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A Study on Amazon

University: Docklands Academy

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 16 / Words 4124
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1919
Question :

There is a certain question which is mentioned below:

  • Introduction about the organisation
  • Explaining Key publications and themes
  • Elaborating about Justification and contextualisation
  • Elaborating the Research Methdology
Answer :
Organization Selected : Amazon


In the current era, the retail sector is rapidly growing and sharing a significant contribution to the effective GDP of the UK by 9.3%. The particular sector is effectively generating a significant level of employment opportunities which makes it a highly significant industry. Organizational culture refers to the collection of values, expectations, and practices that help the member of the firm to get insights for taking significant actions (Paris and Pattiruhu, 2020). Organizational behaviour is related to gaining information about how people working in a firm interact with each other. Human resources management is associated with having the appropriate ability to have a strategic approach in an organization for effective & efficient management & control of people working in a firm. Each factor is connected with others so evaluating relationships becomes important with respect to assessing the impact on the firm the current study is based on Amazon which is one of the successful e-commerce firms operating in the retail sector (Lubis and Hanum,2020).

There are different types of factors that are interrelated which influences the growth and development of the enterprise so evaluating relationships becomes crucial in turn appropriate action for improvement can be taken. The present research will give emphasis to understanding the concept & importance of culture & behavior prevailing in organization and HRM. The current investigation will focus on using qualitative research type and thematic analysis technique for examining factors affecting & relationship between organizational culture & behavior and human resource management. It will aid in gaining insights about the approaches for making improvements in the relationship between organizational culture, organizational behavior, and human resource management of Amazon. These all will be helpful in gaining depth insights about the highlighted subject matter. You can also check out free dissertation examples.


Theoretical background and research Focus

Aims and objectives:


The main aim of the current investigation is to examine the relationship between organizational culture, organizational behavior, and human resource management at Amazon.


  • To understand the concept & significance of organizational culture & behavior and human resource management with 2 weeks
  • To assess the factors affecting organizational culture & behavior and human resource management in the UK retail sector
  • To investigate relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management of Amazon
  • To recommend the strategies for improvement of relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management on Amazon

The gap in the research is that there is no proper focus on building the relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management is provided so particular study can help in gaining appropriate insights to get information about its significance.

Research question

  • What is the concept of organizational culture & behavior and human resource management?
  • Which are the factors affecting organizational culture & behavior and human resource management in the UK retail sector?
  • What is the relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management of Amazon?
  • Which are strategies for improvement of relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management on Amazon?

Key publications and themes

Theme 1: Concept of organizational culture & behavior and human resource management

According to Cooke, Schuler and Varma (2020) organizational culture is related with company's mission, vision, objectives and values that are followed by employees in respect to meet their roles and responsibilities. There are distinct of benefits which are attained by enterprise through having the effective culture the enterprise tat comprises increased employee engagement, decreased turnover, strong brand identity, effective boarding and healthy team working environment. On the other side, Isensee and, 2020 depicted that organization culture related with collection of the rules and regulations developed by enterprise for attaining specific type of behavior from the employees. There are few limitations that includes poor communication, micro management, too much competition, unhealthy focus on profit, over burden on staff, etc. which hampers firm's performance. These all adversely affect the performance  of organization.

In the views of Azeem and, (2021) organizational behavior is studying academic study of how people  interact within group in respect to meet the business goals. Having effective behavior in organization tend to serve distinct form of advantages that involves better customer service offering, cooperative team work, creativity, innovation, appropriate leadership, higher performance, etc that ids firm to receive significant outcomes. On the other side, Stewart, Courtright and Manz (2019) stated that OB (Organization behavior) is having particular kind of the belief, attitude and aspects so that significant pattern of working can be obtained. There are distinct drawbacks which can be faced by enterprise that includes managing workforce diversity, working in bias based working culture and administrative difficulties, etc which has negative impact on the performance of enterprise.

As per the views of Tasselli, Kilduff and Landis (2018) HRM is one of the wide concept that is related with having strategic approach in the business to ability to ensure that business is gaining competitive advantages by placing right employee at corrective position. This can enable firm to receive advantages such as securing top talent, stronger on boarding, improved employee retention and having reliable performance. In against to this, Luthans, Luthans and Luthans (2021) articulated that HRM is huge approach that is maintaining safe distance, higher competition, lower recognition value, conflict of opinion and legal liabilities. These all has adverse impact on the functioning of enterprise which require firm to pay attention on significant focus one eliminating such lacking areas.

Theme 2: Elements affecting organizational culture & behavior and human resource management in the UK retail sector.

According to Stone, Cox and Gavin (2020) there are distinct type of elements which affect the organizational culture that require firm to pay attention in turn significant reliable strategy formulation can become possible. The set of factor that affect organizational culture includes to leadership, nature of business and company's the values, policies and work ambiance. These factors play role in deciding that which type of working culture is to be adopted by the organization. From the evaluation of Mohelska and Sokolova, (2018) it can be understood that employees directly affected by the clients well-being can upset the employee behavior. Hence, the external parties also have the influence on organizational culture. Being able to have success can help the employee for a job well done can also uplift their whole team.

