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Practice and Relevant Guidance for Health and Social Care

University: Mont Rose College of Management

  • Unit No: 18
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3284
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1249

Table of Content

Question :

This sample will let you know about the:

  • What is health and social care?
  • What is Fear of Chastisement?
  • Discuss Fear of Being treated Differently.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Health and Social Care encompasses a range of services provided by healthcare and social care providers in the UK, covering both public and private sectors. This term encompasses the entire spectrum of healthcare provision and infrastructure. This report delves into regulatory requirements, codes of practice, and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints related to abuse against vulnerable adults. It analyzes the barriers that deter individuals from lodging complaints, strategies to encourage complaint filing, collaboration with stakeholders to develop procedures addressing concerns and complaints. The focus is on vulnerable adults experiencing various forms of abuse, their avenues for complaint, regulatory frameworks, and how NHS personnel can promote complaint filing among these individuals.

Identification of the regulatory requirements

Abuse against vulnerable adults refers to treating them with violence in regular and repeated manner. This is more likely to happen when adults are vulnerable which means who are above age of 18 but lack absolute basic human life skills (Graham and, 2017). Which lacks confidence and self trust in them and people become more likely to take advantage of their this weakness. For leading NHS' department of vulnerable adults care Leader requires to have complete knowledge of what are the abuses against adults and what are regulatory requirements, code of practice and relevant guidance for managing these complaints regarding abuse against vulnerable adults. Abuses are as follows-

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • psychological Abuse
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Discriminatory abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Leader needs to have in-depth knowledge of all this type of abuse that are faced by vulnerable adults. In relation with regulation, code of practice and guidance to manage these complaints which are as follows-
  • There is no specific act which is dedicated to protection adults from abuse but in relation with protection of vulnerable adult from abuse regulations have been made in Care Standard Act, 2000 (Stringer and, 2019). Part 7 of this act provides a set of control to resist persons who are unsuitable from working with vulnerable adults.

In this act under the national minimum standards includes a number of standards which are related to prevention of abuse.

In relation with protection of vulnerable adults from abuse Mental Capacity Act, 2005 contains various provision that may prove to be a value with regard to-

  • Best interest of such people.
  • The power of the new office of public guardian in relation to investigate certain cases of abuse.
  • The Power to appoint deputies.
  • Creation of new criminal offences of ill treating or wilfully neglecting people who come under category of vulnerable adults.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) requires local authorities and NHS to provide IMCA service when contemplating adult protection measures.

Criteria for providing IMCA services are -

  • In case there is serious exposure to risk.
  • Death of a vulnerable adult.
  • Serious physical injury to vulnerable adult.
  • Serious emotional distress to vulnerable adult.
  • Serious financial and material exposure.

These are certain regulations and guidelines which are for managing concerns and complaints of vulnerable adults.Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

Analysis of regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance for managing concerns and complaints 

In relation with service provision for protection of vulnerable adults in NHS regulatory requirement which require following standards which are included in The national minimum standards for protection of adults (Rose and, 2017). These standards are specifically for adults which make it more relevant to adults and management of concerns and complaints become easy and more efficient for leaders when they follow the standards of adult protection. In context with this one drawback of provision is that it limits the scope when it comes to deal with vulnerable adult and concerned authority only can do which is mentioned in standards and which is according to standard.

In relation with Mental Ability Act 2000 which includes various provision which are required to follow during service (Feltner and, 2018). This includes doing something which is best for vulnerable adults.

This also includes power which is availed to new offices of public guardian this will give more authority to new offices they will be able to their work more effectively which will result in better management of such people and also will give more attention for protection of such people. NHS should work in collaboration with such offices so that their efforts are more effective and they are able to provide best care to vulnerable adults who have been abused.

Mental Ability Act 2000 also includes that people who ill treat and wilfully neglect vulnerable adults for them new criminal offences have been created. This manner the problem of abuse to vulnerable adults will reduce from its foundation that people will become more aware of their acts related to vulnerable adults. NHS in relation to this ensure that every case in such context it aware family and friends of vulnerable adult about criminal offences so they become more aware while treating vulnerable adults.

IMCA which directly requires to NHS and local authorities that such people or vulnerable adults when match the required criteria should be given IMCA services. This guide authorities and NHS in what manner they are required to treat and deal wit people which is for their best interest (Farquharson, 2019). In this case it becomes difficult to match the individual with criteria unless there is a case of death this one is its limitation.

