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Comparative Healthcare Systems

University: Anglia Ruskin University

  • Unit No: 22
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 25 / Words 6126
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MOD005916
  • Downloads: 1401
Question :

This assement will cover the following questions:

  • Highlight the strengthn and weaknesses of the health system with the  differece and similarities of heath care system UK.
  • Provide the issues that impact on the delivery of healthcare and how citizens in a country access healthcare at both local and national level
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


The healthcare system encompasses the financing, organization, and delivery of healthcare services to a nation's citizens. It comprises multiple aspects that need enhancement to improve clinical practices and achieve better patient outcomes. Emphasis should be placed on identifying and addressing relevant problems, considering human rights and laws, to prevent clinical errors. Access to medical facilities, expenditures, and resources are crucial for its effectiveness, requiring the elimination of barriers for delivering appropriate care services. The integration of innovations and technologies, along with addressing threats, is vital for enhancing efficiency. Collaboration between healthcare professionals and government entities is essential for positive impacts on various sectors like growth, productivity, and income.

This report focuses on the healthcare system of the United Kingdom, analyzing its access factors and major issues. It provides a critical evaluation and comparative analysis, along with recommendations to address threats and improve care services for the population.

The EIGHT FACTOR model for providing TRUE ACCESS

The eight factor model is used to find out the true access of health care system which is providing to everyone (Soril and et. al., 2016). The true access means by being capable and have the ability to getting your needs by paying for the services according to the needs when the patient once enter in the health system. So this true access develop a framework in UK to assess the strengthening and weakness of exclusive health care systems so this framework is occur in the form of “The Eight Factor Model”. The comparison between the health care systems of the UK is occur from use of this eight factor model.

The eight factor represented by the eight model and they are below.

Historical:- This is the first factor in the eight factor model which is considered first. It describes the health of the country. It express the health and access to health services which is defined historically in the UK. It also describe the role of emergency departments, healthcare providing clinics, the emerge of health care system and of the health centres which are community- based (Parveen, Maimani and Kassim, 2017). They also determine the barriers of health care systems which can be occur in the health care system. So by determining the barriers the health care systems can predict the cause of illness.

Structure:- This is the second factor in the eight factor model. It is use to determine the structure of health care delivery which is provide by health care systems in UK. It includes all the structures of a system which includes national healthcare systems, roles and responsibilities of interdisciplinary, patter and needs of staff members (Nielsen and et. al., 2016). It also consider the infrastructure if health system, health policies, advance practice nurses & physician, other health professionals and related outcomes. This model also determines the barriers that prevent the access to care and could considered the structures to facilitate care and services. In this, the services location, procedures of UK government are also include.

Financing:- This is the most difficult third factor in the model. As it is difficult in the discussing the true access is occur on a nation's ability to fund the health care system. This factor is used to find out the responsibilities and financing priorities of the nation (Baeten and Vanhercke, 2017). This factor is help in determining benefit of the budget of healthcare to the healthcare service users. This factor particularly applied in the technology, maternal child care, research, old adult care on a long-term basis in the UK. The role of government in administering and beholding the health care are examined.

Interventional:- This factor focuses on deliver of health on primary care and intense care in relation to outcomes. The effectiveness of conserving health and preventing illness is depend on the structure of system in UK. In primary healthcare system, the services are community based because the services can effectively spread to everyone instead of hospital based. The primary care focuses on early intervention of cure & care, prevention of disease, promotion of health. It is use to measure the outcome of good services provided to patients and staff satisfaction. In this the needs are considered of patient and families which are met and unmeet.

Preventive:- This factor supply the assessment of preventive measures. It consider the system of UK in health care that the maintaining and preserve of the social, physical and mental of their people. The important consideration of this factor are adult and old adult care, women health, traditional health practices, family and religion (Guerra and et. al., 2016). It also includes the health and safety of environment, long-term care, adolescent health. The purpose of this factor is to prevent these consideration to promote the better healthcare in the system and in communities and to provide the healthcare on a long term basis to the all age of group.

Resources:- This factor does not include the fiscal resources (these are those type of resources which are purchase and obtain the supplies of services to provide programs for individuals who have disabilities). Basically, it evaluates the sufficiency and availability of social & spiritual resources and human resources. This factor is used to consider the type of resources are providing in each and every health care systems (Honigsbaum, 2018). It includes the trained and untrained workers, long and nuclear families, authorised and unauthorized professionals, community and other systems. They also consider unpaid volunteers of any healthcare system.

