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Research Project - British Airways

University: UK college of Business and computing

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5555
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1127

Table of Content

Question :

There is been seen certain important questions needed to be answered which are as follows:

  1. Provide the research specification and also the formulation of all the records of British Airways.
  2. Elaborate the agreed procedures and the specifications for the hypothesis.
  3. What are the evaluation techniques of research for British Airways?
  4. What are the research assessment needed to be worked on?
Answer :
Organization Selected : British Airways


Digital technology is a critical sector that must be carefully considered for conducting operations effectively. Businesses need to adapt and modify their activities to ensure consumers can easily understand and navigate changes (Chen, et al., 2015). The digital landscape is constantly evolving with upgrades in techniques and the introduction of new technologies. Therefore, it's vital for managers to comprehend and assess its impact on consumer decision-making. As businesses evolve, so do consumer operations, influenced by the adoption of cutting-edge technology in the workplace. To grasp the modifications occurring in the external market, thorough evaluation and analysis of changes are necessary. This investigation focuses on British Airways, the second-largest airline organization in the UK.


In current market, there is growth in technological sector. There are changes in operations if association is using digital techniques for completing their task. There will change in business activities as well, hence it is important for people to understand and use it proper. With use of digital technology, it is easy for people to understand and determine changes properly. Consumers are using digital techniques for checking trends and fashion in industry (Gibson and O'Rawe, 2018). There are various organisations which are related with and operating in travel and tourism sector, so it is essential and signifiant for organisations to communicate appropriate information through it.

Aim of conducting this study is :

To determine the influence of digital technology on consumer decision making in travel and tourism sector. A study on British Airways.

With the help of this investigation, it will be easy for people to understand and evaluate changes properly. There is change in business activities because consumer's decisions might gets changed because of this and making policies to attract them. There are different platform through which consumer's can collect knowledge about offers and policies of British Airways, hence managers have to communicate policies properly, then it will be easy for people to avail services from this organisation. Digital technology is the platform through which people communicate with other people even if they are sitting at distant place (Hernández-Méndez, Muñoz-Leiva and Sánchez-Fernández, 2015). Hence it will be easy for consumers also to take and acquire knowledge about it. The main objectives and targets of this research project are as under-

  • To determine the best digital technology platform for interacting or communicating with consumers.
  • To evaluate the influence of digital technology over consumer decision making.
  • To study the challenges which arise in using digital technology for British Airways.

From the above stated objectives, it will easy to determine influence of changes in decision making and making strategies to handle it. There are changes in working operations as well of British Airways because they have to evaluate and manage activities properly. Questions on the basis of objectives are discussed as under-

  • What are the best digital technology platform for interacting or communicating with consumers ?
  • What is the influence of digital technology over consumer decision making ?
  • What are the challenges which arise in using digital technology for British Airways ?

Researcher have to determine and understand modifications which are taking place in external market. With change in business activities, it is essential and significant for people to determine and evaluate changes properly. There is complete and specific information with individuals, so it will be easy for them to select topic. There are some factors which assist in selecting particular topic and make study appropriate and relevant (Nezakati and et. al., 2015).

  • This topic is related with career of researcher, so they prefers to study this topic, so this assist in making carer as well. With change in working operations and it will be easy for people to determine and understand policies which as to be framed.
  • This topic is concurrent in current market because consumers are relying over digital technology, hence it will be easy and specific for researcher to collect information from respondents.
  • In travel and tourism industry, there are many changes and modifications which are taking place, hence it is easy for researcher to determine and understand those changes properly. If researcher wants to make professional career in this sector, then it will be easy for researcher to implement those changes to deal with challenges associated with it.

There is requirement of some information about topic which makes study appropriate and specific. It is essential for individuals to properly understand the implications of various changes. With change in business activities, there will change in latest technology as well. Hence there will use of some secondary sources as well for completing the study (Pantano, Priporas and Stylos, 2017).

