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Critical issues in business management

University: Glasgow Caledonian University

  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: Post Graduate/University
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3313
  • Paper Type: Business Plan
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 8274

1. The main causes of the economic crisis 2007-2008

The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 is widely recognized as one of the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It stemmed from the inflated value of high-risk home mortgage sectors, partly fueled by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, aimed at assisting low-income and inner-city Americans with home loans. Many risky loans were bundled and sold to Quasi-Government Agencies, posing a significant financial risk due to implicit federal bank guarantees. To mitigate this risk, the US government reclaimed some loans, known as mortgage-backed securities, to prevent underwriting loans to high-risk individuals. The subsequent default subprime mortgage rates led to a global financial crisis, impacting various countries' financial sectors. Easy credit conditions and lax mortgage lending regulations contributed to economic downturns, leading to business collapses, unemployment, evictions, and foreclosures. The crisis also caused a significant decline in consumer wealth, triggering a liquidity crisis in the US economy. There are differing opinions on the crisis, with some attributing it to complex financial products and others blaming insufficient financial sector oversight and regulatory failures.

2. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of tools used for forecasting events and predicting crises in the business environment

A large number individuals see the world as containing incalculable. Prospects ask about research edge as a strategy for taking a gander at the alternative destinies and recognizing all probability. Forecasting is proposed to help essential authority and Federal Bank organizing in the present (Bernanke, 2007). Forecasting draw in people because their usage derives that organization can change considers now to alter what's to come. Desire is welcome to bring change into a system.

There are a couple of suspicions about Forecasting:

1. There is no genuine approach to state what the future will be with completed confirmation. Despite the procedures that Federal Bank organization use there will constantly be a segment of unsteadiness until the Forecasting horizon has happened.

2. There will constantly be blind spots in Forecasting. Federal Bank can't, for example, Forecasting new headways for which there are no present perfect models.

3. Offering Forecasting to approach makers will help them detail the social course of action. The new social approach, therefore, will impact the future, in this manner changing the precision of the Forecasting (Bernanke, 2007).

Various researchers have proposed a grouping of ways to deal with arranging Forecasting systems. The going with portrayal is an alteration of the development made by researcher over two decades earlier:

Genius forecasting - This procedure relies on upon a blend of impulse, learning, and favorable luck. Psychics and valuable stone ball peruses are the most remarkable occurrence of virtuoso forecasting. Their guesses are developed just as for sense. Science fiction writers have every so often depicted new progressions with uncanny exactness. There are various situations where men and women have been earth shattering compelling at foreseeing what's to come (Caprotti, 2012). There are similarly various instances of wrong guesses. The inadequacy in genius forecasting is that it's hard to see a fair figure until the forecasting has happened. Some psychic individuals are fit for conveying dependably exact forecasting. Standard science all around disregards this reality because the proposals are just too much troublesome, making it difficult to recognize. Federal Bank organization present perception of the fact of the matter is not acceptable to clear up this aces.

Consensus methods - Forecasting complex systems much of the time incorporates searching for ace suppositions from more than one person. Each is a master in his own specific educate, and it is the amalgamation of these decisions that the last figure is gotten. One technique for meeting up at an understanding figure is put each one of the masters in a room and let them "battle it out" (Caprotti, 2012). This procedure comes up short in light of the way that the situation is every now and again controlled by those individuals that have the best assembling affiliation and impact attitudes. An unrivaled technique is known as the Delphi strategy. This system hopes to change the issues of Federal Bank organization very close standoff in the social occasion, so the responses and respondents remain obscure. The customary framework proceeds in all around described gathering. In the first round, the individuals are asked for that make their desires. Their responses are requested, and a copy is given to each of the individuals. The individuals are asked for that comment on ridiculous points of view and to ensure or change their innovative decision in light of what substitute individuals have created (Giuliani and Kurson, 2002). Again, the answers are assembled and maintained back to the individuals. In the last round, individuals are asked for that reassess their exceptional supposition in the context of those showed by various individuals. The Delphi procedure general makes a speedy narrowing of evaluations. It gives a correct forecasting than get-together talks. Additionally, a very close trade taking after the utilization of the Delphi system spoils accuracy.

