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Equality and Diversity in Workplace

University: N/A

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5797
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 670
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • What are the key strategies that Heyrod Construction in leadership and management?
  • How does Heyrod Construction promote equality and diversity within its workplace?
  • What is the HR policies to give shape a diverse and equivalent working environment.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Heyrod construction


Equality Act is important for workplace because that provides opportunity people to interact with other people in workplace. Diversity is referred to the group of people who has different personality, skills, sex and others. whereas equality make sure individual or group of Participant that they treated equally and offer same sets of opportunities to each one. Equality and diversity lead multitalented people which can maintain sustainability within workplace. This report is based on Heyrod Construction company. It comes in existence in 1978 by Mr Frank Gillespie.


P1) Aim and Objectives


“To investigate the HR policies that are implemented in the organization to build a diverse and equivalent working environment. A study on Heyrod construction, Oldham”


  • To understand the phenomena of equality and diversity.
  • To appraise the use of HR policies and its impact in creating an equivalent and diversified workforce.
  • To identify the challenges that arise in developing such HR policies for Heyrod construction.
  • To recommend appropriate strategies for policy formulation on the basis of challenges identified.


  • Why equality and diversity is important for organization?
  • State challenges are faced by Heyrod Construction while developing such HR policies for equality and diversity?
  • How will organization evaluate the use of HR policies and its impact in creating an equivalent and diversified workforce?
  • Which strategies can recommend for policy formulation while identifying challenges?

Literature review

As per the view Mardhatillah, Surjono and Muhtadi, (2019) diversity play significant role in the business. Equality can be defined as to ensure individual or group of individual that they have equal opportunity and gets chance to accomplish their goals without treating discrimination. While diversity refers as a individual or group of Participant which keeps differences to each other in order to sexual orientation, religious belief and physical abilities.

Other perspectives Klarsfeld and et,al., (2016) equality support to maintain business ethics during trading business. Even it helps to improve goodwill of organization in global market. diversity is important because it helps to keep prosperity within company. It is not only leading financial benefits but also promote fair in decision making process. So, it play essential role within company. while HR policies is crucial for managing diversity and equality within company.

As illustrated by Palacios, (2016) HR introduces recruitment and selection strategy for electing multitalented Participant for job position. While policies attract diverse culture employee to retain in company. Additionally, it provides control, consistency, fairness in decision making process. It informs group of employees of their duties and organization expectation. It gives impact on workers working i.e. improves productivity, opportunities and competitiveness at workplace.Need Help With Do My Essay ? Talk to Our Experts.

P2) Formulation of PMP

Project management plan can be defined as the plan which is designed by business that represent every state of project. It also involves in various activities like monitoring, planning, executing and controlling. It is subsidiary plan which concludes various aspects i.e. scope, schedule, cost, risk and quality.

Scope: It has broad scope in UK market because it helps business to promote positive working relationship with other forms. It improves productivity, creates opportunity and leads competitive advantage within (Meena and Vanka, 2017). It improves organization performance rather than other companies due to high efforts of diverse cultural workers. Equality and diversity offer equal opportunity to each employee who keeps different characteristic to each other at workplace.

Resources: Internet, books, articles, journals, print media, etc. use for research. Survey also can become best option for gathering data about topic. Heyrod Construction gathers information by surveying in UK market about equality and diversity.

Communication: I use free flow communication channel which can help me to communicate with others rightful. Miscommunication can decline quality level of research. Therefore, I use this channel to improve their staff understanding.

Quality: To lead quality in the project will use effective methods so that quality maintain while gathering data.

Cost: Cost is basically dependent on research method. For example, if research method is accurate as result research can be done in optimum cost. This research require estimates €5000 sum.

Investment Area


Internet charge

€ 2000

Stationary charge

€ 800

Consultancy fees

€ 800

Food charge

€ 400

Traveling charge

€ 600

Salary of assistance

€ 400



Hazards: This project can bear several risks i.e. economical, loss of confidentiality and legal risk that can become major challenge for research. For example, due to addition of sevarl resources can enhance cost of research. So economical factor can become risk for reaserach.

