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Fundamentals of Research Based Practices

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5397
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: ABRQF788HSC4AA
  • Downloads: 812
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is the role of research in health and social sector?
  • Discuss various benefits of research based practices.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A

The evidence-based practices has a main objective to furnish best and appropriate care so that health of patients can be improved. It is based on person's conscience that are used for making decision for their patient that are depend on evidence of health care. The evidence-based practices are depend on research as it helps in identifying occurrence of disease in order to deliver quality of services. This is an approach which is linked with health and social care organisation. This report is includes effect of funding that are used to safeguard adults effectively (Lockwood and Mei, 2015). This report include purpose and process of administrating research in health and social care organisation. There are skills and attribute are necessary to conduct a literature review are discussed in this.  Moreover, literature research is discussed with the help of related sources and topic. There are different advantages of evidence-based practices in conducting research. The project proposal is also mentioned and influence of these practices on health and social care organisation. The recent evidence-based practices have a positive impact on improving service in health and social care.

There are some criteria occur in research from which service outcomes can be effectively improved. This practise consists of guidelines, reviews and practices so that quality of health care can be improved. This can be enhance by health care expertise and management in health and social care organisation (Phillips, 2015). It is necessary in health care organisation as it enhance services in an appropriate manner from which services can deliver in an effective manner. It is beneficial in improving services among adults as to prevent those from abuse and neglect from their services. In addition to this, evidence-based practices helps in creating less complication in the care of service users.

The purpose of conducting research is to improve quality of treatments that are given to service users. By identifying safety of patients, positive outcome and improvement in quality, the quality of health can be improved. The health care practitioner need to follow different practices that are need to develop appropriate outcomes of health care services. There are some steps occur in evidence-based practices such as questions that are prepared from valid information so that best evidence can be evaluated. From this, facts and data can be recognised by evaluation process of this evidence. There are different approaches which are need in evidence-based practices so that effective results can be implemented in health and social care organisation. These approaches includes ingratiation questions, literature identification, measuring and choosing relatively information. It also includes link of this evidence with patients, a action plan, applying findings and evaluation of outcomes. The quality of services can be improved by applying this evidence-based practices in health and social care organisation.  This practices are essential in clinical practices as their aim is to modify care quality in order to enhance health of patients.

The process of administrating research includes some methodology such as quantitative method. It also includes primary and secondary data from which information can be collected through various resources such as surveys, interviews, etc. As there are some steps are also included in processing of research. It includes identification of issues, reviewing literature, clarification, clear concepts, identify population, develop a plan, collecting and analysing data.

There are eight steps of process of research in which the first step is to identify the problem so that research question can be develop. The second step includes review the literature in which researcher must review it and learn more about it. With in the third step of research, clarification of problem occur. After it, the fourth steps includes to clarify terms and definition so that confusion can be minimized. It is necessary to identify population on which research is conducted which is occur in fifth step of research process. With in sixth steps, the researcher need to develop instrumentation plan from which they can conduct entire research. The seven steps includes collecting of data that help in providing information about research. After all steps, it is necessary to analyse all data that has been gathered.          

There are skills and attribute are required in evidence-based practices so that literature can be easily conduct in health and social care organisation. This help organisation in conducting practices in an appropriate manner so that quality of care can effective for patients (McLaughlin and DeVoogd, 2017). There are various abilities of health care practitioner including skills and knowledge which are needed to be acquire by them in order to enhance care by overcoming barriers. This will be occur at the time of conducting literature review in health and social care. The skills and knowledge are required by health practitioner in their personal and professionals work role. These skills are described below as per their role. Order assignment help from our experts!

Problem solving skills:- the problem solving skills can help in creating literature review in health and social care. It enhance efficiency of working as now it provides abilities to solve problems or issues in health care organisation. With the help of this, my skills are powerfully assist in resolving problem as a health care practitioner. While conducting research, lots of problem occur in identification of promotion and problems in safeguarding adults but with this skills, problems are resolved in an impressive way.     

Technical skills:- this skills are required in understanding perception of adults in a very generous manner. As this skills are not appropriate which create some problems in personal and as well as professional work. In this, the professionals face various issues regarding identifying numbers and figures that are developed from various evidence-based practices.

Calm:- It is necessary to remain calm while conducting research as there are lots of conflicts can be develop. This skills help in managing research literature review with an proper and suitable manner. As while conducting literature review, it effects on mechanism or decision making from which function can be improved.    

