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Operations and Project Management - Jaguar Land Rover

University: St. Patrick’s International College

  • Unit No: 16
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3277
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 1363

Table of Content

  2. TASK 1
  3. TASK 2
Organization Selected : Jaguar Land Rover


Operation management is all about the conversion of raw materials into finished goods for offering them to the end-users. Their main objective is to create or design unique and attractive products for gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Jaguar is one of the leading automotive organizations which engage in manufacturing innovative cars or vehicles for their final users (Turner, 2014). In fact, the company is expanded across the international boundaries as well as merges with Land Rover and named Jaguar Land Rover. Therefore, initially, the assignment is going to highlight the operation management of Jaguar and in what ways they are implementing principles of the manufacturing process. Along with this, a continuous improvement plan of an association is also outlined in the project. Furthermore, the PLC stage of the hotel construction project will be framed in the assignment for understanding the significance of every phase while handling any large or small assignment.


1.1 Introduction to Jaguar

Jaguar is a very luxurious British multinational car producer of Jaguar Land Rover by having its headquartered in Whitley, Coventry, England and owned by Indian company Tata Motors since 2008. Initially, this company was engaged in producing Jaguar cars before getting merged with Land Rover to form a Jaguar Land Rover on 1st January, 2013. Basically, this business was originated as a Swallow Sidecar company in almost 1922 and at their initial stage company was engaged in manufacturing motorcycle sidecars. However, name of an organization was renamed from S.S Cars to Jaguar Cars in almost 1945. After that get merged with British Motor Corporation in almost 1966 which resulted in enlargement of an association which now renamed as British Motor Holdings (BMH). Furthermore in 1968 company again merges with Leyland Motor Corporation and then itself nationalized in 1975. In 1990, Ford acquired Jaguar cars and combined with Land Rover in 2000 which resulted into selling of Jaguar Land Rover to the Tata motors. Hence, Jaguar created this company as a subsidiary holding organization but at operation level in 2013 Jaguar cars was merged with Land Rover in order to form Jaguar Land Rover Limited as a single manufacturer of cars, single designer as well as brand owner for both company (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017).

According to given case study, presently Halewood plant is getting attentive for producing new Jaguar X' Type for 21st century. Main reason behind developing this car is a feedback from a massive global consumer research programme. However, programme is making sure that designers of Car's, engineers and marketers remain in tune with the requirements or expectations of desired clients in every phase in development of Car's.

1.2 Operation Vs operation management

Operation is a term which means by the use of various raw materials production team will make finished goods for the end users. Their main motive is to design creative items with the help of several ingredients in order to satisfy the needs of desired clients. For example; in a given case study operations management of Jaguar wanted to minimize the wastage while operating due to which they are engaged in another new project that is Jaguar X' Type in 21st century (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus, 2014). Hence, various types of materials are used by Jaguar while manufacturing vehicles. Thus, it is essential to manage all these things or various factors of operational department such as; assigning of job to various employees on the basis of skills, talent and so on. Hence, management of all the factors related with operational department is known as operation management.


Operations management

Conversion of materials into finished products is known as operation.

Management of all the materials and factors during operations management such as; labours, assigning of job, allocation of resources, time management henceforth.

1.3 Implementation of operation management principles by Jaguar

Jaguar is well developed organization which is famous for its attractive cars with high quality features. Thus, they are very serious towards principles of operations management and always implement all the major principles while manufacturing process. Therefore, some of the major principles of operation management that is implemented by Jaguar in the given case study are discussed as follows-


Jaguar always believes in analysing problem instead of worrying about techniques such as; in given scenario company is trying to fulfil the expectation of clients. It shows that Jaguar is following the principle of reality while operating their business like; understanding the issue which was raised instead of going and asking with customers for the reason behind rising this question (Harrison and Lock, 2017).


Jaguar is a very large organization by having its branches in various regions due to which managers always assign a job or work to specific employees for proper functioning. In fact, analyse the performance of employees also by assessing it on regular or weekly basis for understanding their efforts they are investing for company success. It means, every individual at workplace are taking accountability of their job role without blaming their errors on some other person.

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Procedures of manufacturing are interconnected with each other due to which it is essential to be predictable and consistent for attaining a same outcome in profits.


Rule of Pareto is also applied in the operation management of an organization which is followed by Jaguar. This rule states that; 80% of organizational success arises from precisely maintenance of inventory records, BOMs, general system disciplines whereas only 20% of achievement comes from application of new techniques to the processes. It means, maintaining of proper record is really indispensable for the success of an association because it aids in controlling the losses of a company (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016).

