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Human Resource Management Analysis

University: New college Durham

  • Unit No: 19
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3264
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: BMS413
  • Downloads: 889
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What is human resource management?   
  • Discuss Recruitment Strategy.
  • Explain Talent management and staff development approaches.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Asda


Human resource management is the strategic approach which looks at managing and retaining the employee in the organization for longer period of time. This is generally designed in organization to mazimise employee performance and get best out of employee in an organization. Asda is a British supermarket retailer, headquartered in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Asda was founded in the year 1949 by the founder Noel Stockdale and J. W. Hindell. This report highlights the different recruitment and selection strategy which is used by the cited firm to improve effectivness of organization in long run. After that the organization highlights the different actvity which is performed in the organization to manage the talent management in the organization and also to improve the level of staff development in an organization. In the end the report highlights the HR system and procedure in place within ASDA.

Effectiveness of recruitment and selection strategies in organization

Recruitment refers to the process in an organization which used to look at attracting, shortlisting and appointing suitable candidate for different jobs within an organization. It is the process which used to target at managing good amount of human resources in an organization. There are two different type of recruitment which is performed in an organization i.e. internal recruitment and external recruitment.Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Internal recruitment is the process in which organization looks to fill the vacancy of an organization by looking at exsiting workforce of an organization. Generally organization used to take help of promotion and shifting in internal recruitment method. External recruitmet is the type of recruitment in which organization used to look for the employee outside the business to fill the open vacancy in an organization (Goldstein and, 2017). In this type of recruitment organization used to build a good sort of relation with different agency or used to directly invite the application for the open vacancy in an organization.

Recruitment process alone does not help company in managing human resource sucefully in an organization. Selection is the process which used to help Asda in getting best employee in an organization. Selection is the process in Asda which used to look at selecting the best or right candidate with the require qualification in an organization to carry out the different operation of an organization. There are many different type of selection process which is used by Asda to select the best candidate in an organization. Some of selection method are as follows:

Interview: It is the selection policy in which organization used to have a face to face or telephonic conversesion with the employee in the organization. In this method organization representative used to ask the variety of question from the candidate and used to chack the amount of knowledge and skill which is possess by that candidate (Islam, 2018).

Test: It is another selection method in which organization used to condut the variety of test of candidate to check the skill or ability which is possess by candidate. This is the selection method on the basis of which the viability of candidate is test by organization. To decide the salary or wages to be offered to candidate.

Looking at Asda operation, organization used to use combination of both internal and external recruitment method to recrruit employee in an organization. Asda also uses test and interview as a selection method to select the employee for an organization.

There are many different type of recruitment and selection strategy which is used by organization to improve quality of human resource in an organization. Some of the recruitment and selection strategy used by Asda and their effectiveness are as follows:

Recruitment Strategy

Employer brand: Asda used to create a good image of a company in the eye of the employee in and outside organization. This eventually used to help the company in getting better number of applicants to fullfill the position in an organization. To build a good employer brand organization used to promote variety of activity. For example: Organization used to follow the equality act in organization, as Asda always used to recruit the employee on the basis of skill possess by them and also used to provide equall oppourtunity to all the employee to showcase their ability. This eventually used to help the organization in building good employer brand and also help organization in getting better number of applicant (Holm and Haahr, 2018).

Applicationtracking system: It is the another recruitment strategy which is used by an organization to recruit and maintain good amount of human resource in an organization. It is the technique in which the Asda used to automates the process of job posting and finding qualified talent in an organization. This help the organization in saving the time in an organization and organization used to get best talent on a go. For doing the same Asda has build the separate team in an organization and that team used to operate all the function of this software.Get UK's leading online assignment help!

Selection Strategy

Conjunctive selection strategy:It is the strategy in which Asda used toadministers multiple tool in the series of stages. In this strtegy the organization used to take help of more than one selection process. In this the candidate who used to perform poor used to get eleiminated and remaining used to go to the next selection process. In this process there are 3-4 set of selection method. As in the past the Asda has seen some sort of crictism for not clarrifiing the candidate about their status in the process and has faced some sort of legal compliance as well. Now organization used to clarify the position to all the employee with the help of different communication tool. This strategy also help the organization in getting skillfull employee in an organization, as organization has to pass on with variety of different challenge before getting selected in an organization.