Patience:-  there are lots of challenges occur so it is vital to tolerate them with patience. With this, I can able to control emotions and feelings while dealing with tough situations. The patience is needed while time of conducting literature review as lots of tolerance is needed while conducting it.   

Active listeners skills:- this skills is crucial as it develops strong communication and relationships so that message can deliver effectively. While research, the researcher needs to listen carefully and show some interest on communication with others.

Interpersonal Skills:- the interpersonal skills are required to conducting literature review. The interpersonal skills are not effective if the literature review does not occur properly.  This result in developing ineffectiveness in developing literature. With this skills, which is impacted on literature review occur if it is occur inappropriate manner.

Decision making Skills:- this skills are necessary to be occur as it enhance the plan in an appropriate manner. As I have effective decision making skills which help me in conducting literature review with a specific plan which help in delivering services to patients (Trotter, 2015).   

Time management:- this skills are required in conducting a literature review in a time period. In this, submission of report to supervisors, expertise and seniors are occur. By managing various problems on time now I can express that this skill can helpful in carry out literature review.

Personal knowledge:- this refers to knowledge that occur from personal experiences. It is based on own intuition that are come up through witnessing practices. The evidence are obvious from documentation by witness. The personal knowledge is necessary to be occur while carrying out literature review.     

Skills that are Needed to Conduct Ethical Research

The ethical skills are refer to as knowledge that are used in evidence based practices. This helps in developing proper investigation that can helpful in health and social care organisation as it obtain wanted result. The health care practitioner are needed to carry these skills in their research. There are some kind of ethics are occur such as neglect of misleading practices, anonymity, reducing risk, etc. The health care researcher need to some methods in their practices so that evidence practices can be useful for patients. With this, the health care organisation and professional can effected in a positive way (Pearson, 2016). The activities of health care practitioner that are needed in practical issues that are come up in patients such as adults. The other work and health provision can be effected to customers in a positive way by using these ethics through health care practitioner. There are some principles are required for Ethical research such as beneficence, justice, non-maleficence. From this, there is no harm can occur while conducting research as a purpose of this is to prevent the research from any harm. The non-maleficence also makes sure that research does not cause any harm to other. Need Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!

The skills and qualities that are necessary to conduct literature review.



  • There are various personal skills are included such as decision making skills which plays an important role in decision taking abilities. This can be expressed through collecting number of evidence of research. With this, effective consequences can be easily evaluated (Morrisett, 2019).  the personal skills must includes ethical principles while carrying out literature review.  With this, literature review can develop positively. 
  • The interpersonal skills are highly required in communicating with patients. The literature review can be effectively conduct by properly communicating with others. It can help in communicating with others effectively so that literature can convey effectively. 
  • The time management skills is necessary as it can manage data or information that are needed for evidence-based practices. It furnish the important profits to interpret in a proper period of time. With improper time management, lots of data can't collected in proper time which lead to various issue in conducting research.    
  • The talent and problem solving skills are necessary to collect evidence or information so that it help in solving issues in order to reduces unnecessary results. The absence of this skills can develop various negative problems while  conducting literature review.
  • The technical skills consist of scientific, mathematical, and information which help the practitioner in examine the literature review. This skills also helps in collecting data with facts and figures.
  • The knowledge and presentation skills are needed to represent information among of literature review so that wanted results of research can be obtained. The weakness of presentation skills is that it should be fully presentable so that it can make understand to all viewers.

According to views of  Grandes (2020), there are some steps that are used to conduct literature review which are described. The first step is to chose a topic and define the research question. As the literature review is must guided by different research question. The second steps is decide the scope of review that how effectively it should be among viewers. After this, the third steps includes selecting database that are using for conducting searches (Grandes, 2020). The fourth steps includes the conduct of research and find the literature of it. The literature must review carefully so that it can save time. After it, there are some questions that help in reviewing the literature which is fifth step of conducting literature review.

According to views of kamper (2020), the evidence based practices are based practices of care which are needed to carry out proper practices in health and social care activity. The literature review on impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively (kamper, 2020). The health care practitioners have a responsibilities to provide effective service in order to protect them from any abuse or harm.