Best digital technology platform for interacting or communicating with consumers

There are different technologies which can be used by British Airways to complete and understand specific information about changes in working activities among consumers.According to Siv Rauv, 2017 There will proper and specific information which makes it easy for consumers to determine ways through which consumer can get complete information. There are many sources which creates an bridge between British Airways offers and activities and assist in maintaining good relations, some of them are discussed as under-

Google Drive- this is the way through which consumers can get information about British Airways. This is the way through which consumers can access file and folders associated with association, but this can be possible with internet connection. It has made the task more easy because now data and information can be stored to cloud server instead of laptop or flash drive.By storing the relevant information on cloud server it can be assessed at any place at any point of time. On the other hand directly or indirectly it makes the work more easy and faster in the competitive market place. The data or information of British Airways are completely saved if they are stored on cloud server because the uploaded files are saved in secure data centres. The chances of losing saved data is no more on cloud server. But if the information or data are stored in laptop, tablet or in computer the chances of losing data is more as they can be broken or the data can be hacked.

Skype for business- Skype is the platform which assist in getting message, voice or video call among consumers and group among them. So it will be easy for consumers to collect information and managers of British Airways can also communicate with consumers in group. Organisation who is using more of Skype in their day to day business activities can limit the amount spend on their phone bills. The amount saved from bills can be used to in better way like opening a new venture which can be gather more margin. By using Skype in the British Airways they are able to provide much betters services to their targeted customers. Through this staff members can easily communicate with each other regardless of the device they use in the in an organization. Additionally, the cost of business travel is reduced to a large extent because Skype facilitates the services of video calling, message and voice call.

You Tube- This is the platform where British Airways have to make page and consumer subscribe it. It makes brand of British Airways known among consumers. This is best because this provides information about other brands also. Organization should use this digital technology in their day to day business activities because it is easy to integrate. The data and information provided on YouTube raises customers micro learning about the brand. Moreover, client can prepare notes like they can write down prices, available facilitate, discount, food and beverages and so on and can compare with other brand of airways so that best decision can be taken. Through you-tube company can easily reach out to their customers as well as if they subscribe the channel new post and information regarding the airways can be noticed by customers. By this loyal customers can be build for the service of airways over the years.

Influence of digital technology over consumer decision making

There is positive as well as negative influence on consumer decision making with use of digital technology, as there are many people which are working in the organisation, so there are possibilities that they does not use digital platform through which consumer might get negative image about British Airways product and services. With influencing and managing activities properly, then it is easy for consumers to determine what is best for them. As per view of Kelvin Claveria, 2019 With use of latest technology, consumers are getting proper information and peace because they does not have to go anywhere for collecting information. There will easiness in collecting information about lifestyle and best ways to evaluate changes.

Challenges which arise in using digital technology for British Airways

Many modification and changes are going on in the external or macro environment. It is important and signifiant for managers of British Airways to determine and evaluate ways through which they can understand and determine policies properly. According to the Howard Tiersky, 2019 In order to get positive impact, it is essential that managers have to reduce negative impact from it. Some challenges in using digital technology are as under-

Resistance to use of new technology- In organisation there must be flexible working environment, so it will be easy for managers to use latest technology. This makes easy for employees to work with latest technique.

Improper planning- When there is improper planning regrading use of technology for communicating with consumers, hence, it is essential to make proper change in activities. With change and altering business activities, operations must be planned accordingly, so this will give positive impact on working style (Ukpabi and Karjaluoto, 2017).

Research is performed for any some outcome and this makes easy for individual to come with some recommendations. There will complete and appropriate information to individuals after getting this study. So it makes activities in getting complete and appropriate sources. In order to evaluate and making activities research will assist in determining properly.

There will use of proper and relevant techniques to study the sources. There will use of qualitative methods because this gives proper and relevant information through graphs and charts. Descriptive research design will be used to conduct the study because this gives proper and complete systematic information. Primary and secondary sources of information are used to complete the study with proper collection of information. Questionnaire and internet sources are used to collect information. Simple random sampling is used to collect primary information from 50 local travellers, tourism business managers and students. Reliability and validity is maintained by collecting information from authentic sources. Internet sources are properly dated and named, hence it can be used in future for further study (Werthner and et. al., 2015).

