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Training and Development of HRM

Table of Content

Question :
  • Introduction of Training and Development?
  • What is the importance of Training and Development?
  • What is the aim & Objective of Research Project?
Answer :


Training and development is a function of human resources management concerned with organization activity that aim to improve the services and performance of individual as well as groups of company. Organization provide training to employees according to targeted groups of customers to accomplish their need to retain them for future. Management design training and development plan according to desires services level of customers for meeting their satisfaction level of services. The present research report will provide the information about aim and objectives of Thomas cook and factors that influence to choose the topic. Thomas cook is British global travel company which offering quality services in travel and tourism. This research project will explain sustainable tourism that refers to making positive impact on people and environment of destination. Report will undertake proposed investigation and collect relevant data to find the appropriate outcome. It will use evaluation techniques and media to present the outcome of research.

Factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

This research project selection has been done to improve the knowledge about the customer satisfaction and need of training and development (Jackson, 2010). Thomas Cook is big brand in tourism industry of UK that offering satisfactory services to customers by effectively analyzing the requirements and developed plan to meet their objectives. In addition to that the factors influence to select research project is improve information base for sustainable tourism which takes full account of current and future economic, social and environmental impact, addressing the need of visitors. The project is selected for gaining knowledge about the impact of training and development plan of employee that help organization to meet the satisfaction level of customers as well as achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Training and develop is essential part of managing services quality and offering desired services to customer that influence the market position and brand name of Thomas cook in UK and other tourist destinations (Johnson and Christensen, 2008).

Importance of training for current scenario

Training and development plays significant role in managing services and developing new opportunities to meet the organizational objectives more effective and efficient manner. In the current scenario customer prefer the services which suits to them as many alternative services available in market. In order to attract and retain the customer Thomas cook provide the training and essential information to employees which help to impress the customers (Flick, 2011). In that management offer learning to develop new services, control behavior, identify the actual need of customer and deliver services in perfect manner that desire by customer.

Vast literature available

For training and development many author and studies provided their views to improve understanding for research project. According to Holton training needs analyze in terms of change process. The training and development basically depends on approach, views, standard and requirements of customers (Holton, 2000). Holton suggested that competition and changes in culture affect and influence training and development module of company.


For effective training and development design to meet the satisfaction level of customers many authors presented their views which provides the information for the need of training and development for organization. In that Chris Amisano 2010 suggest that performance of employee and supporting staff is set the real environment for organization to attract customers. For that effective training and develop is important to increase skills of individual according to requirements and satisfaction of visitors in tourism (Chris Amisano, 2010). In addition to that Tom Baum said training and development help organization to establish good market position and sustain competitive advantage. As organization have skills employees will improve the satisfaction level of customer and influenced other visitors to experience quality services (Tom Baum et. al., 2007). Training and development is important part of setting the standard of quality services which influence the decision of customers. Training and development plan determine and define by the top management by consulting HR department to improve skills of employees and grandstand of services.

Heras analyze that every organization develop its employee according to need of that time but not regularly. However conditions of organization many not be same but continues training and development will enhance the morale and confidence of employees that improve the services quality. By effective training organization can make the employee capable to understand the importance of moment and make decision to fulfill the requirement of customers (Heras, 2006). Iftikhar Ahmad and Siraj-ud-din are the another researcher that suggest that employees performance is an important factor to building valuable brand image as well as meet the satisfaction level of customers. The ability to understand the need of customer and visitors employee need effective direction which will come through training and development program. It is responsibility of management to formulate proper training module for employee according to services standard (Iftikhar Ahmad and Siraj-ud-din, 2009). In spite of that effective training and development process will be beneficial for organization if the environment of working is energetic and positive. If organization is lacking somewhere in communication and co-ordination than management will fail to developing effective training plan.