According to views of Jeremy Gibson J. and et. al., (2020), the safeguarding refers to protect adults from any abuse and neglect which can come from any form. There are some legal framework in safeguarding adults (Gibson and et. al., 2020). This occur in the form of act and policies which are benefiting adults. The care act 2014 provides consideration of adults so that care and support can effectively deliver to them. They have main aim is to protect adults from abuse and neglect that are occurring from organisation.

The local authorities and health and social care organisation have responsibilities to take proper steps in implementing action. With the help of act, patients or adults are free from any harm. There are many issues are present at time of delivering care to them (Allan, Magnusson and Steven, 2019). But with such policies, the local authorities and organisation are considering safeguarding adults. This is necessary to create care act from which care and support can be provided to service users. There are some principles which are occur from safeguarding adults. With this people can be encourage and motivated from which they can take their effective decision of their care. The care and support can be provided to them with in proper time. There are several communities that are play an important role in identifying and minimizing harm, abuse and neglect. The proper funding can help organisation to prevent adults from neglecting by providing availability of proper services to them.      

The result of literature review is that the literature review can promote data and information that are occurring in research. It provides purpose by identifying the impact of  funding that are occurring for safeguarding adults (Motta, 2019). The safeguarding of adults can be promote by implementation of various process such as evidence-based practices. The funding plays an important role in safeguarding adults. As it provides effective care which satisfy them according  to their needs so that they can prevent from harm and abuses. The implementation of care act 2014 in local authorities and health and social care organisation are beneficial for adults as they can deliver effective care to adults by considering their needs and requirements. There is some reliability and viability occurs for literature review which includes various methods of sources including methods, appearance applicability and balance so that it can occur properly. These are factors that help in conducting literature review properly.

The evidence-based practice is define as the treatment of best and latest evidence that are collected from research in order to provide latest and good treatment to their patients. This practice involves patients in which their aim is to enhance care among patients. It also includes to increase the efficiency of treatment so that care can properly deliver to patients. The evidence-based practices involves various skills that can help in benefited in delivering care and treatment to patients. It helps in building proficiency of health and social care organisation from which they can prevents adult from abuse and neglect.

The evidence-based practices needs proper time of research and proper understanding which help in conducting treatment to patients. There are various benefits of evidence-based practice that can help care practitioner and researcher. The evidence-based practices are needed as they have objective to provide effective and appropriate care to their patients. As  the customers are also want effective care that are based on recent evidence-based practices. The benefit of evidence-based practices helps in improving outcome of patient in health and social care organisation.

The evidence-based practices focuses on increasing quality of treatment and care so that better outcomes or result can be obtained (Williamson, 2018). This also help in decreasing cost of care and treatment as many individual are not bale to pay cost of treatment. The many patients are facing issues but with this they can be prevented from neglect and abuse. This help in increasing efficiency and quality of health care practitioner in their skills. As various skills such as decision making, team management, interpersonal, problem solving and presentation skills can be increased. There are various questions are developed at time of conveying care but with According to views of these the prefer answers can be effectively delivered to patients. This increase satisfaction of patients which increase profit of health and social care organisation. The best care can deliver to patient with effective evidences such as literature, etc.

The evidence-based practices help in creating judgement by use of current evidence According to views of-based practices. It help in implementation of various method and intervention that are needed to create policies and standards that can help in patients in their health. With this many barriers can remove that occur from various issues whether it is for change practices or occurring of autonomy (Brooks, 2018). The evidence-based practices are changing disciplines and guidelines of health and social care organisation. Which are needed for health care. 

Project proposal form

Project title:-“To examine the impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively.”


The funding is most key feature of health care organisation which are necessary to be properly occur in an organisation. The funding can promote organisation in number of ways by increasing services of their system. As with funds, health care practitioner can provide effective services to their patients. With help of this, care and treatment can effectively deliver which can satisfy them in their treatment. The adults are highly affected from harm and risk they may occur due to lack of funds in health and social care organisation. The proper funding in health care organisation can help them to deliver good quality and new intervention to customers.  

Aims And Objectives

The aim of this research is to understand the aim of research that help in evaluation question in an appropriate manner. The objective is define as decision that are taken by researcher so that aim can be attain of research.

Research Aim: “To examine the impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively.”

Research Objectives

  • To evaluate the concepts of promoting safeguarding among adults in health and social care service.
  • To analyse the impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively.

Research questions

  • How to evaluate the concepts of promoting safeguarding among adults in health and social care service?
  • What is the the impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively?


