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Unit 4 Research Project - Trailfinders

University: UKCBC College

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 26 / Words 6474
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1344
Question :

In formulating the research there are further questions which are required to be addressed being mentioned below:

  • Outline the research specification with critical view and appropriate plan led by Trailfinders.
  • Provide the investigation and the relevant data that helps in investigating the specification of the trailfinders.
  • Analyse and justify the recommendations for all original research specifications.
  • Evaluate the media and their outcomes to manage research on Trailfinders audience.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Trailfinders


Today technology has developed so far, it changes life in every field. It includes transportations where aeroplane help people in reaching the places in short period of interval. Similarly, growth of mobile technology in tourism sector give various advantage to people to travel in whole world (Adekola and Sergi, 2016). With this assistance, they can access internet, book online services, make easy payment through e-wallets etc. The present research is going to make an investigation on impact of technology on travel and tourism sector. For this purpose, Trailfinders has been taken, which deals in travel sector of UK. It has specialised in tailormade travel and near about 34 travel centres in all over the world. This assignment is majorly focuses on implementation of mobile application in business. With this assistance, different types of research methodologies are used to analyse its impact on business profitability.

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1.1 Research project outline specifications

Technology has played an important role in travel and tourism sector, over the last decade. It has made easy to promote business, reach potential customers, enhance operational efficiencies and more. In this regard, both people and organisations can get benefits from developed technologies, improved communication and reservations through online techniques. This research work is based on a specific research aim, where questions are addressed by carrying out a detailed investigation (Al-Mubaraki and Busler, 2013). In this regard, entire activities of research are performed on basis of aims and objectives, which are designed in beginning. This would aid researchers in carrying out investigation in appropriate and right direction.

The essential topic of present research is: "The impact of technology in travel and tourism sector". A case study on Trailfinders.

The project is based on the role of technology in travel and tourism sector in enhancing growth and business success. Trailfinders is considered as a large company that deals in the sector of travel and tourism and since then they are providing effective services and facilities to its customers. Therefore, latest technologies aid this company in enhancing its business operations and providing effective services to customers. In this regard, the main aim and objectives of this research are given as below:-

Research Aim

To analyse the impact of digital technology on travel and tourism industries. A case study on Trailfinders Limited.

Research Objectives

  • To identify the concept of emerging digital technology in the sector of travel industries.
  • To examine the impact of digital technology within the business of Trailfinders Ltd.
  • To determine the benefits of digital technology for Trailfinders Ltd.
  • To ascertain the barriers which may arise while implementation digital technologies within business of Trailfinders.

Research Question

  • What is the concept of emerging digital technology in the sector of travel industries.
  • What is the impact of digital technology within the business of Trailfinders Ltd?
  • What are the main benefits of digital technology for Trailfinders Ltd.?
  • Which are the barriers that can arise while implementing digital technologies within business of Trailfinders?

1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of project selection

It is considered as the most essential part of a research part which represents the way by which entire activities will implement in desired manner. Some factors that contributes to the process of project are evaluated as beneath:

Introduction: It is an initial phase of research which describes the main purpose behind investigation. It describes the main aims and objectives which are to be achieved by conduct various activities specifically (Birley and Moreland, 2014). This fundamental part also aid researchers to determine the issues they have to be addressed for achievement.

Literature Review: It is the second important part of research where research questions are addressed. For this purpose, project-makers carry out in-depth analysis by evaluating the perception of various authors and professionals. In this regard, data is collected by using various methods of secondary research. It includes books and journals, websites, newspapers and more, where both published and unpublished data can be found.

Research Methodology: It encompasses with various tools and techniques that aid researchers to collect, organise and analyse the data in appropriate manner. This would aid project makers to carry out deep investigation and valid outcomes as well.

Data Analysis: It is further part of research where data is gathered either in the form of primary or secondary data analysis. In this regard, through questionnaire and interview methods, researchers collect accurate and reliable information (Edgell Sr, 2016). While secondary research helps in getting detailed information from the point of views of authors and other experts on particular topic.

