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Right of the Individuals With Disability

University: University College London (UCL)

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3611
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 794
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What are the main tenets of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that safeguard disabled people's rights in the educational system?
  • How does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide individuals with disabilities equal rights and opportunities in a variety of spheres of life, such as employment and public services?
  • What actions can businesses take, in accordance with the privileges afforded by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, to help and accommodate people with disabilities in the workplace?
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Chen and sought to determine the fact that, Disability is referred to as the continuing condition which in turn restricts the day to day activities of an individual. The disability service act, 1993 tends to state disability as the attribute to cognitive, sensory, neurological, physical impairment and set of combination for those impairments and various other different factors. Disability is referred to as condition where individuals tend to have certain difficulty in performing certain task. Social care in England is referred to as the provision to provide services associated with the personal care, social work and social support to the adults who are in turn suffering from disability. Care Act, 2014 is considered to be an effective local authority which in turn helps in assessing the people's need.

Tavera-Salyutov and Gordon, (2018) Care Act, 2014  sought to determine the fact that, tends to focus on encouraging health care practitioners such as nurses, doctors and caregivers to focus on person centred care approach ion order to safeguard the vulnerable adults. The Care Act, 2014 helps in strengthening the right of the individuals with disability. This act in turn helps in promoting more personalized care in order to gain better care results and outcomes in relation with the individual suffering from disability.  Sommers and, (2017) investigated that, around 13.9 million people in UK has been suffering from some sort of disability (There Are Now Nearly 14 Million Disabled People In The UK - So Why Doesn't Society Reflect This?, 2020).  Among which 8% children are disabled, 45% of the pension age adults and 19% of the working age adults in turn are considered to be disabled. This mainly constitute of 22% of the UK population i.e., more than 1 in 5 people in turn has been suffering from some sort of disability. The range of disable people in turn has increased from 10.4 million in the 2003 to 11.6 million in 2012 to 13.9 in the year 2019.

However, Alcalá and, (2017) established the fact that, In the year 1974, Education for all handicapped Children act was enacted. They also granted free public education in less restrictive environment. Individuals with Disabilities education Improvement Act, 2004 tends to mandate accountability, equity and excellence in the education for individual who has been suffering from some sort of disability. Socio- political factors of the disability is mainly associated with the recognition of various environmental factors which in turn is very useful in shaping the public policy which in turn largely affects the social value and attitude. Need Help With Do My Essay ? Talk to Our Experts.

There are several legal laws which in turn largely protect the rights of the individual who in turn are suffering from disability. In the year 1970, activists of disability rights has lobbied congress and in turn has marched on Washington in order to include civil rights language for the individuals with some disabilities in the year 1972 Rehabilitation act. Subsequently, Castro and Palikara, (2016) argued that, The stigmatization associated with the disability in turn resulted in economic and social marginalization of the generation. In the 1800's people who tend to have disability in turn were considered to be pitiful, meagre, tragic and unfaithful. In the Rehabilitation act, 1973, civil rights of the people with disabilities in turn were protected by the law.

This act in turn provides equal opportunity for employment in order to prohibit discrimination on the basis of physical and mental disability. Person and disability act, 1995 is in turn ensures that, equal opportunities to the people who in turn has been suffering from disability are protected.  This act in turn provides promotional and preventive measure associated with rehabilitation like employment, education, vocational training, manpower development, research, etc. Fredman, (2017) examined the fact that, The key reason for developing Care act, 2014 was to overhaul the current 60 year old legislation in relation with the social care in England.

The Care act, 2014 provision was made to reform the laws associated to care and support in order to make provisions related with the safeguarding of the adults. Another reason for developing the Care Act, 2014 was to effectively make provision associated with the integration support, to make effective health care standards, and to make provision regarding Heath education in the England. Additionally, Mack and Paylor, (2016) sought to determine the fact that, The key positive aspect of the Care Act, 2014 is to effectively represent significant reform associated with the care. This act helps in improving the well being and independence of an individual.

It is also considered to be very useful in making clear that, local authorities must arrange effective services in order to prevent individuals from developing needs associated with care.  The laws and standards guided by the Care Act, 2014 in turn helps in delaying deterioration which in turn eventually leads to better care outcomes.Take Free  Examples of Assignments Now!