Customer service training can make company stand out in the customers mind through satisfying needs and requirements. In training management used to provide the information about presentation, behaviors, offering and delivery of services and products. However these factors influence training but the best way to get desired outcome is practicing and interaction with customers. J. Kaynak provided views about customer satisfaction, in that organization has to identify the needs of customer and need to design training module accordingly which help management to meet the satisfaction level of customers. In training management have to include culture, values, services gap analysis facts and exercise to communicate with customers. In that management offer learning to develop new services, control behavior, identify the actual need of customer and deliver services in perfect manner that desire by customer.



To analyze the impact of training and development on customer satisfaction in Thomas Cook.


  • To identify training and development practices at Thomas Cook
  • To analyze the concept of customer satisfaction
  • To identify the impact of training and development on customer satisfaction
  • To determine ways of improving customer satisfaction through training and development

Research question

To identify the impact of training and development on customer satisfaction for Thomas Cook?

Data collection

For analyzing the impact of training and development data will be collect trough secondary sources. In that researcher will collect data from books, journals, studies of business school and research paper which published in business magazines (Ihantola and Kihn, 2011). In addition to that organization can use the feedback of customer about the services and behavior of employees. For the research project data will collected from the sources that mention above.

Data analysis

Through thematic and qualitative approach huge amount of data can be analyze for measuring effectiveness and make changes for improvement (Harrison and Reilly, 2011). However collection of data through this approach collection of data is easy but the analysis of it is hard as this approach consider large data which requires time for getting desired outcome.


In current scenario, modern methods have been introduced to promote services. There are number of strategies which can be proved fruitful for travel and tourism companies. Thomas Cook, a leading tourism organization has adopted few modern techniques to promote their packages (Dix and Seagriff, 2012.). For collection of data research will prefer secondary resources which has been collected by individual or agencies for investigating the facts that can influence the business or provide new dimension for meeting the satisfaction level of customers. In research design, sampling and data gathering has important place which help researcher for developing research with agreed specification and procedures. In order to analyzing the impact of training and development data will be collect trough secondary sources. In that researcher will collect data from books, journals, studies of business school and research paper which published in business magazines (United Kingdom: Industrial relations profile, 2013). In addition to that organization can use the feedback of customer about the services and behavior of employees.

In the book 'Customer care excellence' Sarah cook suggest that, customer services can be influenced by the observing competitor analysis organization can improve level of services which help to develop more appropriate training and development plan. Management of Thomas Cook can collect data from survey report which publish in newspaper and magazines. Secondary data use for extracting the relevant information from other sources in that procedure management or researcher can explore data through computer (Role and importance of human resources, 2014). The performance of employee and supporting staff is set the real environment for organization to attract customers. For that effective training and develop is important to increase skills of individual according to requirements and satisfaction of visitors in tourism. In addition to that organization can use services analysis facts of industry in which publisher provide the data and information about need of customers and develop plan for providing training and development. According to secondary studies specific objective of Thomas cook can be achieve more effectively as management will analyze secondary data that gather through newspaper, studies on customer satisfaction and development of skills which will help to conclude fact about the research and craft improvement in skills of employees which uplift the performance of employees and satisfied the needs and requirements of customers. In the news and magazines report about customer satisfaction published which suggest that Thomas cook is maintaining quality services but still some areas need improvement (Latif, 2012). On line sources is the biggest secondary data resources for management to collect data in systematic manner according to need to determine the fact of customer services offer by Thomas cook and performance of its employees. Systematic recording and methodological approaches will aid organization to collect relevant, accurate and valid data for analysis and interpretation of facts to get desire outcome and identification of issues that affecting the performance of employees and include more appropriate training and develop methods that support to meet the satisfaction level of visitors.


In order to keep data researcher can feed data into computer and written format which will help Thomas cook to use the data to design future training and development strategy which help to meet the satisfaction level of customers (The Workplace, 2014). For the data collection research can use the specialist software, in that ARGO is most effective analytic and data interpretation which will help Thomas cook to collect and record the data to make strategic decision to improve customer experiences. In addition to that MS excel also a effective method of data keeping and analyzing the fact of training and development to increase the satisfaction level of customer which will support tourism and improve the profit margin of company.