The study of Gürlek and Tuna, (2018) explains the organizational culture and behavior is the direct influence of the recruitment and selection of the business. This has the largest effective on the retailers culture and especially when a company is experiencing high growth. Selection of the best employees that are fit for the culture is very important for framing the culture and behavior of the organization. Pham, Tučková and Jabbour, (2019) added that the company values, policies and work ambiance is equally responsible for influencing the culture and behavior of the organization. For the identification of the process and work environment the employees need to identify and define the fundamental truths that serve as the foundation for the system and their beliefs.

The study of Meng and Berger, (2019) explained that the economic factors which gives the shape form to the development of economic activities can also include factors like nature of economic system, general economic conditions  and other factors of product that affects the human resources. The population and employ ability of the organization is the factor that influences the growth in the business. Kim and, (2019) also explains that the technology is a very big factor that impacts the operations related to the human resources. Technology is the factor that can define the nature of the organization and determine the technology for being used for conversion process. This is helpful for the determination of the type of skills of possessing the job performers.

Theme 3: Relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management of Amazon

Shahi and, (2020) explains that organizational culture and behaviour are two separate concepts, yet they have very similar values. Both these work for an organization to help in  determination of the whether the company will be successful. The effects of organizational culture and behaviour can be seen in the way of leadership of an organization that is related to employees. Ren, Tang and Jackson, (2018) added to this by explaining how the organizations can be seen to influence the leadership of an organization that is related to the employees. Employees are the ones which are responsible for both the organizational culture and behaviour.

From the study of Oyemomi and, (2019) the effects of the organizational behaviour and human resource are related. This is because the organizational behaviour looks at the individual behaviour and when that is considered as the group its becomes the organizational culture. Management of the human behaviour in the organization is the major role of Human resources. Stahl and, (2020) argued that organizational behaviour and human resource management deals with the behaviour of the organization's human capital in order to gain the competitive advantage for achieving the organizational goals.

Chaudhary, (2020) elaborated that human behavior is inherent of each individual that means his characteristics of behaving and thinking are own features of organizational behavior. The company culture is unique for each own felt and done, The relationship between organizational behavior and human resource management can be the fact that human resource management can be used for tool for shaping organizational behavior. Mousa, S.K. and Othman, (2020) adds that the part of responsibilities of human resource department is helpful for managing the issues that are related tot eh welfare of employee in an organization. This is the responsibilities that pursue diligently with a more positive attitude towards their jobs and will be more willing to achieve an extra mile.

Justification and Contextualisation

Significance of  research

 In the specified sector, having effective information regarding relationship between  organizational culture, behavior and HRM can aid in growing the growth and development enterprise. There are different parties for which the particular research can be useful that  involves the specified organization, other similar firms operating in the same sector and learners  & scholars conducting the research. The particular study will be helpful for Amazon to give emphasis on examining the relationship between organizational cultural, organizational behavior and human resource management. These can permit firm to ensue that reliable performance achieving strategy for improving the prevailing relationship in turn achieving significant improvement can become possible. The particular research study will be helpful for the similar organizations participating in the retail sector so that they can get significance, factors affecting and relationship between specified elements in turn achieving ability to get leading position can become possible. Learners and scholar conducting study on the similar subject matter can effectively use the specified study in turn attaining the objective of formulating particular study     accurate and reliable can become possible.  

Rationale of research

The main reason behind the conducting the particular research is due to retail sector is performing effective so that higher performance can be derived. Organizational culture, behavior and human resource management are the crucial factors that play significant role in affecting the overall performance (Xenikou, 2022). The current investigation will be helpful in receiving the appropriate information about concept and significance of culture & behavior and HRM prevailing in  company so that appropriate information about the lacking areas can be identified. This can permit making proper actions that can aid business to execute relevant strategy so that higher productive outcomes can be derived. On the basis of this, it can be interpreted that relationship between these mentioned factors highly affect the performance of enterprise so that taking corrective action in order to uplift position sector can become possible.

Evidence of existing body

This research on the retail sector about the ways in which the organizational behaviour, organizational culture and human resources are interrelated has been done before. The importance of this research was that it helped the learners to understand the importance of all these elements on Amazon. In this research the individuals were able to learn how the business will be able to develop new opportunity to bring growth. This existing body has provided the growth that is required for bringing the strategical growth. This is the factor which is However, in comparison to the existing research our research is very different. The biggest difference that this research has is the factor that this research was done with the help of limited resources. This research was able to manage resources without breaking any kind of academical internity.

Respond to an existing need

The particular research study can be helpful in achieving the ability by the specified  organization to understand that what are the prevailing needs that affect the company's culture so that positive working scenario can be derived. In addition to this, it can receive insights about how effectively organizational behavior that play crucial role in impacting the performance of enterprise can be done. The particular research can contribute in understanding that how human resource management affect the culture and behavior in firms so that taking reliable course of action can become possible. The existing need is to get competitive advantages  by ensuring that effective organizational culture, behavior and HRM so that appropriate performance can be derived.

