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Project Management Plan

University: London College of Business Studies

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4169
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 744
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

What are the various aspects of project management?

Discuss Different factors which are translating employees performance.

Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Equality & diversity practises are very essential element of a organisation they are helpful for a individual in developing a potential for completion of their assigned role sin a more effective manner. With relation  to equality in a organisation employees must be treated equally for achievement of their objectives (Williamson, Carson and Foley, , 2019). In the present report Jaguar has been considered as  organisation dealing in luxury cars. It was founded in year 1922 and its headquarter are present in Whitley, Coventry UK. This report deals with aims & objectives, project management plan and a discussion related work break down structure & Gantt chart. Further there is application of quantitative and qualitative methods and analysis of research tools & techniques. At last, there are findings and recommendation followed by reflection of overall research.

Project aims and obstructives

Research aim

“To analyse influence of company's policies on practises of equality & diversity translating in employee's day to day activities” A case study on Jaguar”

Research objectives:

  • To understand basic concept of equality & diversity practices in organisation.
  • To determine different factors which are translating employees performance in Jaguar.
  • To ascertain importance of equality & diversity practises policies in employees performance.

Research Questions:

  • What do you understand by term Equality & Diversity ?
  • What various factors that are translation performance of employee in Jaguar?
  • Importance of equality and diversity practises in maintaining performance of employees?

Concept of equality & diversity

According to view points of (Tardos, and Paksi,  2018). equality & diversity is a concept playing a major role in enhancement of productivity of employees. If there are  no discriminatory practises being  followed in a organisation then it will have a positive impact on employees performance level. Workplaces are becoming very competitive day by day and to meet various objectives. A diverse workforce is very helpful in promotion of a diverse & positive culture. In jaguar such type of culture leads to enhancement of overall brand image in external market. Get Assignment Samples.Talk to our Experts!

Different factors which are translating employees performance in Jaguar

According to view points of (Syed, Ali and Hennekam,  2018), equality & diversity practises have a critical impact on employee performance. Equality & diversity practises has a major impact on translation of employee performance in a positive manner. There are various policies made with regards to equality and diversity in areas such as training of employees. In various decision such as promotion as a motivational tool if  there are no discrimination done based on caste, race creed or colour then it results in increasing overall satisfaction level of employees. There are no probability of internal conflicts between employees. In case of jaguar, this organisation is responding to demographics & working patters. Employers are being more flexible so that they are able to retain their competent employees according to  their specific requirements. 

Importance of equality & diversity practises & policies in enhancing employees performance

According to views of (Nordqvist, and Röjd,  2018). When there are equality diversity practises prevailing in a workplace then it leads to creation of equal opportunity of development to all employees that results in increasing their performance level. There is growing importance of equality & diversity practises at workplace such as it leads to drawing of ideas from different experiences, skills, talent and resources. All  this helps in gaining of a competitive advantage. In Jaguar, this concept is applied by top management that helps them in reaping of market benefits in a more better manner. There is gaining of knowledge from various areas of community that helps in increasing of team productivity & raising organisation profitability.

Project management plan with details of various aspects such as scope, time, quality, risk, communication and resources

Project management plan is a document or can be related as a blue print that consist of detailed description of different activities that has to be performed by a researcher in achieving their overall objectives  (Syed and Ozbilgin,  2019). There are various policies & plans that have to be considered by management of a company. Various elements such as size, risk, cost, time, communication & equality. All such element are discussed below:

Cost: Cost is the total monetary amount requited by research to perform various objectives for accomplishment of research. In present case for completion of the research Jaguar will require a amount of  $ 70,000.

Scope: It is being analysed that this research as a wide scope as it will helps organisation on performing various functions of business in a more better manner  (Zanoni, and Janssens, 2018). In case of jaguar, there will be better understanding of how equality and diversity practises are affecting overall objectives of organisation.

Time: This is a very essential aspect of every research as it is to be considered by researcher in completion of all functions in given time frame. In case of Jaguar researcher has been allotted a time period of six months for completion of research and achievement of various objectives  (Nachmias,  Aravopoulou and Caven, , 2019).

Quality: it is not enough to complete a research but maintenance of overall quality is also very important. Overall quality oaf a research can be maintained of data is collected from authentic sources only. It leads to achievement of reliable objectives that is further applied by management  of Jaguar in strategy formulation.

Risk: One of major risk associated with research is maintaining confidentiality of collected information by a researcher (Mahlangu, 2019). It is responsibility of researcher that they have to provide assurance to respondent that all collected information will be used only for the purpose of achievement of research objectives and will not be leaked or used for any other purpose.

Resources: There are various types of resources that are critical for achievement of research objectives and without without which a research cannot be successfully completed. In case of Jaguar, researcher will also require resources such as human resources, financial resources, technological resource in form of internet etc. so that there is effectiveness in achievement of overall laid objectives (Kelan and Wratil, 2018).

