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Importance of Employee Training

University: London School of Commerce

  • Unit No: 1
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5616
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: BCRSH-706-1507
  • Downloads: 1071
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Explain each idea and specify the method in which that data is collected. For instance: surveys, experiments, interviews, focus groups, and many more.
  • Generate the attributes of research and state the objectives relating to it.
  • Vodafone is a telecommunication company. State the ethical issues and responsibilities in the company.
  • Elaborate on the differences between quantitative and qualitative data collection.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Vodafone

Task 1

Background of research proposal and Literature review


In a globalised world, every business organisation focus on improving workers performance because the overall success of company is based on workers. This is the reason that employees are the asset for every organisation who contributes their best efforts to accomplishing their set goals and objectives in stipulated time frame. In this regards, employee training is consider as an effective program that is develop to enhance skills, efficiency, value creation and knowledge of workers to perform their specific task activities in an effective manner. Mainly, training is one of the important activity that organise by every organisation with the aim of making their workers more productive (Anitha, 2014). This will directly contributes in developing positive brand image at market place. Main advantage of implementing training programs is to prepare workers to meet their set targets and also provide new and innovative ways to execute their job responsibilities in a systematic manner. Current research is based on Vodafone Malta, is a famous Maltese mobile network operator of British multinational telecommunications provider Vodafone. Company provide communication provider to its large number of customers in order to improve their performance level. The main focus of this company evaluate the employee training needs and also develop training programs to meet these needs. In this company provide better training and development programs to make them able to handle all the requirements of customers. This can be beneficial in attaining set objectives in allotted period of time.

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Rationale of research

The main reason behind this research is to determine the significance of employee training and its affect on organisation productivity. This research topic provide vast knowledge to investigator that support them in evaluating the effective ways to resolve specific issue in effective way (Hameed, Ramzan and Zubair, 2014). Along with this, it also support in increasing skills and knowledge of investigator that directly contributes in executing research activities in successful way. This research provide depth analysis on the basis of effectiveness of employee training that directly contributes in increasing the possibilities of attaining pre-determined targets.

Purpose of the research

The main purpose of this research is to analysis Importance of employee training and its impact over organisation performance (Paillé and et. al., 2014). It focus on evaluating the effective ways to evaluate the actual impact of training that support them in developing employees productivity to attain success. With the assistance of this, firm can easily accomplishing their target and enhance their positive performance.

Literature review

It is a review that consist the scholarly sources that is as from journals, books, magazines, theses etc. that is required while conducting the new research. Literature review is a review that is already published in the market and that is helpful for the researcher as they get to know about the different relative factors of their research. Literature review includes the analysing, evaluation and monitoring of the scholarly books and journals that is relevant and related to the objective of the research (Birasnav, 2014). It develop the question that is related to the research and includes both summary and synthesis. Summary is the brief of the information that is collected from the scholarly while synthesis includes the re-building or re-creation of the information that is collected from the scholarly.

Significance of employee training

As per the viewpoint of Emma O'Neill (2020), employee training has been performed in the business for the practical reasons as to manage and balance the standard of the business in the market, to provide the knowledge to the new hiring of the company, manage the technical up-gradation. It is most critical factor of an organisation that also builds the strong relationship with the other employees or colleagues. Training provides the rewards and development of both company and an employee. Training is very much important for the company as it enhances the employees engagement with that they become more participative. Enhances the performance of the employee as because as much they train that much efficiency has been increased. It provides the growth to the business with that employee retention also increases because as much the employee get learn new thing that much their capabilities and work-performance enhances. If employee found growth and development in the business thus they always retain in the company and never switch to other business. It also address the weakness of the employee thus company provides the training as per the need and requirement of the business.

As per the viewpoint of Palistha maharjan (2018), employee training is a program that is conducted to enhance the skills and knowledge of an employee with that also combines with the requirement of the company. Training plays the vital in the growth and development of an employee as well as company but some people thought that training is a wastage of time and also takes lot of amount. For that Palistha measures some importance that are as it expels the weakness of the employees as everyone is not have the same kind of skills as all have some weaknesses. For that training helps to resolve the weakness and enhances the performance of the employees. Training helps to endure in the competitive market as there are various businesses that performs same level of products and services that insert more competition. Thus training helps to apply all the advancement in the business in an easiest manner. It also enhances the productivity of the company as after taking the training employee introduce that in their daily schedule where they induce that training in different task and activities that is performed in the business. Thus that enhance the efficiency of the employees that ultimately increase the quality of the product and services of the company. Check out dissertation examples to get further references for your dissertation.

