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Managing the Customer Experience

University: University of London

  • Unit No: 10
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3232
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 826
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system ?
  • Discuss about the types of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Hilton Hotel


Customer experience is the perceptions of individuals about the organisation, the services provided and the manner in which they are being treated. Managing customer experience or perceptions is the most valuable factors which every company needs to consider, it is the top priority and responsibility of every individual working in organisation (Goodman, 2019). This report is developed on Hilton Hotel which is a public company and founded in 1919 by Conrad Hilton. The hospitality organisation serves in vast location around the globe and and it headquarters are in Virginia, U.S. In this assignment, the impacts digital technology have over customer experience is investigated, along with developing a understanding about Customer Relationship Management system (CRM). Moreover, customer touch points are used for applying an effective Customer Experience Management (CEM) strategy.


P5 Examining the impact of digital technology in managing customer experience

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a tool, technique, practices or principles which are adopted by the organisation to communicate and interact with their customers. Customer Relationship Management system serves to enhance and improve overall experiences of buyers or potential customers. This system most commonly refers to the technology and methods entity uses to increase and manage external interactions with people. Nowadays with changing business practices new emerging technologies and digital forums plays vital role in making a CRM effective and efficient. Therefore, it is seen that digital technology has huge influence over managing experiences of consumers.

Feature and Importance of building Customer Relationship for Hilton Hotel:

The features and importance of building customer relationship for Hilton Hotel is very essential and necessary as it is advantageous for the entity, its long term business revenues and more importantly for its survival. Hilton Hotel deals in hospitality sector which is aggressively increasing and becoming competitive. The importance of customer relationship is huge for the business and growth prospective. Hilton Hotel uses its relationship with the customers for increasing sales and retaining the customers. The customer relationship allows the company to also conduct market research and know about the preferences of people so they can serve the best quality services and products to their potential customers. The customer relationship management systems allow company to keep all the data secured for longer duration which is beneficial for them in long run in the business. So, building customer relationship is very important in hospitality industry for smooth functioning and running of business, for surviving and growth of the hotel and most important for effectively attaining all objectives and motives of the organisation with improved and enhanced profit units and goodwill of the Hilton Hotels.

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Types of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

Most commonly used CRM systems with every entity for managing customer relationships in an effective manner are explained below (Roy, 2018). These systems are enabling Hilton Hotel to be most productive and adopt appropriate manner to communicate with customers. These systems are as follows:

  • Operational CRM system streamlines all procedures and process of business. The main aim of this CRM system is to develop leads that is attract potential people, change them into potential buyers, acquire all details about them and accordingly serve them throughout their customer life-cycle. This CRM system supports Hilton Hotel's front office department, as they are the face of company, involves direct interactions with guests. The front office department make use of technology and communicate with people through telephones, emails, etc. the hotel front office department send the confirmation to guest of their booking through emails which helps in speedily rendering all information to the guests also, it enhances the speed of the transactions and reduce waiting time at the time of check-in and check-out. Another us of technology is done by front office department, the executives contact the guests through telephones for confirming their booking and taking confirmation form guests about their visit and their trip.Operational CRM system is most effective for rendering customers service support to visitors, resolving their issues and answering to their queries and also enables the hotel to develop close and healthy relations. Taking continuous feedbacks and rendering quick solutions to the problems of consumers make them feel important and the foremost priority of hotel which makes the relationship between guests and hotel stronger and change customers into loyal customers.
  • Analytical CRM system is the next working, hand in hand with Operational CRM system. Through this system the data which is gathered by company in at operational level in relations to their customers are then analysed and evaluated. This assist Hilton Hotel to analyse the needs of individuals, understand their behaviours and derive their true value for themselves (Bolton and et. al., 2018). This system helps in approaching the efficient buyers, communicate with them in an appropriate manner, and make proposals top them according to their needs and desires for rendering utmost satisfaction. Basically analytical CRM tool enable Hilton Hotel to make appropriate research and accordingly develop packages grabbing the attention of different segments of society which enables them to attract the customers and motivate them to stick to the hotel and become their loyal customers. The tool which are helpful at this stage is data mining for searching and extracting most effective information in relations to people such as their buying behaviour, motivating factors and many more, which enables them to improve their business performances.
  • Collaborative CRM system is a practice of developing synergy and coordination. The name of this function reflects its meaning, helping Hilton Hotel to create coordination with customers, suppliers, business partners and other related parties. The main aim or purpose of this system is to increase sales and the quality of services provided to customers which will automatically help in developing customer loyalty and enhancing customer base (Gopalakrishna, Malthouse and Lawrence, 2019). Hilton Hotel, make use of emails for collecting feedbacks of guests about their experience of stay at their hotel and the quality of service provided. Collecting feedbacks trough emails saves waiting time of guests at the time of check-out and helps Hotel to keep their data stored for future use and analysis.