Major health issues:- The factor seven consider major health issues which evaluate the specific determinants of social like poverty, race, gender, illiteracy, culture. It is used to describe the opening of challenges in public health, disease nature, the treating strategy in between the different organisation of UK. It includes the tendencies of genetically illness, the daily activities of people, chronic illnesses, prevalence of disease in compromising population. This factor is also used to describe the main disease that are causing in majority among to the UK population.

Health disparities:- This is the last factor for measuring the true access of health systems. It concentrate on the unequal treatment or welfare disparities. It documented the top disease which affected the particular population of the UK which is based on the age, income and social. As the result of some disease can cause the death which is the poor outcome of income, age, etc. In this, to prevent the injury and disease which are versed by discriminate of social people (Browne and et. al., 2016).

It has been analysed that this “EIGHT FACTOR MODEL” is consider and great chance for assessing the true care to the population of UK. By this model, the initiative to changing in country who are searching for new approaches to increases inequalities in their healthcare system. It can also use to strengthen and weakness of care providing system. It has been conclude that this mode is not only use to determine the true health care but also to extent the access. Their aim is to develop the better and equal care among all age group of communities.

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Major health issues of healthcare system in UK

A healthcare system is determined in UK as the method in which health care is organized, financed, delivered to accumulation of people. It consider issues and problems of accession for which services and for whom, resources and expenditure like their facilities and employees. The components might be oriented as a tangled made up of three interconnected constituents such as healthcare consumers in this people need services of wellness care (Swami and et. al., 2017). As well as practitioners and professionals deliver their services regarding welfare attention or provide systematic attention. The purpose of UK healthcare system is to increase attribute of life to raising health and wellness. It should focus on developing social group benefit to fulfil commitment to society.

The major issues in UK of healthcare system are mention as long working hours, lack of healthcare workers, people are living longer, extreme costs for advanced degrees, less of care practitioners, more people need them, relationships, end of life issues, patient privacy and confidentiality. The protective covering of private patient arrangement on of the most crucial legal and honourable issues in the field of welfare.

They facing some major problems including as-

  • Unmanageable workloads, leading to stress and burnout or a recruitment crisis.
  • Uncertainty from Brexit.
  • An ageing population and steep increase in demand for health services (Stevens and et. al., 2017).
  • Lack of investment an training in new technology.
  • Nearly a decade of understanding.
  • Deficiency of clarity surrounding transformation models, such accountable care systems.
  • Culture of blame that discourages openness and learning.

There are some issues which is facing by UK in healthcare system are as follows-

Costs and transparency- Tactics and utilize schemes to address maturation of pharmaceutical and medical prices or effects to evaluate the quality of care.

Consumer Experience- addressing, understanding and assuring whole fundamental interaction of consumers and their resultant are easily, timely, convenient, cohesive, streamlines so that health fits by nature into flow of life of every person of UK family and community daily activeness.

Data and analytics- there are new sources of disparate as well as investing progressive calculus, non standard, highly variable data, unstructured ( labs, history, Rx, m health, sensors, Socio-economic, genomic, demographic, geographic, lifestyle behaviours etc.). so that they could better health outcomes, cut down administrative load and support passage from bulk to value and assuage person, payer, provider effectualness (Rossen and et. al., 2016).

Delivery system transformation- Scaling in-coordination and operations or transfer scheme alteration of non- medical and medical services via collaborations and partnerships between ownership based or healthcare administrations in UK to get over obstruction regarding social determinative of health to impact their better termination.

Holistic Individual Health- Improving, addressing, identifying the social unit, member and patients to all medical, socio-economic, cultural, behavioural, educational, financial, geographic, environmental well- being, lifestyle for a resistance and attached healthcare education (Alexandru, Ianculescu and Coardos, 2017).

Consumer/interoperability data access- Improving and group action the dealings, exchange of groups or members, patient, payer, workflows, supplier data to take value of aggregated systems and data that is admin, clinical, financial etc. on a cost effectual foundation in UK to all stakeholders inequitably and near real time.

Accessibility / Physical Reach- In this healthcare adeptness which is having an patient department for common nutriment or an restive department for hospitalisation (Tan, 2019). These installation may either be state-supported or backstage in nature from the place of residency or work.

Low government Spending- UK has a low level of government disbursement on healthcare. Business reminder international prognosis which healthcare financial loss in country will enhance in billions in past years.