Cross-impact matrix method - Associations consistently exist among events and upgrades that are not revealed by unilabiate deciding frameworks. The cross-influence arrange method sees that the occasion of an event can, in this manner, affect the probabilities of various events. Probabilities are doled out to reflect the likelihood of an event in the proximity and nonappearance of changed events. The resultant between correlational structures can be used to take a gander at the Federal bank associations of the parts to each other and inside the general system (Giuliani and Kurson, 2002). The advantage of this technique is that it powers forecasters and methodology makers to look at the Federal bank associations between system portions, rather than study any element as working independently of the others.

Combining Forecasts

It has all the earmarks of being clear that no assessing strategy is fitting for all conditions. There is a huge affirmation to demonstrate that merging solitary forecasting produces grabs in deciding precision. There is similarly demonstrate that adding quantitative figures to subjective forecasting diminishes accuracy. Ask about has not yet revealed the conditions or techniques for the perfect blends of forecasting. Judgmental evaluating as a general rule incorporates joining forecasting from more than one source (Patterson, 2003). Instructed forecasting begins with a course of action of key assumptions and after that uses a blend of recorded data and ace emotions. Included assessing searches for the assumptions of every one of those particularly affected by the figure. These frameworks, all things considered, make higher quality figures than can be proficient from a lone source of Federal Bank. Joining forecasting outfits organization with a way to deal with compensating for insufficiencies in a reckoning framework. By selecting correlative techniques, the lacks of one strategy can be adjusted by the upsides of another (Sullivan and Claycombe, 2004).

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3. Crisis management theory, organizations, need to do prior, during, and after such an event to survive and perhaps thrive

Crisis management theory consists of some key features of crisis management processes. The processes are crisis management strategy, crisis management model, crisis management planning, and contingency planning. Depending on that, the managers of Federal bank should understand the crisis management process before facing the financial crisis of 2007-2008(Giuliani and Kurson, 2002).

Crisis management strategy:

The crisis management strategy is one of the most important corporate development strategies. According to the crisis management strategy, the organizations should design the primary initiatives for any crisis status. According to the case scenario, the Federal Bank has to understand what crisis they are going to face. Based on the crisis, they had to prepare the structure of the organization. The financial crisis had led the bank to lack of finance, and the mortgage lending process makes them weak in case of providing loans to the customers. In many cases, people took advantages from the bank. However, after the crisis is impacted, they should re-construct their workforce and organization's processes (Sullivan and Claycombe, 2004). Best online law assignment help in the UK. Contact our experts.

Crisis Management Model:

Crisis management models are the most important for successfully tackle the problem within the organization. The managers of the organization should understand the requirements that are effective for handling the crisis. In this way, the management could prevent the crisis. Crisis management model can portray the exact processes that a manager or an organization should do before and after facing the crisis. The ARC Crisis management model consists of crisis avoidance, crisis recovery and crisis mitigation processes(Tazieff and Sabroux, 2004).  There are different phases for the crisis management models which should be reflected on the manager's activities while understanding the crisis. The phases are:

  • The examination of the trouble or the danger signals.
  • The appropriate strategy for reducing the effect in future.
  • Monitoring and implementing the change processes.

The phases have significantly declared the processes which should be taken while the company is going to face or have faced the trouble. In the case scenario, it is vital to notice that, the bank did not respond to any of the situations and let the crisis come to the organization and destroyed the financial structure. However, they did not review the crisis before it strikes the organization. The management should have understood the effect and how to take prevention from the trouble. Apart from that, the bank should make a proper strategy to reduce the effect of the financial crisis. As the organization did not follow the financial crisis model, they did not implement the change processes that were needed to bring sustainability within the organization. Thus, the organization did not sustain for a long time.

