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Using Reflective Practice to Inform Personal and Professional Development

University: King's College London

  • Unit No: 19
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3682
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 997
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is Personal and Professional Development?
  • Explain the Use of reflective practice in personal and professional development.
  • Discuss Working style and its impact on others in workplace.
    Answer :
    Organization Selected : Marks & Spencer


    Personal and professional development is also known as continuous professional development (Adnan, 2017). It is the procedure by which organisation as well as individual get engage within the procedure of learning for meeting challenges and desire goal. Continuous professional development is related with development needs of individual and group both. This report is based on Marks & Spencer which is part of retail industry founded in 1884 by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. They are serving at worldwide level and headquartered at London, UK. Mark & Spencer is well known and Specialises in selling high quality, home and food products.

    This report will going to discuss importance of continuous personal and professional development in accomplishing objectives of company. Moreover, model of emotional intelligence will discuss along with its importance to manager and Gibbs as well as Kolb model will highlight. In addition to this, own performance will evaluate by using principles of reflection. Individual working style with its impact on other people in organisation and need for own development in present as well as future will elaborate. In the end, personal development plan will prepare.

    1.1 Importance of continuous personal and professional development in achieving organisational objectives

    Continuous professional development is the procedure which utilise for tracking as well as documenting skills, knowledge and experience which an individual gain in both manner formally and informally beyond any initial training (Andersson and Palm, 2018). In simple term, CPD records what they experience, learn as well as apply. This process provide assistance to individual in managing their own development on an ongoing basis. Function of continuous process development aids in recording, review and also give reflection on what individual had learn. Need Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!

    Personal development is lifelong procedure and it is the way through which people can assess their skills as well as qualities by keeping their life aims in mind. Along with this, they also set goals for realising and maximising their potential (Barahona, 2018). In simple terms, personal development is self-aware pursuance which result in growth of individual at personal level by expanding self-awareness, knowledge and improving personal skills.

    Continuous professional development both play important role in accomplishing organisational objectives within effective manner. Explanation of these are as follows :-

    • Continuous professional development help company in improving their employees efficiency as well as productivity (Dascalu And et. al., 2017). Through CPD staff members become highly skilled as well as motivated staff and conduct day to day operations of business firm in effective manner which result in accomplishing objectives within effective manner.
    • It also result in enhancing reputation of business among customers, clients and potential customers. If an organisation is providing training session to their staff members for continuous development then it will result in improve their productivity and they will be able to serve customers in more effective manner (Eichinger, Hofig and Richter, 2017). Through this image of company will build and more customers will get attract which help them in accomplishing their objectives.
    • CPD also improve employees retention as they feel valued and become loyal to the company. If staff of company feel they are valued for company then activities conduct by them will be in effective manner as well as productivity also get improve which result in accomplishing objectives in appropriate manner.

    Apart from this personal development plan also play important role in achieving organisational objectives (Guthrie and Jenkins, 2018). As individual should develop their behavioural principles in relation to understanding organisational goals. Moreover, personal development help individual in getting aware of their present skills and ability as well as also motivate them to seek improvement for accomplishing organisational objectives. Some companies don't provide feedbacks to their staff in which personal development help individual to receive feedbacks in relation of their skills level and competency.

    1.2 Use of reflective practice in personal and professional development

    Emotional intelligence is related to the capability of individual to manage & control their emotion as well as also possess the ability for controlling the emotions of others (Hadi And et. al., 2019). In simple term, emotional intelligence can influence emotions of other human beings. Moreover, within leadership skills emotional intelligence is very important and there are five elements of this such as self-regulation, motivation, self-awareness, empathy as well as social skills.

    Ability model of Emotional intelligence - This model was introduced by Salovey and Mayer who define that Emotional Intelligence as capacity to reason about emotions as well as of emotions for enhancing thinking. Ability to perceive emotion accurately, generate emotions, understand emotional & emotional knowledge, reflective regulate emotion are included within this for promoting intellectual growth and emotional (Hsouna And et. al., 2017). According to Ability model of emotional intelligence an individual evaluated within separate but interrelated abilities for determining their overall EQ (Ability model of Emotional Intelligence, 2020). Explanation of these abilities are as follows :-

    • Perceive emotions - It include understanding related to verbal and non-verbal both type of signs. For manager of Mark & Spencer it is essential that their employees should understand signs in verbal and non-verbal form. Because in some situation it become difficult to explain entire thing only signs will be given.
    • Reasoning with emotions - By using previous steps cognitive activity and thinking will promote. This simply means that utilisation of emotions for solving and reviewing any type of situation (Jutla, 2017). With the assistance of this manager of Mark & Spencer will be able to prioritize things and react on them accordingly.
    • Understanding emotions - Emotion of individual are very complex as it carry several meanings which assist in understanding emotional state of other people and also help in identifying the reason behind why it has happened. Moreover, emotions have several shades as well as interact with each other every time. For instance, if an employee of Mark & Spencer get angry than manager of respective company can deduct what is happening as well as why that particular personnel acted and how they acted (Mohamed, 2017). Thus, it is important to understand emotion as it will assist manager of M&S in resolving issues also.
    • Managing emotions - This ability is also essential because it includes regulating emotions, responding accurately and correctly towards emotions of others (Panigrahi and Paily, 2016).Want to get Assignment help? Talk Our Expert Now!