Different training strategies

As per the viewpoint of Lin Grensing-Pophal (2018), training is most essential part of the business as it not only enhance the skills of employee but with that also increase the productivity of the business. Training helps to achieve the goals and target of an individual or the company and provides the relevance and morale to the employees. As they think that if company provides a lot of time in training and development with that spend a lot of money to provide the training thus they get a form form security. There are different strategies of training as it may provides by an complete analysis of need and want of business. If company needs to provide the training then they analyse the requirement and then according to that plan the best way to provide the training. It also provides by analysing the gaps within the business that is measured by comparing the skills and knowledge of employee with the market competency. The training must be provided by making of complete plan as how to conduct and for whom to conduct,

As per the viewpoint of George N. Root (2020), training strategies is been introduced in the business to attain the goal of the company and to training is provided to enhance the performance of an employees that make the most skilled and knowledgable staff. Leadership training is one of the type of training in which manager trains the employee by providing the knowledge on daily basis. And manager conducts different session in which they provide general information that is beneficial for the company to measured the long-term growth and success. Peer training is in which on-job training has been provided that reduces the extra time and cost of training. In this company chooses some employees who have higher knowledge and experience then they further helps the other employee and resolve their issues that is created on daily basis. It is a training in which step-by-step experienced is gained that enhance the performance of the company. Role playing is a kind of training that is provided or conducted at every stage of business as it is provided to those who are in direct contact with the customers and satisfy the need and demand of the customers.

Relationship between employees training and organisational overall productivity

As per the viewpoint of Sanja Pekovic (2017), employee training and overall productivity and organisational productivity enhances the performance of both employee and company. It has been stated that if company invest some of the amount for to provide training to the employees thus employees also understand the aspects of training that lead the overall productivity of an organisation. Total quality management and environmental practices (the capability of an organisation to perform different task in effective manner) that combined enhance the performance of an employee. Quality management includes the up-gradation of level of training in which that is provided in an effective manner, deals to reduce the the scarcity of the resources, maintenance of the documents of operations that has been applied within an organisation. With that the employees who has trained get more aware about getting prescription from the damage and injuries, also improvised the productivity of the employees. It also builds the strong relation with the other employees as training induces the strong engagement and participation of the employees. And as much the employees know about the different factors of the business that improvised in an effective outcome.

As per the viewpoint of Tina Kanti Agustiady (2018), total productive maintenance is a process by which the wastage has been reduced and there is a development and creation of balance and qualitative production. In this company reduces the different wastage and loop holes of the business with that remove the breakdowns of the business. That is reduced by using effective communication where top level management helps the lower and middle level management about how to improvise the efficiency of an organisation. It helps to reduce the defects to 0% and with that it enhance the engagement of an employees that improvised the productivity of the company. And if employees get the best equipment to deal with that automatically enhance their performance and with that company measures the growth and development.

It has been concluded from the above literature review that research gap has been evaluated that helps the researcher to conduct the research in the future and that is beneficial for them as to get the relevance that is helpful to relate their research. Researcher analyse the different types of training that is directly related to the performance of the employees and for that researcher used scholarly like articles, books, journals, etc. Whereas, researcher is not able to analyse that which type of training is beneficial for the ongoing condition of an employee. That is the major gap that is addressed by the researcher and to resolve that researcher must conduct interviews, survey, questionnaire and observation as well. Get free examples of assignments from our experts!


Idea behind selecting of research topic

Research Topic: This research is based on employee training and its importance over organisational performance. With the use of different articles, books etc. sources, researcher has analysed different types of training and its impact on employee performance. But they won't get able to describe which type of training is more suitable as per the current state of an individual employee. It is a main gape and to address this gap, researcher has different idea such as using interview, observation and questionnaire (Flick, 2015).

Interview: It is an effective method of data collection which helps investigator in gathering of primary information about the topic from participants. For this idea, 10 managers of Vodafone Malta could be selected. In this method, number of open-ended questions can be prepare for collecting and analysing data regarding the current study (Wiek and Lang, 2016).

