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The Influence of Technology on Travel and Tourism Sector

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4752
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: SITTIND001
  • Downloads: 1051
Question :

This sample you will be knowing about:

  • Influence of technology in travel and tourism sector
  • Influence of Facebook in organisation
  • Elbaorating the research methodolgy
Answer :
Organization Selected : Wang, Xiang and Fesenmaier

TASK 1.1


Technology is a crucial element that creates major impact on traveller's businesses. To operate successful results, development of new technologies totally change day by day so that it affect to carried businesses. In ages of travel and tourism, industry develops significantly and change the way of tourism as well. With the help of development of major attraction and social events, it can be stated that it assists to establish opportunities for fulfilling traveller's demands and requirements (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, 2015). Technologies advancement continuously develop that helps to create several benefits for potential visitors as well. Introduction of communication technology also brought learning and teaching teamwork to make easier and efficient work performance. Increasing tourism activities create modern and quick as well as easy access of information such as travel destinations, dining options, lodging, etc.

Impact of digital technology create enormous benefits that are more attractive and provide different kinds of information that are available on internet. Global positioning system also assists to operate and self-check with online bookings that assists to totally transform the travel and tourism industry (Wang, Xiang and Fesenmaier, 2016). Technology also influence to develop continue work and produce attractive work that despite for economic development and consider online booking systems.

Research Question or Hypothesis

  • How Facebook influence Romanian travellers?
  • How social media influences decision making activities in travel and tourism sector?

Aim and Objectives

Aim: “To identify influence of technology in travel and tourism sector for Romanian travellers - A Case Study on Thomas Cook group”


  • To understand the concept of technology in travel and tourism sector
  • To explore the influence of Facebook on Romanian travellers
  • To analyse the decision making theory which is influenced by social media towards Thomas Cook Group.
  • To recommend the ways through which social media activities increase which influence Romanian travellers.

TASK 1.2

Structured topics

Structured topics related with interview which included in quantitative research method. It is commonly known as survey research that assists to ensure that each interview is presented exactly with same questions in same order. This method is involved when researcher has low level of involvement in research with maximum number of respondents. Furthermore, this method is standardised with comparing candidates on the basis of interview questions (Standing, Tang-Taye and Boyer, 2014). Order assignment help from our experts!

Semi Structured Topic

Semi structured research topic considers interview on the basis of qualitative method which considers inquiry and combines pre-determined set of open questions. In this way, opportunity also developed that explore different themes and responses further. It also mixes of structured and unstructured questionnaire in particular sequence in advance manner. It is generally beneficial for the interviewers to prepare proper guide and informal grouping of topics. In the present research, this method is used to carry out significant advantages and consider research for attaining desired results (Boniface, Cooper and Cooper, 2016). With the help of preferred answers, proper findings will be carried out to attain effective work performances. However, there are favourable and unfavourable responses that may be consider to focus on attaining the desired results.

Unstructured Topics

Unstructured topics consider interview or non-directive interview which includes questions that are not arranged previously. In the form of unstructured interview, widely implications of different questions consider in relation with topic that researcher has wishes to cover. It is an instrument and guide that is used by interviewers towards particular topic or issue. Specific questions included in sequence that are determined in advance (Mason, 2015).


In order to conduct the present research, researcher has a wide interest to assess influence of technology for Romanian travellers. Furthermore, they have also considered their participation to focus on broad enough tailored for assessing interest and expertise as well. Along with this, researcher wants to know about Facebook implementation in development of travel and tourism activities. As results, it helps to attain more significant advantages at workplace (Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, 2014).

Access to Primary Data

In order to access the primary data, it is important to find its relevance and effectiveness towards present research. Primary research in process assists to gather more relevant substance that assists to conduct research with relevant information. With the help of conducting survey, face to face interview is considered that assists to eliminate risk. Researcher can obtain accurate results to address and clarify proper results at workplace. Before gathering data, it is important to decide and conduct research with observation, questions, etc. (Ukpabi and Karjaluoto, 2017). Uniform questionnaire considers the respondent's reviews with unstructured responses. Participants also provide information with minimal guidance.

Scope and Importance

In order to conduct present research, it has been seen that Facebook is the most important element that helps to attract more travellers in industry. It would be done with Facebook implementation activity. It increases the connectivity with social media that helps to analyse and write up trends. With the help of revolution, speed and flexibility considered for social media platform to research. It also provides recommendations, review, travel services, packages details, etc. (Baum, 2015). Facebook plays an important role from all tools of social media to communicate marketing with customers on 24/7 basis. Apart from this, Facebook is most important element that included in social media and create social network with more than 1,55 billion people monthly.