Crisis Management Planning:

Each association's crisis administration prerequisites will shift. The way to Crisis Management Planning of Federal Bank is to have an arrangement of procedures and strategies to be utilized as a rule for crisis administration. Quality management also plays an important role in business.  Pre-created crisis administration arranges, and related exercises empower administrators to successfully address a most pessimistic scenario or long haul crisis (Zahavi and Kauffmann, 2006).The relative significance of the crisis may shift given the circumstance experienced and centrality to the organization. A debacle announcement ought to be founded on the expected length of the disturbance and the anticipated effect of the crisis on the specialty units included.

Affected specialty units ought to decide the quantity of hours that ordinary business operations can be hindered before a catastrophe must be proclaimed. This period will shift among specialty units and is specifically attached to the basic way of the administration being given. At the point when the timeframe that preparing has been intruded on achieves the foreordained edge, a catastrophe ought to be announced (Worthington and Britton, 2006).

  • Has there been death toll?
  • Has or is there anticipated that would be lost business or income?
  • Have basic applications or data been lost or traded off?
  • Are basic representatives not able to play out their capacities?
  • Is it expected that financial positions will be debilitated?
  • Have administrations to clients been lost or imperiled?
  • Have basic interchanges been lost or traded off?
  • Have physical offices been lost or has entry been anticipated?
  • Has power been lost?
  • Has security been lost or risked?
  • Are lawful liabilities show?

Contingency Planning:

A contingency funding plan (CFP) is, at its center, a liquidity crisis administration instrument. The record is set up as a mandate for a future crisis and stands prepared to be referenced, sometime in the future, as a reaction plan and potential estimate of how a far off liquidity occasion may unfurl. In any case, then, the situations displayed in the CFP may not happen. The following liquidity crisis might be an occasion that not a solitary bank administration group could have ever envisioned. All things considered, hyper vision is not regularly recorded as a required banking ability.

In 2007, Federal bank that seemed to have sufficient liquidity and stable funding almost fizzled due to a keep running on stores. The bank had been doing business for more than 15 years, was dynamic in the group, and delighted in a strong notoriety. Notwithstanding, after an incorrect media report showed that conclusion of the bank was fast approaching, a critical volume of stores was pulled back in four days. Working money was about drained, and contributors were excited.

Luckily, the bank had a viable CFP, which alleviated the crisis. Duties were obviously illustrated, and every colleague executed his or her part as planned.As reputational dangers were tended to, administration observed the characteristic liquidity position nearly. Enlightening reporting frameworks allowed consistent examination of the bank's liquidity with expanded reporting recurrence. The administration had likewise pre-set up access to the markdown window and Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) progresses, which was especially valuable in light of the fact that the enlistment procedure can take weeks. These sources gave basic liquidity screens that helped in exploring the transitory funding crisis and permitted the bank to rise effectively.

4. Discuss the leadership lessons that senior management should take away from the consequences of the financial crisis

The worldwide financial crisis has showcased contrasts in leadership styles. The styles of those accused of managing the worldwide financial crisis, from the American President to the back clergyman of Iceland, are essentially extraordinary. Many inquiries ring a bell: is one style superior to another; what are the basic qualities held by every one of them; which style appears to play better in which environment; and some more..

The account of the financial crisis is not at long last told. When it is told at some point later on it will be an account of leadership achievement and leadership disappointment. Those near the crumple as of now give data that few of the floundering organizations planted the seed of their downfall in who they designated to leadership parts. Different stories distinguish people whose associations have survived in light of their brave and astute leadership (Sullivan and Claycombe, 2004).

This might be the most unstable and profound crisis most leaders have confronted. From before the Great War associations and the world have confronted profound emergencies. While watching the leadership conduct of effective crisis leaders, ten basic qualities rise:

1.Seeing things for what they are. Solid crisis leaders live toward the front of reality. They perceive occasions and their noteworthiness and don't timid far from the results of what they see. Scholarly trustworthiness is a key part of their DNA; they consider what is best for the association, not their very own pickup.