Observation: This is another method that could be use for addressing above mentioned research gap in systematic manner. For this 8 respondents can be taken into consideration.

Questionnaire: This is another idea for addressing research gap in systematic and effective manner. It is a primary data collection method that support researcher in gathering of reliable and valid data about the study. 40 employees of Vodafone Malta is a selected sample size for this idea (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013).

B. K&U 3 -Attributes of the research topic

Rationale of the research: Main rationale behind selecting this research topic is to determine the significance of employee's training on their performance. It is a biggest reasons that helps in completion of each tasks of study in systematic manner. This research is important for researcher by improving its researcher skills like literature review, data collection, time management and data analysis. These skills supports the researcher to complete each task or activity of study within a given time period (Green, Camilli and Elmore, 2012).

Research Idea: Above mentioned all ideas such as observation, questionnaire and interview are effective for addressing research gap. In order to address research gap in current study, questionnaire is more suitable and appropriate method of data collection from the employees. Main reason for using questionnaire for this research gap is to collect appropriate information about the importance of different types of training for employees according to their performance (Kumar, 2019).

C. S&E 1 - Transformation of a research idea

Research Questions

  • What is the significance of employee training within an organisation?
  • What are the different training strategies that could be employ by Vodafone Malta to provide training to workers?
  • What is the relationship between employees training and organisational overall productivity?

Research Objectives

  • To study the significance of employee training within an organisation
  • To identify different training strategies that could be employ by company to provide training to workers.
  • To examine the relationship between employees training and organisational overall productivity.

D. K&U 1 - Research Stages

Requirement of stages to carried out research: In order to carried out this research, there is requirement of some stages which are introduction, development of aims and objectives, literature review, research methodology, submission of research proposal, data collection, data analysis, conclusion and recommendation, reflection and submission of final report. These are main activities in research stages that would require to carried out by researcher (Mackenzie and et. al., 2012).

Describe each of the different research stages

  • Introduction: It is a first stage that includes entire information about the topic.
  • Aims and Objectives: Under this stage, researcher set an effective aims and objectives that would help in completion of study in systematic manner.
  • Literature review: In this stage, number of sources such as articles, books etc. are used for gathering secondary and in-depth information about the employees training.
  • Research methodology: Number of methods such as quantitative research, positivism philosophy, probability sampling etc. method would be used for collecting reliable data from the selected respondents.
  • Data Collection: Questionnaire would be applied for gathering quantitative information regarding the study.
  • Data analysis: Content analysis is suitable and appropriate method for analysis quantitative data easily (Mackey and Gass, 2015).

E. A&A 3b -Project planning tools

Gantt Chart is an useful and effective tool that assist an investigator in identification of starting and ending data for completing each task of study. Under this tool, various activities included with their starting as well as ending data (Walliman, 2017).



A. K&U 4 -Differences between the quantitative and qualitative data

Differences between qualitative and quantitative research

Basis for comparison

Qualitative research

Quantitative research


It is an effective method of inquiry that mainly develops an appropriate understanding on social and human sciences, to analysis the way people feel and think (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015).

This is an another method that is applied to generate hard facts and numerical information, by using statistical and logical techniques.


Main purpose of this research is to identify and discover ideas that is followed in the ongoing process.

Main objective of this study is to explore causes and relationship between dependent and independent variables.


Group discussion, interview etc. are consider main method of collecting qualitative data.

Observation, survey, questionnaire etc. are main methods that helps researcher in gathering of quantitative information.

Research approaches: This selection of research method are categorised into two sections which are data collection and data analysis. For gathering data, there are basically two approaches which are qualitative and quantitative (Miller and et. al., 2012). According to the current investigation, quantitative approach will be used because it assist in gathering of detailed and quantitative information about the employee's training and its significance on their overall performance. Along with this, for analysing information, there are also two type of approaches which are inductive and deductive. In order to analysis information about the current topic, deductive approach will be going to used because it support in analysation of quantitative data.