On-line customer experiences

Digital marketing is a tool which encompasses all electronic devices and use of internet for marketing. These digital marketing channels are adopted by the firm as the current trends and scenario is changing, people are becoming more techno-friendly. This make it essential for Hilton Hotel to make use of digital making tool basically on-line tools for developing and managing customer experience. Few online digital tools which are used by Hilton Hotels are explained as under:

  • Other websites- There are number of websites which are developed and work as mediator for potential buyers and Hotels. These websites collects data of both the hospitality provider and the receiver. The company's offerings and their pricing strategies are mentioned for consumers, their requirements and expectations are collected. Hilton Hotel take reservations and room books online with their website but also associate with other websites for increasing their accessibility and reaching to wider customer's in no time, generating a strong and loyal customer base. The use of online websites enables Hilton Hotel to attract larger population, make more booking and reservation in the same time along with reaching to higher population. The enhancement of speed will directly affects to the performance of hotel as more and more customers will be gathered and revenue units will increase.
  • Emails for feedbacks- Another digital marketing tool which Hilton Hotel is using is emails, in order to collect feedbacks and suggestions of guests and even employees for making improvements in their operations. Emails are send to visitors containing a feedback form with a humble request to fill them and let hotel knows about their experience (Kranzbühler and et. al., 2018). This enables Hilton Hotel to develop effective interaction with guests and make changes if required. The use of emails are done for collecting feedbacks of employees and basically their suggestion on the operational effectiveness of their hotel. As personnel's or workers are closest to visitors they can help Hilton Hotel in making appropriate changes according to the requirements of clients. Also, taking feedbacks of employees increase their engagement in the operation which will enhance their motivation level and they will work willing and in more creative manner on behalf of the hotel rendering guests more efficient services on behalf of the hotel. The better performance of employees and their efficient efforts will increase the productivity of workforce which will automatically improve overall performance and productivity of Hilton Hotel.
  • Social media- The social media platforms are another potential examples of digital marketing channels. Social applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. are used by Hilton Hotel for making promotions and rendering knowledge about their products and services. The marketing team of Hilton Hotel make an attractive poster and images surf them on their social media handles informing and raising awareness about the services which are rendered by hotel (Nobar and Rostamzadeh, 2018). These social media accounts helps Hilton Hotel in marketing their offerings in wider manner, reaching and attracting various segments of society, increasing their market share and maximising profits. The use of social media also beneficial from financial point of view as it is a very less time and money consuming process of marketing. The Hilton Hotel make use of social media platforms in a very effective manner and also use it for bookings increasing sales of the organisation as it is a very systematic form of business allowing improvement and enhancement of business and profitability of company.


P6 Establishing customer service strategy for service sector organisation

Customer Experience Management (CEM)

It is a system which identifies and describes the manner for how a company can take control, of how it interacts or communicate with its customers. Customer Experience Management is basically a system which enable in improving interaction between organisation and buyers, according to entirely customers perspective and for the whole customer life-cycle. Effective implementation of this process, enrich the experience of customers, provide them higher satisfaction and increases loyalty of visitors. This is the main goals of Customer Experience Management, along with making the operations of company most effective and productive.

Touch-points analysis

Customers touch-point refers to the equilibrium point where company and consumers interacts with one another. These communications can take place in various forms which are broadly categorised into online and offline. Touch-points are anything that will direct a brand and consumers to interact with one another (McColl-Kennedy and et. al., 2019). These touch-points are important as it serves in several sections to the organisations, helps in identifying new opportunities opening new doors for the firm. Customer Touch-point analysis has four stages, starting from reviewing the customers insight which is already present in company, according to them a map is created for interacting with consumers for understanding the need for data collection. Then value is being derived where analysis is done about what interaction will most influence the individual adding value to brand. According to the data collected, information gathered and analysis is performed an improvement plan implemented for increasing customer experience and delivering them a consistent brand experience. Once a plan is executed and all improvements are implemented now the its impacts are measured for knowing that the motive of touch-point analysis of driving customer value is fulfilled at what level.

Customer service strategy used by Hilton Hotel

Customer service strategies are basically thoughts and ideas which are introduced in business for increasing interactions and maintain consistency in providing best possible experience to consumers (Kim, Beckman and Agogino, 2018). There are few strategies which Hilton Hotel are using for rendering best experiences to their guests who are visiting their hotel present in worldwide locations. These strategies are proving to be effective for the organisation chain as they are of flexible nature and practised in specified way according to the locations. These strategies are highlighted or elaborated below in the next section.

