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Impact of BREXIT on Trade Operations

University: Leeds Trinity University

  • Unit No: 2
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 12 / Words 3056
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 5855

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :

This assessment will cover further questions:

  • Discuss about the WIPO fundamental.
  • Discuss about the Critical evaluation
Answer :


At this present century Brexit has been playing a tough role in all kinds of aspects. In 2016, it has been found that many noble winners belonged to Britain. On this particular matter; many people have stated their views over this matter. According to many business analysts; Brexit has played a crucial role on the business functionalities of the overall economy. Not only UK, but also overall economic condition of the world has been affected due to this issue. The paper is manly demonstrating the impact of Brexit on the overall world trade sector. This historical movement was happened on 23rd June of 2016. In this case 52% people cast their vote to withdraw UK from European Union (Nunez-Ferrer and Rinaldi, 2016). Brexit was mainly made to take decisions by headquarter of London. According to various journalists; governing bodies and political powers of UK wants to hold some specific rights and capacities on the nation's decision making process. At past United Kingdom had to follow the rules and regulations set by this Supranational Organization. After establishing these principles lots of issues and matters have been evolved. Among them one of the important reasons is the biasness towards any particular community and sector. This overall essay has one target is to find out the impact of Brexit on the overall trading policies and economic inconsistencies of the world. Many business organizations have been facing trouble due to this disruptive decision. Prime focus of this overall paper is to highlight the impact of Brexit on the overall business process and trading issues. For highlighting this factor respective research paper has been made so that a brief justification over the matter could be obtained in an appropriate and specific manner. According some phenomenal journalists; the issue regarding Brexit could play beneficial role for some individuals and on the other hand it might play a crucial role.

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Critical evaluation of the overall paper

The paper is mainly highlighting the issue regarding Brexit and its impact on the UK's business protection issue and on the other hand it also highlights the impact on the overall trading policies and factors of the business process.  Some researchers and journalists have stated that Brexit has created massive blow on the overall scientific research issues and observation (Purdue et.al, 2015). Two Noble winners have threatened that if they accept the Noble prize beyond the norms and guidelines of Brexit, they will not be entered in the British Laboratories. These types of activities harm the overall progress of the scientific activities in the nation. A Scottish Scientist stated that; science doesn't have any limit and the veteran person has stated how they could work under the restriction of Brexit norms (Miller, 2016). After having analysis it has been found that Brexit has huge impact on the overall functionalities and activities of WIPO (World Intellectual Property organization). The organization focuses on the activities of 189 other members of the business. Prime focus of this organization is to invent some new thoughts and ideas for the benefits of the respective mankind. The organization has always been trying to evolve some new methods in the community context so that people could be able to avail new facilities and services. Once more, as a result of the EU traditions union and 'normal business approach', the UK is not ready to arrange its own particular exchange concurrences with non-part nations that the government can just do as such as a component of the EU (Lim, 2017). The UK will have the capacity to take part in new exchange concurrences with non-part nations from the day after exit. The way toward arranging new exchange arrangements can be begun amid the 2 year probation period paving the way to Brexit, with a view to bringing them into compel on or not long after the date of exit.  The EU has existing facilitated commerce concords which as of now apply to the UK as an EU part. The vast majority of these EU concords are with miniaturized scale States or creating nations and just a little number speak to critical fare markets for the UK. Both the EU and the part states (counting the UK) are gatherings to these concords (Rana, 2016).

After having analysis it has been found that many scientists have shown their strong negligence and rude attitude over this decision of UK. According to them, science and technology is the sector where continuous improvement is highly needed. Politics or election must not harm the progress of this sector. Governing bodies and other supportive members have also agreed with this factor and still most of the noble prizes were given to the sincere individuals of United Kingdom. Analysis and report stated that Brexit has not officially harmed the intellectual property designed and functioned by UK like before. Lots of journals and articles are there regarding this particular matter (Economics, 2016). According to these norms, rights and responsibilities of patents have not been affected. On the other hand functionalities of WIPO also have not been interrupted. At the time of Brexit; an article was triggered. The article name is article 50 and according to this article, all kinds of rights and responsibilities will be withdrawn from EU by UK, but in the case of WIPO, activities of this article have not been initiated. According to the UK government officials; these types of activities must not to be harmed or auctioned. For this reason a two year of extension in this policy has been made. On the basis of this principle, patents could be able to access the service up to 2019 until any other notification will be declared in this case.