Knowledge, skill and ability: Asda also uses tradition selection strategy in an organization, in which they used to select the employee in an organization on the basis of skill and ability present by them (Davis and, 2016). The reason behind the same is that after seeing the ability of employee, organization used to give the training to all the employee about the different activity which they have to perform in the organization (Internal and External Recruitment, 2017).

Talent management and staff development approaches

Recruiting or selecting the best employee in organization, is not just enough for human resources departement of an organization. All the organization used to take the variety of step in an organization for the purpose of talent management or for the purpose of staff development (Sabat and, 2019).

Talent management is define as a process in which organization used to take the variety of the step in the organization with the sole motive of retaining and maintaing the employee for longer period of time in an organization. Some of the activty of talent management are developing skill, clarity of thought, Appraisal, development oppoutunity.

Staff development is define as different actvity which is perform in an organization to enhance the knowledge and skill of employee in an organization in such a direction that it helps them in performing their role more professionaly in the organization. Different type of training and orientation are some actvity which is performed by all the organization in staff development process.

Activity of talent management and staff development helps the organization in maintaing a good amount of human resource in an organization and also help the company in increasing the effeciency of a business in long run of the business. Some of the best practices which is done by Asda for talent mangement and staff development in an organization are as follows:

Clear expectation and Align organizational goal: It is the practice in which Asda used to educate or pass on the clear communication to all the employee about the goal which need to be achieved by them. This eventually help the company in bringing a good amount of clarity in an organization. As all the employee are clear about the different activty which need to be performed by them. This eventually help the company in building good amount of trust between the employee in an organization and employee also feel free to express them in the organization.

Performance Appraisal: It is the another approach of talent management which is used by Asda. In this approach the organization used to provide a appraisal to all the outstanding performance in an organization (Tafti, Mahmoudsalehi and Amiri, 2017). Asda generally used to record the performance of all the employee for three month and used to compare the performace of all the employee used to get appraisal from company side. The appraisal may be in the form of monetory ways or may be certificate. This eventually used to increase the confidence level of all the employee in the organization and also used to increase drive other employee in the organization to perform well to get appreciation from company end.

Professional development oppourtunity: It is another approach of talent management which is used by Asda to manage the talent sucessfully in the organization. In this technique the organization used to give equall oppourtunity to all the employee to develop different sort of professional skill in them. This is generally done by organization by providing good sort of training to employee and giving different different type of task to the employee to showcase and develop new professional skill in themselves (Anstey, Fletcher and Walker, 2017).

Staff Development

Onboard training: It is the type of training which is provided by Asda to all the employee at the time of their joining in the organization. In this training all the employee in an organization are given a knowledge about how the company used to work and the different actvity which they need to perform in the organization to overcome the challenges which will be offered by the operation of an organization. This training used to develop the different skill set in an employee which will help them in carring out the different actvity in an organization. Asda used to give one month training to all the employee, this training is categorized in on the job training segment. After completion of this training outstanding performer in the training is rewarded by an organization. This training also used to help the employee in building good sort of confidence in themselves to carryout the different actvity in an organization (McDonnell and, 2017).

Skill Development Training: It is the training which is conducted in the organization at the time when there is some sort of change in operation of an organization. In this development process HR department of an organization used to be in the direct touch with departmental head and used to gather information regarding the training which need to be given to all the employee in the organization. On the basis of the same the Asda HR team used to provide the different type of training to all the employee. This activity help the organziation in passing on the message to employee that organization used to care about them. Also help the organization in getting more effecienct worker in an organization.

HR system and process

HR system refers to the varied functions that HR manager and its team perform at workplace for management of the workforce in proper manner at the workplace.