In data keeping researcher will perform the following activities like simulation, classification, forecasting and interpretation of collected data. Software like ARGO will provide the insight to enhance the approach to retain customers, effectiveness of services and forecasting to make decision for training and development. In addition to that statistical tables and word file will also be a essential elements of data recording and collection (Jackson and Stoneman, 2013). Organization can use customer feedback diary of customer about the services and behavior of employees to keep data and collect relevant and real time information. Training and development plays significant role in managing services and developing new opportunities to meet the organizational objectives more effective and efficient manner. In the current scenario, it is important for Thomas cook to record the data and collect valid customer prefer the services which suits to them as many alternative services available in market.

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For the present research thematic approach is used, that emphasizes pinpointing, examine and recording the data. Thames are patterns across data sets that are important to description of research project that is impact of training and development to meet the satisfaction level of customers. From the following approach researcher will evaluate the impact of training and development to enhance the satisfaction level of customers.

Theme 1: Training and development

The ability to understand the need of customer and visitors employee need effective direction which will come through training and development program. It is responsibility of management to formulate proper training module for employee according to services standard In training management used to provide the information about presentation, behaviors, offering and delivery of services and products. However these factors influence training but the best way to get desired outcome is practicing and interaction with customers. Thomas cook is offering effective training to employees which helping organization to deliver class services. From the analysis it is consider that organization has good sense of customer need for tourism and accommodation.

Theme 2: Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is depends on performance of employee and supporting staff that is set the actual environment for system to attract customers. Training and development plan determine and define by the top management by consulting HR department to improve skills of employees and understand of services. For that effective training and develop is important to increase skills of individual according to requirements and satisfaction of visitors in tourism. As organization have skills employees will improve the satisfaction level of customer and influenced other visitors to experience quality services. In that management need to study the facts which influenced decision of customers like communication, services, interior, behavior and quality in services to develop opportunities for sustainable tourism and expand the business share and size of Thomas cook.

Qualitative data evaluation:

For evaluation of data qualitative approach also be used by researcher to analyze the fact and performance of employees by collecting feedback from managers and supervisors. This will help Thomas cook to evaluate the effectiveness of training and development that offer by management to achieve the objectives. As data collected form secondary sources, it is consider that company is providing effective training to staff members in which management include communication, understanding of task and process followed by organization.

Interpret and analyses the results in terms of the original research specification

From the research on the topic of impact of training and development to improve customer satisfaction for Thomas cook, it is analyze that company is having good procedure for offering training. Company has sated proper plan for different departments to explain process and future planning for enhancing the customer satisfaction. In the different training program management has included communication, personal and professional development training module according to geographic areas as well as culture and values of particular tourist destinations.

From thematic and qualitative research it is carried out that organization is identifying the need of customer from market research to know perception and develop services accordingly in that contribution of employee is critical. Thomas cook is using presentation, written, video and email methods to provide training to their employees which helping organization to enhance communication and co-ordination between department to meet the satisfaction level of customer and visitors that choose their services for travailing. Overall experience of customers is satisfactory but organization need to improve interaction and follow-up of customers. In their training company has to include the informal communication as employees can present their views for training and development and personal experience with customers.


If business will be initiating proper raining ad development functioning in their operation then they will be able to satisfy their customers in a most appropriate manner (Berge and, 2002). Hence, it is the responsibility of higher officials to train their workers in an effective manner as per set standard for achieving goals and objectives of organization in an effective manner. Business need to initiate proper training and development plan for their employees for improving the overall skills and knowledge of their employees, so that they are able to initiate proper services to their customer. Further, research can be carried out by researcher in identifying different factors that can help in initiating the training and development activities in a most appropriate manner (Flick, 2011). Even other researcher can explore different effective practices concerning training and development that an organization can deploy in their regular functioning.