Another important aspect of any kind of nation is the WTO/ world Trade organization. The organization has main role is to define the business functionalities and the organization also has the duty to check the economic balance of the nations. On the basis of those activities, Brexit must have huge impact on the overall economic condition of UK. After having analysis it has already been found that value of currency has already been infected due to this issue. According to some of the phenomenal researchers and journalists; Brexit must create a disruptive economic inconveniences in near future of the political powers don't make any kind of positive decisions. For this reason a brief justification is highly needed over this matter so that a fruitful decision could be taken in the case of business process (Dhingra et.al, 2016). After issuing this drastic decision, financial figures of WTO could be easily observed. A financial article states that if these rules and regulations will be last up to 2020 then WTO percentage will go down up to -5.5%. On the other hand several journalists have made statement that there are lots of positive impacts also present on the financial condition of the nation. Within ten years of time span UK could be able to redevelop their gross domestic product rate and other different issues, through this process they could be able to activate more principles and policies. These types of activities and procedures could be able to enhance the overall business functionalities of the nation. After the decisions of Brexit, lots of UK business organizations are not allowed to make business in various parts of the EU. These types of activities have created massive blow on the market share and profit percentage of different organizations. If the organization based in UK, then they have to pay extra burden for executing their operations in nations of European Unions. For this reason many researchers have stated that significant negotiations will be required by these two entities to execute any kind of business or trading operations. Some business entities like large retail giants have stated that these types of decisions might not affect the business functionalities and trading policies. These types of activities need to improve so that business organizations can execute their activities in a well organized manner. These are the ways which can regain the lost business or trading functionalities. According to various business entities, may be the overall situation will be changed after some time period, but till then a significant policy must have to be implemented for the organizations belong to both sides like EU and UK.

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The present business market is growing rapidly. After the BREXIT issue the government of Britain faces several issues in their different perspective of business. In this assignment the researcher has discussed about the growing and emerging market of the world. Due to the huge economical shift in the developing countries the government of Great Britain often faces several problems. Demographic shifts are other major trends in the international business context for European Union (Ferraro, Samantha. "The Brexit's Impact on the World Economy." 2016). The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the United Nations particular office. It tries to build up an adjusted and open International Intellectual Property framework, which rewards inventiveness, empowers advancements, and adds to financial improvement while shielding open interests. Headquarter of WIPO is in Geneva and it has been found that rights and parts of patent has been unaffected. Brexit doesn't hurt the status and circumstance of UK in this association. The association was set up in the time of 1967 and the organization was subsidized by the individuals from EU and the UK was likewise the piece of this association. After this uncommon choice by the individuals from UK, still EU doesn't pull back the licenses of UK on account of WIPO.  In the year 1974 the WIPO turned into an UN particular office. Under the concords, the WIPO ought to animate inventiveness and advance IP assurance everywhere throughout the world through the collaboration between nations. Intellectual Property (IP) alludes to manifestations of the brain: abstract and aesthetic works, names, creations, symbols, pictures, and outlines utilized as a part of trade.

The WIPO is the most seasoned association in the field of IP insurance. Really, it was made at the strategic gathering in 1893. The two workplaces applying the regulatory elements of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works joined in a solitary substance, the United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Ferraro, Samantha. "The Brexit's Impact on the World Economy." 2016). The part states needed to make this International Bureau a completely fledged intergovernmental association. That is the reason in 1967 in Stockholm the WIPO was made through the marking of the Convention. The headquartered of WIPO is in Geneva (Switzerland).  Right now, the WIPO incorporates 184 part states. It is comprised of more than 90 for each penny of all nations.

The WIPO fundamental capacities are:

  • Helping efforts advancement to enhance IP assurance everywhere throughout the world and to blend national enactments in this field;
  • Consenting to global arrangements on IP assurance;
  • Applying the managerial elements of the Paris and Berne Unions;
  • Making specialized and lawful help with the field of IP;
  • Gathering and spreading the data, directing explores and distributing their outcomes;
  • Guaranteeing the work of the administrations encouraging the worldwide IP security;
  • Applying some other proper activities

The major and most critical WIPO capacity is directing multilateral global traditions, i.e. keeping arrangements, states' instruments of promotion, of contentions settlement, guaranteeing bargains survey, applying the enlistment capacities for bargains looking into the universal enrolment of IP items. The State Committee on Science and Technology (SCST) turned into the head body managing the WIPO.  Since the year 1998, WIPO Worldwide Academy has been getting ready HR in the field of IP security. After having analysis it has been found that the respective organization. The paper is showcasing the overall impact of the Brexit on the intellectual property and technology of the European Union. It has been found that EU still applies the legal rights of patents researching in different parts of EU. By the virtue of this law, UK scientists and people could easily access the services and facilities associated with EU, but the future risk associated with this factor is still looming. Headquarter of WIPO is in Geneva and it has been found that rights and roles of patent has been unaffected. Brexit doesn't harm the status and situation of UK in this organization. The organization was established in the year of 1967 and the company was funded by the members of EU and the UK was also the part of this organization. After this drastic decision by the members of UK, still EU doesn't withdraw the permits of UK in the case of WIPO. On the basis of this principle scientists and other respective members can take serious part on the activities made by the organization WIPO. The Academy has a Distance Learning Centre getting information by means of Internet. Specific highlight is WIPO net-extend, the IP worldwide system guaranteeing on-line association with business procedures of national offices. Settlement of IP-related business clashes is a point of view bearing of the WIPO exercises. In 1994, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre were made. It renders help with settling such clashes.