Recommendation: Under this part of project, some recommendation has provided to company by which it can make modification in business appropriately.

Conclusion: It is the last and main part of research which entails the outcomes as well as summarised entire report. It describes what has concluded by carrying out entire activities of research. recommendations are also provided as to make appropriate changes to addressing the issue of the research in appropriate manner.

1.3 A critical review of key references

It is considered as the most essential part of a investigation report, which covers a theoretical evaluation of research questions (Williams, 2014). For this purpose, view point of professionals who have made research on same topic has been analysed. In context with present research which is based on analysing the impact of technology on travel and tourism sector, literature review has conducted in following manner:-

Concept of emerging digital technology in the sector of travel industries:

According to perceptions of Kounavis, Kasimati and Zamani (2012), it has evaluated that advancement in technologies and proliferation of digital technology, have made the business of travel industries more dynamic. People can get even more choices related to travel facilities, personalised services as well as inspirational brands for meeting travel expectations. In this regard, digital technology in the sector of travel industries has changed the way of searching and booking services for people. They can book their aeroplane tickets, booking in hotels and other travel services more easily with the help on digital technologies. Similarly, digital media like chatbots have made an advanced dimension for taking travellers experience to next level. It helps airlines and travel companies like Trailfinders to handle travellers transactions booking, boarding passes and more easily. It includes facilitating searching and booking, enhancing tourists experience during travel and lastly taking feedback from them as well.

Impact of digital technology within the business of Trailfinders Ltd:

As per view points of Law et. al. (2015), it has ascertained that digital technology in travel industries explore out in three main themes- automation, authenticity and blockchain. It aids Trailfinders in making more effective strategic changes. Here, automation focuses more on physical tasks, where new technologies have emerged by innovations in artificial intelligence. It has expanded automation which modifies the landscape of employment, future of work in dynamic ways. In this regard, inter-connection of potential customers with businesses is also essential for enhancing travel experience. Therefore, using platform of digital technology, Trailfinders can make interaction with tourists and determine their preferences related to travel appropriately. This would create exciting opportunities for travelling agencies, hotels and agencies in enhancing their business (Xiang and et. al., 2015). Similarly, authenticity has also emerged as a buzzword in travel, it helps in translating a personal connection with travellers and places. While block-chain technology is changing the way of travel industries and how they interact with potential customers. It provides securities related to online payments, decreases scams and fraudulent transactions, etc. Therefore, it can be said that digital technology has helped travel industry in providing better customer experience by knowing the needs and requirements and providing services and facilities accordingly.

Benefits of digital technology for Trailfinders Ltd:

As per opinion and thoughts of Page (2014), it has evaluated that digital technology has played an important role in tourism industries, in improving its services and customer experience. It has replaced manpower with technological labour which reduces labour costs as well as avoid customer related issues also. In the field of marketing, internet has provided various advantages for online advertising. It includes social media, blogs and online purchasing which give customers to avail services of travel companies more easily. Similarly, through communication system, managers of Trailfinders can connect with multiple locations easily. By accessing information within a short period of interval, helps in enhancing guests experience. Here, customer's request, reservations, housekeeping information and more, can be found in single system.

Similarly, mobile devices and smartphone applications part of digital technology helped Trailfinders in providing updated information to customers. As today, 85% users use smartphones for planning their tours and amongst them 30% use mobile apps to find best deals (Why mobile app is important for travel industries, 2018). Therefore, by launching mobile applications, this company can aware customers about its offers, discounts, holiday packages etc. This will leads to enhance sales performance and profitability of business more easily. In this regard, Trailfinders have also adopted iMOBDEV Technologies which helps developing travel and tourism applications for substantial customer experience. Some other benefits gained by travel companies by technology development are- Security, Relevance, Sustainability, Scalability and Efficiency. As people trust travel operators related to protect their personal information like credit card, contact numbers, billing address etc. Furthermore, CRM programs consolidate customer's data, automate payments, account management and more. It leads to enhance practices which produces highest ratings and revenue.

