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Leadership and Management

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Every organization need effective leadership and management for appropriate and smooth running of an organization. By this they able to attain their goal and objective in effective manner (MUYOMBO, 2014). Leadership refers to the activities or skills of leading organization or employees in effective ways. Whereas management is set of functions related to planing, organizing,, controlling and so on. Both of these aspects are required to run a business operations in effective and appropriate manner. Topic cover in this assignments are skills of successful leader, how good leader can develop and difference between leadership and management. Along with this it explain learning outcome about leadership. It also contain reflection related to the covered topics.

Main Body

Skills and ability of a successful leader

Their are various type of skills and ability which is required for being a successful leader some of these skills are by birth but there are some skills which a person develop in itself to be a successful leader. Leader is a person who commands a group, organization or country. In every organization a leader plays an important role in designing goal and objective and attaining it in effective manner. Their are various functions or activities which a leader plays such as leading a group, create vision and mission, encourage others to attaining goals, develop plans and strategies and many others. There are various skills which is involves in being a successful leader, some major skills are explained below:-

  • Effective communication skills- A leader of an organization must have effective communication skills which help them in explaining goal and objective in effective manner (Chaudhary and Panda, 2018). A successful leader must have quality to communicate in every situation such as one- on- one, departmental and in full staff meeting. Along with this they must have ability to communicate through phone, email, and social media channels. There are some other skills which are related to communication such as active listening, storytelling of business, explaining, expressions, public speaking, written communication and many others.
  • Motivation- For achieving goal and objective in effective manner a leaders need to motivate its employees in effective manner so that they feel encourage for conducting task in effective and appropriate manner. By motivating employees a leader can enhance their self esteem through which there is enhancement in productivity and profitability in appropriate manner. A leader can motivate staff by recognising and rewarding, they conduct this by giving reward in monetary or non monetary basis or they can organized some motivational sessions. Skills related to motivation are asking for inputs, allowing staff autonomy, mentoring, open for employees concern, provide rewards, team building and many other.
  • Delegating- To attaing goal and objective in effective manner a leader required to delegate there works into employees according to their skills and ability (England, 2014). For this leader has to conduct analysis so that they know about skills of employees and then delegate power and work accordingly. Some skills which create effective delegation are accepting feedbacks of employees, allotting resources for employees, examine performance of staff and many others. By this staff able to conduct their allotted work or task in effective and appropriate manner.
  • Creative- A successful leader has a creativity skills which help them in thinking out of box for any project, problems or issues. By this they able to solve problems in effective and appropriate manner. Almost Employees are impressed and inspire by those leaders who didn't choose safe and conventional path always. There are various skills which related to creative thinking are analytical, cognitive flexibility, critical thinking, foresight and many more.
  • Build relationship- a leader must have ability to build relationship with employees and employers. The effective relationship help an organization in attaining goal and objective in effective manner. Employees also feel satisfied if their leader focus on building relationship with employees in appropriate manner.

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Can good leadership be developed and if so how?

Some peoples think that skills and ability of a leader is from born whereas some think that it can be develop according to the situation and requirement. A person can develop their skills according to requirement and situation and it can be happen through various ways like by observing others, taking test, work under experienced person and many more (Balabuti, 2017). If a person have leadership skills they can able to motivate and attain goal and objective of an organization in effective and appropriate manner. There are various ways through which a person can develop appropriate skills, some major of them are explain below:-

  • Observing to other- An individual can develop their skills and ability by observing other such as professional or experienced person. By observing other a person can understand and able to know how to work or react on a particular situation or problems (Moiwo and Tao, 2013). Such as a junior employee who work under marketing professional can able to learn many things while observing their senior's work and ways to face problems and issues. He/ she also try to give advice or opinions when same situation come in an organization.
  • Working in a large group having diverse culture- If a person working in a large group they able to enhance their skills and ability of working in a team. Along with this working in team which have diverse culture help an individual to develop their skills of how to deal with other who belongs to different culture. It is so because in large team with diverse culture member lead to conflict and problems. So while working in this type of group an individual can develop skills and ability which help them in dealing with respective stations in effective manner.
  • Developing competences to hold a high position in an organization- If a person work in an organization which have competences at high level they able to develop skills at every situation in effective manner. It is so because for dealing with different competences for holding high position at an organization a person has to face different situation at every particular level. Which enhance their skills for facing problems while competing with others within a workplace. Such as a person is at junior level and he/ she want to go at senior manager level they have to go through various level at which they may face competences. While dealing with all these they able to enhance their skills.

