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Relationship Between Variables and Evaluating Data

University: UKBC College London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4129
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 1296



Research can be defined as searching new facts about the topic. Research methodology is a systematic pattern of defining problem and gaining insight details about the subject matter. There are various methods that are used by scholar in order to conduct investigation in a systematic manner. These techniques are helpful in establishing relationship between variables and evaluating data in order to answer research questions (Rendón and Ravanpeykar, 2017).

Research philosophy

Research philosophy is a basic belief system that helps in the development of knowledge and in defining philosophical paradigm. There are three main types of philosophies i.e. positivism, interpretivism and realism. Positivism is a type of method that is based on observing social reality. It describes the topic from objective point of view. On the other hand, interpretivism is another tool that highly depends upon human nature and role of participants in investigation. It emphasises more on the viewpoints of human beings in order to know more about real facts (Kamil and, 2016). Realism is another kind of method that is based on scientific inquiry. In the present research i.e. on impact of digital technologies on brick and mortar business, scholar has taken support of interpretivism philosophy. This has supported in involving theories and human beings into study so that subjective information can be gathered about the topic. This has helped individuals in answering research questions and reaching to the final results (Fogarty and Ramjan, 2017).

Research design

Research design is an outline of entire project that describe planning of researcher in order to carry out the investigation on particular topic. Descriptive design is a type of method that describes each element and ensures to provide a clear picture of research topic. On the other hand, exploratory design is another type of method that is generally applied in the type of investigation when researcher has to explore ideas and need to find out new facts about topic (Warr and, 2016). Experimental design is a method that makes experiments in order to find out answers. In the present study, scholar has applied descriptive research design. This has helped individuals in gathering information about digital empowerment of consumers and the way it impacts on brick and mortar business.

Research approach

Inductive and deductive are two main types of approaches. Both these tools have unique characteristics as well as they are being used in different studies. Inductive reasoning concentrates on the theories and models. In this, individual conducts study in generalisation manner while, on the other hand, deductive is another kind of method that formulates hypothesis (Nugroho and Dharmawan, 2017). Researcher tests these hypothesis in order to answer the research questions. Inductive technique is based on the observations and on developing theory whereas, in deductive approach, research test theory is applied. In the present study, scholar has applied inductive research approach. It is suitable for the present topic because by this way, individual has become able to involve theories related to digital empowerment of consumers and researcher has find out answers about the way these technologies are influencing business performance of brick and mortar business (García-Hinde and, 2018).

Data collection methods

It is the most important part of research project whenever scholar conducts study on a particular topic. It is essential to have reliable data that can enhance the understanding of researcher about topic. There are two main methods i.e. primary and secondary. Primary data collection sources are such tools that concentrate on the real facts about subject matter. It tries to find out the real situation so that research questions can be addressed in an effective manner. On the other hand, secondary data collection sources are other methods in which scholar uses already available data such as books, journals and internet articles in order to gather details about subject matter (Edwards and, 2016). In the present project, researcher has applied questionnaire technique. This is the type of primary resource that helps in enhancing in-depth understanding of researcher about subject matter. By conducting questionnaire from consumers and business persons, researcher has got to know about digital empowerment and the way digital technologies are influencing business performance of brick and mortar business.


Sampling is a process of choosing appropriate people who can give accurate answers about the research questions (Ho, 2014). In order to conduct research on digital empowerment of consumers and its impact on brick and mortar business, scholar has taken support of random sampling technique. This is suitable for the present research because by this way, individual has become able to get answers without biasness. Scholar has selected 15 managers of Brick and mortar business and 15 consumers who buy products from retail stores. Both are able to give accurate answers about digital empowerment and the way it influences performance of company (Janghorban, Roudsari and Taghipour, 2014).

Data Analysis

Data analysis is a type of technique that evaluates data and find out answers of research questions. There are two main data analysis methods that are used in different kinds of studies. In qualitative type of project, scholar generally takes support of thematic analysis technique. In this, individual prepares themes and interpret these data (Nugroho and Dharmawan, 2017). On the other hand, in quantitative type of studies, researcher takes support of statistical analysis method in which individual uses SPSS. In the present research, individual has taken support of thematic analysis method. This has helped scholar in preparing themes on the basis of digital empowerment and identifying facts about how digital technologies are influencing performance of brick and mortar business.