B. K&U 5 -Philosophical assumptions

Philosophical assumptions:

It is consider as a theoretical frameworks that used by investigator with the aim of collecting, analysing and interpreting collected data. It may support in taking right decision within the research activities. In this regards, there are three type of philosophical assumptions such as Ontological, Epistemological, Axiological. In this, Ontological assumptions is based of nature of study of particular topic that is being researched. As it also includes multiple forms of evidence. Along with this, Epistemological assumptions is deal with subjective evidence that gather from the field of investigation and on the other side, Axiological assumptions is based on researcher researcher as it is based in behavioural and social study that support investigator to draw a valid conclusion.

Research paradigms:

It is consider as an effective approach that used to conducting a study in a systematic manner. Mainly, it is refers to a belief about the phenomenon in which data should be collected, analysed and used. It classified on the basis of two paradigms such as positivism and interpretivism. In this, interpretivism paradigm includes investigator to interpret elements of the study as it is based on human interest over the investigation on the other side, positivism is refers to natural phenomena that provide trustworthy information to researcher to take right decisions.

C. K&U 6 - Research paradigms

Justification of selecting Research paradigms: Positivism and Interpretivisim are consider main types of research paradigms. These are consider effective types of paradigms but according to the current study, positivism philosophy is more suitable because it help an investigator in collecting and analysing of quantitative information regarding the importance of employee training and its direct effect on their performance. This would also helps investigator to complete each activities or task of study in effective manner (Quinlan and et. al., 2019).

D. A&A 4 - Research Method

Quantitative research method: Qualitative and quantitative are two research method but for doing current study, quantitative method would be used (Tuohy and et. al., 2013). There are certain reasons for using quantitative research method such as gather a large amount of information, easier to generalise data, quicker to formulate for the questioner etc.

Sampling: This section of research method mainly classified into two strategy which are probability and non-probability. These are effective strategy of sampling but for selecting sample size within an investigation, probability sampling would be used. As this sampling not need more time and cost of researcher. 40 Employees of Vodafone Malta is a sample that will be recruited on random basis (Riedl, Davis and Hevner, 2014).

Data Collection method: There are basically two types of data collection method which are primary and secondary. Primary method of data collection helps in collection of first-hand and fresh information about the topic. Secondary method of data collection assist in gathering of detailed and in-depth information. Both methods of data collection are useful according to the current study. As these methods support an gathering of in-depth and reliable information about the employee's training and its impact on its overall performance (Scotland, 2012).

Instrument of data collection: There are certain methods or instruments of data collection such as market survey, interview, questionnaire, focus group etc. These are main sources but for fulfilling research gap or collecting information about the study, questionnaire will be used. Main purpose for using questionnaire as it not take maximum time and provide opinion of each individual about the study (Silverman, 2016).

E. K&U 2 -Main ethical issues

What are ethical issues in research:

At the time of performing research activities, it is crucial for researcher to ensure that all the activities are perform in ethical way. Along with this, investigator face issue of confidential information, as they does not keep respondents information confidential. This may include as a major ethical issue in research as it negatively impact on the end outcome of the study.

Ethical issues that are relevant to your research proposal

At the time of undertaking research there are different ethical issues that are faced by investigator and also relevant towards the research proposal such as, unethical behaviour, time related issues, honesty, lack of confidentiality of information and many more. All these are put negative impact over the research and its outcomes as well.

Ways to address ethical issues

For undertaking successful research, it is important for researcher to perform each and every activities of investigation in ethical way. In this, investigator use various ways such as proper planning, keep respondents information confidential, honesty and many more. All these are help in resolving ethical issues and at the same time also make research activities more successful and reliable as well.

Task 4 Data Analysis

K&U 7: Identify the main issues relating to quantitative and/or qualitative data for analysis

Data analysis is refers to an effective process of cleansing, transforming and modelling data in order to evaluate as well as discovering relevant and useful information to take right decision at the end of the research. Mainly, it help in analysing collected data that support in improving the possibilities to attaining positive and reliable outcomes. For collecting data, investigator use quantitative data that is one of the effective method for collecting reliable information. In this regards, quantitative data refers to measures of values which expressed as a numbers. As it is includes numeric valuables that can be easily measurable and also support investigator in taking right decision. One of the main advantage of this data is that it easy to apply statistical test in order to make statement towards the data. On the other side, it require large sample size to collect data. However, due to lack of resources it is impossible for investigator to collect information on the basis of research topic. Furthermore, for collecting valid information, researcher prepare a questionnaire that support in gathering accurate information from selected respondents. This may support them in attaining positive and reliable outcomes at the end of the research.