Healthcare endangered middlemen- The buyer of Healthcare should daily re-evaluate contracts with diligence middlemen. They also demand greater transparent or precedence models supported on termination, which actuation of finer governance of clinical not merely seek best cost by mass.

Securing the internet of things- The reputation and financial price of a breach affecting patient health can far exceed the lost revenue from business disruption. While some provider enforcement trusts their organisation is protected against cyber safety operation and some less percent have evaluate direction plan of action is just low percentile have cyber legal document investigation process by report (Shanmugam and Singh, 2017).

Precision medicine- The idea of handling patients supported on their individual biota may track to the improvement of one-shot remedy for definite diseases, which would prove improbably helpful in possibly treating those status for good. Nevertheless, the uses of medication of genetic would also reward to a lack of receipts under the fee- for company manner. As made-to-order care would get rid of the need for patient to visit physicians aggregated times for any determination they may have.

Economic challenges in healthcare system- This type of issues are also being alleviated by unite between supply of all level. These incorporate companies can take profits from economic science of measure and other cost asset such and ability and compact healthcare position. One problem with these integrate is that bigger firm become more tolerable to modify in an commercial enterprise noticeable by changeless change and invention.

Big Data- When patients control protection plans or healthcare render, most medical pattern believe on patients self coverage to speculate their records and data (Khorgami and et. al., 2016). As result not all content and message is conveyance properly and its very ambitious to harness the power of data and create faithful visual percept.

Effective payment model discovery and implementation- This trouble by non-profitable medical subordinate system. Health states that to lessening price and gain service quality, see and helper instituted new payment models (Tushnet, 2017). New issues facing by scheme are bundled, global payments, pay out to patient- oriented care providers, shared savings.

Continual themes in management- Common recurring themes across in UK continue to be self-addressed by managers at all levels, listed below recurring themes are:

Access to care- Longer way times, higher costs, willingness to travel longer distances.

Behavioural health-Renewed emphasis on billing and treatment

Cultural diversity- Changing demographics

Mobile care- Increaser accessibility through mobile devices

Population health management- Accenting community and person care options

Technology- Health information science overtaking every aspect of industry

Mergers- Integrating, accountable care organisations.

 Read MoreQAB020N501A Managing People and Careers

Importance of health care system including effective model

Healthcare system is required to be construct that has several main purposes including maintaining health of population, deliver facilities to wounded or sick individuals and helps curb the cost of expensive medical bills. It includes several healthcare components including nurses, patients, doctors, clinics, hospitals, medicines, relevant equipments and so on (Helm and Küng, 2016). However, it has been analysed that healthcare system has an input of physicians, money, nursing staff and outputs consist vaccines, healthy individuals, available jobs etc. in addition to this, it is observed that effective health system facilitate to gain improve economic growth of the whole nation. It includes the fact that more healthy people are much capable to increase their regular performance and productivity at work places which results into increased profitability. It will provide support to boost up economy of the country which is beneficial for overall citizens. Meanwhile, it is essential for government of UK to put funds and other efforts for maintaining as effective as well as efficient healthcare system by considering innovative technology.

On the other hand, it has been evaluated that the utilisation of innovative technologies and health models are much sufficient to improve the clinical outcomes. It consist the use of various theories and laws, ethics and codes of practices that facilitate staff into correct direction in relate to provide benefits of desired individuals. There are several legislations that should be consider such as Health & social care Act 2012, Equality Act 2010, Social value Act 2012, Care & support regulations 2018, Children act 2004, Mental health act 2007 and many more. However, it is important to follow ethical principles including justice, autonomy, beneficence. maleficence and confidentiality which is beneficial to carry out clinical procedures in correct manner (Sarkar and et. al., 2016). It is necessary for care professionals to follow health models and frameworks to deal with various tasks properly. It includes National health insurance model, out of pocket framework, Beveridge model, Bismarck model and health belief model that can be used used to deliver appropriate care services to improve health status of entire population of UK. Thus one of such model is explained here.