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Ethical considerations

It is an essential part of research project, it helps researcher in minimizing complexity and conducting study in an ethical manner (Rendón and Ravanpeykar, 2017). Investigator has taken care of ethical aspects and got permission by sending consent form. They have signed this consent form and given written permission. Scholar has given rights to each respondent to skip any question that they do not want to answer. Participants are given with respect and individual has not used any wrong word during research. Furthermore, scholar has taken care of issue of plagiarism and thus, translated all details in own words. Individual has not forced any person to give their views or response on questions; all people were aggressively agree to share their opinions about the research topic (García-Hinde and, 2018).  


Theme 1: Digital empowerment of consumers is impacting the business performance

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 8 out of 15 respondents have viewed that they are agreed that digital empowerment of consumers is imp[acting business performance of Brick and motor business. On other hand 5 out of 15 answerers have replied that they are strongly agreed that such digital empowerment is affecting functioning of these organizationals. Whereas 1 out of 15 participant has viewed that they are disagreed with this point. From the above detail it can be interpreted that digital empowerment of consumers are creating issue for brick and motor business because digital technologies help clients in comparing products and getting cheaper goods. That is why people do not prefer to purchase retail products from brick and motor retail shops.

Theme 2: Digital empowerment of consumers contributing to failing brick motor business revenue

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 6 out of 15 respondents are agreed that digital empowerment of consumers contribute to fail revenues of brick and motor business. On other hand 5 out of 15 participants have replied that they are strongly agreed with this point. From the above data it can be interpreted that due to high use of digital technologies consumers search their products online. They get benefit of getting cheaper products online. That is why interest of buyers towards online shopping is very high which decreases revenues of brick and motor business to great extent.

Theme 3: Mobile applications allow consumers to interact effectively with the brand

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: There are 7 out of 15 participants those who are agreed that mobile applications support companies in making effective communication with consumers. By this way these people get to know more about products and services of brand. On other hand 2 out of 15 respondents have said that they are disagreed with this view because many times companies fail to give quick response on mobile applications. From the above detail it can be interpreted that mobile applications are effective in order to develop strong relationship with consumers and making them aware with products and services of business.

Theme 4: Technology can give wings to customisation

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the data recording it is found that 6 out of 15 answerers have replied that they are agreed that technologies give wings to customisation. On other hand 5 out of 15 participants have replied that it does not give wings to customisation. Whereas 2 out of 15 respondents have said that they are strongly disagreed that technology gives wings to customisation.

Theme 5: Digital technologies are helpful in improving products quality and satisfying consumers

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 7 out of 15 participants have replied that digital technologies are effective in improving product's quality. Whereas 5 out of 15 respondents are strongly agreed that it helps in satisfying consumers. From the above details it can be interpreted that use of digital technologies are helpful in identifying needs of consumers and providing them goods in such manner so that their requirements can be accomplished. This helps in making necessary changes in practices so that overall quality of products can be improved.

Theme 1: Digital technologies give facility or freedom to switch towards other brand if products are not satisfactory

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 9 out of 15 answerers have replied that they are agreed that digital technologies are giving facilities to consumers to switch brand if they are not satisfied with one company. On other hand 2 out of 15 participants have said that they are disagreed with this point that it is not possible to switch brand for clients. From the above detail it can be interpreted that if people are not happy with products of one entity then they can buy products of other entity because there are many brands available on internet which gives high quality products and services. Consumers can purchase products from entity which offer them satisfactory products and services.

Theme 2: Use of digital technologies are convenient for shopping.

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 7 out of 15 participants have viewed that they are agreed that it is very convenient to shop online for consumers. On other hand 5 out of 15 respondents have viewed that use of technologies are helpful in comparing various products and making correct buying decision. Whereas 2 out of 15 answerers have replied that it is not convenient option because there are high chance of occurring fraud. From the above detail it can be interpreted that Digital technologies are helpful and convenient option for shopping because by this way consumers can get variety of products at affordable prices.

Theme 3: Shopping by using internet and other technologies are faster and give more monitory benefits

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: from the above data it is found that 6 out of 15 participants have replied that they are agreed that internet shopping is effective tool because it helps the person in getting more discounts and buy products at less time. On other hand 3 out of 15 respondents have said that it is not a good method because online transactions increases chances of occurring fraud.

Theme 4: Use of digital techniques for shopping are safe and secure

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 6 out of 15 participants have replied that they are disagreed that use of digital technologies for shopping is not safe because many hackers hack personal and confidential information of individual. On other hand 4 out of 15 respondents have said that they are agreed that digital technologies are safe because companies ensure to keep personal information of consumers secure.