2.Strategy and detail. They can see the master plan. They can see the majority of the moving parts and comprehend what cause is and what impact is. They get beneath the 30,000ft level and can delve profound into detail without being buried in it. They rapidly build up an extremely point by point information of the issues (Tazieff and Sabroux, 2004).

3.Multiple options. When they have distinguished the issues, they will consider various ways to deal with how these might be tended to. At first, they draw in others in conceptualizing potential arrangements without judgment, despite the fact that they may have a favored arrangement at the top of the priority list. They are sufficiently certain to know and acknowledge that their way may not be an ideal way.

4.Decisiveness. Taking responsibility for arrangement means being definitive. When they feel they have listened to the best exhortation, they will settle on a choice. Solid leaders will utilize a mix of continuous information alongside their "gut"; the insight based on years of leadership experience. When they settle on that choice, they know they have to "offer" it to key partners and work enthusiastically to guarantee organizational resistance does not hinder the viability of choice (Worthington and Britton, 2006).

5.Collaboration. Solid leaders take responsibility for the issue. They see, in any case, that a long haul arrangement requires the info and contribution of numerous partners. They distinguish those people and cooperate towards an answer that most support and most can live with.

6.Listen to unpopular advice. Unsuccessful leaders listen just to the individuals who concur with them and regularly support one-dimensional considering. The effective crisis leader searches out people who have an alternate point of view on an issue. They incorporate people with whom they may not concur and whose counsel might be in opposition to that of their nearest counselors.

7.Calm, courageous and positive. They feel a feeling of earnestness and stay calm. They perceive that an association, a nation or the world is watching them and realize that how they introduce themselves will give nonverbal signs to the gathering of people. They will convey terrible news when they have to and do it in a way that maintains a strategic distance from the frenzy and gives a sensible level of seeking after what's to come (Zahavi and Kauffmann, 2006).

8.Take a risk in the face of risk. Emergencies frequently convey the leader up close and personal with an arrangement of circumstances they have not already observed. There are inquiries to which they don't have a clue about the answers. Gathering contrarian perspectives from people with whom they want not concur, but rather regard, likely means they may make arrangements not already attempted, and results of which might be obscure. If it is the best arrangement, in any case, the solid leader is set up to risk.

9.80% rule. Leaders unquestionably need to settle on the correct arrangement of choices. Solid leaders comprehend they won't have the majority of the data they may like (Zahavi and Kauffmann, 2006). They realize that settling on a blemished choice can frequently be superior to settling on no choice by any stretch of the imagination. Regardless of the possibility that the choice should be "tweaked" for usage they are open to making it.

Prepare to admit mistakes. Bold leaders who go out on a limb will without a doubt commit errors sooner or later. Profound emergencies require consistent basic leadership. The volume of choices required in multi-faceted emergencies can nearly ensure that not each choice will be 100% right. Solid leaders are set up to concede their slip-ups (Zahavi and Kauffmann, 2006). Read sample assignment on business management.


  • Bernanke, B. (2007). The Federal Reserve and the financial crisis. 1st ed.
  • Caprotti, F. (2012). Environment, Business and the Firm. Geography Compass, 6(3), pp.163-174.
  • Giuliani, R. and Kurson, K. (2002). Leadership. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion.
  • Patterson, R. (2003). Dereliction of duty. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Pub.
  • Sullivan, W. and Claycombe, W. (2004). Fundamentals of forecasting. 1st ed. Reston, Va.: Reston Pub. Co.
  • Tazieff, H. and Sabroux, J. (2004). Forecasting volcanic events. 1st ed. Amsterdam ; New York: Elsevier.
  • Worthington, I. and Britton, C. (2006). The business environment. 1st ed. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Zahavi, G. and Kauffmann, A. (2006). FEER Index - Forecasting Extreme Events Risk. SSRN Electronic Journal.

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