The main aim of conducting this research is to analyse the impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively. This is important to conduct as due to funds of health and social care organisation, many adults have impacted on it. It helps me in developing my various personal and professional skills such as interpersonal, technical, time management and other skills.

Literature Review

The literature review can be conducting as it have various benefits such it provides ideas and approach that are not attain by researcher. It reveal about sources that are not acquired by researcher. The main purpose of conducting literature review is to understand about any topic so that relevant information can be developed. It helps in justify research based problems and methods. This helps in building knowledge about any topic and information (NHS services, 2020). This is also define terminology, definitions and key terms on the topic that are chosen for research. It helps in improving care among customers and it also increase opportunities for oneself from which they can enhance their skills.

The concepts of promoting safeguarding among adults in health and social care service.

According to views of stevens, (2020), the safeguarding refers to prevention from harm and neglect among adults. It is important to promote safeguarding among adults as it develops effectiveness of care and services to them. There are many adults who are facing issues through health and social care organisation (Stevens, 2020). As adults are easily attracted to care and treatments which can lead to harmful effect on them. The safeguarding is a key feature in health and social care as it delivers safe and secure care to them. This is important in health care organisation as many adults are not able to take decision of their treatment (Safeguarding vulnerable adults: Exploring the challenges to best practice across multi-agency settings, 2020). So by promoting this, the adults can take appropriate decision from which they can benefited in their care. With this, well-being, beliefs and quality of life can be increased. The safeguarding help in promoting environment from which adults can value their life. This includes providing support to adults when they needed most (Google scholar, 2020). With this, adults are able to recognise their responsibilities which are need to be taken by them. The promotion of safeguarding help in supporting adults by health care practitioner.     

The impact of funding on being able to safeguard adults effectively.

According to views of jackson (2016), the funding can impacted on adults in number of ways as it effects their health. The adults are more prone to risk and harm of health and social care organisation (Jackson, 2016). As they are most likely to get attracted from services of health and social care organisation (Information and advice, 2020). If health care organisation does not have proper funds then lack of various services and management occurs (Safeguarding Adults, 2016). This will impacted on their health life as they are in contact of various harm and risk. The funding have a various impact on adults (Nursing and midway council, 2020). As their lack cause harm and neglect in their care. The efficiency of proper funding in organisation deliver good quality of care to them (Literature Reviews: Types of Literature, 2017). With this, care that are provided to them can increase satisfaction of their treatment.

Research Methodology

The information and data are collect according to relevance of evidence-based research. The quantitative method can be used in this. The data in this are gathered through objective based of research. As it helps in identifying research theme in an appropriate manner.          

There are two types of method in collecting data or information that is primary and secondary. The primary method includes collection of information through interviews, surveys and questionnaire, etc. The secondary data involves collection of information by internet, journals and books.

Gantt chart:- this is used to measure the activities of any planning with in proper given time. These provide and assist in track specific task of project. This was invented by Henry. L. Gantt. This chart provides the direction of tasks about time that is needed to conduct and time frames from which task can be completed.   


This reason for conducting research is to identify the impact of funding on being able to safeguarding adults. This also helps in determine the impact of this on adults. With this research, issues can be identified. The purpose of this is to make objective of doing research. With the help of this various gaps can be identified.   

Expected Outcomes

From above information the outcomes is that, funds play a vital role in health care organisation. The impact of funds can be minimized by solving various barriers. The appropriate funding can deliver effective treatment so that safeguarding of adults can be occurred.


The strength of mine while conducting research is that I can able to maintain the reliability of research without any harm causing to others. While conducting research I face lot of weaknesses of mine while conducting method. This also helps in my skills I can able to conduct different methods from which the purpose of research conduct properly. This provides me thinking about how to use these methods within research so that it makes it successful of project. With the help of skills and methods the objective of research is become successful and it also helps in influencing my strength more effectively. With the help of this research my weaknesses of communicating with others solved in an appropriate manner. Along with this, with proper time, methods and proper direction as develop towards the learning of this project. This also provides me to conduct research in an ethical manner from which I can learn about ethics. From this, I also analyses the things that are necessary to consider in the project. With this research, I can able to evaluate more information about the project from which proper information can be provided to learners. With the help of these methods and my own skills, the project will be successful. As I conduct proper methodology within this project.