Health belief model: This model was developed in 1950 by social psychologists. It is a theoretical model which can be use for assisting health promotion as well as disease resistance programs. It could be utilize for prediction and explanation of individual behaviours. However, it is one of the most used models in order to understand health behaviours. Key elements of this model mainly emphasise on individuals own beliefs on health conditions that can predict individual health regarding behaviours. Health belief model could be use for designing short and long terms interventions (Fervers, Oser and Picot, 2016). It is a kind of analytical tool use by researchers for predicting health behaviour of individuals. One of the best thing about this model is it frame individuals behaviour in realistic manner. Model is based on a theory about individuals willingness for changing their health behaviour may be due to several factors such as:

Perceived susceptibility: It refers to analysing a risk of developing a particular health problem. The respective model predict that individuals who realize that they could be susceptible to a particular health problem will be engage in behaviour of reducing chances of risks for developing such problem. However, individuals who believe that they are not at any kind of risks are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviours.

Perceived severity: It is the probability of an individual to change his behaviour in order to avoid or ignore a consequence which is depend on how severe he or she is considering the consequence or result to be.

Perceived benefits: It is an action of individual's own assessment for taking measures for reducing the risks of diseases. Health regarding behaviours are also impacted by perceived benefits of undertaking actions. It is the perception of individual that some specific actions can help in to reduce the risk and seriousness of diseases. Individual will more likely to engage in behaviour of their own perspectives rather than considering facts and figures.

Perceived barriers: It is an obstacle for individuals for changing health related behaviours. It is the perception of some individuals that it is going to be hard for them for taking actions regarding change of health related behaviours. It can be result of physical as well as social difficulty (Blin and et. al., 2019). Changing health behaviours can be costly to time taking.

Modifying variables: Psychosocial, demographic and structural variables are the individual's characteristics which can effect the perspectives of health related behaviours. Demographic variable are age, gender, ethnicity, education and so on. Psychosocial variables are personality, peer pressure or social class weather, structural variables include information or knowledge about particular disease. Health belief model suggest that such modifying variables may effect health related behaviours of individuals in indirect way.

Critical analysis of health care system of UK

In healthcare system UK is the best example of the Universal Health Care system in the world. In fact, many companies around the universe are in reality settled upon this one. It gives employment to be delivered to grouping to bring to their health verbalized in definite settings, such as homes, hospitals, clinics, institutions, workplaces, educational etc. This believe attempt to causing determinants of health as well as more direct health rising activities (Naumann, 2018).

The critical analysis of health care systems refer some negative and positive points to check the system. Possibly the large pros is the realness that everybody has approach to precisely the same healthcare for free. It doesn't thing who are they, people can residual harmless in the cognition that will be proofed in precisely the identical way by the doctors.

The cons is all the same it is the fact that they are going to need to pay excess funds in taxes a lot. The tax rate in UK comprehensive of healthcare system with nations that do not really regarding with welfare care modular. The UK system necessarily to work for the profit of all. This agency that what it does in reality needs to be cost effectual. The cons is that electronic health records need to be kept completely secure.

One of the largest pros of healthcare system in UK is the idea that content on patients is mutual between medical organization. This comes in the form of electronic healthcare evidence. Now it is valuable non that not all medical centre has wholly digitized their data at the point in time, although it will most liable occur inside the next years (Sevick and et. al., 2017). The performance here is that no concern where they go, doctors, nurses and care workers are going to have evaluate their number. This is going to make it substantially easier to examine and treat them.

As they can understand, there are more cons and pros when it comes to the this system in the UK. It is certain that there are some problems and issues with a scheme of this nature, but at least it assurance admittance to welfare care perfectly everybody.

Some of people cant afford private healthcare insurance so that many people believe that government schemes is the best choices. The security of well-being is costly investment and dis-regardless the occupation and business and age. All persons should have the regulation healthcare. This system supply health attention for people in the same manner without looking their business, gender, age. Nonetheless, various kinds of schemes which come as defect of health care grouping in Nation. There are some critical analysis as pros and cons of the healthcare system in UK are as follows-

Positive aspects

Improve Public Health- This system permits every legal and lawful people in the state to obtain the fundamental health care attention. This healthcare also aid rising the unspecific aggregation health since citizenry have same and equivalent accession to loose medical care (Franklin and et. al., 2017). This will be step-down of ill or sick individuals in the generic population which track to healthier and more cultivable population. In addition, healthcare system and their care worker besides helps loss the spread of infectious diseases and other general-purpose health issues. People will also be more alert of their look and condition for hospital attention instantly when they ailing and sick.

No discrimination- On any foundation, the UK system of healthcare does not distinguish patients. This get lifeguard for millions and billions of individual who cant spend and don't have the monetary fund for veritable health insurance to wage for exemplary health protection to pay their health care attention. All people from any social level can get on sick and caught diseases. Hence, gives absolute medical treatment without sighted the patient prospect is essential.

