority (Paterson, 2017). Another example, almost 50 percent of the trust did not have bariatric policy but still they diagnoses people. As per the Manual Handling Operations Regulation Act, 1992, if the trust is performing any bariatric surgery then they must have the policy otherwise, this case will be considered as illegal according to rules and regulations. For example, In the security aspect, individual faces dilemmas related to their personal identification, there may be chances that their data can be misused, so a firm must be ensure that they follow data protection act which includes not to use any person's individual data without their information.

Reasons to encounter dilemmas:

  • By using health and safety policies will help to support nursing code.
  • Help to create better environment where entire staff can easily speak up.
  • By using health and safety policies will help to bring different policies together.
  • Help to provide ethics experts.
  • Further help to hold a family conferences.

2.4 Presenting the effects of non- compliance with health and safety legislation in specified place

If the firm is not following any laws and regulation of health and safety act, then the firm's brand image is affected and as a result the company profitability also affected. Overall, non- compliance create a huge impact on the health and safety care, so it is necessary to maintain or follow all the rules in the work area. If a firm is failure to maintain the requirement of food safety, failure to assess the risk then government charge penalties and as a result it affect the brand image in a market. For a firm it is necessary to keep confidential the data of patients and if they did not then they must penalizes as per written in the law (Waters and, 2018). The impact of non- compliance affect whole staff and image of an organization and even cancellation of license or even imprisonment. As per the Health and safety Act, 1974 if anyone of health and safety care person found not to follow their duty then they have to give penalty as per charged.

Basically, normal non- compliance means give warning to the institute. The prior notice has been issued by government in order to improve the overall situation of an organization related to health and safety. But after giving notice, the organization did not follow rules of health and safety act, then the directors of a company will go through section 37 which imposed liability of breach of Health and safety act. If the laws are not cleared that it creates lot of problems and creates negative consequences regarding the roles and responsibilities of care workers and the delay of task completion could face delay in decision making and creates lot of negative aspects. As a result it also lower down a productivity and working efficiency will also diminished. So all the legislation must be related and implemented in proper manner. Otherwise, problem will be faced while achieving organizational goals and objectives. Or there may be a chances of spoilage of image at large scale if these laws are not practiced so appropriate.


3.1 Presenting how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed

The above cited case scenario, policies and practices related to health and safety act can be monitored by conducting auditing because it is the best method which help to check the effectiveness of a work area in relate to health and safety policies. With the help of audit, numerous things can be identified which are useful for the operations purpose. In the context of case mentioned it has been monitored by auditing that the equipment are not suitable for the patient and are not in well condition (Liu, 2018). By conducting audit, things has been clearly identified and analyzes and then a firm can take corrective measures in order to solve those problem related to work area. Even the Health and safety executive also monitor all the health and safety issues. For reviewing purpose, strong committee has been made which check or evaluate the effectiveness of the company.

3.2 Presenting the effectiveness of health and safety policies in the workplace

A well defined and organized health and safety policies helps to promotes positive health and safety culture. The health and safety act imposes wide range of duties of every individual who work in a premises. It is important to follow all the rules and legislation as it provides the basic framework in order to promote or encourage the high standard of health and safety in a nation. Following a health and safety policy in the work area will definitely help to protect the environment and avoid the harm to health (Lundgren and McMakin, 2018). An effective policy will help to creates a brand image and leads to maximizes a profit. Health and safety policies and procedures are important because of the following reasons:

  • it help to clarify the functions and responsibilities of every individuals.
  • Ensures the people that premises is protected from safe system of work.
  • Saves the time by allowing health and safety matters so that they handled quickly through the existing procedures of health and safety.
  • Help an organization to manage the whole staff more effectively with their current behavior.

The effectiveness of policies and procedure of health and safety act is varies in different situation such as in the context of case scenario, the act offer security in services but sometimes it has been analyzed that the data are not confidential and personal details of a patients are leaked which should not be done. On the other side, it supervise the parameters related to health and safety in the premises and offer training sessions to the new employees related to operating machines and tools (Effectiveness of Health and safety act, 2018). As policies and procedures of health and safety act provide safe surrounding for the patients so that they feel comfort and should be diagnoses under suitable location. Policies and procedure of health and safety act, it assure the friends and relative that they are in suitable care and in the context of case scenario, during the time of audit it has been identified that the organization is not using proper equipment which somehow affect the image and indirectly breach the health and safety act. However, the effectiveness of health and safety has been identified by monitoring the situation of whole organization.

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3.3 Evaluating own contribution to placing the health and safety needs of individual

Health and safety act is an important and plays an significant role in health and safety care. While performing the report, Mr. Bush is present who supervise the whole report and I analyze that the whole report help to understand the importance of the safety laws which should be follow by every organization. This assessment, I learn that health care act directs the service works to meet the need of users. In the task 1 I learn there are various policies and regulations that which are related to the Health and safety Act, 1974 and I also learn the different roles and responsibilities in relation to health and social care services.

In the context of above scenario, initially I assess through audit that the equipment are not suitable and are in poor management and even the organization paid high amount of charges as a rent, so I immediately convey this to the Health and safety executives so that they reviewed about the management system and then I also check the equipment or tools that are used for the operation and found that they are not in proper conditions so immediately I replaced all the equipment with new ones and some of them are replaced or repaired within 4 hours. The inventory system of the firm is also not correct so I help them to make a correct form of inventory by using latest technologies system (Demeritt and, 2015). I also realized that the organization also paid high amount of mattress charges and being a trust it is not necessary to paid such a amount so I tell the in-charge related to rental issue. In this way, I contribute not in big amount to the firm in related to the health and safety Act, 1974.

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By summing up above report, it has been concluded that health and safety act plays a significant role. It is necessary to follow all the rules and regulations that are imposed by government related to the Health and safety Act, 1974. the report also concluded different responsibilities of employee and employer in the context of case scenario and it also analyses that information from the risk assessment inform prior regarding care planning for individual and decision related to organization. It also present Manual Handling operations Regulation Act, 1992 that help to minimize the risk related to moving and handling person by using bariatric surgery. The report also present the effect of breaching the act will lead to imprisonment or penalty and concluded that Health and safety executives are monitor different organization and present the effectiveness of health and safety policies in the work place for promoting a positive health and safet

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