Barriers which may arise while implementation digital technologies

According to view points of Soteriades (2012), it has ascertained that there are different barriers occurs when a company implement digital technologies. It includes integration issues, budget allocation, validation of investment, disruption, training requirement, limited resources etc. Bringing new technology within business affects other systems also. For example- To introduce cloud technology, Trailfinders has to replace its existing infrastructure which consumes much time and money. Similarly, budget allocation refers to another biggest challenge in front of IT leaders of Trailfinders (8 Business technology barriers and how to overcome from them, 2018). As implementing digital technology may required different kinds of user interface so that connection can be done effectively. So, companies who are dealing in the sector of travel and tourism have to make decisions related to allocation of cost at given time. It also includes evaluating which investment in technology will give best return also. Furthermore, another major issue that can be faced by Trailfinders is to convince investors and owners to replace existing technologies. Here, planning and scheduling for introducing technologies consider as a challenge if investors agreed to replace the existing techniques with new one. Along with this, managers of Trailfinders also need to provide training to existing employees after introducing digital technologies (Van der Wagen and White, 2018). This require much time and money for developing required skills of workers. The present travel company also needs to arrange adequate amount of resources for implementing new technologies and resolve above mentioned barriers, in right manner.

1.4 A research project specification

Understanding the concept of technologies and its impact on business, aid researchers of Trailfinders in enhancing its sales performance and improving efficiencies of business as well. A research project specification plays a crucial role in managing entire activities and its result in systematic manner. A proper outline specification helps in providing a right direction to project makers for addressing research questions appropriately (Van Manen, 2016). For this purpose, qualitative research technique has been used to gather relevant data. This would aid to make research design in descriptive manner. Furthermore, for data analysis, both primary and secondary sources are used to collect relevant and detailed information. It helps in obtaining the views and opinion of both experts and respondents through which valid conclusion can be drawn. Here, primary source provide methods like online and offline survey, questionnaire etc. to collect original data. While, literature review is conducted by using methods of secondary source such as books, journals, internet sources and so on.


2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis.

In order to carry out an investigation, project makers use the concept of research design. It is generally act as a framework or blueprint used to conduct specific research work. It also describes the entire details of procedures which is necessary to obtaining desired information. This data is mainly required to address research questions by analysing perceptions of different respondents. Research design is also defined as set of methods for collecting and interpreting measures of variables. In this regard, design of research explore type of study as descriptive, experimental, exploratory, meta-analytic, correlation and more (Sharpley and Telfer, 2015). Confirmatory research is used to tests a priori hypothesis i.e. prediction of outcomes which is made before beginning of measurement phase. While exploratory research seeks to generate hypothesis (posteriori) through examining a data-set. Similarly, Descriptive research helps in obtaining research by conducting questionnaire, personal interviews and taking observations.

Furthermore, research approach is another part of project that defines as a plan or procedure. It consists a detailed method of data collection, interpretation and analysis through which nature of research problems can be addressed. For this process, researchers can use any approach among two types of it, that are- Inductive and Deductive. Here, qualitative data includes inductive approach to carry out investigation. While deductive approach is used in quantitative data.

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures.

Quantitative research is generally uses to translate data into numerical manner, for statistically analysing the connection between what is known and what have to be learned. It allows researchers to generalise the result by measuring views and responses of sample population (Tukker and Tischner, 2017). Apart from this, quantitative research is used to conduct in-depth analysis of underlying reasons of a project. It uses secondary data to derive concepts, models and themes. Therefore, in order to get feedback of respondents and analyse perception of different professionals, project-makers used both qualitative and quantitative methods. In this regard, for gathering data, primary and secondary data methods are used. In primary research is used to collect original and reliable data. Under this process, questionnaire, online and offline survey, interviews and more, methods are used to gather data. While in secondary research, data is collected by analysing view points of different authors, who have already made investigation on same topic. These kind of published data can be found on different websites, books and journals, newspapers and so on.