Gordon and Tavera-Salyutov, (2018) sought to determine the fact that, User led organization in turn are considered to be an organization which in turn are run and controlled by the individuals who in turn tends to support various services which mainly includes disabled individuals with disabilities. This organization tend to support individuals in order to effectively use various support services which helps in supporting people with care and also helps in controlling there care needs. This is an organization who in turn tends to cover all those local disabled individuals, carers and other person who in turn use support through networks or directly. This in turn helps in higher attainment of gaols and objectives. These organization tends to support various positive learning outcomes which comprise of improving working relationship. This organization tends to make greater contribution to the society who in turn are disabled. This eventually leads to higher operational growth and sustainability while providing various care services.

Browne, (2019) sought to determine the fact that, the social model of disability is an effective mode of viewing that people in the society are disabled by several barriers. This model looks at an effective way to remove the barriers which in turn restricts life choices for the disabled people. The key factors of this model is that it helps in identifying negative attitudes, systematic barriers, exclusion by the society, etc. This in turn make people with disability unable to participate fully within the society.  It has been critiqued that, social model of disability tends to ignore the roles associated with the social structure, marginalization and oppression. Additionally, Ashcroft and, (2018) investigated that, anti oppressive practice in turn is considered to be as an effective strategy because it helps in addressing systematic inequalities which in turn has been operating simultaneously at the institutional, group and individual level which in turn has been opposed to produce and reproduce oppression.  The key principles of the anti- oppressive practice is mainly associated with the holistic analysis, undoing racism and analysing power. One of the key limitation associated with the anti oppressive practice is that it tends to have lack of focus at an individual and micro level.

Moreover, Rothman, (2018) established the fact that, solution based practice is an effective approach which in turn largely concentrates on effectively helping people in order to move forward in the future in order to create realistic steps to attain set results. This practice is considered to be very beneficial because it helps in finding the best solution to the specific problem. The major limitation associated with solution based practice is that the social worker has to work in complaisance with the opinion of the client. However, Jones and Phillips, (2016) argued that, Attachment theory is in turn considered to be very beneficial when the health care practitioners tend to work with the people with substance misuse, people who have replicating behaviour, etc.

This approach in turn is utilized in order to effectively understand the development within various relationship of the family members. The key characteristics associated with the attachment theory mainly includes secure base, proximity maintenance, secure base and separation distress. Childhood behaviour tends to face difficulty in their adulthood to interact with other individuals. In conjunction with the attachment theory, the case has been reviewed which demonstrates that, a 13 year boy who in turn tends to have a history of maltreatment. Application of attachment theory in turn helps in determining the factors associated with reliability, trustworthiness, connection, etc.

The major limitation associated with the attachment theory is associated with the failure to recognize the influence of gender, ethnicity, gender and culture on the personality development of an individual. Subsequently, Pockett and Beddoe, (2017) examined the fact that, Person centred approach is also referred to as the client centred counselling which in turn mainly deals with the ways where individuals perceive themselves consciously. This approach helps in meeting the care needs of an individual by meeting there social, emotional and practical needs. This in turn helps in maintaining better quality of life. Another case is mainly linked with the Poppy's mother who in turn has been using substance misuse in order to cope up with the emotional pain from the childhood. Person centred approach is in turn considered to be very useful in alleviating the emotional distress and also focus on self alienation in order to gain back the self worth of an individual. The major key limitation of the person centred approach is that, the health care practitioners can manipulate the data of the client.Finding online assignment help uk ? Talk to Our Experts.

Moreover, Engel and, (2017) established the fact that, system theory tends to offer an effective framework for the quality improvement. This theory helps in looking at the several operations of the whole system and also helps in showing relationship of the whole system. This theory is very useful in guiding social work practice which h in turn allows social workers to carry out a holistic approach. This in turn helps in understanding the behaviour of the human which in turn influence the whole system. Individual who in turn has been addicted to the excessive substance use. Moreover, Rothman, (2018) established the fact that, The family centred care in turn is considered to be one of the best intervention practice which in turn helps in resolving issue associated with the excessive substance use.