There is an specified format in which study will be completed. It is important, essential and significant for people to evaluate and understand changes and it is easy for reader as well to complete study within specified time (Chen and et. al., 2015). Gantt chart is the technique which is used to complete study within specified time, hence it will be easy to determine expected time to complete study. This is pictorial description about various activities, tasks and their respective and associated time required to complete the investigation.


Hypothesis is explained as explanation which is tested by study and experimentation. The assumption can be right or wrong. As per the project below mentioned are some of the hypothesis that are illustrated as under:

Null Hypothesis

HO: Digital technology helped customers of British airways to take better decision in travel and tourism sector.

H1: Digital technology does not help customer of British Airways to take better decision in travel and tourism sector.

Research questions

Questions 1: What are the best digital technology platform for interacting or communicating with consumers ?

Ans: The best digital technology platform for interacting or communicating with customers are, Skype for business, You-tube, Google derive, Hubspot, HipChat and may more. All this help in communicating with customers more easily and quickly.

Questions 2: What is the influence of digital technology over consumer decision making ?

Ans: Digital technology helps in recognize need for the product and services prevailing in the market. By this customers are influenced to purchase the goods and push them to use it in their day to day activities.

Questions 3: What are the challenges which arise in using digital technology for British Airways ?

Ans: The challenges which raised by using digital technology in British Airways are, regulatory compliance, bridging IT and the business, budget and controlling cost. All this issues has reduced the productivity and profitability ratio to a large extent.

In order to gather authentic data about the influence of digital technology on customer decision making in travel and tourism sector various methods and approaches are used by researcher (Gupta, 2019). The brief explanation of distinguish methods and approaches of research methodology are showcased as under:

Data collection: Data can be collected from two methods that is primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. In order to assemble relevant and authentic data for the findings organization is using both primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data is directly collected from communicator either by survey, interview, questionnaire etc. It is more time consuming and expensive in nature. whereas, in secondary data collection method information are accumulated from books, journals, articles and many more (Gupta, Bhatt and Vaishnava, 2019).

Types of research: There are two types of researcher used by organization for the completion of the project. The two types of research are, quantitative and qualitative research. In qualitative research more focus is given on quality of the gathered data and less use of numerical data is done (Inanc-Demir and Kozak, 2019). Whereas, in quantitative research more graphs, pie charts, diagrams and mathematical figures are used in order to explain the assembled data. Company is using quantitative approach as it provide quality results.

Sampling: The two types of sampling are probability and non-probability which are used by company for collecting sample size out of the total population. Probability sampling is adopted by for the project as communicator will be selected on random basis and best results can be attained easily. Whereas, non-probability sampling is not used in the project because it consumes lot of time and money of the organization (Gupta, 2019). Hence probability sampling in that convince sampling is selected for gathering data from respondents. Hence, with the support of convince sampling............. respondents will be selected by investigator.

Data analysis: It is explained as procedure of transforming, cleaning and modelling data so as top discover meaningful information for business decision-making process. It is followed by organization in order to better understand problems faced by company and to explore data in more meaningful manner. Content analysis is adopted by company for analysing quantitative data.

For the collection of data for this research project use of questionnaire is made which is basically a written document that contain a set or combination of various questions associated with the research topic thus, helpful in gathering opinion and view point of respondents. A sample size of 50 local travellers, tourism business managers and students are selected for this research with the help of random sampling method. Following questionnaire are prepared for this research:


Q1) Does use of digital technology creates an influence on consumer decision making in travel and tourism sector?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) As per your opinion which one is the best digital technology platform for interacting and communicating with consumers?

a) Google drive

b) You Tube

c) Skype for business

Q3) What are the possible advantages facilitated by use of technology in tour and travel sector that can be availed by British airways?

a) Better social and customer connectivity

b) Faster communication speed

c) Versatile working through automation

d) Effective way for information storage

Q4) What are the threats that can be faced by British airways while making use of digital technology for consumer decision making process?

a) Insufficient cybersecurity

b) Lack of skills in employees

c) Inconsistent developer training

d) Threat of hacking

Q5) How use of digital technology is creating and exerting a change on business operation of organisation in relation with consumer decision making?

a) Personalization

b) Internet and marketing

c) Mobile communication

Q6) What challenges may arises or faced by British airways while making use of Digital technology?

a) Improper planning

b) Resistance from employees

c) Lack of financial resources

Q7) What are the best technology trend that can be adopted by British airways to have better use of digital technology in consumer decision making?

a) Internet of Things (IoT)

b)Artificial Intelligence (AI)

c) Big Data

d) All of the above

Q8) What overall influence will be lead by digital technology over consumer decision making within the British airways?

a) Positive influence

b) Negative influence

Q9) Any further recommendation for British airways?