In the current years, the WIPO structure has been rearranged, e.g. the Organization's key objectives have been looked into and widened. The WIPO organization believes that the recharged objectives will help the WIPO apply its command all the more effectively while considering quick changing outside circumstance and the tenacious need to take care of issues in the field of IP in the 21st century.

The WIPO and Belarus participate in the accompanying primary headings:

  • Enhancing the public enactment in the pitch of Intellectual Property (IP) allowing for the knowledge of different nations and the global coordination propensities;
  • Revitalizing the IP element in the suitable fields of logical, specialized, and financial exercises led in Belarus by various business substances;
  • Enhancing the law authorization exercises in Belarus to avert, recognize, and stifle infringement in the field of IP;
  • Fortifying the specialized premise and expanding the logical and specialized capability of the National Intellectual Property Centre work force.

Hence a brief description is extremely required over this matter so that a productive choice could be taken on account of business process. These sorts of exercises and methodology might upgrade the general business functionalities of the country.  By the ethicalness of this law, UK researchers and individuals could without much of a stretch get to the administrations and offices related with EU (Ferraro, Samantha. "The Brexit's Impact on the World Economy." 2016), however the future hazard related with this component is as yet approaching. As indicated by the UK government authorities; these sorts of exercises must not to be hurt or sold. Thus a two year of augmentation in this strategy has been made. These sorts of exercises need to enhance so that business associations can execute their exercises in an efficient way. These are the ways which can recover the lost business or exchanging functionalities. As indicated by a portion of the amazing analysts and writers; Brexit must make a troublesome financial bothers in not so distant eventual fate of the political forces don't settle on any sort of positive choices. After the choices of Brexit, loads of UK business associations are not permitted to make business in different parts of the EU. These sorts of exercises have made monstrous blow available share and benefit rate of various associations. On the off chance that the association situated in UK, then they need to pay additional weight for executing their operations in countries of European Unions.

The UK could basically keep on applying the substantive terms of these concessions to an equal premise after exit unless the counterparty State were effectively to question. The government of Britain can see no normal motivation behind why the counterparty States would protest this course since that would subject their current fare exchange into the UK showcase, which is as of now duty free, to new taxes. There will be no requirement for entangled renegotiation of these current concords as was misleadingly asserted by ace Remain purposeful publicity.


According to the key standards of the WTO Agreements it can be described as this is non-separation in exchange relations. The UK can't right now choose the level of taxes which they exact on imports, in light of the fact that these are set at a uniform level for the EU in general under the EU's traditions union. After leave, WTO tenets would apply which would permit the UK to choose the level of our own duties on imports, gave that taxes by and large are no higher than under the EU traditions union. This implies WTO individuals are not permitted, for instance, to charge diverse taxes on merchandise imported from various nations with the exception of in obviously characterized and constrained conditions. Investigation and report expressed that Brexit has not authoritatively hurt the protected innovation composed and worked by UK like some time recently. Loads of diaries and articles are there with respect to this specific matter.


  • Dhingra, S., Ottaviano, G., Sampson, T. and Van Reenen, J., 2016. The impact of Brexit on foreign investment in the UK. BREXIT 2016, p.24.
  • Economics, C., 2016. The economic impact of ‘Brexit'. study commissioned by Woodford Investment Management.
  • Nunez-Ferrer, J. and Rinaldi, D., 2016. The Impact of Brexit on the EU Budget: A non-catastrophic event.
  • Begg, I. and Mushövel, F., 2016. The economic impact of brexit: jobs, growth and the public finances.
  • Dhingra, S., Ottaviano, G.I., Sampson, T. and Reenen, J.V., 2016. The consequences of Brexit for UK trade and living standards.
  • Purdue, D., Huang, H. and Economics, N.T.M.A., 2015. Brexit and its Impact on the Irish Economy. National Treasury Management Agency, Dublin.
  • Miller, V. (2016). Brexit: impact across policy areas.

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