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Managing A Successful Business Project - British Telecoms

University: Nescot college

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4504
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 1025

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :

This report will cover assessments which are mentioned thereunder:

  • Evaluate aims, objectives with time frames of British Telecoms
  • Make small-scale research with the information required and gathered for data collection by British Telecoms.
  • For effective communication manage British Telecoms with recommendations with a general conclusion.
  • Analyze and give a sustainable organizational performance for British Telecoms
Answer :
Organization Selected : British Telecoms


Globalisation is a process which increase the integration of markets in the world. It also increase trade of goods and services in across the borders. With he help of this concept, companies can easily expand their business at global level. Due to advance technology and transportation, globalisation grown day by day (Pieterse, 2015). One of the main advantage of globalisation is to increase the flows of inward investment among countries. This will directly contribute in enhancing growth. Present report is based on British Telecoms, is multinational telecommunication holding company that provide largest fixed line, broadband and mobile services in he over the world. Report include project management plan that help in attaining set aims and objectives. In addition of this, work breakdown structure and Gantt chart is also mentioned in this project. At last, various research tools and methods are discussed here which directly contribute meeting set objectives n appropriate time frame.

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Write about the following:

Positive impact of Globalisation in general to the businesses in the UK.

  • Economic Impact: Globalisation is the important concept for every business organization and economy of the nation as well. It positively impact on the economy by increasing FDI which directly contribute in making economic condition strong. Along with this, it also help in improving the living standard of the people by creating job opportunities.
  • Cultural Impact: In organization, culture play vital role because it relate with values, beliefs, tradition and many more. In this, concept of globalisation support business to improve their interaction with their employees and customers as well. By this company can easily improve living standard of local people by providing them quality services as per their taste.
  • Ethical Impact: Ethics relate with values, morale and principle that determine what is right and wrong for organization (Su and et. al., 2016). Due to increasing globalisation concept, it directly impact on the ethical values. In this context, it help in improving overall performance of the company and at the same time also enhance positive image at market place.

Background of the Research

Globalisation is the process of exchanging the products and services in another countries. Mainly, it is a concept of exchanging ideas, cultural and national resources with he purpose of attaining success at global level. In this context, different type of factors are contribute in enhancing the globalisation like technology, communication and so on. Globalisation help business organization to expand their business activities n another countries and also capture future opportunities to attain success (Jamal and Camargo, 2014). Along with this, there are some benefits of globalisation for business organization such as free trade, capital flows. With he assistance of this, company can easily capture larger market share at global level and also make economy strong. For attaining success, it is also important for business organization to provide better training and development programs to their employees so that they aware about how to handle international customers. Furthermore, globalisation is also impact on the different function of the organization such as marketing, HR, operations and finance. Thus, it is crucial for marketing manager of British telecoms to implement effective tools and techniques to determine the target customers through which they satisfy customers needs and wants. Along with this, finance and operation department is also needs to update as well as prepare plan relate with cost and raw material for improving he chances of maximising profitability level.

Write the Aims of the Project

The main aim of this project is “To analysis the positive economic, cultural and ethical impact of globalisation on different functions of the company. A case study on British Telecoms.”


  • To determine the concept of Globalisation.
  • To identify the impact of globalisation on British telecoms function.
  • To analyse the challenges faced by the British telecoms while expanding their business at global level.

Research Plan

Project Title

“What are the positive economic, cultural, and ethical impacts of globalisation on different business functions within an organisation.

Project Plan


Company Name:

British Telecoms


It is one of the important factor through which project manager set the project activities in systematic manner (Khan and et. al., 2015). Thus, it is important for manager to keep adequate fund at the time of executing project activities. With the help of this, project manager can easily attain their targets. Along with this, it is also important for project manager to classified all the segments like field cost, labour cost and so on. In context of British Telecoms requires approx £25000 to do the research project. It directly contribute in increasing the effectiveness of the company and project as well.


This type of factor is play vital role in analysing the overall performance of the company. Mainly it is based on the company products and services that provide to the customers as per their demand. British Telecoms operate their business at global level as they has high market scope. In this, company offer quality products and services to their customers. Scope of the company help in enhancing market share that may contribute in improving brand image at market place.


