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Operation Management Approaches

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 14
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3388
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0488
  • Downloads: 680
Question :

This sample will let you know about-

  • What is operational management?
  • Discuss Situational Leadership Theory.
  • Discuss Major operation management approaches.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Sainsbury


Management is administration of company, it can be business, non-profit company or government body. Operation management is concerned with controlling and designing procedure of redesigning and production business operations for producing products and services effectively.

Sainsbury is second biggest supermarket chain in whole UK. Company is gaining success with 160.% of share in supermarket sector. The revenue of company is 28.456 billion till 2018. it has more than 1415 shops in all over the locations of United Kingdom. The above report includes identification of leader's role and manager's function that can be applied to various situation in the business. Application of several models and theory to the organization. Report further carried forward with key approach of operation management and leader & manager's role. Significance of the operation management for gaining overall objective of business. The report ends with factor across environment of business which had impact on operational management.

Examining various example of how leader's role and manager's functions could be applied to several situations-

Manager' function and leader role in the management of Sainsbury for having improvement in the operation of organization for various type of trait and characteristic of leadership in the functioning of management. There are different situations in the business function and operation where they both had to effectively handle such by not affecting overall business activities across the company. Some situations are expressed below-

Turnover of the staff-

It is very essential for an organization to have a productive and efficient staff for their business activities. If there is sudden reduction in the employees turnover in Sainsbury then the leader of the company motivate and encourages them to retain with company and work for the growth and development. Whereas manager of Sainsbury will provide the incentive, appraisal and rewards to the employees who are positively working this will let employee feel valued by company and further will staff with positive attitude will be helpful in overall success and development. If there are potential employees in company then they can effectively compete with rivals in marketplace (Parasher, 2017). They both play a major role in retaining employee for long term and further motivate & encourages them to effectively work for the betterment of company.

Technological change-

If there is any technological change in the Sainsbury then its responsibility of manager and leader to overcome such situation and maintain the change which had undertaken into the company. The manager must ensures to provide proper training to their employees so that they could easily adopt the change which had been made by company in the operation activities. By having proper training and program, employees will easily learn how they can be performing their activities effectively with the help of these new technologies and thus they can efficiently produce good outcome from such. Along with that leader also ensure the smooth flow of changes in the company and let the changes accessible to the employees. Companies must have technological changes in business activities by which they have further growth options and easily gains competitive advantage (Toliver, 2017). By implementing these technological changes into organization need to work properly so that the working of Sainsbury could not be affected and thus further employees also adjust into the environment of company. Get Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!

Down Fall in Market share -

Market share of company indicates how well they are performing in the marketplace. If the market share of company are high then it states that company is doing well, whereas if there is sudden fall in this it renders that the organization is not performing well. This could have a huge impact on the overall functioning and growth of Sainsbury, in this situation the leader of company must take guide there workers so that they could implement these change in the company and effectively adopt these changes. Manager will be finding the measures which could be taken by company so that they could overcome such situation and further by implementing these strategies into Sainsbury so that they could enhance their market share. Both of them play an essential role in the success and growth of organization. Company with effective leader and manager could sustain in market for long term.

Various model and theory which could be applied to company-

An organization's leader could apply several theories and models to the company so that they can effectively lead it. For leading and managing the organization both manager and leader needs theories and model that can be applied into company. These are stated below-

Situational Leadership Theory-

This theory of leadership is introduced by Paul Hershey and the Ken Blanchard. This indicates behaviour of company and working of the staff. Situational style of leadership state that  no single style of leadership is appropriate for a leader which can be applied by them to several situations. It all depend on activity and task that which style of leadership will be suitable to specific activity or business operation. The efficient leaders also choose the style according to context of situation and further implement this into the business operations (Trzaska, Migasiewicz and Wilczynski, 2019). The leader of Sainsbury should also select the style to the context of situation which enables them to effectively handle each and every situation.

Along with these there are several advantages and disadvantage of this theory. It has advantage to Sainsbury leader can recognize and analyze the situation and further implementing this situation into the organization. Working environment is being developed by leader so that they can effectively work for the betterment of company. Along with that there are some disadvantages related to this that as flexibility and changing according to situation could affect company's decision-making in some circumstance. Some times mislead of situation could be done if it is interpreted in false manner.

System Theory-

This theory consist of organization's phenomenon that prevailed to several systems and to the various action which are being followed further. It reflects the system of interdisciplinary outcomes that include action. System theory accent on concept & convection which are to be followed by company in such a way that it could be benefited. This also contains active and passive system. In such theory situations are developed by leader in Sainsbury where employees could productively work for the betterment of company with high potential (Padial, 2017). It renders tool to leader by which they can easily analyze behaviour of individual into the company. The Employees of Sainsbury will be encouraged for having a good outcome further and achieving overall goal and objective of company.