The family centred care is in turn considered to be an effective approach which helps in effectively shaping health care programs, policies and day to day interactions with the physicians, health care professionals, family members and patients. It helps in connecting various individuals which helps in better decision making and effective care results. Family centred care in tur is considered to be very useful because it helps in increasing the family and patient satisfaction level by building family strengths, decreasing health care cost, effective use of heath care resources and increased professional satisfaction.

However, Turner, (2017) argued that, social work theories focus on prioritizing the direct social workers and human agency in order to analyse the various set of social problems. Social work theories in turn helps in better understanding of how the environment tends to affect the behaviour in order to guide there intervention. Social learning theories in turn are very beneficial because it helps in analysing and observing other individuals with utmost efficacy. Moreover, Engel and, (2017) established the fact that, cognitive behaviour therapy is useful in effectively describing the perception of an individual which in turn largely influences the emotional behaviour and experience of the person. The CBT approach helps in making people aware about the negative behavioural patterns which in turn reinforces distorted thinking. The CBT approach is considered to be very useful because it helps in dealing with the several ranges of the emotional problem of an individual within the short span of time. It helps in resolving various mental health issues associated with the anxiety and depression.

Diversity, collaboration and conflict.

Cairns, Hielscher and Light, (2019) sought to determine the fact that, collaboration within the health and social care is considered to be very important because it helps various healthcare professionals to effectively assume there complementary roles in a cooperative manner. They tend to focus on working together and effectively share responsibility in order to solve problem. This helps in taking strategic decision and effectively carry out plans in order to take care of patients. Collaboration within the health care sector is useful in preventing various medication errors in order to improve the experience of the patients and attain better care results and outcomes.

Additionally, Getui, Aluku and Story, (2019) investigated that, diversity within the health care tends to comprise of the broadest range of perspective, backgrounds, experiences, etc. Diversity within the health and social care focuses on effectively understanding the belief and mindset of different patients within the context of gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic realities, religious belief, culture, etc. The multidisciplinary team within the health and social care field needs to be diversified because it helps in effectively serving diverse patient population. Diversity is considered to be important for the multi- disciplinary team because it helps them to relate with the individual and in turn helps in providing better care.

Moreover, Hu and established the fact that, conflict within the health and social care setting constitute of wide range of settings from major controversies to everyday disagreements which in turn eventually leads to litigation and violence. Conflict in turn can arise between various health care practitioners, patients and family members.

However, Emerson, Nabatchi and O'Leary, (2017) argued that, early intervention in turn is considered to be necessary because it helps in effectively improving the quality of service by appropriately providing early assessment of risk. Multiple needs of an individual like they are suffering from mental illness, physical disability, etc. Mental illness in turn is considered to be one of the leading cause of disability. Untreated mental illness will eventually lead to severe physical, emotional and behavioural health problem.

Mental illness affect the individual's feeling, mood or thinking. The multi- disciplinary team tends to work in a corroborative manner in order to work together and comply with the overlapping needs of the patients. They tend to work as health coaches in order to prevent illness by effectively promoting wellness. This can be done by providing proper intervention and care facilities to the patients. In order to improve the intervention associated with various differences related with cultural, gender and lifespan issues can provide proper intervention by performing cultural competence and self- assessment and also by improving communication and effectively reducing language barrier. Multi- disciplinary team must in turn focus on engaging in cross cultural interactions with the patients.

Subsequently, Benner and Pastor, (2019) examined the fact that, substance abuse which is referred to as the drug abuse where the individuals tend to consume various harmful substance which in turn eventually gives rise to various health problems to the patients. Multi -professional approach is considered to be very beneficial while effectively dealing with the older adults who in turn misuse alcohol.

Moreover, Foot, (2020) established the fact that, whistle-blowing in turn is considered to be as the early warning system which in turn tends to allow various malpractices which in turn has to be addressed before it tends to result in various serious harm. Multi- disciplinary team tends to focus on raising concerns associated with the risk, illegality, wrong doing, etc. Whistle blowing is considered to be important because it helps in creating a transparent and accountable workforce.