Time: This research takes about twelve week for binding up completely.

P3) Gantt Chart and WBS

Gantt chart:

Task week

















































Introduction on the research project.














Aim and Objectives for the project













Literature review on equality and diversity













Research methodology for choosing methods













Data collection for gathering data on the project theme.














Data analysis for analysing collected data














Conclusion and recommendations













Submission and Final report














P3 Research Methodology

Research Types

It refers as a methodical procedure of data collection, investigate, interpretation and involvement related to any business problem. Methodology is essential for research because it provides important training for electing accurate method, material and training tools. These tools utilized to solve problem.

Qualitative method:

It is a scientific method which can observes but can't measure i.e. language. In simple word qualitative data is non numerical data (Guillaume and 2017). Qualitative research supports to understand human attitudes through observation. Qualitative data can easily represent without any confusion. It has aim to give high quality in collected information so that outcomes receives profitable and accurate.

Quantitative method:

It contains numerical and mathematical figure which evaluates evidence. It can be interpreted through chart or diagram and results are represented in table form. It is complex in nature due to mathematical terms (Fletcher, 2017). Company uses quantitative methods for collecting data which is presented in the form graphs, pie chart and diagrams etc. demonstration of chart, graph and diagram influence interest of reader to collect information and grab knowledge from numerical figure.

I will use qualitative method because it describes qualities. Information is composed by questionnaires.

Research Philosophy

A methodical way which helps toward collect, analyse and utilize facts in well formed. It deals tools, philosophy deals with resources, nature and development of data company (Gray, 2019). it is divided into three parts which is explained below:

Interpretivism: It is a part of research philosophy which interpret elements and incorporate human interests in research study.

Positivism: it is philosophical theory which is based on real phenomena and their potential and relation. Additionally, information extracts from interpreted knowledge and logical answering.

Realism: While realism theory is based on existence of objects which informs about real data or information which precive. Thus, I will use interpretivism research philosophy because it interprets information which is obtained from survey.

Research approach

It is scientific procedure which concludes techniques of data collection, analysis and interpretation etc.

Deductive research approach:

The research approach is based on testing theory and is referred to the thypothesis. It defines variable and concepts. This approach has fewer time to complete overall research that relevant to topic. Apart from this, it leads accuracy by avoiding risk.

Inductive research:

It provides support to emergence new hypothesis or theories which can lead effectiveness in data gathering. It is basically applied for research questionnaires. Additionally, it analyses individual attitude at workplace and provides future outcomes (King and Mackey, 2016). This method doesn't have scarcity of time, so, research can take long time to compete collect data well formed. Inductive research approach can define as inductive reasoning which is carried out from bottom to high that can be understood through flow chart. For example, survey is best option to collect data about research topic that is HR policies is implemented at job place.

I will select inductive research approach because it requires for qualitative method for getting concise informative data. By this approach I gather qualitative data about HR policies which is formulated to manage equality within organization.

Data collection:

There is two methods primary and secondary methods. Both methods are appropriate tool which helps to gather information. Primary data collection refers as a knowledge which is gathered from survey or experiment through (Litosseliti, ed., 2018). While secondary data can be defined as the information which collected from books, magazine and internet. t gathers primary and secondary data that can be interlinked with data analysis. Data analysis refers as answering of research question which is obtained from objectives and gives knowledge about research. organization uses this method to validate data about research topic.

I use primary method and secondary method for data collection because it leads real data which comes from survey. To collect primary data uses questionnaires by me


Sampling is the process of selecting group i.e. people, company from a huge population. It is divided into two form probable and non-probable.

Probability sampling mentions as group of sample population which is elected randomly without concern about aspects. This sampling can say random sampling which is used to offer equal opportunity.