Why individuals might be reluctant to raise concerns and make complaints

Reasons like Fear of chastisement, fear of authority and people in power are major reason which resist and reluctant vulnerable adult to raise concern and make complaints.

Fear of Chastisement

This refers to fear of vulnerable adults that it they raise their concern and make complaints for the abuse they are facing then they might be scolded and punished by someone. Specifically people who are abusing them in manner (Parley, 2020). One reason is this and this is added by their low confidence and trust. In such situation vulnerable adults should be make aware about their rights and they should be well informed that they can and should raise their concern and make complaint if they are facing any kind of abuse.

Fear of Authority and People in Power

Vulnerable adults if are afraid of authority and people in power in such situation too they do not raise their concern. Many times authorities do not treat vulnerable adult properly which build and create a negative experience of such people and this experience later reluctant them from raising their concern and making complaint of abuse. In relation with this NHS should ensure that they follow all the guidelines of managing vulnerable adult and along with that encourage such people to raise their concern.

Fear of being seen as troublemaker

This is also a very significant reason which reluctant individual and vulnerable adults to raise concern as if they raise concern and make complaint about their abuse then they will be seen as troublemaker. This is very unpleasant and in case adult is vulnerable this affect them more. There are many instances in life of such people where they are neglected by people as being known as troublemaker and to void such experience again they do not raise their concern and do not make complaint (Fisher, 2017). NHS should ensure that concerns of all such people are properly heard and given due consideration which does not give them feeing of being troublemaker.

Fear of Being treated Differently

Vulnerable adult may have fear of being treated differently as there in no one who likes to treat differently and do not entertain such treatment where they are considered special and different for any weakness they have. This is one reason that they will be judged and will be treated differently reluctant vulnerable adults to raise concern.

Steps that can be taken to encourage vulnerable adult to raise concerns or complaints

There are various factors and reasons which reluctant vulnerable adult from raising concern and making complaints for their abuse. But to make a better living for such people and protect them from any type of abuse they should be encouraged to raise their concern and complaint about their abuse and the person who is involved in their concern. Steps for the same that NHS can take are as follows-

It is easy for vulnerable people and accessible for them to make complaint and raise issue this is most important step for this purpose.

To encourage vulnerable adult for raising their concern authorities should work on their confidence and along with that authorities should ensure that behaviour and treatment with such individual is proper to win their trust (Knowles and Hanson, 2018). In case vulnerable adult is able to trust authorities and the person they are making complaint to then they do it without any hesitation. Get Finance Assignment Help Online!

Complaints of the vulnerable adults should be given adequate consideration and NHS should take necessary action within a time limit without causing any kind of trouble to the person making complaint. This will avoid any kind of negative experience that vulnerable adult may have and along with that other people/individuals who are similar and same situation will also raise their concern as they know that their concerns are being heard and then solved as well.

One important step in this concern is that authorities at NHS who are responsible to deal wit such matters do have complete and proper knowledge of psychological aspect of such people so that they will be more effective for handling such people.

NHS and other authorities should create awareness in other people that if someone is aware of any abusive treatment which is being given to vulnerable adult then in such case they should make complaint on the behalf of that person. In case family of the person is aware about something abusive which is being with vulnerable adult than in such case they should raise the concern if the adult is not able to do by themselves.

Once complaint have been made by the vulnerable adult and action have been taken then the person should be asked about the feedback (Kane and, 2018). This action instils trust and faith in the person who have made complaint and in those who are of similar type and were afraid of making complaint.Get marketing assignment help from our experts!

Work with others in the development of procedures to address concerns and complaints

There are problems and issues which are not limited to one place but are spread across national and world boundaries. In this situations working in collaboration instead of working individual is more effective and more beneficial. In this NHS can and should work with other organizational which are dedicated for the same purpose.

In this organization which are working for protection of vulnerable adults should identify and encourage people who are facing abuse which requires them to create awareness and as they are dedicated for this purpose this becomes easy for them to make people understand about the issue. These organizations then can send people to NHS for their care (Ward and, 2018). This should be followed by taking all the legal action and NHS and the concerned authority should ensure that legal authorities have all the required information which is required for taking legal actions. This process covers all the aspects of the complaint and ensures that the person is protected in the future.

One major step and collaboration in this is that business organization which employs people should take initiative in case they are aware of abuse which is being happened to any of their employee who can be considered as vulnerable adult. This will improve and scope of the issue of protection of vulnerable adult. Organization should inform legal authorities and send the individual to NHS where they can be cared by the concerned authorities. Organizations should also aware their staff that they come to management and other authorities and make complaints if they are being abused.