By conducting all these ways an individual can enhance their skills and ability during facing different situations and problems. Through this person can develop there leadership skills in effective and appropriate manner. Along with this it shows that a person can develop leadership skills if he/ she want to develop and skills of leaders is not always by born .

Difference between leadership and management

In an organization leadership and management both are essential for achieving goal and objective in effective and appropriate manner (Botes, 2016). Both of them plays there role separately which help in attaing objective. Leadership refers to the quality of a person who can influence their employees in attaining goal with full enthusiastic and willingness. Moreover management reflect the ways or action of managing things in effective manner at a workplace. It is essential for all the sectors or fields such as education, hospitality, sports, office and many other (Mtshali and Sooryamoorthy, 2018). Their is difference between leadership and management at a firm, some major differences are explain below:-



It refers to the person or situation who motivate and inspire peoples for attain goal and objective in effective manner.

It refers to the activities done a person in which he/ she direct and monitors others. Evaluate how they are performing work in effective manner.

These are those person who are innovators that encourage others for changes in appropriate manner.

In this a manager focus on solving problems of other for attaing goal and objective in proper manner.

In it person mainly focus on group process, gathering information, getting feedback and empowering other employees for conducting work in effective manner.

In this a person will focus on effective decision making, analysing decision, emphasize the control and evaluate result (World Health Organization, 2018).

In leadership delegation of authority is not done but they get their powers through other sources or means like influences.

In this there is delegation of authority which leads to dividing power and authority in appropriate manner and according to skills and ability.

Activities which are done in leadership are peoples oriented and it involves staff of an organization in decision making process.

Whereas plans which are made at management are task oriented, their major focus is on completion of task in effective an d appropriate manner.

The peoples in leadership are belies in conducting right things.

In comparison to this management trust on doing things right.

Leadership have goals which may or may not indicate those of an organization.

In it there is great formal responsibilities and accountability which leads to rationality and control.

Learning outcome from leadership according to own experiences

For being a successful leader of an organization a person required various skills and ability which help them in attaining goal in effective manner. Such skills are appropriate communication skills, understanding skills, motivational skills, creativity, know how to do accurate delegation of authority and so on (Triegaardt, 2013). For example if situation of conflict arise then leader of an organization ned to think out of the box so that they they able to solve conflict in effective and appropriate manner. They can resolve it by various ways such as conduct meeting and understand everyone problems and try to resolve it. Through this I understand that for being a successful leader several skills and abilities are required.

The skills and ability which are required for effective leadership are can be developed by a person if he/ she wants (BayramoÄŸlu and Toksoy, 2017). According to me for development of skills a person must full of enthusiast and willingness. Such as they if a person want to become a successful leader of an organization and if he/ she is lacking in delegating authority in effective manner. They can develop it by working under any senior and observing them. According to me different person has different ways of solving problems and issues such as if there is conflict arise in an organization. I think to resolve this issue a leader can use situations theories. In this a leader use or choose plan of action which is based on the current situations. So the leader of respective firm plan strategies to resolve conflict. By understanding report I able to understand that there is difference between leadership and management of an organization.

Such as mention in the diagram a leader of a firm conduct or design different strategies according to different situation for low commitment peoples leader plan for motivational activities and for high commitment peoples they plan things to reward and recognise them.


When I was working in an organization, senior manager of company provide me an opportunity to work in a team as a leader on a project that is related to how to solve conflict at respective company in effective manner. For which we form a group of 5 peoples from each department such as marketing, finance, human resource, research and development and administration department. We all meet at a common place and discuss major reasons behind raising conflict in their department. By this we know that there is no common reason for conflict occurrence, every department have their issues such as in marketing department conflict occur due to delegation of authority. In research and development department there is peoples are from diverse culture due to which conflict arise whereas in finance department reason behind arising conflict is improper behaviours of project mangers. This shows there is no common reason for conflict and we have to develop solutions to resolve it in appropriate manner. For this we discuss and analysis all the issues which develop conflict in an organization. After analysing all reason we start developing solutions through which we can resolve conflict, some of them are-