Work break down structure & Gantt chart to understand stages of project completion

Work break down structure:

It is a process being implemented by various project volunteers fir attainment of specific business goals (Iganski and Mason,  2018). Fundamental concept of this structure is broken down in smaller tasks and then further subdivide in other tasks for achieving team work. It is related with better understanding and a detail description of a project (Green, 2019). His structure is used in case of larger projects further divided in smaller parts. This framework is used in execution of project and all related aspect in a more systematic manner. Ask for write my assignment from our experts!

Gantt chart:

Gantt chart is referred to a graphical presentation of different tasks that are being performed in course of a project (Fujimoto,  and Härtel, , 201). It is presented by use of a bar chart that is used for defining date of function to be performed with a specific assigned time period. This was invented by Henry Gantt and is used in form of horizontal and vertical lines. In this chart each activity is depend in earlier performed task as next step is only started if previous one is completed in due course of time. Gantt chart is very useful in providing a basic idea of how much time will be required in completion of each step of a research project.

Qualitative research:

This type of research involves use of quantified data that is collected with help og surveys, interviewer or questionnaire (Fejerskov, 2017). Quantitative research is used for collecting information from present customers with help of samples created as whole population cannot be approached for purpose of information collection. Basically there are four varieties of quantitative research correlation,  experimental, descriptive and quasi experimental.

Qualitative Research:

This type of research is used by researcher to focus on behavioural approach of respondents and use it as a base for carrying on of research (Booysen, , Bendl and Pringle,eds., 2018). This type of research involves bot interpretive research and naturalistic research that is used for making meaningful interpretations. Major motive is to conduct qualitative research in gaining understanding of culture, individuals with reference to a particular topic. In present research, there is use of qualitative method of collecting data.

Data collection:

Data collection is a process used for gathering of data and information by researcher with context of a particular topic that has to be further used for making analysis. Data is usually collected by two basic methods such as secondary or primary form of collecting data as mentioned underneath:

Primary Research:

This is a form of research where first hand information is collected by researcher with hep of various mediums such as surveys, interviews or questionnaire  (BaliamouneLutz,  2016). In vase of primary research, information is collected first  time and is more authentic and relevant at same time. Reason behind this is data is not extracted from a already exiting sources that increase its level of reliability and authenticity.

In the present research there is use of primary research and information is gathered through questionnaire. There are 50 respondents that have been considered by researcher for  the purpose of collected information. 

Secondary Research:

This is a research method where data is collected with help of journals, websites, newspaper, online availability of applications, government publication and etc. it is less reliable source as compared to primary method of collecting data as it is taken form a exiting source and there is no first hand information that is being used (Antoniades, 2016).

There is use of both primary & secondary approach of collecting data. In primary research questionnaire is considered for the purpose of collecting data and in secondary sources, online available sources have been used for collecting of information.



Q1) Do you have basic awareness regarding concept of Equality & Diversity?


a) Yes


b) No


Q2) Do you feel that Equality & diversity practises posses impact on employee performance?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Q3) Do you believe that practises of Equality & Diversity can help in achievement of overall business objectives?


a) Yes


b) No


Q4)  According to your belief, what can be major advantages of Equality and diversity practises for Jaguar which can prove beneficial for this organisation?


a) Increase in satisfaction of overall workforce


b) Timely achievement of overall goals & objectives


c)  Positive environment at workplace


Q5) According to your belief, what  can be most useful strategy for Jaguar, that can be effective for implementation of practises of equality & diversity?


a) Effective use of leadership skills


b) Educating workers about equality practises


c) Dealing with complaints related to discriminatory practises


Q6) According to you, what can be major impact if there are no appropriate practises of Equality and diversity in Jaguar?


a) Reduction in employee productivity


b) creation of negative environment


c) Internal conflict among employees


Q 7) Do you  that workplace discrimination can posses impact on operations of Jaguar?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Q 8) According to your viewpoint, what are some major policies related to equality & diversity  that has a impact on employee daily activities? 


a) No Discrimination based while recruiting of employees


b) No discrimination while forming policies related to compensation and appraisal


c) Giving equal treatment to all employees irrespective of their caste, religion, disability or any other basis.


Analysis of research using techniques and tools

Concept of Equality & diversity

Q1) Do you have basic awareness regarding concept of Equality & Diversity?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: From above discussed graph it can be said that employees in Jaguar posses basic knowledge about overall concept of equality & diversity at workplace. As majority of respondent that is 45 out of 50 had a positive  response to this question.

Impact of  Equality & diversity practises on employee performance

Q2) Do you feel that fair Equality & diversity practises posses positive impact on employee performance?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretation: From the graph, it can be said that when it was asked to 50 respondent whether equality and diversity practises will lead to positivity in the organisation there was a positive response of 48 out of 50 respondent. It means that employees feel  that there is a requirement of fair practises on Jaguar as it will lead to positive impact on employee performance level.