It is more important factor for project manager to execute all the activities in appropriate way. With he help of this, ask can be done in stipulated time frame. In context of British Telecoms, project manager take approx 55 days for completing he project activities. Thus, it is important for company to effectively execute their activities on the basis of appropriate time frame (Yin, 2017). If company easily operate their activities accordingly than hey attain their set goals and objectives.


For attaining success, it is important for business organization to ensure their quality products. Along with this, project manager is also responsible for perform work activities with best quality so that they can easily attain positive outcomes (Paniagua and Sapena, 2014). In context of British Telecoms, they offer best quality services to their customers as per their needs and wants. By this they improve the chances of creating strong customers base.


Interaction is one of the important activity for business and its workers as well. Through which project manager can easily complete the activities. Thus, it is important for British Telecoms to use proper communication channel for connecting with all department and workers as well. For this, project manager use various ways like social media, emails, face to face interaction and many more. With the assistance of this, they company an easily expand their business at global level and at the same time also enhance the chances of attaining positive outcomes.


It is one of the important duty of project manager to analyse the risk factors within the project activities. As business organization face issues and risk which is related with the technology, finance, human resource, competitors and so on. Thus, it is important for project manager to effectively evaluate all the risk factor for reducing the negative impact on performance of the company (Cleden, 2017). Along with this, British Telecoms needs to provide better training and development programs to their staff members to handle all the risk factors. This will directly contribute in increasing the chances of attaining positive outcomes in appropriate time frame.


For completing the project activities, it is important for business organization to includes all he necessary resources that help them in attaining heir set targets. For carry out the project activities, manager requires finance, technology, human resource, time and many more (Doherty, Ashurst and Peppard, 2012). With the help of all these resources company can easily complete the project in systematic manner. In context of globalisation, various are includes by company like talented human resource, technologies for executing all the activities of the project in allotted time frame. By this company easily improve effectiveness of the project and its results as well.

Type of Research

Primary and Secondary

Quality and Quantity

Primary: This type of research is important in which investigator can easily gather data. Under this researcher gather data directly from respondents through different sources such as, questionnaire, survey, interview and many more. By this, research evaluate specific information towards the particular topic.

Secondary: It is also an important method to collect data in which researcher includes existing research and data that is already published. Mainly, it includes books, journals, magazines, newspaper and many ore.

Qualitative: This type of research is based on the exploratory in which investigator evaluate the reason behind specific topic (Drucker, 2012). Mainly, it assist researcher to develop ideas hypothesis related with the research activities. It includes various methods like group description, observation and individual interview. By this investigator can easily gather relevant data and information by selecting sample size of respondents.

Quantitative: It is also an important method of collecting data and information. Mainly, it used for determine the issue by analysing numerical data that can be implement into statistics. It is related with the attitudes, opinion, behaviours and many more. By this investigator an easily collect the data towards the particular area. Along with this , it includes various factors such as online platform, mobile survey, online survey, telephone interview. All these are used by investigator at the time of collecting data.

Work Breakdown Structure for the Project

Work Breakdown structure:

It is an important system of project management that divided in sub components. Mainly, it is a key project which mange whole work of a team with he purpose of attaining set goals and objectives. In this context , British Telecoms use WBS to divide all the task of he project in smaller part (Fageha and Aibinu, 2013). With the help of this, company can easily execute all the task in allotted time frame. It also provide guidance to team members to effectively perform task activities. With the assistance of this, they an easily attain positive outcomes.

Gantt chart: It is a bar chart which includes project activities along with specific time. It help business organization to effectively determine task and its allotted time. This will contribute in managing as well as monitoring the resources in appropriate time frame.

Research Methodology and Data Collection

Research methodology: It is one of the important technique through which researcher can easily determine and analysis information. With the help of this, investigator critically evaluate he effectiveness of whole project that can be depend on its reliability and validity as well.

Data collection: It is an important process of the research which used by researcher for measuring as well as collecting information towards the particular topic. Mainly it is a documentation that enable answer of various questions (Florén and Frishammar, 2012). With the help of this, researcher can easily gather relevant data and attain positive outcomes.

Explain the questionnaire

It is a research instrument that includes various questions with the aim of collecting relevant data and information from various respondents. With the help of this, researcher can evaluate positive outcome of the research.