1.4 Comparison of operation management in relations with Six Sigma and Lean principles

According to given scenario an organization is going to launch a new or innovative product for the success of an association as well as in order to fulfil the expectation of customers. However, there are various elements of operation management are identified which is followed by company while manufacturing process and all of them differently applied or used. Thus, lean principles and Six Sigma are also used by jaguar for distinct purpose that is discussed as follows-

Lean principles

Six sigma

Lean production is used for standardizing the work processes as well as cut out the duplication and waste. Thus , Jaguar has set a new standard for an organization which is consider as best identified tool of operation currently available. However, this standard is continuous enhancing as a result it has been analysed that Halewood have the ability to manufacturer at least 100,000 vehicles in a single year.

In order follow six sigma policy an organization must not produce more than 3-4 defects in millions of opportunities. However, DMAIC is a most appropriate process which needs to follow in enhancement. Basically, main objective of this process is to enhance the quality of output by reducing the causes of defects as well as tried to minimize the variability in manufacturing process (Martins and Martins, 2012).

1.5 Concept of continuous improvement

Continuous improvement plan is a term which shows the efforts of an organization in enhancing the productivity and their performance by taking measures. Main objective for continuing is to cope up with current changes which might incur at marketplace. For example; modification in political policies for trading across the international boundaries, changes in currency rate and so on. These entire things enforce Jaguar to continue their improvement on the basis of fluctuation in order to enhance the image of an association at marketplace. In other words, continual enhancement plan also known as on-going process of enhancing organizational products, services or procedures through incremental and breakthrough improvements (Pemsel and Wiewiora, 2013).

1.6 Preparation of continuous improvement plan

In the given cases study of Halewood, Jaguar is making efforts to enhance their vehicles for coping up with current demand of customers of 21st century. Their main motive is to reduce the waste materials or defects for controlling the amount of losses. However, four step model is known as a continuous improvement plan which is adopted by Jaguar for managing their new project of Halewood (Robichaud and Anantatmula, 2010). Along with this, trying to fulfils the expectation of desired clients in order to protect their goodwill.

  • Plan - Initially, an organization identified that customer is demanding new model of cars in order to experience something new or different. Thus company decided to make a plan for launching a new model of Jaguar that is Jaguar X' Type for the customers of 21st century.
  • Do - Now, after making a plan for this kind of Project Company decided to implement it on small scale for analysing the level of profit and loss from this new product.
  • Check - It's time to analyse the outcome of change which is implemented by company such as; either customers is accepting the sample or what is their reaction towards newly launched car.
  • Act- At last after getting aware about the range of benefits of newly launched project an association needs to implement it on large scale.

1.7 Recommendations for improving functions in Jaguar

After analysing all the scenario and operation management process of Jaguar it has been understood that company needs to focus on few major elements before implementing new things at marketplace. For example; wanted to launch a new product for the current customers. Thus, for doing this an association needs to hire skilled or talented employees who can easily handle complex things. Along with this, requisite to follow lean production policy as it helps in reducing the waste amount from the production process. Additionally, usage of continuous improvement model is useful for the proper implementation of any new project at large scale because it helps in controlling the possibilities of heavy losses (Subramanian and Ramanathan, 2012).


2.1 Summary of case study

John and Jane established a restraint in partnership in Docklands, London and their business are working very well. In week days corporate members and office employees are main customers of the restaurants whereas at weekend local people come in this restaurant. Both the partners analyse that because of instability in UK like recession, Brexit and political issues is not favourable for the hospitality business. But still company get succeeded in creating around 1 £ million profit in every year. As a result, company is having their long term strategy in which they decided to expand their business into hospitality industry and planned to invest in the business. Along with this, both the partners have already approached for the loan of almost £ 2 million to their bank manager at the interest rate of almost 6%. Now company is going to implement this plan in proper manner and some of the employees are acquiring evening classes in which they come to know about the term PLC. Hence, all of them wanted to apply this on the project of Hotel construction and expansion (Burke, 2013).  If you want to get the authentic paper as per the prescribed deadline, then consider seeking help from our Online Programming Assignment Help at the best price.

2.2 Application of each stage of PLC in a given project

John and Jane both are making efforts to expand their business in hospitality sector for making more or more profits. Along with this , trying to offer their services to the loyal community members, visitors and business customers. Thus, company have already applied for loan before starting their business in hospitality industry. Additionally, employees are getting aware about the term PLC which is very useful for managing a business project in suitable manner. Therefore, company can use various data and information before making plan for the project as well as consider it for minimization of errors during implementation process. Hence, proper application of PLC stage is discussed as follows with the use of several necessary documents such as; business case, project plan, work break down structure and so on (You and et. Al., 2012).