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Any study carried out by researcher will not be fruitful if its outcome will be not be presented through an appropriate media to a larger audience (Saunders, 2003). It is important to present research findings to the researchers and scholar who are really keen towards understanding such aspects of the study and even lays down their focus towards carrying out topic under research. Proper communication process needs to be carried out by the researcher, in order to pass on the effective research findings that are explored by the investigator in his study. Even it is important to spread the information collected as it will in presenting the impact of training and development on customer satisfaction for Thomas Cook. This process even needs to be carried out in an effective manner for registering the claim against the work that is performed by researcher under the present study. It is done by investigator for gaining high esteem. For presenting the researcher findings to a large audience researcher can undergo different strategies showing the findings. For carrying out this aspect direct presentation can be detailed by the author of the study revealing impact of training and development on customer satisfaction. With the help of this technique proper communication process can be carried out the researcher in a most effective and efficient manner (Johnson and Christensen, 2008). Further, for enhancing the knowledge with respect to the particular topic under study, researcher can directly present the study in various national and international conference help in the entire globe. In such conference chairperson of the session can detail the effectiveness of the study carried out by the researcher and the findings that are initiated by him in the research. It is a platform were every person has got knowledge with respect to study that is carried out by the researcher. Even it will him in getting better feedbacks that researcher will like to entail in his study. The researchers and scholars present at the conference can even detail suggestion that can be fruitful for further carrying out the research by the investigator. Presenting research findings in the conference with respect to identification of training and development practices at Thomas Cook, analyzing the concept of customer satisfaction and the impact of training and development on customer satisfaction will help in transmitting the information regarding such a giant company to a larger audience (Lichtman, 2006). If researcher is really able to find out some new facts regarding the company training and development practices then it must definitely will be communicates to the organization officials, so that they are able to enhance their overall performance. It will help business in formulating better strategies in their overall functioning for increasing effectiveness in their training and development practice of their employees. Even researcher at the local level can communicate such findings to audience, so that they are able to implement such kind of findings to different organization. It will help them in implementing effective training and development practices in their enterprise. Even the information identified can be transmitted in designing the poster which are developed for the conferences. It can also be one of the media that be adopted by researcher for communicating the findings of the research in a most appropriate manner. Further, researcher can publish the work that is carried out by him in different journals with the proper assistance of journals editors who carries out their individual publishing houses. Even researcher can get it published online accessing different databases such as Elsevier, Sun Direct, Taylor and Francis etc (Marshall, 2007). Researcher can make of different media for presenting or communicating the research findings of the study. It can done through disseminating information using electronic and web based tools for presenting information regarding training and development practices followed within Thomas Cook. Further, researcher can make use of different newsletters for providing the summary of their research findings. Proper assistance can be laid down by investigator with respect to different participating agencies that can keep updates on regular basis with respect to topic under research (Jamieson, 2004). At the end appropriate usage of internet can be carried out by researcher for communicating the findings to the larger audience.


From the above research project it is consider that to meet the customer satisfaction level training and development process is as important as quality and price of product. Systematic delivery, presentation and communication is essential for enhancing customer experiences. Research project has explained data collect methods approach for evaluating data as well as recording the information to develop effective development plan for Thomas cook employees. Form the analysis it is carried out that company is using presentation, written, video and email methods to provide training to their employees which helping organization to enhance communication and co-ordination between department to meet the satisfaction level of customer and visitors that choose their services for travailing.

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  • Jackson, S., 2010. Research Methods: A Modular Approach. Cengage Learning
  • Johnson, B. and Christensen, L., 2008. Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Flick, U., 2011. Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project. SAGE.Bhattacharyya, K. D., 2009. Research Methodology. Excel Books India.
  • Tom Baum et. al., 2007. Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Seventh Edition. Boston MA: Pearson Education Inc.
  • Holton 2000. Research methodology. Routledge.
  • Ihantola, E. and Kihn, L., 2011. Threats to validity and reliability in mixed methods accounting research. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.
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