  • Payroll: It is the one of the main function of the HR manager and under this it prepares payroll or salary details of all employees for the month. That amount is credited to the employee's bank accounts. In order to prepare payroll information that are stored in the HR portal are taken into account by HR manager and accordingly salary is processed to bank accounts (Ostroff and Bowen, 2016).
  • Personnel tracking: Through HR system HR manager do personnel tracking like late arrival and other activities. On basis of such activities action is taken against employees by the HR manager at ASDA.
  • Time and attendance: HR manager at ASDA consistently check time and attendance of the employees and if any employee take leave more then specific number of days then communication is done with it to identify reasons behind leave taken.
  • Applicant tracking: Applicant tracking is also done at ASDA in the HR system in respect to number of days employee was earlier non-on office and accordingly it is identified whether employees frequently take leave. Apart from this, grievance placed by the employee is also taken into account and addressed immediately. Moreover, HR team also contact employee and confirm that problem is solved completely. If any applicant applies for interview then it is also called by the HR team on time to ensure that candidate within his comfort come in office for interview. Moreover, after interview for second stage of interview also applicant tracking is also done by the HR manager so that vacant position can be filled as fast as possible (Schmidt, Pohler and Willness, 2018).Take Human Resource Dissertation Topics at best prices!
  • Performance management: HR department time to time at ASDA evaluate performance of the employees. In this regard targets are already set for the employees and these targets are compared with the actual performance and it is identified whether performance is good or bad. According to sort of performance report card is given to the employees and recommendations are made to them about ways in which they can improve their performance. For performance management 360-degree feedback is also taken and under this review of single employee is taken from the multiple employees. By doing so, performance of the employees is measured in proper manner at the workplace. Results are communicated to both team manager at ASDA in its specific branch and employees working under him. Thus, in this way ASDA HR department do performance management.
  • Compensation management: HR department of ASDA also look at compensation management at the workplace. In different locations living cost is different and according to salary of different amount is paid in varied locations for same years of experience (Korff, Biemann and Voelpel, 2017). Under this function by considering salary one currently receives in another company, years of experience and location where one will be posted salary package is determined by the HR department. Moreover, at time of increment how much increment must be given to the employee is also determined by the HR manager. At same time HR department at ASDA focus on cost control. Thus, in this way HR department do compensation management.
  • Learning management: In many company's time to time HR department conduct varied training activities on time management and stress management etc. HR department at ASDA conduct exam to identify extent to which individual learn from the training sessions. Thus, in this way, HR department at ASDA do learning management.

Recruitment and selection process is given below.

Recruitment process

  • Identification of vacancy: In the first step vacancy is identified that need to be filled.
  • Job description: In this stage job role and responsibilities are evaluated. If any modifications are needed then changes are made in the statement (Nishii and Paluch, 2018). On basis of evaluation one comes to know sort of candidate that is required to fill vacant position.
  • Job specification: In job specification criteria for selection of candidate is determined like qualification, experience, skill requirement, work responsibilities and emotional characteristics.
  • Job evaluation: In this stage analysis of job is done and its value is determined. Job evaluation form basis of salary and wages negotiation.
  • Preparing recruitment strategy: In this stage ASDA HR department decide that candidates will be selected from internal or external sources. According to suitability one of these is selected for recruitment of employees at the workplace.

Selection process

  • Preliminary interview: In this stage preliminary interview of the candidate is taken and it is identified whether he may be suitable candidate for job. If one show basic knowledge of domain he is allow to go for second stage.
  • Receiving applications: Application is received from the candidate which contain its necessary detail.
  • Screening of applications: Application is reviewed and if not fit to criteria then in that case eliminated at this round.
  • Employment tests: Aptitude test of an individual is taken and it is identified whether one have mental skill to handle business conditions or job for which one apply in the company (Hedberg and Luchak, 2018).
  • Interview: Those who clear above round are allowed to enter into this stage. In this phase interview of an individual is taken and HR try to identify whether one have sufficient knowledge of the research topic. If interviewee give right answers then in that case it is allowed to go to the next stage.
  • Reference checking: In this stage reference checking is done firm try to identify if there is any sort of police record against the selected candidate. This process is followed by the most business firms to ensure that candidate they select is right and free from crime.
  • Medical examination: At last medical exam of an individual is taken and it is ensured that he is fit and fine and free from any disease.
  • Final selection: In this stage contract of employment is inked with the selected candidate.


After going through the report it has been summarized that there are two type of recruitment method and several type of selection method which is used by Asda to manage good number of human resource in an organization. After that the report summarized that organization uses several type of strategies to improve the performance of business. After that the report summarized that their many different type of talent management activity such as appraisal, communication and professional development oppurtunity which is taken by organization to improve the talent management and also used to provide different sort of training to improves the staff development. In the end the report summarized HR system and procedure in place wi

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