Research evaluation techniques provide a process or methods for determining various aspects of results and act as a blueprint for making judgements and conducting research in an effective manner (Skeli and Schmid, 2019). The most commonly used research evaluation methods are:

Formative- This evaluation method make use of case scenario and tasks involved in testing process and also provide a description of interface to be evaluated for a specific research.

Summative- Use of this research evolution method facilitates development of a usability task list and also helps in determining methods, equipment, procedures, materials and measurements that are considered necessary for evaluation (Al Sharif and Marciniak, 2019).

For this research use of Summative evaluation method is made as it provide better guidance to meet the objectives of research together with effective planning techniques and methods

Research method

There are two types of research method which are described below:

Quantitative research method- Use of this method is made by researcher when they need to collect information in terms of numerical form to get a perception or idea about view point of respondents.

Qualitative research method- It is that method of research that facilitates collection and gathering of in-depth information about the behaviours and attitude of individuals and respondent (Lamest and Brady, 2019).

For this research project use of quantitative research method is made as provide a better way for presentation of collected data in form of tables, charts and graphs. Thus, facilitates effective decision making and better communication of findings.

For the interpretation and analysis of collected and recorded data use of thematic approach is made which provide effective presentation of data with the help of pie charts. The interpretation of collected data for this research is provided below:

Theme 1: Digital technology creates an influence on consumer decision making

Q1) Does use of digital technology creates an influence on consumer decision making in travel and tourism sector?


a) Yes


b) No



With respect to above diagram it is interpreted that 45 respondents are supporting the fact that digital technology creates an influence on consumer decision making in travel and tourism sector where as 5 respondents are seems against of this fact.

Theme 2: Best digital technology platform for interacting and communicating with consumers

Q2) As per your opinion which one is the best digital technology platform for interacting and communicating with consumers?


a) Google drive


b) You Tube


c) Skype for business



With respect to fore stated pie chart it can be said that 15 respondents are in favour of Google drive as being the best digital technology platform for interacting and communicating with consumers where as 20 supports use of you tube further, 15 individuals are in support of Skype for business.

Theme 3 Advantages facilitated by use of digital technology in tour and travel sector

Q3) What are the possible advantages facilitated by use of digital technology in tour and travel sector that can be availed by British airways?


a) Better social and customer connectivity


b) Faster communication speed


c) Versatile working through automation


d) Effective way for information storage



the above pie chart is reflecting that 15 respondents are supporting Better social and customer connectivity as an advantage of use of digital technology while 18 are in favour of faster communication speed. Further, 7 individuals are showing support for versatile working through automation where as 10 respondents are having view point that use of digital technology provides an effective way for information storage.

Theme 4: Threats that can be faced by British airways while making use of digital technology for consumer decision making process

Q4) What are the threats that can be faced by British airways while making use of digital technology for consumer decision making process?


a) Insufficient cybersecurity


b) Lack of skills in employees


c) Inconsistent developer training


d) Threat of hacking



The over stated digram is depicting that 20 respondents are having an opinion that insufficient cybersecurity is the biggest threat that can be faced by British airways while making use of digital technology while 8 respondents are in support of lack of skills in employees. Along with this, 12 believes that Inconsistent developer training is the biggest issue faced by British airways where as 10 are in favour that of hacking associated with the use of digital technology by British airways.

