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Luke Bailey

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About Writer

After completing Ph.D. in Hospitality & Tourism Management, I started offering academic writing services to the college students and have successfully delivered numerous projects in the last 10 years. I hold expertise in all the subjects that come under Tourism Management, and some of them are Tourism Strategy, Eco-Tourism, Medical Tourism, Hospitality, Educational Tourism, etc. Hire me to score brilliant grades in any of your academic paper related to this field.


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Work History and Feedback


Hospitality and Tourism Operating Systems

I'm thankful to Luke for being such a great support. I don't think I would have completed my assignment without his guidance. Good job done!


International Tourism Marketing

I was satisfied with the document that I received. It was just what I wanted and had all the necessary details. Thank you so much!


Tourism Social Science

Thanks for delivering me a well researched assignment, I topped in my class. Highly recommended Writer!


Tourism Development

A friend recommended me to Luke for my research paper and I'm proud of my decision. Thanks for helping me to score amazing grades.


Destinations Management & Marketing

Thanks for helping me to select the topic for my dissertation, I'm hoping to get good grades out of it.


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Topic Creation USD 4.04
Outline USD 9.75
Unlimited Revisions USD 21.6
Editing / Proofreading USD 29.26
Formatting USD 8.36
Bibliography USD 7.66

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