While Non-probability sampling can be defined as the group of sample size which is elected on the basis of their potential or capabilities so that achieves favourable aspects.

I will select random sampling for data collection because it gives chance to different skills. So, I select 10 employees randomly as gives form as sample population.

Data analysis:

It is strategic methods of cleaning, converting and demonstrating data for discovering appropriate information for company decision making (Aithal, 2017). The main goal of the data analysis to separate out useful information from data and decision takes out by data analysis. It is two types thematic and statistical. Thematic method uses for analysing qualitative data while statistical method analyses a set of information it has collected, interpreted and demonstrated. Organization will use thematic data because it gives qualitative that helps to take appropriate decision.

Research limitation:

This research doesn't use any model which can consider as limitation. Legislative also can consider as limitation in research.

Ethical consideration

It is important part of research which has goal to keep participant safe and respect of their dignity by listening them properly. Ethics should follow by researcher while gathering information from sample population. Withdrawal form should comprise in research so that when employee doesn't want to be part of sampling process can withdraw easily. Before taking group of people as sample population takes consent to be part of research. It is further divided into two parts such as authenticity and confidentiality.

Authenticity: It requires for quality because it gives accuracy in research.

Confidentiality: It keeps information safe about sample population and research.


P4) Data Collection & Data Analysis

Theme: 1 Equality and Diversity plays significant role at workplace

Q.1. Is Equality and Diversity plays significant role at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


c) Not sure




Interpretation: From the above chart it has been illustrated that out of 10 respondent 7 communicator answered that equality is important for the workplace. The reason behind is that they believe that equality and diversity keep environment healthy at workplace. It manages wellbeing of employees within workplace while working. Two respondents replied No because they thought equality and diversity creates conflict between management and employees which reduces wellbeing of employees. Rest of respondent said that they are not sure about the term which is sated above. On the basis of respondent majority can be interpreted that equality and diversity plays significant role at workplace.Take Free  Examples of Assignments Now!

Theme: 2 Equality and Diversity is supported by Heyrod Construction

Q.2 Do you think Equality and Diversity is supported by Heyrod Construction?


a) Yes


b) No


c) Not sure




Interpretation: It can be interpreted that out of the sample of 10 Participant 8 respondent replied Yes that Equality is supported by Heyrod Construction. The reason behind is that they though that Heyrod is a Construction company which always focus on employees' objectives and strictly follows HR policies. So automatically proved that organization supports equality and diversity within company. While remaining 2 Participant commented that company can't support equality and diversity prolong time because it needs employee's understanding as well. By the majority of respondent can be interpreted that Heyrod Construction highly supports equality within organization.

Theme: 3 Issues faced by employees while working with other employees at workplace

Q. 3 What issues faced by employees while working with other employees at workplace?


a) Communication issues


b) Discrimination issues


c) Performance issues


d) Cultural issues


e) All of them




Interpretation: From the bar chart it is calculated that out of 10 sample size 2 communicator replied that issues are faced by the workers while working with other employees at workplace. They thought communication issue is major issues which is specially faced by employees while working with other one within workplace. While 2 respondents commented that performance issue is accurate issues which leads conflict between them. On the other hand, 4 communicator thought communication issues, performance issue, discrimination issue and cultural issues are major issues which are faced by employees during working together with other employees at workplace. on the basis of respondent answering can be interpreted that communication issue, cultural issue and performance issues and discrimination are normally faced by the group of employees while dealing with other employees at job place.

Theme: 4 HR policies can support equality and diversity in the workplace

Q.4. Do you think HR policies can support equality and diversity in the workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


c) Not sure




Interpretation: The above discussed diagram mentioned that out of 10 responsible only 6 Participant agreed that HR policies supports equality and diversity. They thought that when Participant attitude is fair for Participant either they belong to different background or gender. It can make them feel confident and maintains their wellbeing. On the other hand, 3 Participant replied No because they believe that only HR policies can't supports equality and diversity it requires strict policies which makes them feel confident. While one respondent is not sure about fact which is sated above. On the basis of majority of Participant can be interpreted that HR policies plays important role in workplace because it enhances prestige of employee who keeps difference to each other in order to background, age, gender and culture.