List the questions:




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Q1) Are you aware about the concept of globalisation?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) What are the major benefits of globalisation for British Telecoms?

a) Job opportunities

b) Revenue generation

c) Create innovation

Q3) Is concept of globalisation support British telecoms to enhance their growth at global level?

a) Yes

b) No

Q4 ) What are the challenges faced by the company while operating their business at global level?

a) Organisational culture

b) Customers taste and preferences

c) Legal structure

Q5) What are the ways that used to increased concept of globalisation?

a) Information technology

b) Appropriate supply chain management

Q6) Is concept of globalisation positively impact on the different functions of British Telecoms?

a) Yes

b) No

Q7) What are the important resources required by the British Telecoms to operate business globally?

a) Finance

b) Man power

Q8) How British Telecoms can overcome from the issues that occur while establishing business at global level?

a) Proper training

b) Aware about different business culture

c) Establishing clear vision

Q9) What different functions of British Telecoms get affected by the globalisation concept?

a) Marketing

b) Operations

c) HR

d) Accounting

Q10) Recommended the ways by which British Telecoms can easily enhance heir growth at global level.

Discuss who will be the sample.

It is important for researcher to select he sample size for collecting data and information towards the specific topic and areas. Mainly, it is a subset of large population which may help in effectively analysing views and opinion of the respondents. In this context, investigator select 10 respondents for collecting data.

Secondary Research

Secondary research play vital role in carry out the research activities in effective manner. Mainly it involve use of information that collected by the researcher from another sources. For example, books, journals, newspaper, articles and many more. All these are help investigator to evaluate all the activities in most effective manner. It also support researcher at the time of taking decision. With the help of these sources, researcher collect information related to culture, economic and ethical impact of globalisation on business function.

Analysis and interpretation

Theme 1: Concept of globalization.

Q1) Are you aware about the concept of globalisation?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: As mentioned in the above graph, globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments all over the world. Yes, Eight persons support globalisation because there are positive aspects of globalisation as it gives people more choices. It helps to allow more peoples around the world to have access to more wealth and more consumer goods. No, Two persons oppose globalisation because as according to them globalisation ruin the environment and can lead to hyper-specialization, which can be negative sometimes.

Theme 2: Job opportunities is the major benefits of globalisation for British Telecoms.

Q2) What are the major benefits of globalisation for British Telecoms?


a) Job opportunities


b) Revenue generation


c) Create innovation


Interpretation: From the above mentioned graph, it has been analysed globalisation provide various benefits to British Telecoms in which company can easily increase their brand image. In this 5 respondents are said that it increase job opportunities within the company. Along with this, 3 people are said that it generate revenue in organization. Furthermore, 2 respondents are said that it create innovation within the company.

Theme 3: Concept of globalisation support British telecoms to enhance their growth at global level.

Q3) Is the concept of globalization support British telecoms to enhance their growth at the global level?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: As per above mentioned graph, it can be evaluated that 7 respondents are said that concept of globalisation support British Telecoms to enhance its growth level at global level. On the other side, 3 person are not agree with his statement.

Theme 4: Organisational culture is the challenge faced by the company while operating their business at global level.

Q4 ) What are the challenges faced by the company while operating their business at global level?


a) Organisational culture


b) Customers taste and preferences


c) Legal structure


Interpretation: As per above mentioned graph, it has been evaluated that 4 people are said that organization culture is major challenges for he company. Along with, 3 respondents are give their views that customers taste and preferences is also consider as a major challenge. Apart from this, 3 people are said that legal structure is also a issue that faced by the company.

Theme 5: Information technology is the way that used to increased concept of globalisation.

Q5) What are the ways that used to increased concept of globalisation?


a) Information technology


b) Appropriate supply chain management


Interpretation: As mentioned in the above graph, it is clear that 7 respondents believe that information technology is the best way that could be use for the globalisation where as on other hand only 3 respondents believes that appropriate supply chain management can be use for globalisation.

Theme 6: Concept of globalisation positively impact on the different functions of British Telecoms.

Q6) Is concept of globalisation positively impact on the different functions of British Telecoms?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: From the above mentioned graph, it has bee evaluated that 8 respondents give heir views that concept of globalisation positively impact on the organisational function. On the other side, 2 respondents are not agree with this statement.

Theme 7: Important resources required by the British Telecoms to operate business globally.