Promote Human Right- Medical care and correct health is fundamentally the precise of every human (Jiang, Staloch and Kaljevic, 2018). It is duty of government to render equivalent and free medical care for overall population through with health care system.

Negative aspects

Lack of Options- This scheme leave-taking citizen no choice to select the physician or handling and treatment that they want. In general-purpose, government gives care is in some manner not as better as private care practitioners providers. In component, the plan of action of that care range is not as different or spread out as private insurance policy.

Takes time- It is not easy to put new changes without personnel casualty other cause. They are also mistakes and attempts as well as technological trouble along the mode. This is because the health care in UK has lots of rules and regulations that persons should realize and it becomes the learnedness line and curves.

Low wages for nurses and doctors- By the point of view doctors and nurses as the government workers, the welfare care system is well thought out as not really clean. They don't acquire the gratifying financial bundle (Celio and et. al., 2017). For the sensitive and significant community of doctors and nurses, they are frequently complainant about low reward and wages under the healthcare system in UK.

Bureaucratic hurdles- Since the government runs the health care group of UK. There are bureaucracy hurdles and tons of red strip which effect in poor company and lengthy time wait. It is not alteration since the scheme in UK take care integral country. Even so, if this proceed to make people inactivity for long time, this will result in people who does not acquire seemly treatment that they necessity.

Long waiting time- There is no lavishness which citizen can select. This is not refer the long inactivity times which also change state the main issues in other countries system of rules care approximately to the world. The extended wait times would make people time lag for months to turn treated (Petratos, 2018). Even though line of reasoning and skilful person make have been trying to get rid of the inactivity times, but it appear that there is no existent happening until present days. The same proceeding also happen in some other nation in health care system.

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Comparative analysis of UK health system with other country

The comparison of health system can apply a major influence on makers of national policy. It show the actual evaluation of national policies and performance. Due to the comparison analysis of health care system, this offers the perception into the action of health care system, criterion of health systems. The difference in between the different health care system, the big gap cap are exist in their methodologies, data collection and analysis. There are also difference in coding and culture which limit the data for comparison. There are many patterns occur of different healthcare system of different country. The comparative analysis of health care system is explained below.

Comparative Analysis

UK healthcare system

The healthcare system of UK is based on the belief by operating the healthcare is right of the individuals, not the advantage. In the UK, the social system is funded by public. The government of UK assured the right of health care access to all citizens. The health care system in UK is market minimized national health service model which is one to obtain or provide the health care services to the all people of united kingdom. There health care system includes providing health care facilities, technology, financing and delivering. There is lot of private growing health care systems in United Kingdom.

The evolution of health care system in population is to serve the establishment to the public so that they meet the basic needs of their poverty (Prakash, 2016). In United Kingdom, many public health was implanted to construct the sewage and water systems as the spread of infectious disease from these is higher.

The main objective of health department is to improve the well-being of people of the UK. They execute their plan by supporting and leading the social and health care authorized organisation to provide the high and good quality of health services. The NHS (national health services) in UK is facilitate at a local level and trusts. These local are responsible for various type of trust which includes primary trust and secondary trust. In primary trust, the dentist, opticians and pharmacists deliver the health care to patients. The secondary trust which is made of government run hospitals. These organisation are also provided walk-in centres and online service to the people. The role public care trust is to provide the correct professional health needs of each individual.

The health care system in United Kingdom is not free. Their access of system is free at point but it can chargeable through taxation. The advantage of UK system is that is unique and good and everybody demand demand of it. But it provide the care through free market system. The failure of market can occur due to the improper information. This is mainly occur in between the patients and doctors as the patient have less information about their disease and expect doctors to treat them effectively (Zivin and et. al., 2017). But this is not occur due to the free market. A doctor who is working in any funding organisation can benefited and they may act in foremost economical interest of the company.

The disadvantage of this is that due to the free market system in the distribution of resources not occur. As the increasing people of UK raise the strain on the organisation for their medical services.

US health care system

The health care system of US is based on the belief that it is be the privileged for the individual not the right of the individual and it does not delivered the universal care to their population. Their health care system us not guaranteed by the government. They does not require any health insurance on any level. Their healthcare system is based on the market- maximized national health system (Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2017). In this, the government pays minimal financial responsibilities and influence for the health care system. In US, the people who are not insurance in the health cares system they are tend to pay of the services which are taking by them in health care.