Email id.:

Q1) Do you have any idea about the concept of employee training?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) Is training is beneficial for employees in increasing their performance at workplace?

a) Yes

b) No

Q3) What are the advantage of providing training to employees within the company?

a) Improve employee morale

b) Increased productivity

c) Improve employee retention

Q4) What kind of issues are arise at workplace due to lack of employee training?

a) Lack of motivation

b) Arise conflicts among workers

c) Increase employee turnover

Q5) What are the different training strategies that could be apply by company to provide training to employees?

a) On the job

b) Off the job

c) Both

Q6) Does employee training help to improve manager and workers relationship at workplace?

a) Yes

b) No

Q7) How often the employees training programs are organised by company?

a) Regular basis

b) Quarterly

c) Half yearly

Q8) Does employees training and organisational overall productivity is interrelate with each others?

a) Yes

b) No

Q9) Which kind of method of training is most effective for employee in enhancing their performance at workplace?

a) Step by Step instruction

b) Coaching

c) Conference

Q10) Recommended the best training strategies implement by company to make workers productive within the business organisation.

Data sheet

Q1) Do you have any idea about the concept of employee training?


a) Yes


b) No


Q2) Is training is beneficial for employees in increasing their performance at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


Q3) What are the advantage of providing training to employees within the company?


a) Improve employee morale


b) Increased productivity


c) Improve employee retention


Q4) What kind of issues are arise at workplace due to lack of employee training?


a) Lack of motivation


b) Arise conflicts among workers


c) Increase employee turnover


Q5) What are the different training strategies that could be apply by company to provide training to employees?


a) On the job


b) Off the job


c) Both


Q6) Does employee training help to improve manager and workers relationship at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


Q7) How often the employees training programs are organised by company?


a) Regular basis


b) Quarterly


c) Half yearly


Q8) Does employees training and organisational overall productivity is interrelate with each others?


a) Yes


b) No


Q9) Which kind of method of training is most effective for employee in enhancing their performance at workplace?


a) Step by Step instruction


b) Coaching


c) Conference


Task 5 Implications of the Study


Current research is based on the importance of importance of employee training and its impact over the organisation performance. This topic is provide vast information that help investigator to analysis the appropriate ways and aspects to accomplishing positive and reliable outcomes. In context of business organisation, employee training is consider as a crucial activity that help workers in improving their skills and knowledge that directly contributes in attaining all the set goals and objectives in stipulated time frame. Mainly, training is an effective program that allow workers in improving their capabilities and abilities to do their best efforts for developing positive brand image of company. For attaining the same, organisation is responsible for analysing employees performance at working area in order to analysis the best training strategies. With the assistance of this, firm can improve the workers productivity at working area and at the same time also develop positive and healthy working environment. Furthermore, employee training also allow workers in creating better relation with their manager that directly support in creating positive and healthy working environment wherein workers put their best efforts for accomplishing their targets in allotted period of time. On the other side, if company does not provide appropriate training programs to their employees then they reduce their performance and ability to handle complex situation arise at workplace. This may negatively impact on company and its brand image as well. In business organisation, due to lack of motivation employee face issue related with coordination and collaboration among workers. It is major issue for company that increase employee turnover and at the same time also reduce overall productivity of business at market place.

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Findings on stakeholders

In current research, stakeholders play a crucial role in evaluating as well as analysing the findings in an effective manner. Mainly, it includes, government, employees, top authorities and many more. All these are important for completing research activities in more successful manner. For this research, investigator select respondents who are the employees of company and they are the signifiant stakeholders who are contributes in providing valid and accurate information towards the research topic. In this regards, the finding of this report is related with training as it is an effective activity that organise by business organisation to train their workers in order to make them productive and efficient. As it positively impact over stakeholder (Employee) in enhancing their skills and knowledge that support them in taking complex task in an appropriate way. This may directly contributes in improving the performance of company.

Furthermore, presenting all the finding to the stakeholders is important for researcher as they are the important part of investigation in making it more effective. In this researcher use graphical presentation to present their findings in which they make various themes that support them in evaluating the actual findings. 

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