    Thus, Emotional intelligence also help in development of personal and professional skills because it is important for manager of Mark & Spencer to understand emotions of individual in proper manner for convey information in successful way.

    1.3 Evaluate approaches to reflective practice

    GIBBS reflective cycle model - This model was introduced in 1988 and partly inspired by Kolb's learning cycle (Mousavi, 2019). Respective reflective cycle model process essentially loop which contain six elements. Explanation of these are as follows :-

    • Description - I was working for continuous professional development because it will help me in conducting my work in more effective manner and accomplishing objectives. Along with this, I was working on emotional intelligence because this will provide assistance to me in understanding emotions of other and transferring information to them.
    • Feelings - Me as an manager design proper training and development session which provide assistance in developing personal and professional skills of employees. Along with this, I learn emotional intelligence because with the assistance of this I will be able to resolve issue in effective manner by identifying individual emotional status.
    • Evaluation - Personal and professional development have both positive as well as negative aspects within organisation. As positive aspect is that building brand image among customers and potential employees both. Apart from this, sometimes training program get failed which design for development of individual which result in extra expensive and wasting time.
    • Conclusion - I developed several skills through personal and professional development such as emotional intelligence, communication, working in team and many more. These will provide assistance to me at both personal as well as professional level. Out of these emotional intelligence is more important because with the assistance of this I will be able to understand emotions of other which will help in conveying information properly.
    • Action - For building professional skills training session will provided within organisation. On the other hand, for personal skills I think to make PDP plan as it will help in analysing the area in which I am lacking behind and prepare plan to its further development.

    Kolb's learning cycle - It have four distinct learning styles and published in 1984. by Kolb it has been stated that it involves acquisition of abstract concepts which can be applied flexibly within different situations (Sandlund, Sundqvist and Nyroos, 2016). There are four main stages in this explanation of these are as follows :-



    Activities to help

    Concrete experience

    Kolb's cycle first stage is concrete experience. It start with doing something within team, individual as well as organisation are assigned a task. By watching only Kolb's model will not learn as individual or team have to do.

    There are several activities which help in continuous professional development such as problem solving, practical exercise, debates and many more.

    Reflective observation

    This is second stage in which individual, team or organisation have to take time from doing things and review the task what has been experienced (Scott, 2018). In this several questions will asked as well as communication channel will be open for other team members. For this, vocabulary is important because it needed to conduct discussion with others.

    Activities are ask for observation, conduct short report on what has been done, feedback to each others and completing learning logs or diaries.

    Abstract conceptualisation

    It is the procedure which help in making sense about what has happened and involved interpretation of events as well as understand relation within them (Utami, 2019). Thus, learner do comparison within what they have done and what they know already.

    Model presentation, give facts and theories.

    Active experimentation

    It is final stage of learning cycle when learner think how they have to put what they learnt.

    Time will be given to learner for planning, use case studies and ask them for using real problems.

    2.1 Own performance in workplace using principles of reflection

    Emotional intelligence is related to the capability of individual to manage & control their emotion as well as also possess the ability for controlling the emotions of others. In simple term, emotional intelligence can influence emotions of other human beings. Moreover, within leadership skills emotional intelligence is very important and there are five elements of this such as self-regulation, motivation, self-awareness, empathy as well as social skills. It work at short, medium and long term requirements of Company and also help in accomplishing their objectives (Van Patten and Bartone, 2019). At short term emotional intelligence play essential role in Mark & Spencer as its manager will be able to manage daily basis activities in effective manner. Along with this, if any conflict or issue rise in company manager will first understands emotions behind this and then resolve it. Thus, in short term also emotional-intelligence is essential for M&S as with the assistance of this short term goals of entity will accomplish in proper manner.

    In medium term also emotional intelligence is essential as with the assistance of this things or activities in company get managed in effective manner which result in accomplishing medium term goals of company. Along with this, EI also help in building relation within staff members by understanding emotions of each other which will assist team building and work will conduct in group. Thus, by doing work in group environment become friendly and goals will accomplish within required time duration. Moreover, in Long term also emotional intelligence have their role as with the assistance of this overall objective of Mark & Spencer will achieved in effective manner. It play important role in self management, self awareness, social awareness and relationships management. By combining all these it become easy for company to achieve their long term goals. In addition to this, building good culture in organisation result in long term retention of customers and accomplishment of goals in required duration.

    2.2 Working style and its impact on others in workplace

    Me as an manager of Mark & Spencer following autocratic leadership as my working style. It is an management style in which one person take all the decision by own and take little inputs of other people in group. In a simple terms, autocratic leaders make decision or choice which are based on their beliefs and don't involve other people of company for taking suggestions. Autocratic leadership style is suitable for the business which require quick decision making, control over the processes as well as operations of a Business firm. There are several characteristics of autocratic leadership style such as distribution of responsibilities within other staff members and no rewards will be given to employees for boosting their morale (Shonhe, 2020). Along with its quick decision making character autocratic leadership style result in several negative impact on organisation at long term. As it result in reducing morales of personnel and high turnover ration etc..