Advantage of this theory to Sainsbury are employees morale will b raised so that they can loyally work for the company's betterment. As increase in level of productivity time will also be saved. Disadvantage of the theory that in emergency it is not suitable for decision-making and finding conflicts in Sainsbury. Big scale organization could not use this.Get your assignments from USA's leading online assignment help!

Contingency Theory-

This leadership theory had an influence on organization's overall purpose for influencing decision-making. From contingent context it depends on appropriate perspective. It is developed by Fred Fiedler. Through contingency theory organization's handling of the decision could be influenced which are taken as per the actual situation of company. Various component will be measured by manager by LPC Scale. This indicates that motivation of task or relation can be contingent to the Sainsbury manager could affect & control outcome of team or favorability of situation. All the situations can be handled with the help of low or high LPC whichever is best suited.

This theory had advantage to Sainsbury and helpful for their leader to develop and evolve  skills of the growth of company. Structure of company can be easily designed and decision-making system could be planned. The confidence within staff could be enhanced, could have opinion and idea to Sainsbury (Musella, 2018). Whereas, several disadvantages are also associated with this theory is complex in nature which could affect Sainsbury in practical situation. Because of its reactive nature it can't be handled by manager in difficult situations.

Weakness and strength of various approach-


Several styles of leadership are empowered by it. The returns could be easily maximized. Sainsbury's productivity and profitability could be raised. It provides stable working environment to their employees.


Up and down in demand could be arisen. Operations of Sainsbury can be controlled. Competition will increase, techniques of measuring and further reviews.

Major operation management approaches-

Operation Management-

It is administration of practices in business for creating high level of the efficiency across company. This process of management is concerned with transforming labour and material into final product and services for maximizing profit of company.

Six Sigma-

Six Sigma is method of quality control. The reviews of data driven could be utilized for reducing defect and mistakes into the procedures. It concentrates on improvement of cycle-time along with that eliminating errors in manufacturing of products. This management approach has involved in business general philosophies which had its focus on fulfilling consumer's need, increasing retention of customer and improving & sustaining products and services. Six Sigma is  applied to every industry. It is introduced as management's method for fast working with less errors.

This has become certified industry standard which is offered to practitioners. This approach generally focus on the statistical improvement to process of business (Murphy and Murphy, 2017). So the key people of Sainsbury could use this approach into their business process along with statistic and financial analysis & project management for gaining enhanced business functionality. It follows DMAIC which is known for define, measure, analyze, improve and control. Statistical driven method could be used by Sainsbury for its business growth.

Role of leader and manager-

The major role is played by leader in communicating importance of Six Sigma. Leaders of Sainsbury supports their workers for participation and the recognition. They invest in resources and training. Manager of Sainsbury includes this approach cost saving for management goals and review. Providing support to employees and taking feedback so that errors could be recognized and further sought out.

Total Quality Management-

Total Quality Management is consumer oriented procedure which aim for continuous upliftment of business operation. This ensures allied work toward common goal for enhancing quality of products and services. Each and every individual's involvement is required as they will be responsible for overall quality of final good and service. The superiority of company's output's improvement is being focused, and having continuous improvement regrading this (Usman and Hameed, 2017). This process is customer focused that aims for regular improvement of business operation and activities. Thus, the employees of Sainsbury tends the employees to work hard gaining common goal and objective of business. Through this quality of products and services can improved and process will also raise.

Role of leader and the manager-

Sainsbury's leader will further try to interact with workers on daily basis by which involvement of employee can be enhanced and thus their morale could boost up. The workforce can be easily utilized for the overall growth of company. By implementing performance measurement the performance of employee can be enhanced (Morgan, 2020). Sainsbury manager must ensure Un-wavering and for this they must lay emphasis on both internal and external consumer. Manager should treat the supplier as their business partners.

Lean Manufacturing-

It is simple and systematic process which helps in eliminating waste from the system of manufacturing. By implementing lean process into production will help Sainsbury in operational management of quality goods, increasing visual management, raising efficiencies in process of production, decline in manpower and easy management. This method is helpful in cost-cutting but along with that providing quality products and services to their customers. Lean manufacturing is hugely based upon thorough process of evaluation for searching appropriate and eliminating or adopting every step that are generating waste. These wastes are known as muda, consist of every single unit which is not useable in final product.

Leader and manager's role-

The Leaders of Sainsbury help their workers for understanding actual responsibility for the lean production. For enhancing production direction are rendered by them to the subordinates. They also monitor waste elimination process in Sainsbury. Whereas Manager of company analyze the overall process of business operation. Monitoring and checking further ensuring that useful goods couldn't be discarded (Huesing and Ludema, 2017). Thus further this report is provided by Sainsbury's manger to the top management.