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Research Methdology

Research  type

There are to types of research type such as qualitative and quantitative which aid in accomplishing predetermined objectives (Snyder, 2019.). Qualitative research type is related with having significant information in theoretical form. Quantitative research is related with collecting the fact based and numerical data so that accomplishing objectives can be completed. For current research, the researcher will use qualitative study so that accomplishing the objective of assessing the concept & significance, factors affecting, relationship prevailing between organizational culture & behavior and HRM can become possible. The reason behind selecting the qualitative research is due to the theoretical topic.   These will aid in gaining the theoretical knowledge in turn proper research can be formulated.

Research approach

Inductive and deductive are two approach which are taken into  consideration for having effective understanding procedure for carrying out research (Pandey and Pandey, 2021). Inductive is related with having observation, drawing pattern for gaining tentative hypothesis and applying theory. Deductive is concerned with having theory then formulating hypothesis for observing and confirmation of  study. In the recent study emphasis will be provided on applying inductive approach so that reliable pattern from observation can be done to meet the objectives which are theoretical.  Researcher will become able to get the insights about concept, importance elements influencing and relationship between organizational behavior, culture and human resource management in turn stating recommended strategies for improvement can be done.

Research philosophy ( paradigm)

There are two research paradigms that comprise interpretivism and positivism that enable to ensure that in which manner the data will be gathered, analyzed and used (Nayak and Singh, 2021). In the recent investigation, interpretivism philosophy is suitable as it refers to having observation of data which can be effectively interpreted that permit conducting qualitative study in effective manner. In addition to this, positivism philosophy is found to be unsuitable as focuses on scientific testing of hypothesis and findings logical proof by following rule to get facts. This will permit the scholar to get the accurate information to meet the aim and objectives so that answering the research questions which are all theoretical so can become possible. This will allow to obtain the reliable form of data in turn meeting the overall purpose of conducting research can be achieved. You can also check out free examples of assignments.

Data collections

For having reliable report it is important to gather the data in corrective form which can be exerted by using primary & secondary sources (El Baz and Iddik, 2021). The primary data refers to the information which has not been utilized by other parties previously and has been collected specially for particular issue. Secondary information is related with the already published data that can be used by anyone. For attaining primary information, scholar will focus on spreading questionnaire to conduct survey in turn views can be obtained to meet research objectives. For secondary research data, books, journals and articles will be referred so that supporting primary study can become possible as information regarding concepts, factors affecting, relation between, etc can be derived.


This is refers to the part of the total population which will be selected for gathering the information in turn accomplishing the objective of research can be effectively done. In the presented report, the sampling of 10 HR managers of Amazon will be selected from simple random sampling technique. This technique is associated with gaining the effective sample size by eliminating biasness via choosing randomly. It will provide assistance in gathering the views and opinions about the relationship between organizational culture, behavior and HRM so that answering question to formulate appropriate research report can be done.

Data analysis  

For evaluating the gathered data, thematic perception technique and SPSS can be taken into procedure (Macke and Genari, 2019). The thematic analysis technique is concerned with formulating themes referring to the information collected from the survey via making graphical presentation so that findings can be obtained which is suitable for present study. These findings are supported with LR in respect to get precise knowledge in turn achieving the research objectives can become possible.

Ethical consideration and reliability & validity

In order to meet the ethical consideration of the research, scholar will pay attention on having the effective consent form by taking permission from respondent so that willingly presentations of selected sampling can be given. In addition to this, inclusion of references h by giving credit for the other work that has been used by rephrasing sentence. There is focus is provided on  possessing data privacy through ensuring respondents that their personal information will not be disclosed. The reliability and validity will be provided by giving emphasis on using keywords h and using the latest published sources after 2016 and copyright data. There is given on having no alteration in the data gathered so that meeting objective of having accurate report can become possible.

Research limitations

Research  limitations that can be faced by the scholar comprises time, resources and money. There is limitation of time which has allowed to cover only few respondents however simple random technique of sampling has been used to for selection of targeted audience. In addition to this, scholar can find limited resources which may be properly dealt by having articles that are reliable & relevant so that appropriate form of information can be sued to meet the particular objective. The limitation of money will be properly dealt by using thematic analysis tool so that effective evaluating of qualitative can be properly done to meet research objectives.

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  • Pham, N.T., Tučková, Z. and Jabbour, C.J.C., 2019. Greening the hospitality industry: How do green human resource management practices influence organizational citizenship behavior in hotels? A mixed-methods study. Tourism Management. 72. pp.386-399.
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  • Stahl, G.K., and, 2020. Enhancing the role of human resource management in corporate sustainability and social responsibility: A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM. Human Resource Management Review. 30(3). p.100708.
  • Stewart, G.L., Courtright, S.H. and Manz, C.C., 2019. Self-leadership: A paradoxical core of organizational behavior. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior.  6.  pp.47-67.
  • Stone, R.J., Cox, A. and Gavin, M., 2020. Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Tasselli, S., Kilduff, M. and Landis, B., 2018. Personality change: Implications for organizational behavior. Academy of Management Annals.  12(2).  pp.467-493.
  • Xenikou, A., 2022. Leadership and organizational culture. In Handbook of Research Methods for Organisational Culture. Edward Elgar Publishing.
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