There are many different ways that are used in evidence-based practices (EBP) in order to influence literature review. These ways include ideas, way of collecting information, presentation, clinical expertise, consideration values and expectations of patients, judgement, resources, evidences, monitoring, evaluation of risk and benefits, etc. Each way has their own manner of influencing evidence-based practices of health and social care organisation (Ballantyne, 2016). The ideas can influence EBP as outcome are dependent on it. The manner of information collection is necessary to be effective so that it can summarise evidence-based practices. The presentation should be in effectual and appropriate manner so that it can help understand to others as well as practitioner so that they can deliver effective care to patients.

The health care practitioner must have expertise in clinical so that they can evaluate more practices in their methods. The health and social care practitioner must consider expectation and values of patients while conducting literature. They must appropriate resources that can influence literature review on evidence-based practices (Lee, 2017). By identifying or evaluating risk and benefits, the literature review can positively influence on evidence-based practices of health and social care organisation. The ways in which literature review influence evidence-based practices is that it provides appropriate data on a particular issue in a given time period. They provide relatable information with use of variation of resources. This lead to wide range of results that can help in evidence-based practices.

The literature review can encourage me in learning about any specific issue. With this, skills and knowledge can be increased of evidence-based practices. It also influence understanding of different topic in evidence-based practices of mine as a health care practitioner. With help of literature review, the evidence-based practices can conduct in an appropriate manner. As it help in delivering quality of care by health care services providers to service users (Manthorpe and Martineau, 2017). The health care practitioner can implement different strategies in delivering of care to patients. The literature review can influence evidence-based practices in various manners. As it reduces cost according to patients reliable by implementing new services in given time. The influence of this is occur in positive manner as health care practitioner are able to deliver effective and positive care to their patients.               

The recent research has a positive impact on current practices as it helps in improving services that are delivering to them. With this, care practitioner are able to convey effective care to patients. The recent research plays an important role in current practices as it provides suitable information and connection so that appropriate treatment can be supply to patients. There are various ways from which they have positive impact in current practices. It impacted on both care practitioner and service users. The health care practitioner can promote or enhance their skills from which they can effectively use in services.

The recent research help me in various ways by impacting on services. With this, I am able to enhance my skills which was lack previously such as technical and interpersonal skills. Now, I can handle more technical information and data of research in practices (Dickinson, 2017). These skills help me while providing services as it is plays a critical role for health experts and care practitioners to determine the importance and performance of suitable connection so that proper attention and treatment can be provided to patients. patients as it can help in identifying the situation of adult from which they are facing harm and neglect. This develops many other skills such as time management which provide effective service in a given time period. This can also help in evaluating other measures which promote effective care to service users. This impact positively of services on service users as they are now able to receive quality of life. Ask for dissertation writing services from our experts!!

 As health care practitioner are now able to deliver quality of care  which promote health of individual. In my practices, I observed that the adults are highly facing issues due to funding problems in health and social care organisation  (Crawley, 2015). So with evidence-based practices now effective care and treatment can be deliver by me. The recent research analyse the importance of funding in health and social care organisation. As these can utilize in care and treatment among adults from which they can be prevented from any harm and risk. This recent research impact positively on current practices as the issue can be identified properly. This also provide efficient knowledge to me from which the collection of method can be identified. As there are number of ways from which data can be collected such as books, literature and journals, etc.

The research help in evaluating and minimizing those issues from which adults are facing harms for their services. This help in implementation of new strategies that can help me in providing and safeguarding of adults (Doherty, 2015). It also help me in implementation of such policies which are work for safeguarding of adults. This also develops some interest among adults of health care practitioner. The safeguarding of adults can be preventing effectively and quality of care can be deliver to them.


From above assignment, it has been concluded that the purpose of conducting research is benefit in health and social care organisation as it enable evidence-base practices of practitioner. There are skills and knowledge are need to attain by health care practitioner so that literature review can be conduct in health and social care organisation. The literature review can be conduct by using various resources that can help health and social care organisation in providing evidence-based care to their patients. The result of literature review can help service providers to summaries the current practices that can be used in health and social care organisation. There are various benefits of evidence-based practices as it helps in carrying out effective research that are needed to care and treatment. With the help of project proposal, evaluation of research can be effectively conduct. There are various different ways which help in influencing evidence-based practices in health and social care organisation through literature review. The recent evidence-based research improve service delivery by impacting on current practices in a positive manner. 

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