With the implementation of Facebook in social media, social platform continuously increases with potential clients. It is very easy to use them and create account quickly. These elements help to consider relevant and consistent information to answer users questions. Facebook mainly help to interact with maximum users in which hotel is one important option. Hence, present study help to analysis different perspective in research with ascertain significant advantages in research (Cohen, Prayag and Moital, 2014). Get Academic Writing Services from our experts!

TASK 1.3

Concept of technology in travel and tourism sector

According to Yang, (2017)there have been many changes in the world of travel and tourism due to advance technology. It has allowed reaching more customers all over the world. Computer reservation system is used in the airline industry which represents broad range of applications. Travel technology also includes virtual tour and tourism. Technologies. There is implementation of IT and e-commerce solutions in this field. New options are provided to consumers through dynamic packaging and guide available to them are in the form of GPS tour guide. Social media has affected a lot and is providing updates to Romanian travellers with its gestures. Flights are booked through Facebook. It has provided channels to Business man to engage themselves with Romanian customers. Social media helps in promotion and sales of tourism products and packages. It is a new way of communication between customers and authorities. Social media share experiences of customers through posts and writing reviews, pics and videos. Tourism industry is also facing similar situation like that of Facebook and Twitter. As per the view of Yang, (2017) Facebook is most popular website used by Travel industry and by hoteliers. All hotels of Romania have a realistic view on Social Media.

They manage Internet websites easily. Facebook pages are very well managed by them so that they can attract customers in huge amount. According to Cohen, Prayag and Moital, (2014) business of travel and tourism has increased to large extent due to the use of social media. By using Facebook, there is increase in their brand awareness. It has become a re marketing tool for various travel industries. Firstly a strategy is build up to target a segment at the initial stage of travelling with ads and low rate of packages then, specific decisions are made by travellers. Here engagement of large amount of audience with whom meaningful conversation can be generated about the brand. Customers like to make pre-booking on websites and compare hotels and travel industries of their choice. It has also affected decision making of this industry to greater extent. Social media is changing work decisions and obtaining and communicating information with employees and other people. It is regularly increasing its penetration in our lives. There is existence of high level of trust through online social media. Equal input is being received in decision making which is identified by the organisation. Research is being conducted through search engine and final decisions are taken by leaders. Youngsters like to read blogs of travel agency and decide and do their planning. Organisations always do speculations on blogging and its internal and extensive decisions are affected. Due to the use of social media, cooperative publishing, blogging, micro blogging, video live casts, discussions take place between employees and customers. It challenges travel industry's notion and changes decision making process. Thus, use of Facebook is vital in travel industry because various industries get to know about their competitors and current trends running in the market. “Technology”, the word here itself is made through its own use and even while reading this article a person will be using technology. Today every person is bound to use technology and even they are addicted to it in such a manner that technology is being used in every field of life including this Travel and tourism sector as well.

According to Helen Belokon, as said in an article on how technology is changing the travel and tourism industry that through technology travel and tourism sector can have a much larger target market segment than it has ever before. Today people are more tech-savvy, they are learning technology day-by-day. Generally the travellers are of younger age and they are better informed and knowledgeable in the field of technology, therefore every time they travel, they make a use of technology. Not even youngsters, but adults and even aged people are using technology when they travel. Through technology travel industry is not only stepping into a new generation but they are embracing it as well. There are many ways in which travel industry had made itself more accessible to the larger target-market segment through the use of technology which are as follows:

Better Communication:- This ability helped the travel industry in engaging their valuable customers quickly and to retain them through solving their issues in a more effective manner. Better communication doesn't mean only customer relationship management but it also helps to manage their customers on various social media marketing sources.

Online booking:- This is the best example of in-house technology that the customers are able to book each and every thing on their smart-phones, from a pen to even a hotel room or a flight ticket.

Basically, the amalgamation of travel and tourism industry and the information technology industry is known as travel technology. It means the summation of technology and travel industry. Today travel technology not only include designing, formulating, implementing and evaluating the technology to the travel industry but this also include the analysis of their economic processes, their market related structures and even their customer relationship management. Today the sub-technology of online booking, better communication is also getting outdated as they are getting replaced by managing the technology in travel and tourism industry for example there are many companies which are working/have worked on a mobile application which will be able to manage all the digital booking related problems like today there are many online booking websites for various hotels through which they get all the details of booking but it is difficult task to manage all those websites therefore there is a company named REZ hotels which provide a website and a mobile application which will provide all the required information and it will manage all the other websites and applications with proper service through which that travel company receives its booking. Therefore, technology has became a crucial part of travel industry.