2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate.

This part of research comprises as a powerful section which gives a significant and right direction to project-makers, for gathering reliable and accurate information. This data will help in analysing the perception and opinion of respondents who have participated in primary investigation. In general, this type of research is carried out by taking questionnaire method to get feedback of participants. In context with present research, 30 respondents are taken by project-team of Trailfinders to achieve its aims and objectives.


Q1) Are you aware about the concept of emerging technologies in travel and tourism?


  • Yes


  • No


Q2) Do you think technology has provided benefits to travel companies in enhancing tourism?


  • Yes


  • No


Q3) Does Trailfinders need to implement digital technologies within business?


  • Yes


  • No


Q4) Which technology is best for Trailfinders in improving its customer experience?


  • Chatbots


  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Cloud technology


Q5) What are the major barriers arise in implementing digital technology within Trailfinders?


  • Limited Resources


  • Budget Allocation


  • Validation of investment


Q6) Does communication technology help Trailfinders in reaching its targeted customers?


  • Yes


  • No


Q7) What are the main benefits Trailfinders can gain by use of advanced technologies in business processes?


  • Improve securities


  • Development in Tourism


  • Enhance sustainability of business


Q8) Do you think launching mobile applications aid Trailfinders in enhancing its sales performance?


  • Yes


  • No


Q9) Are you satisfied with services offered by Trailfinders?


  • Yes


  • No


Q10) Provide recommendation to Trailfinders for reducing the barrier which may arise during implementation of new technologies.


3.1 Use of appropriate research evaluation technique for study.

For evaluating the desired outcomes of a research, project makers of Trailfinders have used both formative and summative assessment methods (Kasimati and Zamani, 2012). In this regard, concept of these methods can be evaluated as beneath:

Formative Assessment: This part of research includes methods like identification of data, where researchers evaluate a method for making improvement. It helps in understanding how well activities of research are being delivered.

Summative Assessment: This part states information related to effectiveness of activity. Therefore, it is conducted after completion of research which help in determining whether such activities are needed to be continue or should end.

In this regard, present researchers use both formative and summative assessment technique to monitor the entire activities of research. In this regard, formative assessment is mandatory when investigators face unexpected outcomes as well as respond to some emergent properties. It enhances the implementation of certain project in desired manner and increase the chance of getting better achievements. The main intention of using formative assessment it to develop skills and knowledge of team-members. It is beneficial for developing plans for future, continuous improvement, provide quick feedback and more. While, summative assessment provides a guidance to complete each activity of research in desired manner.

3.2 Analysis and interpret results for determining original specifications.

Theme 1: People are aware with the concept of technologies in travel sector

Q1) Are you aware about the concept of emerging technologies in travel and tourism?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: Today, it becomes essential for all companies dealing in travel and tourism industry, to adopt latest technologies. It includes cloud computing, artificial intelligence, communication system etc. With the help of these technologies, travel companies like Trailfinders can enhance its business market more quickly. According to survey on 30 respondents, it has interpreted that major people i.e. 28 are familiar with concept of emerging technologies. While remaining 2 users are not much aware from the same.

Theme 2: Technology helps travel companies in enhancing tourism

Q2) Do you think technology has provided benefits to travel companies in enhancing tourism?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: With development of technologies, travel companies gain various opportunities in improving its services. They can easily make interaction with targeted customers, analyse their demand, preference, purchasing power etc. This would help in offering effective services to customers through which higher retention of them can be gained. It also give benefit to organisations in enhancing tourism, through which major profitability can be earned. In context with Trailfinders, it has interpreted from above mentioned graph that among 30 respondents, 25 are in favour with this statement. While, rest of respondents didn't support the same in terms of tourism development.

Theme 3: Trailfinders is required to adopt advanced technologies.