Theme 5: Digital technology is creating and exerting a change on business operation of organisation

Q5) How use of digital technology is creating and exerting a change on business operation of organisation in relation with consumer decision making?


a) Personalization


b) Internet and marketing


c) Mobile communication



The above digram is depicting that 15 respondents has favoured personalisation as the change lead by digital technology while 15 individuals are supporting internet and marketing. Further, 20 respondents are having an opinion that enhancement in mobile communication is the change lead by digital technology on business operations.

Theme 6: Challenges may arises or faced by British airways while making use of Digital technology

Q6) What challenges may arises or faced by British airways while making use of Digital technology?


a) Improper planning


b) Resistance from employees


c) Lack of financial resources



With respect to above picture it has been interpreted that 12 respondents believes that improper planning is a challenge that may get arises for British airways while making use of digital technology while 20 respondents believes resistance from employees is the biggest challenge. Beside this, 18 individuals are having a thinking that lack of financial resources is a challenge arises at the time of adoption of digital technology.

Theme 7: Best technology trend that can be adopted by British airways to have better use of digital technology in consumer decision making

Q7) What are the best technology trend that can be adopted by British airways to have better use of digital technology in consumer decision making?


a) Internet of Things (IoT)


b)Artificial Intelligence (AI)


c) Big Data


d) All of the above



The above pasted pie chart is showing that 20 individuals are having an opinion that Internet of thing is the best technology trend that can be adopted by British airways to have better use of digital technology while 8 are in support of use of artificial intelligence. Further, 12 respondents are in favour of Big data while 10 respondents are showing support for all the above technology trends to have better use of digital technology.

Theme 8: Influence lead by digital technology over consumer decision making

Q8) What overall influence will be lead by digital technology over consumer decision making within the British airways?


a) Positive influence


b) Negative influence



With respect to above drawn pie chart it can be evaluated that 48 individuals are having a view point that digital technology will lead to a positive influence over consumer decision making within the British airways while 2 respondents are in supporting negative influence of digital technology.

With respect to evaluation of above findings following recommendations can be made for British Airways effective adoption and implementation of digital technology within the organisation to avail the positive influence of digital technology:

  • Use of Skype for business facilitates a cross platform within the organisation thus, it is recommended for British airways as it provides a better collaboration among team members and employees to communicate with one another therefore, lead to effective decision making. At the same time use of Skype for business provides a high level security authentication along with an enhance productivity and communication that cuts the costs of business travel. Thus, use of Skype for business is recommended for British Airways as meet and solves the both the challenges of threat of security and lack of finance and facilitates an effective way of communication through making use of digital technology to have better consumer decision making in British airways.
  • Further, use of you tube is recommended for British airways to have better communication and interaction with consumers that facilitates effective decision making. YouTube is provides an inexpensive way of marketing thus, solve the challenge of lack of finance. Beside this use of YouTube facilitates reach to larger section of audience at global level thus, makes it easy for British airways to convey various message and promotion of its facilities across various region of world.
  • Along with this, use of Internet of Things (IoT) is also suggested for British Airways as it provides a collection of web-enabled devices that are used to collect, send and act on that data which they acquired from their surrounding and existing environments using embedded sensors, processors and communication hardware thus facilitates an easy way for effective consumer decision making process. It also facilitates a better use of digital technology create positive influence on operations of British Airways through making the communication of devices more transparent and also provide a cost effective way of communication that lead to automation of operation and facilitates services like online booking of tickets etc.

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With respect to this research project it can be concluded that travel and tourism sector is getting influenced and affected by digital technology which is enhancing the productivity and operation level of organisation of this sector. Use of various digital technology platforms like Google drive, YouTube, Skype for business, etc. are made by organisation of tour and travel sector to have a better and cost effective way of communication with customers and employees to have effective decision making. Further it has been summarised that, many challenges related with cybersecurity, hacking threat, lack of sufficient skills in employees, etc. are also faced by adoption of digital technology within the operations of organisation. At last, it can be evaluated that use of digital technology has lead to a positive influence over consumer decision making through providing a faster way of interaction and use of various trends like Internet of thing etc. Thus, overall it has been concluded from this research project that use of digital technology is leading a change in operations of travel and tourism organisation through creating emphasis on personalisation and better use of mobile communication.

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