Significance and value of the operation management-

Operation management consist of designing and the controlling production process and further developing business operation again into production of goods and services. It is important  business operation which develops should of organization by managing and dominating system of operation. This management approach deals with improvement, designing or system of operation that is developed for delivering primary product and service of company. In current competitive environment of business, Sainsbury can easily deliver value to their customer if it has been well managed and organized.

So it is main activity of business operation which must be considered by company. Understanding and recognizing challenges that could be faced by company from intense competition in marketplace. The manager and leader must analyze business environment is quickly changing and becoming more critical for various business to achieve profitability. Operation management is helpful for Sainsbury to deal with the fluctuating environment of business (Glinkowska, 2017). The operation should be aligned with long term business objective. The leader and manager could satisfy their customer through operation management.

As per changing trend, demand and need of customer Sainsbury could implement change according to it so that demand and needs of consumer can be fulfilled. If demand and requirement of consumer are gained then revenue and sale of organization can increased. They also focused on providing quality goods and services to their consumers. This is helpful for Sainsbury to establish competitive advantage against its rivals and enhance their revenue further. By providing standard quality goods to the customer company can gain consumer loyalty base. Thus, operation management is essential for Sainsbury to gain their objective and goal effectively. Company could render high quality goods and services to their consumer.

Leader and manager can enhance efficiency of the operation management-

Leader could encourage their workers so that they render high quality work and further they can positively work for the betterment of Sainsbury and gains success further. Flexibility should have given top employees so that they can efficiently work for the growth and development of company. The hierarchy position should eliminate by them if there is any need then the leader ads manager could directly interact with their employees. So that employees can be appropriately guided and monitored by them. So there will be no mediator if there is any problem employees can also directly interact with top management.

Manager must motivate their employees to work in team by they can have bonding among each other. By understanding needs of employees healthy work environment could be given top the employees so that they can positively work for gaining the goals and objective of Sainsbury. This will be further helpful in developing smooth communication flow in the process of production which benefit to the operation management and enhance process (Chen and Lin, 2018). The other technique which can be utilized by manager to raise operational efficiency and encouraging employees so that they can efficiently work for achieving goals and objective of Sainsbury. Motivated employees are further helpful in enhancing productivity of the operation management.

Factors within business environment that directly affects operation management-

The environment of business could be had wide range of external factor which affects operation of business and company's decision-making. Some factor which affect business environment are described below-


The culture of company defines the working environment of organization. Company must have a good working environment so that their employees can positively work for gaining organizational objective. Sainsbury should have diverse culture into their organization so that their employees could work for company's betterment. Employee with flexible working environment could perform their job well and thus work for overall growth and development of company. Thus, manager and leader plays an essential role in maintaining diverse culture into the company where workers productively work for gaining the objective successfully. The motivated and encourage their employees for good work and let them to work in appropriate manner. If employee have good working environment then they can render quality work for the company.


The Corporate Social Responsibility is necessarily followed by company. So that they can have ethical business practices into their business. They must ensure that their business activity does not harm its stakeholder and the environment. Ethics in business can be expressed through this. The leader and manager must ensure that Sainsbury had its contribution in the Corporate Social Responsibility. It should be followed by company and must haver their part in it so that they can become responsible to the environment. Thus, they can state that their stakeholders are motivated to be the part of the company and along with that employees of company are also sustain with them for long term.

The vision and mission of company can also be clear and must be modified time to time so that they can business ethics in their business operation. The leader and manager must ensure that they had appropriate behaviour ethics, in their work & business which are helpful in motivating their workers for working hard and rendering equality among them. Organizational policies and strategies should be ethical and should not mislead by society in any of the case manager and leader should ensure this. The right ethical approaches are to be utilized by company to become and ethical company (Ahola, 2018).

Raw material, skilled people and consumer can enhanced if effective sustainable practices of business are being adopted by company. The good raw material without harming any natural resource can be taken into consideration for further production process and thus this will enhanced the consumer attraction towards company's product and services effectively. The skilled employees are also trained to have their contribution into the overall growth and development of company. Ask for Management Assignment Help from our experts!


From the above study it can be concluded that operation and management are essential component of each and every business. The company needs to monitor and control their business operation so that they can have smooth flow of business activity in their business. For gaining and achieving business objective organization should maintain efficient working into company. The leader and manager plays an essential role for the growth and success of organization. The motivates and encourage workers to work for the betterment of company.

Employees with positive attitude helps company to gain their objective. Manager try to solve the problem of employees so that they can smoothly work for betterment of company. The company can sustain their employees for long term and compete with the rivals effectively. The leaders and manager by implementing various strategies and policies into the company let their employees to work for gaining the objective of company significantly. Thus, huge revenue and profit can be achieved by company with the help of effective planning and operation management.

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