Influence of Facebook on Romanian travellers

According to the views of Yang, (2017), in age of information, internet is the most often and consulted source that comes to gather different types of material for specific tourist destinations. As per the world tourism organisation, online media in which Facebook is most important element for targeting Romanian travellers. Wide spread of internet and rapid technologies assist to develop effective results. Facebook is the main element that is increasing different kinds of information which is based on information intensive industry. To reduce the risk, it is important to collect a lot information regarding destination and area of development.

However, Larsen and Urry, (2016) stated that confidence in decision making is also an important consideration that helps to make better decisions in the business environment. Internet and variety of information with communication tools are also ascertained with web and mobile technology. Besides this, changes lead to travellers that is more independent, experienced, flexible and sophisticated to arrange trips. New online trends also consider more control over travel decisions that extreme influence travel and tourism. As per the point of Khan, Qianli and Zhang, (2017), social influence is an important consideration of technology acceptance. Social and individual needs vary from one person to another so that it will represent using social networking websites. With this respect, personal belief is also influenced by the opinion of another people. Facebook is most important element of marketing. Abubakar and Ilkan, (2016), explored their ideas and views that promoting hotel and spreading message on social media consider diversity with proper content. Although, it includes whatever kinds of content which determine to publish and post consistent with interesting compelling. Quality element helps to gain visibility and increases profitability on long term basis. Facebook has been used to increase relationship with guest and community as well. Along with mobile capabilities, it also helps to stimulate growth and differentiate from competition.

Decision making theory which influence by social media towards Thomas Cook Group

According to the view of Rivera, Gregory and Cobos, (2015), it can be stated that social media affect consumer decision making activities. In this regard, Facebook is more important element that consider as communication tool that helps to people to connect other people at workplace. Sometimes, people visit social media to share their experience, reviews, information, etc. Hence, information assists to solve issues and provide interest with connection of different friends. Information also helpful source that influence to consumer in decision making. In the study, it has been show that social media consider guidelines for future planning and effective trip. Apart from this, Benckendorff, Sheldon and Fesenmaier, (2014) argued that marketers also take advantages with marketing strategy that helps to gain maximum number of customers at workplace. Social media environment easily applied to accomplish and reach towards customers. There are several benefits undertaken with convenience and accomplish desired results. Facebook is most popular element that assists to share lifestyle, stories, etc. in crucial manner. Posting information also lead with review towards decision making activities. As per the view of Ukpabi and Karjaluoto, (2017), nowadays social media consider variety of information that assists to grow industry day by day. More than 500 million people interact daily with social media so that users growing have attracted markers. They recognised social media activities that is important part of communication strategies. It also assists to interact with customer needs and understand goals. Key business factor of social media allow to travellers to estimate products and make recommendation with contact several friends, relatives, etc. However, Boniface, Cooper and Cooper, (2016) communication with social media found that impact on consumer decision making and marketing strategies as well. Consumer socialisation theory helps to predict proper communication among customers which effect cognitive, affective and behavioural attitude. Advertisement with social media helps to built with new consumer behaviour so that purchase decisions has been considers to business on social media.Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Recommendation ways through social media activities increases which influence Romanian travellers

As per the view of Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, (2014), recommendation by friends and relatives assists to consider proper decision making activities. It helps to develop brand attitude, purchasing attitude and advertising attitude. More positive and good responses from customers on the basis of feedback must be undertaken so that Thomas Cook Group able to consider innovations and creativity at workplace. With the help of focus on social media marketing, company will easily develop their successful consideration. However, Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, (2015) generated their views that chosen business should provide discount and coupon that helps to promote more desired results at workplace. In this regard, study for brand allow consumers to communicate directly with brand representative. Most of the customers using this tool to know about item brand, their advantages, etc. Online consumer booming market in all over the world so that it give globalised level of segmentation with cross culturally. Enterprise must solve issues and problems engaged in social media so that it increases insight activities with different medium so that it would be beneficial to include social connection and self expression. According to the view of Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, (2014), motivation is important element that helps to connect older friends and review with business support. As results, it increases values and outcomes to ascertained different aims and objectives. In order to support and consider decision making, more reasonable products will be develop to conduct study with accessible nature of internet. Study also helps to examine and cover relevant information from social media activities. On the other hand, Boniface, Cooper and Cooper, (2016) stated that posting travellers information helps to up grade photos, videos, advise, etc. consider sharing personal and travellers views. This thing assists to make positive impact with systematic travel information. On the basis of social network sites, it has been shows that social influence affect to person decision making so that people participate and appear in community group members. It defined support with ideas so that decision making process need to make confirmation for decide best.