  • Continuous Feedbacks- One of the most effective tool and touch-point trough which Hilton Hotel interact with its customers is Feedback (McLean, Al-Nabhani and Wilson, 2018). It is a tool which is used to and records the reactions of people about the services and goods which are rendered by the service provider. The Hilton hotel make use of customer feedbacks for knowing their customers buying behaviours, their needs and loyalty for the hotel. These feedbacks are collected by using digital technology such as emails and interviews on phone calls. The feedbacks collected by the customers can also help Hilton Hotel marketing team or department make use of the data effectively and potentially and assess the data for developing potential marketing strategy which can enhance the ability of the business and boost the sales and revenue of Hotel.
  • Regular training and development-Employees or the different operational teams are the one who executes all plans and serves to guests on behalf of their Hotels. Therefore, another customer experience strategy which Hilton Hotel adopts is continuous training and development of staff who are the closest to guests, such as housekeeping department, front office department and other functional units. These departments are the closest units which are attached to visitors and render them services for which they are assigned. As employee skills and knowledge is updated it will allow them to perform in better manner also, they can be in touch with the guests and render them quality service according to the market trends expectations of customers.
  • 24*7 Customer helpline- This is a service which almost all hotels which are higher in ratings provides. The differentiation is done the basis of their effectiveness and appropriateness (Mbama and Ezepue, 2018). The 24*7 helpline is for customers where they can call every time and on anytime on the clock expecting a solution for their issues and resolving their quires. These helplines can be approached by individual from anywhere inside or outside of the hotel. Hilton Hotel has specially recruited a team for attending calls at all times and these executives work at different times according to their shifts and job description.
  • Fascinating infrastructure supporting customer service- Nowadays, people are more attracted towards and wishes to have a comfortable luxurious stay while they are out on their holidays. This factors brings the infrastructure of the hotel into consideration, the more beautiful and decorated the hotel is the more people are fascinated about it. Therefore, Hilton Hotel make sure that the infrastructure of their hotels in different locations of the world are best and most attractive. These attractive infrastructure is another customer service strategy which is adopted by Hilton Hotel for developing an effective impression on the customers as the infrastructure will be according the expectations of the visitors and accordingly fulfil their needs and desires which will turn them into loyal customers towards the brand.Want to get Assignment help. Talk Our Exper Now!!!

P7 Demonstrating development and creation of customer service strategies for meeting needs of company and consumers

The customer service strategies which are discussed in above section and adopted by Hilton hotel are not appropriately demonstrated in this section below (Følstad and Kvale, 2018). This demonstration is based on the creation of these strategies in a way which meets the needs of guests and organisation both.

  • Continuous Feedbacks- First strategy is continuous feedbacks of customer trough emails and telephonic interviews. These feedbacks are collected by the existing customers of Hilton Hotel and also from employees. This strategy helps hotel to consider the perceptions of both the potential guests who are external and employees who are internal to the company. For instance, through gathering feedbacks hotel front office staff identifies that customers are unhappy about the waiting time at the time of check in and check out. Then the hotel management will make strategies in order to reduce waiting time and making their systems more effective. This will help Hilton Hotel to increase their effectiveness and reduces the complaints from visitors about the waiting time.
  • Regular training and development- The feedbacks which are received by Hilton Hotel is useful here. According to those feedbacks hotel can gain knowledge about their leakages and lacking segments and where they need to make changes. Therefore, once changes are implemented training and development program is initiated for educating personnels about the new systems or technologies introduced (Smit and Melissen, 2018). For instance, in order to reduce waiting time at check-in and check-out, Hilton Hotel has introduced new digital technology which helps customers to make their payments online and check-in or check-out with their ease at the time they wish to leave the hotel. This is a new technology for which employees needs to be trained as they are not familiar with the new technology. These training will make workforce more competent, they can guide visitors about how to use the new technology reducing chaos form the system and help enhancing the experiences of individuals.
  • 24*7 Customer helpline- Another customer service strategy which Hilton Hotel has adopted is 24*7 customer helpline. This is a service which is rendered by hotel to visitors by this they had a facility to make calls at hotel, communicate with hotel staff and clarify their queries related to anything. Also, customers can call for taking helps from outside the hotel if they stuck anywhere or misguided by someone. The hotel staff was always ready for reaching out to help their guests and making their stay best gaining great experiences. This customer service is provided by many hospitality providers the factor which matter is differentiation and uniqueness of the service.Take Examples of Assignments Now!


The above report summarises that managing customers experience is a necessary task for every hospitality sector organisation. The effective use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system enable company to make effective communication and interactions with consumers, understand their behaviours and helps in knowing needs of people for rendering them best quality services. Digital technology impacts the business, enables them to market themselves in better manner in front of target market and increase their customer base. Number of customer service strategies are created for enhancing the experiences of customer's by fulfilling their needs and desires which is the main objective or motive of every hospitality business organisation.

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