Theme: 5 Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management

Q.5. Do you think Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management?



a) Strangle Agree


b) Agree


c) NA


d) Disagree


e) Strongly disagree




Interpretation: The diagram presented above defined the summary that from the sample size of 10 respondent 8 Participant agreed that Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management. The reason behind is that Heyrod Construction promotes female employees in company to give high performance. To promote them offers anti-harassment and discrimination policies by Heyrod Construction. So, it shows that Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management. While 2 Participant disagreed with 8 Participants answering. They said Heyrod Construction can't maintain gender equality prolong time in leadership and management. On the basis of Major sample size answering can be interpreted that Heyrod Construction promotes gender equality at workplace automatically understood that Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management.

Theme: 6 Promotion decision are fair in Heyrod Construction

Q.6. Do you think promotion decision are fair in Heyrod Construction?


a) Strongly agree


b) Agree


c) NA


d) Disagree


e) Strongly disagree




Interpretation: It can be concluded that out of 10 Participant taken as a sample size out of which 7 Participant assured that Promotion decision is taken fair in Heyrod because they thought company has good HR policies. It offers promotion or incentives only those employees who achieves large number of tasks within fewer time. It can be understood that Heyrod Construction keeps transparency during implementing promotion decision. Meanwhile the rest 3 Participant said that Heyrod Construction can't keep transparency in promotion decision prolong time. By the majority of same size can be interpreted that Heyrod Construction keeps transparency in promotion decision.

Theme: 7 Strategies is adopted by Heyrod Construction to promote equality and diversity within company

Q.7 Which strategies is adopted by Heyrod Construction to promote equality and diversity within company?


a) Provide HR Policies


b) Provide equal opportunity for promotion


c) Conduct skill and development classes


d) All of them




Interpretation: The above discussed bar chart ended up that with conclusion that out of 10 respondent 2 Participant replied that Heyrod Construction formulates HR policies for promoting equality and diversity within company. While 2 Participant said that organization adapts equality in promotion opportunities. Only I Participant assured that Heyrod Construction organizes skills and development class for the employees which helps them to learn new tactic. Remaining 5 respondent committed that Heyrod Construction adapts various strategies like HR policies, equality in promotion opportunities and organizes skills and development class. So, it can be understood by the five-respondent answering that Organization adapts wide variety strategies for enhancing equality within workplace.

Theme:8 Positive outcomes received by Heyrod Construction by promoting equality and diversity within job place

Q.8. What is the positive outcomes received by Heyrod Construction by promoting equality and diversity within job place?


a) Productivity increased


b) Goodwill raised in the business market


c) Enable to meet employee objectives


d) All of them




Interpretation: It can be concluded that out of 10 participant 2 Participant replied that organization has goal to build a diverse and equivalent working environment. So, organization formulates HR policies. While remaining 2 participants said that organization enables to raise their goodwill in business market. Whereas, left over 5 participants replied that organization receives various positive outcomes i.e. high turnover of employees, enables to meet employee objectives. Organization enables to improves brand recognition in global market. Based on the majority of participant has been interpreted that Heyrod Construction gets positive outcomes within company.