    In the situation where business face constant modifications or crisis autocratic leadership style in more helpful. As it include streamlined organisational structure and quick decision making abilities. When I am following autocratic leadership style it have wide impact on other people who are working in that same company. Explanation of these are as follows :-

    • Autocratic leadership style result in fast decision making because manager don't take suggestions from other people in organisation. Thus, it result in making decision fast and also covey to each and every member easily because there is no interference of other people in this.
    • It also improve overall communication as there are several level in company and command given from top level on phone or mail will be easy. In autocratic leadership issues will get eliminated because command directly give to workers from top management.
    • Dependency on manager will develop in organisation by following autocratic leadership style by manager (Harris, 2018). If their will be no leader in organisation it will became difficult for staff members to do their daily basis activity in appropriate manner. Thus, it result in negative impact on organisation as employees dependency on manager will increase.
    • Sometimes employees feel demotivated and also that they are not valuable for company. Because all the decisions are taken by manager of Mark & Spencer and not even take suggestions from other members. Their demotivation also give wide impact on activities conduct by them in company which result in reducing productivity.

    Thus, my working style is autocratic which have wide impact on other people working in Mark & Spencer in both positive as well as negative manner.

    2.3 Development needs for current and future roles

    Development is the procedure which creates progress, growth, positive changes or also include economic, physical, environmental. Social as well as demographic components. In simple term, purpose behind development is to rise within the level and quality of life. Along with this, development also help individual in gaining better job opportunities (Ünal, Yamaç and Uzun, 2017). Me working as manager in Mark & Spencer so for completing my job role in effective manner in present and future both there is requirement of developing several skills, knowledge and behaviours. Explanation of these are as follows :-

    • Delegation skill - It is most important as I am not good in passing activity or task to other people in organisation. As I have to work on this skills because it will help me in performing my job role in present and future both.
    • Knowledge of management approaches - It don't have proper knowledge about management approaches as I have to develop these because it will help me in present and future both while performing my job role. Thus, for managing daily basis activity in effective manner it is important for me to learn all management approaches.
    • Supportive behaviour - I am not supportive while working as an manager it is important to have supportive behaviour. Because in some situation employees need support so I have to work on my behaviour.

    2.4 Development opportunities to meet short, medium and long term objectives

    Development of opportunities may be short, medium and long term. There is requirement of performing several activities for developing skills, knowledge and behaviour. Explanation of these along with activities which need to be form for their development are mention below :-

    • Delegation skill - This skill will develop in short term but by performing on the job role practices. Because on daily basis several task and activities in organisation passed on to the other staff members. Thus, for developing delegation skills on the job training method will be more suitable.
    • Knowledge of management approaches - This is medium term so for gaining knowledge about management approaches coaching and mentoring will be more suitable. With the assistance of this it will become easy for manager to develop their knowledge about management approaches.
    • Supportive behaviour - It is long term target because modification in behaviour take long time. Thus, for building supportive behaviour online learning will be more suitable. Get Best Personal Statement Writing Service from our management experts!

    2.5 Personal development plan with measurable objectives

    Development of opportunities may be short, medium and long term. There is requirement of performing several activities for developing skills, knowledge and behaviour. Development plan is prepared for managing learning as well as career throughout a year. I can able to develop and learn more analytical skills, knowledge and behaviour for growth and can ensure me to work safely, legally as well as effectively in Mark & Spencer.



    Learning target

    Present Proficiency

    Target Proficiency

    Development Opportunities

    Criteria for Judging Attainment

    Time Scale



    Delegation skill



    By developing delegation skills it will become easy for me to pass activities to other employees working in company. Moreover, development of deligation skill help me in removing burden on individual and conducting work within more effective manner.

    Other superiors

    30 days


    Knowledge of management approaches



    It don't have proper knowledge about management approaches as I have to develop these because it will help me in present and future both while performing my job role. Thus, for managing daily basis activity in effective manner it is important for me to learn all management approaches. For me it is essential to develop knolwedge related to management appraoches as it will provide assiostance to me in conducting daily basis operations in more effective manner.

    Peers and colleagues

    50 days


    Supportive behaviour



    I am not supportive while working as an manager it is important to have supportive behaviour. Because in some situation employees need support so I have to work on my behaviour. There is requirement of developing supportive behavioue because without this it will difficult for me to manage employees in proper manner.

    Managers and supervisor

    70 to 80 days


    After going through entire discussion it has been summarise that, personal and professional development is also known as CPD (continuous professional development). It have wide impact on organisation as within the assistance of CDP objectives of business firm will accomplished in effective manner. Along with this, in an organisational emotional intelligence also play important role because without understanding emotion it will be difficult to convey information in proper manner. Apart from this, for development purpose personal development plan play important role as with the assistance of this individual can develop their skills in effective manner.

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