The evolution of healthcare in US is occurred by creating the network which is called health system agencies. These agencies were supposed to control the part of health resources and to increase the medical expenditure.

The main objective of health care services in US is to provide the health either to publicly or privately. In public health care, the health is considered as a public. They provide areas in public of the government to prevent the disease and in controlling of the transmissible disease in which the risk of spreading disease is higher. In US, the department of health services controls many of the subagencies that involve in health care services. They also works for food, drug and disease control so that the healthcare services can provide to all people. In this there are two healthcare systems which include primary care and secondary care. In primary care, their aim is to provide the medical services, initial diagnosis and treatment. In this, the nurse practitioners, physician's assistant give support or work in the healthcare system. The primary care practitioners work on a large variety of illness (Guy, 2019). In secondary care, it focuses on more chronic conditions of patient in hospitals. The secondary workers works with primary care members in order to treat the chronic disease of patient.

The health care system in the US, there are subsidies for some patients who are not able to spend the medical cost. The private insurance cover most of the cost of medical but it is tough for the employers to pay the medical cost because everyone is liable on their own medical costs.

In US the health care system is a free market system where any group or members can seek the health care from both public and private sector. As it raise the level of healthcare to consumers and by increasing efficiency of economic. Their aim is to increase the quality of products and decrease the cost of products.

The disadvantage of US health care system is that it deliver the care mostly to the employer. It pays the care to those who can have higher incomes or can pay the taxation.


From the above report, it has been concluded that health care system can be defined as an effective method through which healthcare of a nation is financed, organised and delivered to the citizens. It includes the effective eight factor model regarding true access including structure, financing, interventional, preventive, resources, major health issues, historical and health disparities. However, it consist the major issues of healthcare systems such as consumer experience, data & analytics-delivery system transformation, holistic individual health, consumer/interoperability data access, accessibility/physical reach, low government spending, healthcare endangered middlemen, securing the internet of things, precision medicine, economic challenges in healthcare system, big data, effective payment model discovery & implementation, continual themes in management and costs & transparency.


The healthcare system is to hold up or renew mental, emotional, physical wellness care specially by licensed and disciplined or trained professionals specifically combined when used abstraction healthcare practitioners. The interest in upgrade a health care system that reinforcement execution to be balanced with the practical situation and challenges faced when measuring performance. In this system it can modify the several issuance consider as Costs transparency, consumer experience, data analytics, Delivery system transformation, Holistic individual health, Consumer data access, physical reach, low government spending, healthcare endangered middlemen, securing the internet of things, precision medicine, economic challenges, big data, continual themes in management. There are some improvement ideas to solve issues of health care systems.

It has been recommended to eliminate issues of healthcare systems in UK:

National standards of care: It is has been advisable that development and implement national standards for examination by which nurses, doctors and pharmacists are able to practice and get employment .

Provide medical insurance: It is suggested that government and health care authorities can put efforts to provide facility of health insurance to patents. From private insurance get proposals by companies and the government in a manner to gives medical insurance coverage to the population

Innovative technology: It has been recommended that new and advanced technological equipments should be consider by care practitioners in terms of improving health care system of country. It is favourable to make proper decision making ad support professionals to manage their work load easily. However, they can attend every patient carefully with proper time that I suitable to deliver desired care services for their being.

Uses of medical information- It has been advisable that to promote the use of information supported on medicine, guidance and prescript protocols and electronic prescribing in patient or outpatient scope. This is manageable though the implementation in time, transparency, quality management, patient safety, efficacy, encourage healthcare data collection, efficiency and appropriateness of care.

Measure quality level of the organisation- It has been suggested that the physician has been aspect as the leader of medicine, with responsibility for that care and outcomes of patients, in iconic photographs and paintings, the physician is seen as lone, heroic figure. Nevertheless, this focusing on person is blemished for most activity of quality and existing significant methods and challenges. They recommending a centring point on measuring ending rather than care procedure, including examination or other formulation to acquire the position of patients on the care they obtain to be an necessary constituent of such conclusion.

Use concept of rapid- learning healthcare systems- It has been advisable that, initiatory to encourage execution measurement essential to attached by help to modify care. As such, quality measurement must be potential as just one constituent of a acquisition scheme which consider as forward the science of quality improvement, capacity to improve care, building providers, creating formal accountability systems, transparently reporting performance. For example, publicly reportable ending measures, care workers provides hospitals with database of patients who are enclosed in computation and calculation.

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