Q3) Does Trailfinders need to implement digital technologies within business?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: Since competition in travel industries is rising rapidly with the changes in business environment. Therefore, it becomes compulsory for each organisation including Trailfinders to introduce latest technologies within business. This would lead to improve operational activities, enhance customer experience, improve communication system and more. According to this mention graph, it has analysed that 23 respondents out of 30 are recommended to Trailfinders to adopt latest technologies. It will help in improving its operational activities and enhancing sales services. Other than this, 7 users are stated that for enhancing customer services, Trailfinders need to adopt effective strategies rather than to replace existing technologies. It includes hiring eligible workers, make changes in organisational system and more. This would lead to enhance productivity of workers and gain high satisfaction of tourists as well, by providing effective services to them.

Theme 4: Technologies aid Trailfinders in enhancing its customer experience

Q4) Which technology is best for Trailfinders in improving its customer experience?


  • Chatbots


  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Cloud technology


Interpretation: Today technology has developed so far that gives advantage to organisations in running business more appropriately. In context with travel industries, there are various technologies available which help in improving operational efficiencies, customer experience and more. It includes chatbots, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, internet of things etc. By leveraging these advancement of technologies, Trailfinders can easily satisfy as well as retain its customer base. This will aid to improve efficiencies of business and enhance profitability as well. As per this given graph, it has evaluated that among 30 respondents, 10 are believed that Chatbots is the best technology for Trailfinders. This provides instant support by mobile app, website, instant messaging and more, for responding towards customer's queries in quick manner.

While, other 10 users are in favour with Artificial Intelligence. It will take landscape of business by storm and owing to enormous benefits for business growth. With this assistance, Trailfinders can pump up its business process automation. It can also strike up interaction which are relevant to customers on individual basis. Other than this, remaining 10 respondents give support to Cloud Technology which will help in secure personal information of customers in confidential manner.

Theme 5: Different problems are faced by Trailfinders during implementation of technologies

Q5) What are the major barriers arise in implementing digital technology within Trailfinders?


  • Limited Resources


  • Budget Allocation


  • Validation of investment


Interpretation: In order to gain sustainability and thrive in a competitive marketplace, it is crucial for Trailfinders to constantly innovate its services. For this purpose, it has to make investment in technology on regular manner. This will lead to underpin both performance and progress of business for winning competitive advancement. But bringing new technologies is considered as a biggest challenges for organisations deal in travel sector. In this regard, for identifying the best technology, managers of Trailfinders has encountered with several barriers. It includes shortage of resources, allocation of budget and validation of investment. According to survey on 30 respondents, 12 are believed that limited resources is the main barrier for Trailfinders. While 8 have stated that budget allocation is the biggest issue while other 10 are in support with validation of investment.

Theme 6: Communication technology aid Trailfinders in enhancing its customer base

Q6) Does communication technology help Trailfinders in reaching its targeted customers?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: Industries within travel sector are needed to embrace latest technologies. As it helps in designing holiday packages more amazingly. With the help of social media and mobile techniques, travel companies like Trailfinders can reach potential customers. Along with this, information and communication system aid this company in making communication with tourists. It can analyse demand, preference, purchasing power and more of customers to give them best services. Similarly, latest technologies like chatbots and messenger app which have already taken off at a rapid rate, aid Trailfinders in developing long relationship with travellers. Thus, it can said that communication technology help travel agencies in improving their operational functions and enhancing customer base as well. According to survey as shown in above graph, among 30 respondents, 26 are in favour with the statement While remaining 4 users didn't give same perceptions for given statement.

Theme 7: Various benefits are gained by Trailfinders after implementation of emerging technologies

Q7) What are the main benefits Trailfinders can gain by advanced technologies?