Subsequently, Israilov and Cho,  (2017) examined the fact that, social workers in turn must focus on working collaboratively with the various set of health care practitioners in a coordinated and systematic manner. This way it helps in effectively meeting the multifaceted needs of the customers. Collaboration within the health and social care sector in turn helps in sharing knowledge, perspective, values and skills in order to attain higher operational goals and objectives. This in turn is considered to be as the key feature of the adult care. Social workers in turn are not robots, so there are high chances of human error in turn is more likely to occur. However, Emerson, Bajwa and, (2019) argued that, negative labelling within the health and social care sector in turn tends to create dissonance surroundings  who in turn tends to have an ability to influence the other heath care practitioners and social workers.

Collaboration within the organization in turn tends to integrate various services and focus on rolling back on creating a workforce with various other agencies. It is very crucial for the health care practitioners to develop a trusting relationship who in turn tends to focus on impeding collaboration with the health and social care sector.  O'Grady,  (2018) established the fact that, Collaboration with the work place in turn eventually results in  gaining effective outcomes. This in turn helps in witnessing unsafe practices within its own organizational setting. There are various health care practitioners and social workers who in turn do not whistle-blow due to the fear of resentment by colleagues and the fear of being dismissed. This in turn eventually results in various set of professional sacrifice.

Moreover, Morley and Cashell, (2017) established the fact that, every social worker in turn is considered to be different on the basis lifespan, background, culture, gender, etc. are various set of issues which in turn largely influence the impact on the assessment or at the time of giving intervention or health care services. Cullati and, (2019) sought to determine the fact that, it is very crucial to work collaboratively with all stakeholders who in turn tends to focus on attaining  higher operational goals and objectives of the organization.

Daly,, Bach and Page,  (2018) examined the fact that, The management of the company must in turn tends to focus on effectively promoting various set of equal opportunities and in turn also tends to focus on demonstrating anti- discriminatory and anti oppressive practices within the health and social care organization. It is considered to be very imperative for the health care practitioners of the company to effectively work in accordance with a particular way. This in turn helps in enabling the social workers to appropriately overcome certain set of obstacles  which in turn helps in developing confidence. This can be attained by carrying out person centred intervention. This in turn helps in motivating and boosting up the potential which in turn helps in addressing their feelings towards specific change.

Lahana, and, (2019) sought to determine the fact that, social workers must in turn focus on working collaboratively which in turn helps in meeting various conflicts. This in turn helps in carrying several business operations in a sustainable and reliable manner. The social users in turn tends to face various range of oppressions, ethical dilemmas, conflicts and abuse. This in turn helps in offering various set of appraisals in order to safeguard and whistle-blow the responses in a systematics and accurate manner. Dealing with conflict in turn is largely considered to be as one of the most crucial factor who in turn tends to focus on resolving various conflicts within the heath care sector. Behruzi and, (2017) said that, Conflict within the organization in turn is largely associated with the variance in opinions, values, beliefs, needs, objectives, etc.

The multi- disciplinary team must in turn tend to focus on developing effective problem solving skills in order to manage interpersonal conflicts within the care setting. Effective communication skills in turn also helps in resolving various conflicts within the health and social care. Communication in turn is considered to be very useful in effectively collaborating with the various multi- agencies which in turn helps in attaining best possible solution to the problem. Nilsson, Törner, and Pousette, (2018) identified the fact that, early intervention in turn is considered to be very beneficial  at the time of multi disciplinary collaboration because it tends to focus on improving the various set of quality of services. This in turn is very useful in early detection of risk and in turn is considered to be very crucial for safeguarding the interest with the help of effective communication.

With the rise in the degree of substance abuse and various conflicts in turn multi-agencies must in turn focus on resolving various conflicts. Subsequently, Bajwa and, (2019) examined the fact that, differences between the health care practitioner must be easily resolved because this helps in gain better care results and outcomes. The multi disciplinary team in turn focuses on resolving conflicts and tends to focus on finding the best solution to the problem in a reliable and systematic manner. It is very crucial to promote ethical practice which in turn is considered to be very useful in attaining higher operational goals and standards within the care setting. 


Adapting to ethical and diverse workforce in turn results in attainment of higher operational growth within the health and social care setting.  Hence, collaboration, diversity and conflict management in turn is considered to be useful in attaining better care results in health care sector.  

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