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TASK 1.4

Research methodology

Research methodology consider important role in business success. Therefore, it considers procedure or techniques that assists to select, process and analysis information for topic. Methodology also allow to critically evaluate study and validate with reliability (Park, Ok and Chae, 2016). Following are certain elements included that helps to develop significant advantages in research:

  • Research design: Research design consider different meanings that helps to make choice between qualitative and quantitative research methods. In respect to consider design, there are main two forms of designs exist such as exploratory and conclusive. Exploratory research design has aim to generate insight information about particular situation. However, conclusive research design consider verify insight for course of action. In present research conclusive research design undertaken in which descriptive research design undertaken by researcher (Veal, 2017.). It helps to focus on find casual relationship that helps to attain more effective work performances.
  • Research philosophy: There are two types or research philosophies exist such as positivism and interpretivism. With this consideration, researcher use interpretivism philosophy that helps to attain positive results and perform many functions in creative manner. With the help of this element, researcher able to collect more relevant information for their research (Park, Ok and Chae, 2016).
  • Research approach: Research approach consider description of research that helps to bring fact and ascertain creative work performances. In this regard, two approaches has been undertaken which helps to promote desired results at workplace. For instance, inductive or deductive. Inductive approach implement to generate new theory and deductive approach consider to testing theory. In the present research, deductive approach has been used because it is associated with quantitative research. This approach is necessities to researcher to begin with complete open mind with new ideas and generate testing on theory. It is important to consist use of deductive with subjective measurement that helps to test hypothesis and explore emerging areas.
  • Research technique: In respect to consider present research, description brings with two types of approaches such as quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative technique based on simulation approach that helps to consider useful building and understand future conditions. Furthermore, qualitative information based on concerned with subjective assessment of attitude, opinion and behaviour, etc. Research includes generation of data with quantitative form so that it would be beneficial to consider effective results at workplace. Survey research consider in this method so that appropriate findings will be develop. It will assist to focus and maintain more growth with data analysis at workplace. Generally this technique also measure simulation to understand future conditions (Mair, Ritchie and Walters, 2016).
  • Data collection: In order to collect data, researcher need to keep two types of data such as primary and secondary. Both these methods assists to focus and maintain more relevant work performance in the business. In respect to collect primary data there are different methods exist that could be used by researcher such as questionnaire, observation, interview and schedule. Apart from this, in respect to collect secondary data researcher used various publications from state, central, local, etc. government. Furthermore, books, journals, magazines, articles, newspapers, etc. also undertaken. In the present research, both kinds of data taken by researcher to focus and maintain more effective work performances at workplace. Primary data collected with survey which conducted on the basis of design questionnaire. Secondary data has been used from different tools of government that helps to focus on desired results (Park, Ok and Chae, 2016).
  • Data analysis:After collection of data, researcher focus on proceed to analysis it. Therefore, it considers process to analysis appropriate data that includes editing, coding, classification, tabulation, etc. All these perspective helps to develop significant advantages at workplace. There are different elements also exist that helps to analysis process. It includes descriptive, correlation, multi variance analysis, etc. From the above, researcher used descriptive method of analysis to undertake effective research in business (Yüksel, 2017).
  • Sampling: Sample consider in grouped that determines with two broad classes as per method selection. There are two kinds of methods exist that consist for sample selection such as random or probability sampling and another one non random or non-probability sampling. Random sampling method consider with different methods such as simple random sampling, systematic sample, multi stage random sample, sequential sample, etc. Beside this, non random sampling method consist with purposive sample, quota sample and convenience sample. In the present research, random sampling method has been used in which simple random sampling method consider to analysis data (Lowry, Cartier and Delconte, 2015). This is because, present topic has been based on travelling sector so that it is important to collect data on the basis of all grouped views. In this way, 20 sample size has been selected that are employees of the chosen business.
  • Ethical consideration: Ethical consideration consider most important part in research. In this way, research participants not be harmed in any ways whatsoever. As per participants, research must be prioritised in dignity of research. Full consent also obtained as per prior study. Researcher also need to protect privacy of research participants. Adequate level of confidentiality in research data has been ensured so that participants will be collect effective information at workplace. Along with this, data must be communicate in relation with honesty and transparency so that it could be help to attain more effective results. Misleading information must be avoided to find more effective consideration at workplace (Cantallops and Salvi, 2014).
  • Reliability and validity: All information must be reliable so that effective results will be concluded at workplace. On the basis of validate information, systematic and effective work performance must be represent with primary data findings. Issue of reliability and validity must be addressed in research methodology. Reliability defines as extent in which same instrument obtained more than one time. As results, research is associated to generate same results and using same method to undertake effective consideration. Validity of research is also explained at extent in which scientific research method followed in process to generate findings (Figueroa-Domecq, Pritchard and Villacé-Molinero, 2015).


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