  • We decide to conduct meeting or conferences to talk together and discuss problems and issues which employees are facing in an organization. This can be done on the regular basis so that issues can be resolve at starting level.
  • We also make rule that every employer or leader of department, leader or project should effectively listen to their employees and their issues. After that only they design solutions for the respective issue or conflict.
  • We also decide to design a new agreement in which all the necessary things such as salary, duty and responsibilities, working hours, holidays and so on are mentioned in a appropriate manner. So that every employees know their rights in appropriate ways.
  • We also decide to develop rules for employers that they do delegation of authority and duties on the basis of employees skills and ability. For this they can conduct test or past work evaluation. Accordingly leader of every department delegate work to their staffs.
  • Rules and regulation are also form related to the discrimination, behaviour, languages and many other. So that no conflict will occur due to respective things and positive working environment will maintain at workplace.
  • We also decide to put suggestion box or feedback box in which staff can put their suggestion and feedback in box. So that leader of department can make plans and strategies to resolve the issues in effective and appropriate manner.

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After analysing and evaluating all these solutions in appropriate manner we able to design final outcome through which our organization can resolve issue and problem of conflict. After reduction of conflict organization able to enhance their employees productivity, market shares and profitability ratio. We decide we put feedback and suggestion box in every department so that employees freely give their suggestion. We also decide that in every week employer or leader of department conduct meeting with their department employees so that they able to understand their employees in appropriate manner. If also decide that we can arrange party regular after 3 months so that staff feel motivated and they can interact to each other in appropriate manner which reduce conflict. According to our team of 5 members we decide solutions which are mentioned above for resolving conflict in organization. After that we conduct presentation in front of senior manager of company and try to implement it in an organization. While conducting the process I also face some issues such as every employees has their different opinions due to which some conflict arise between as but we solve it in effective manner and complete the project.

Working in a team help me in enhancing my knowledge of how to conduct work in team and how to take decision while considering all team members or others. This enhance skill help me in developing attitude of working in a team in confidence way. After working in team for the first time I feel very happy and delightful that my senior manger seem me that much of capable that I can handle a team in effective manner. This opportunity teach me various things which help me in my future career such as I learn how to handle a team, I learn how to conduct activities in a team and while considering other members of team. Along with this I learn how I can understand problems of others and how to develop solutions for that. While working in this team I make some friends and from them I learn many things like the leader of finance department is very shorted in every thing due to which they make decision very quick and accurate. So from him I learn this feature so that I can also take quick and effective decision. Moreover leader of marketing department is very good in technical things so I want to learn many technical things which help in conducting my work in effective and appropriate manner. From my senior manager of company I learn one major thing which is how to belief on other who didn't have any experiences.

Through all these experiences I can say that when ever next time I get same or this kind of opportunity I will do my best or in more effective manner. So that reason behind giving project to me will fulfil in effective and appropriate manner. By conducting this I able to enhance or increase many skills and ability which help me in attaing my future goal in effective and appropriate manner. While conducting presentation I feel uncomfortable at the first but after sometime I feel very comfortable and complete whole presentation in effective manner. Along with me my other team members also feel nervous while conducting presentation for which I help them in boosting their moral and motivate them that we can do it. I analysis that when a person do something for the first time they feel some hesitation in conducting it but when they get right motivation and direction they feel confident. Which help them in conducting task in appropriate manner.


From the above discussed point it can be conclude that for a smooth running of an organization a leader required various skills which help them in conducting their work in effective manner. There are various which a person can develop when he/ she want to become a effective leader. Their is also difference in a leadership and a management but are required for effective conduction of operations.


  • Chaudhary, R. and Panda, C., 2018. Authentic leadership and creativity: The intervening role of psychological meaningfulness, safety and work engagement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.67(9). pp.2071-2088.
  • England, S., 2014. CMI Diploma Leadership Mng L5.
  • Balabuti, M.N.G., 2017. The leadership's creativity or the management's innovation?.Manager (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Business & Administration),25.
  • Moiwo, J.P. and Tao, F., 2013. The changing dynamics in citation index publication position China in a race with the USA for global leadership.Scientometrics.95(3). pp.1031-1050.
  • Botes, F.E., 2016.The influence of managerial leadership on the professional performance of educational psychologists in a few selected countries(Doctoral dissertation).
  • Mtshali, M.N.G. and Sooryamoorthy, R., 2018. A research-inducing environment at a University of Technology in South Africa: Challenges and future prospects.Futures.
  • World Health Organization, 2018.Training for Leadership and Advocacy Teams to Reduce Alcohol Harm in Young People in Selected Countries in the Western Pacific Region (Module 2), Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic, 18-20 September 2018: meeting report. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
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