Legal authorities should also provide due consideration so that criminal offense for abusing vulnerable adult may reduce the problem and persons who are claimed to abusing someone is properly punished so that do not exercise such offence in future and this also gives lesson to others so that they do not exercise any type of abuse with vulnerable adult.

In this manner all the authorities and organization those who are voluntary for protection of vulnerable adults and are business organization and legal organization can work with NHS for developing the procedure to address the concerns and complaints of vulnerable adult.

Ensure information on how to raise concerns and make complaints is available in accessible formats

In present world of advance technology where most of everything is accessible which includes raising concerns and making complaints as well (Walker, 2020). In context with raising concerns and making complaints there are various formats which are easily accessible.

For this NHS can develop software which allows vulnerable adult to raise their concern. This work can be done more effectively in collaboration with other organization specifically which are dedicated for the same cause.

Organizations develop software and other online platforms where vulnerable adults can raise their concern. These platforms include link on the internet and raising concern using website of the organization. These should be in such form so that NHS can get complete information of the abuse and on time so the care which vulnerable adult require is availed to them on time and as soon as possible.

Other than these online platforms of raising concern one other format which is accessible to vulnerable adults is phone call. NHS and organization should develop a format where people can call and talk with concerned people and make their complaints. This is more useful for those who need urgent help because in online format it depends on the people who are managing the concerns and complaints how fast they respond (Donnelly, 2019). In phone call authorities will respond as soon as possible as vulnerable adult will be able to talk about the urgency of the matter and how they are being abused.

People should be made aware about the platforms which are available for them to raise their in relation with abuse to vulnerable adults. Link of the platforms should be properly availed so that whenever they are in any abusive situation and are being abused by someone they know from where they can ask for assistance. In this phone call and online formats of raising concerns where concerned people who are supposed to address their concern can differentiate in urgency of the matter and concern.

There are certain things which should be considered in regard to such platforms is that all the concerns raised by people are timely addressed and responded as this will give most effective benefit to those who are being abused. Get Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!

Review of Procedures that have been developed against regulatory requirements, codes of practice and relevant guidance

Below are the regulations which and procedures which have been developed to address concerns and complaints of vulnerable adults who are being abused.

Collaborative Working and Information Sharing in this all the organization which are involved should work according to set standards as per the national minimum standards under Care standard act 2000 (Lazar and Stein, 2017). Various standards which have been set under this should be followed by all the involved organization so that they will be able to achieve their objective of protecting vulnerable adults from abuse. In this NHS needs to give more attention as this is directly related to giving care to such people. This needs to follow all the standard of care, carefully.

For protection of vulnerable adults from abuse Mental Capacity Act, 2005 contains various provision that may prove to be a value with regard to-

Best interest of such people voluntary organizations are for looking after best interest of people and when these organizations get assistance from and give assistance to NHS their efforts become more effective (Tremblett and Smart, 2016). These organizations do their working according to provisions which are contained in the act.

The power of the new office of public guardian in relation to investigate certain cases of abuse.

In developing this procedure power which is available to voluntary organization and which is responsibility of business organization have been collaborated with power and responsibility of NHS so that vulnerable adults can get best care and protection.

IMCA which require to provide its services to some specific adults which come under category of vulnerable adults but do match criteria which have been specified under its provisions. NHS should ensure that people who require such services get it and organization should also ensure that people who are in need of such services are referred to NHS as soon as possible (Policy, Protection and Policy, 2017). The criteria for these services include people who are severely affected by such abuse.Best assignment help from experts.

Procedure which have been developed in this report when are reviewed for regulations then it is found that both seeks to protect vulnerable adult from abuse and neither of procedure in this report break and avoid any regulation and requires that organizations and authorities follow regulations.


On the basis of above discussion it can be concluded that vulnerable adults which lack basic human skills. This weakness of such people encourage many people to abuse whether knowingly or unknowingly. To protect this type of people from such abuse some regulations have been developed and guidelines and code of conduct have also been prepared for those who care such people. This regulation and code of conduct have been included in this report which have been followed by their analysis. Later report includes reasons which reluctant vulnerable adults to raise their concern and make complaints like fear of authorities and people who are in power and their low confidence, which have been followed by steps to encourage such people to raise their issues and make complaints. Development of procedures and collaborative working for same reason have been included in this report as this bring more effective results. Information about raising concern and making complaints through online and other formats have also been included in this report.

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