P5 Finding & Discussion

It has been analysed that Equality and diversity plays vital role in business because it helps company to create brand image in global market. From the above interpretation can be analysed that Heyrod Construction introduce various strategies to promote equality and diversity at workplace. Diversity leads creativity amongst the employee at job place as result performance improves of organization. On the other hand, equality improves wellbeing of employees within company and makes them loyal for their job position. Significance of equality and diversity in Heyrod Construction can be understood thorough themes which has been interpreted above through charts. According to theme third is that equality and diversity is supported by Heyrod Construction. By the interpretation can be analysed that organization wants to establish diverse and equivalent working environment, so organization formulated HR policies. Apart from this, HR policies leads different talent which can improve organization operation. Organization adapts various strategies for formulating HR policies. Strategies provides equal opportunity in promotion decision, organizing skills and development classes and provides discrimination policies. Such kind policies give assurance individual or group of individuals about job safety. Heyrod Construction conducts skill and development classes for employees so that they get chance to learn new tactic and improves their skills. On the other hand, employees get chance to show their talent and become part of appreciation by other employees. Organization keeps transparency in promotion decision which has been interpreted by majority of sample size. Whereas can be analysed that transparency leads trust of group of individuals on the firm and encourage them to give high efforts. Transparency plays crucial role in diversity and equality because it builds good relation between management and group of Participant. According to 5th theme interpreted that Heyrod Construction keeps gender equality in leadership and management. It has been analysed that Heyrod Construction gives values to their employee by offering equal opportunity either they are male community or female community. It gives preference only talent and offer opportunity to redeem their position. Due to high quality strategies and initiatives for equality and diversity makes working environment creative. In simple word, enhance turnover of diverse employee at workplace and builds sustainable relationship between HR management and employees, Thus, it has been analysed that HR policies supports equality and diversity within company.


P6 Reflection

The method which has been used in this report is primary data and it is very important to use secondary data so that the exact result can come out. The sample size of the report is 10 but if there gets more time to complete research then conclusion could be more effective. There was a little quantitative data that used in the research but if there was more time than could have collect more data effectively and could have analysed. It would possible to give better conclusion in the research.

There was a lack of communication because there were a lot of factors which had to be considered. I managed to research more once a week which is why the result which has been taken out is not as good as thought it would be. Due to lack of communication and experience I did not understand the importance of communication and analysis of work was not checked regularly which is why the assignment did not take place at its best. The data collected was little and the sample size was small to be more exact and particular about the result more data had to be collected from the people.

Self-discussion is very important but it took a lot of time because there was a lot of information on the internet which was a bit confusing. With the helps of effective strategies and methods to analyse better information and achieve in my task successfully. In the next assignment more of primary data will be used and secondary as well so that it can help in more clear vision of the topic. I also need to find ways to work and have a direction so that the assignment can be completed on time. It also helped me to understand that it is very essential for me to analyse all the data according to data which was taken by sample size effectively.

P7 Conclusion and Recommendation

This research report can be concluded importance of HR policies within company. Whereas HR policies supports equality and diversity by meeting employees' objectives. Want to get Assignment Writing Service  Talk to our Experts.The main goal of HR policies to give shape a diverse and equivalent working environment. To make it more effective organization should adapt different strategies. for example:

  • Organization should provide diversity training which reduces communication issues amongst the employee and leads unity between them at job place.
  • Heyrod Construction should build diverse teams in workplace which improves working performance and reduces conflict between management and employees.
  • Diversity friendly policies is best option for promoting equality and diversity because it assures group of employees that they get value of their talent within company. So, organization should create diversity friendly policy for group of employees who keeps different between them on the basis of culture, ethics, sex orientation and age.
  • 360 Feedback strategy is good for Heyrod Construction because it helps to identify talent which can meet company from their objectives and maintains employee's wellbeing within place. 360 feedback strategy not only identify talent but also supports organization to measure effectiveness of strategy by gathering feedbacks from customers and employees.
  • Human resource management constant analyses its HR polices and their practices for making polices more effective. Additionally, it maintains and updates HR department more effectively. Continuous updating HR polices keeps working environment safe, healthy and valuable workplace.
  • Quantitative method can use for this research because it gives mathematical figure that easy to interpret data in digits
  • SPSS also good option to analyse quantitative data which is easy to use by anyone. By this tool can import data from other resources i.e. data can import from excel spreadsheet to SPSS. It is used for data analysis that requires several preparations.

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