Theme 5: Digital technologies of online shopping platform you can get high quality products at best prices

Strongly agree






Strongly disagree


Interpretation: From the above data it is found that 7 out of 15 answerers have said that they are agreed that digital technologies helps consumers in getting high quality products at affordable rates. On other hand 3 out of 15 respondents are disagreed that people get good quality goods at lower rates. From the above detail it can be interpreted that online shopping gives benefit to customers to get high quality products at best prices. That is why most of the people get attracted towards online shopping due to which revenues of brick and motor business can decreased.


From the above research it is analysed that digital technologies have increased competition in the market. In such condition it has become difficult for brick and motor business that to sustain in the market for longer duration. Consumers like to buy products online by using these technologies. This supports them in comparing various brand and making sound purchase decision. When individual buy products from physical stores then it gives social and tactile experience of the person. But online shopping aids then in getting unique products at affordable prices. Earlier many people buy products from brick and motor business but it was time consuming process, now digital technologies have given benefits to clients to shop in less time and compare various brands before making final decisions. Hat is why interest of buyers towards online shopping is increasing day by day. Social networking sites, website etc. are various options through which individual get information about brand. These technologies e make them aware with variety of brand and influence their decision as well. Consumers can communicate with consumers on these sites easily. This supports them in making sound purchase judgement. Are you required assignment helper with chat support. Please Contact.

Physical stores are unable to meet expectation of buyers. Because these retail stores offer limited products and services to buyers whereas in online shopping people get variety of options. Furthermore, e-commerce business offer home deliver facility and exchange benefit if consumers are not satisfied with products and services.  But many people believe that buying goods from online platform is quit unsecure. When individual enters their personal and account detail then there are high chance of misusing these detail by hackers. This has created fear in the mind of consumers. There are many companies which are taking support of mobile technologies. This application plays significant role in organization, this assist in making strong communication with buyers and influencing their decisions. Through digital technologies companies make their audience aware with monitory and non monitory benefits that they can get from buying products of particular company. This helps consumers in raising their quarries and getting immediate solution for these issues. Entities always ensure to identify needs of buyers and provide them goods and services as per their requirements. This is the way that helps in satisfying consumers and retaining them in organization for longer duration.  Digital empowerment are changing mind of buyers and that are getting motivated to buy products online. This is affecting overall performance of brick and motor business to great extent.

Conclusion and Recommendations


Technological changes are necessary for the growth of business unit. Brick and motor business are unable to attract more consumers towards the brand because of increasing trend of online shopping. Technologies have changed perception of consumers and they are able to buy high quality products at affordable rates. This platform offer them home delivery services which saves time and money of consumers as well. Digital empowerment impacts on consumer's choice and they do not prefer to buy goods from retail stores. That is the main reason of declining sales of brick and motor business. Implementation of digital technologies allow companies in enhancing communication with buyers and identifying their needs. By this way organization can offer them goods and services as per their requirements. Use of digital technologies are convenient option of customers but due to increasing internet fraud many people do not prefer to shop online. In such condition they go to physical stores to buy their items. Brick and motor business fails to offer them wide rage of products of various brand that sometimes demotivate buyers and influence their decision as well.


  • Brick and motor businesses should take support of mobile application, social networking sites. This will aid in making effective communication with consumers and identifying their needs. By this way companies will be able to offer them satisfactory goods and services. This can make them positive towards the brand and can retain consumers for longer duration.
  • Brick and Motor business should implements effective marketing strategies that can gain attention of mass audience. They should offer consumers attractive discounts so that they feel happy and like to shop from physical stores.

Lesson learnt

This research has increased knowledge of researcher about various research technologies and methods that are used in order to conduct investigation in effective manner. Scholar has learnt rationale of applying inductive approach in any study. This study has improved communication skills of researcher and individual has become able to interact with respondents easily. Earlier to that person was not good in coordinating well with others but as in this research scholar had to coordinate with business managers and consumers in order to gather primary information. That has helped individual in improving communication skill to great extent. Furthermore, technical skills of researcher also get improved to some extent.

It has been learnt that investigator can apply deductive research approach on the same topic. Person can formulate hypotheses and can test these hypotheses. This will help in getting more authentic and accurate results. Use of quantitative analysis methods can be better in order to enhance reliability and can help in gaining more specific results.


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