Initial stage of project starts from the designing of business case in which an organization is going to explain all the necessary things which is requisite for company while implementing this project. Furthermore, followed by necessary phases in which all the other documentation is going to include.


Phases involve

Main deliverables to achieve

Business case (Introduction stage)

Analysis of economic potentiality in order determining the need of its for project.

An effective document of hotel will described the whether or not the assignment is worth the needed investment by considering requirement of business, cost/benefit analysis as well as unaccomodated demand.

Conceptual planning (Introduction stage)

Defines the various attributes which make up with future of hotel for gaining competitive advantage.

It will covers the definition of hotel that means in what terms this association is standards for; unique style, taste, quality, platform of a brand or their promise.

Feasibility (Introduction stage)

Assessment of economic and finance stability of new hotel assignment on the basis of market, profit and loss, risk social and regulatory framework

Detailed documentation which describes the product of hotel that would maximize market penetration, its performance and internal rate of return for holding time frame (Zhang and et. Al., 2010).

Product, pricing, distribution and promotion (growth stage)

This stage is going to maximize the use of product by promoting it as well as by fixing various other elements.

Main motive of this stage is to maintained the quality of product at marketplace by introducing it with full support or relevant data. People are experiencing also and preferring also for trying something new or distinct from others.

Sales management, work breakdown structure (maturity stage)

In this products is selected by customers and there is a strong growth in a company sales.

It means, sales at peak and customers are attracting too much towards the hotel which is newly implemented at marketplace.

Decline stage

End of the new arrival

In this phase company might face decline in their sale because customers are became more use to for the arrival.

After the declining of the new arrival, this hotel has still option to be in demand by attracting visitors instead of local people. Thus, sales of an organization still under controlled and managed at marketplace.

2.3 Rationale for the use of WBS, project management software and leadership for project

In order to handle a project of given hotel an organization needs to consider few necessary elements for proper implementation of whole assignment. In fact, every elements have their own significance workplace. Thus, rationale of using WBS, project management software and leadership is discussed as follows-

  • WBS- It helps in distributing works between various staff members in order to perform all the business operations in much suitable manner. Moreover, aids in minimizing the work load from one person.
  • Project management software- Handle the business activities in suitable manner by considering necessary aspects. Some of the major factor which includes in this project is; time, cost, scope, quality, resources, communication and risk.
  • Leadership - Aids in controlling entire staff members as well as minimize the probabilities of mistakes during project handling.

2.4 Justification of time and cost taken by project manager for ensuring systematic recording of each stage

Time and cost always supports in systematic management of each stage because it helps in directing employees to in how much time they need to complete their assigned job or task. Along with this, ensure that what amount of Profit Company requisite to gain for attaining their rate of return. For example; one employee is responsible for designing the layout for building in one week then he/she automatically works accordingly and tries to complete in minimum time duration. On the other hand, market managers is liable for selling almost 80% of stock in coming 6 months then he/she will acquired almost 20% of entire profit then automatically marketing manager will acts accordingly.

2.5 Use of relevant theories models and concepts applied for large and small scale projects

There is a major difference between large and small scale projects because of distinctiveness in various aspects such as; funds, policies, employees talent, image and various other element. Large projects are using PLC stages and prefer continuous improvement plans for minimizing the chances of heavy losses. On the other hand, small scale assignment doesn't require all these things because of minimum amount of investment. However, planning at small level can also suitable for small scale projects (PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE STAGES (PLC), 2015).

2.6 Effectiveness including justification of PLC in application of this project

Project life cycle stage is really useful for the success of project because it helps in guiding the employees as well as whole team towards corrective direction. Along with this, make sure that all the activities can easily accomplishing in a given time period without any disturbance. For example; by the use of PLC hotel construction project can easily analyse the current demand, market change, competitor strategies and so on.


From the above report, it has been concluded that operation management plays a very crucial in the growth of a company and the largest company has used various principles of the operations department for the smooth functioning of the business. Along with this, the entire project aids in understanding the need for PLC while handling a large or small project because it helps in minimizing the probabilities of mistakes and errors. Throughout the assignment, one thing is determined that is the success of a business is based on the proper management and following each stage because it aids in directing towards a suitable path.

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