Q7) What are the important resources required by the British Telecoms to operate business globally?


a) Finance


b) Manpower


Interpretation: as per above mentioned graph, it can be analysed that 5people give views hat finance is important resource for British Telecoms to effectively operate their business activities at global level. On the other hand 5 respondents are not agree with this statement.

Theme 8:By providing proper training British Telecoms can overcome from the issues that occur while establishing business at global level.

Q8) How British Telecoms can overcome from the issues that occur while establishing business at global level?


a) Proper training


b) Aware about different business culture


c) Establishing clear vision


Interpretation: From the above mentioned graph, 4 respondents are said that proper raining for workers help overcome from he challenges that faced y company at the time expanding business. Along with 3 people are give their views that understanding about the different business culture is also beneficial for company to prepare business at global level. On the other side, establishing clear vision is also an effective way to overcome for challenges.

Theme 9: Marketing of British Telecoms get affected by the globalisation concept.

Q9) What different functions of British Telecoms get affected by the globalisation concept?


a) Marketing


b) Operations


c) HR


d) Accounting


Interpretation: As per above mentioned graph, 4people are said that marketing function is largely affected from the concept of globalisation. Along with this, 3 respondents said that operations function get affected. 2 person are give heir views that HR function is affected from the globalisation concept. Apart from this, 1 respondents are said that accounting function get affected from the globalisation concept.

Recommendation on findings

For improving overall performance of the company there are some effective recommendation that can be understood by following point:

  • For attaining set goals, British Telecoms needs to prepare an effective training plan to provide guidance to their workers. By this employees an easily interact with customers at global level.
  • British Telecoms needs to evaluate he customers taste, values and preferences to increase their performance at global market.
  • It is also important for the company to follow all the values and principles for expanding their business in another countries.
  • For expand their activities, British Telecoms should analyse the market trends and culture to effectively improve their performance.
  • British Telecoms needs to evaluate follow all the rules and regulation of the nation at the time of expanding their business.

Conclusion to the research

From he above mentioned report, it has been concluded that globalisation is one of important aspect for business organization to expand their activities in another countries. As it provide various benefits to the company to enhance heir productivity level at market place. In addition of this, project management plan is also play vital role in executing entire activities of he project n systematic way. By his company can easily attain heir targets. Primary and secondary research method is also used by the investigator to gather relevant data and information. With the help of this researcher easily take right decision and draw a valid conclusion. Are you worried about assignment help in the UK? We provide the best writing service at the best price.

Read also:
UNIT 6 Managing A Successful Business Project


  • Pieterse, J. N., 2015.Globalization and culture: Global mélange. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Su, W., Peng, M. W., Tan, W. and Cheung, Y. L., 2016. The signaling effect of corporate social responsibility in emerging economies.Journal of business Ethics. 134(3). pp.479-491.
  • Jamal, T. and Camargo, B. A., 2014. Sustainable tourism, justice and an ethic of care: Toward the just destination.Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 22(1). pp.11-30.
  • Khan, K., Abbas, M., Gul, A. and Raja, U., 2015. Organizational justice and job outcomes: Moderating role of Islamic work ethic.Journal of Business Ethics. 126(2). pp.235-246.
  • Yin, J., 2017. Institutional drivers for corporate social responsibility in an emerging economy: A mixed-method study of Chinese business executives.Business & Society. 56(5). pp.672-704.
  • Paniagua, J. and Sapena, J., 2014. Is FDI doing good? A golden rule for FDI ethics.Journal of Business Research. 67(5). pp.807-812.
  • Cleden, D., 2017. Managing project uncertainty. Routledge.
  • Doherty, N. F., Ashurst, C. and Peppard, J., 2012. Factors affecting the successful realisation of benefits from systems development projects: findings from three case studies. Journal of Information Technology. 27(1). pp.1-16.
  • Drucker, P., 2012. Managing the non-profit organization. Routledge.
  • Fageha, M. K. and Aibinu, A. A., 2013. Managing project scope definition to improve stakeholders' participation and enhance project outcome. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 74. pp.154-164.
  • Florén, H. and Frishammar, J., 2012. From preliminary ideas to corroborated product definitions: Managing the front end of new product development. California Management Review. 54(4). pp.20-43.
  • Forsgren, M. and Johanson, J., 2014. Managing networks in international business. Routledge.

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