  • Improve securities


  • Development in Tourism


  • Enhance sustainability of business


Interpretation: Today marketplace has set for emerging technologies like Google Assistant, streaming video, voice search through Siri, intelligent chatbots and more. These advancement of technologies has vastly enriched all stages of tourists' journey. Thus, it gives various advantages to not only travel agencies but also a country also. By giving best facilities to tourists aid Trailfinders in developing tourism. This will aid nations to improve and increase economy as well. Similarly, travel agencies also gain advantage to exceed customer satisfaction and gain their retention for longer period. As per given graph, among 30 respondents 12 are stated that improving security within business is considered as main benefits for Trailfinders. This would can be possible by cloud storage where personal information about customers' credit card, billing address and more, can be stored securely. While, 11 respondents have stated that using latest technologies within travel sector help in enhancing tourism. As it will help in providing best services to tourists and meet their requirement as well. Therefore, this will prove beneficial for both Trailfinders and UK in developing tourism within nation. Other than this, remaining 7 participants state that enhancing sustainability of business is the best beneficial part of bringing technologies.

Theme 8: Mobile applications help Trailfinders in increasing its sales

Q8) Do you think launching mobile applications aid Trailfinders in enhancing its sales performance?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: In order to promote business and create awareness among customers about services, it is beneficial for Trailfinders to develop mobile applications. By launching mobile apps, this company can provide information to travellers about holiday packages, pricing strategies, discounts and offers etc. This would aid in enhancing sales performance and gain high competitive advancement as well. According to view points of 22 participants as shown in given graph, it has interpreted that launching mobile applications help Trailfinders in enhancing its sales performance. While remaining 8 users are in favour with same statement. They have suggested to adopt other technologies like chatbots and messengers to develop interaction with targeted audience and provide information about products or services. This will lead to gain high benefits for travel agencies in enhancing their customer base.

Theme 9: People are not satisfied with services offered by Trailfinders

Q9) Are you satisfied with services offered by Trailfinders?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: In order to know about position of business or measure brand effectiveness, Trailfinders has made a survey on 30 respondents. It has interpreted from this survey which is shown in above graph that 20 participants are satisfied with services of Trailfinders. While, other 20 users have demanded to create some changes in operational services to bring efficiencies in business. By introducing technologies like mobile applications, this agency can develop proper communication with tourists. This will aid to offer holiday packages as per demand of targeted audience.


It has concluded from this report that with development of technology, travel agency has gained various advantage in getting satisfied customers. By using advanced technologies like AI, Social Media, Cloud Computing and more, travel industries can bring efficiencies in their business. This will help in enhancing tourism as well as getting satisfaction of customers. It bring efficiencies in entire activities of business like marketing, promoting and developing connection with potential customers. Through proper usage of technologies like chatbots and social media, travel agencies can determine demand of tourists in appropriate manner. This would aid in offering amazing holiday packages and providing best deals to customers. Along with this, among all incredible technologies, Artificial Intelligence can provide better services to customers. It includes services related to hotel bookings on given time and date, airline tickets, transportation and more, can be analysed more better by artificial intelligence programs. Through this assignment, it has concluded that for obtaining higher outcomes and reducing the chance of error and risk minimisation, researchers use various evaluation techniques. It includes formative and summative assessment methods. These techniques help in reducing errors while completing activities and monitor each process for improving effectiveness of a project. If you are worried about online assignment help UK from expert writers. Contact now.

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Through this research, it has been analysed that for every organization, it is essential to implement digital technology within business. This would help in developing connection with respective customers, promoting brand and running business smoothly. Therefore, It is recommended to Trailfinders to launch mobile application in Asian, European and Australian marketplace. Since in UK and other countries, there is an intense competition in travel and tourism sector. So, by implementing digital technologies and launching mobile application, managers of respective company can provide information about various holiday packages, discounts and offers to targeted customers. This would help in enhancing its sales performance and getting retention of loyal customers for longer period. In addition to this, technologies like chatbots and different platforms of social media, its managers can develop better communication with targeted audience. It will give opportunities to better understanding the customers related to their preference, demands and needs for travelling a place. The main purpose behind recommending digital technology to respective company is that it makes able to Trailfinders to reach its customers. By following above mentioned recommendation, this company can get opportunities to gain sustainability in business and gain high competitive advantage as well.


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