Practises of Equality & Diversity can help in achievement of overall business objective

Q3) Do you believe that practises of Equality & Diversity can help in achievement of overall business objectives?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: From above presented graph, it can be said that there was a majority positive response on question of equality and diversity practise on achievement of organisation's objectives. 30 respondent felt that it is going to help in achievement of objectives and rest 20 denied to this view.

Major benefits of  Equality and diversity practises for Jaguar:

Q4)  According to your belief, what can be major advantages of Equality and diversity practises for Jaguar which can prove beneficial for this organisation?


a) Increase in satisfaction of overall workforce


b) Timely achievement of overall goals & objectives


c)  Positive environment at workplace


Interpretation: From the graph, it is analysed  that on asking about major advantages of equality and diversity practise for Jaguar there was a mixed responses as 15 respondent felt that it will help in enhancing overall satisfaction level, 15 were of view that is helpful in timely achieving objectives and remain 20 believed that is will help in bringing positivity in workplace.

Most appropriate strategy for Jaguar:

Q5) According to your belief, what  can be most useful strategy for Jaguar, that can be effective for implementation of practises of equality & diversity?


a) Effective use of leadership skills


b) Educating workers about equality practises


c) Dealing with complaints related to discriminatory practises


Interpretation: From above mentioned graph, it can be said that on asking to employees about most appropriate way for having practises of equality & diversity, there was a majority response to option that workers must be educated about such practises. 15 respondents felt that management must deal with employees complaints and remaining 10 believed that there must be effective use of leadership skills.

Major impact if there are no appropriate practises of Equality and diversity in Jaguar

Q6) According to you, what can be major impact if there are no appropriate practises of Equality and diversity in Jaguar?


a) Reduction in employee productivity


b) creation of negative environment


c) Internal conflict among employees


Interpretation: By analysis of above discussed graph it can be said that what can be major impact of non adoption of equality practices in organisation most of the employees were of view that it is going to reduce employee productivity. 10 employees felt it will lead to creation of negative environment and 5 said that it may also lead to internal conflicts among employees.

Workplace discrimination can posses impact on operations of Jaguar

Q 7) Do you  that workplace discrimination can posses impact on daily operations of Jaguar?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretation: By making analysis of above mentioned graph, it is clear that on asking about impact of equality and diversity practises on daily operations of Jaguar 40 respondent agreed to this view and other 10 respondents denied to this question.

Policies related to equality & diversity and  its impact on employee daily activities

Q 8) According to your viewpoint, what are some major policies related to equality & diversity  that has a impact on employee daily activities? 


a) No Discrimination based while recruiting of employees


b) No discrimination while forming policies related to compensation and appraisal


c) Giving equal treatment to all employees irrespective of their caste, religion, disability or any other basis.


Interpretation: Major policies related top equality & diversity practises 20 employees were in favour of view that there must be equal treatment to employees irrespective of their caste, colour, sex etc. 15 felt that there should  be no discrimination while employees are being recruited and remaining 15 were of opinion that there must be no discrimination when policies related to appraisal and compensation are bing made by Jaguar. 

Recommendations forwarding conclusions

After above analysis there are some below mentioned recommendation as given by researcher:

  • Majority of employees in Jaguar posses knowledge about overall concept of equality and diversity that leads to concern for management in Jaguar that they must have fair practises for all employees  (Ali, and Konrad,  2017). Employees should be given equal changes for their growth and development which should be free from any kind of prejudice or discrimination.
  • Jaguar has  to keep its focus on maintained of employees productivity. In case of negative impact of discriminatory practises most of employees had a view that it is going to reduce their productivity and satisfaction level. Ultimately all this will posses a effect on achievement of organisational objectives.
  • Equality and diversity must be implemented with respect to policies of recruitment and selection of employees, policies related with motivation of employees etc. all these practises will posses a impact on daily functioning of a employee.
  • It is also recommended that management of Jaguar must focus on maintenance of satisfaction level of employees is very helpful in creation of positive brand image in competitive market. This is a essential requirement for attracting of competent and skilled candidates in situation of vacancies arising in the organisation.
  • Jaguar must realise overall importance of having a diverse workforce in terms of access to additional segment of markets sectors, a wider talent pool while organisation is making recruitment, staff will posses better understanding of differences. Take Management Assignment Help Now!


While performing above research it is observed that there are some factors that created difficulty in completion of overall research. Such as convening employees to provide a unbiased reviews to some of questions was very difficult and a long procedure. On other hand, there was lack of time as sample area was quiet large. I also felt that there were lack of some resources such as financial resources that had a effect on increase in overall expense of research. Part from this I also believe that this research has helped me a lot in enhancement of my knowledge and increasing my communication skills.


From above report is concluded that equality and diversity practises are very helpful for every organisations. Especially these practises and policies posses a very critical impact on employees daily activities at workplace. Managers in organisations should make attempts to make suer that all employees are given equal treatment in terms of fair wages, promotions, equal opportunities for growth etc. all such initiates will help in creation of a satisfied workforce, positive brand image in market, increasing productivity and employee contribution in achievement of overall laid objectives.

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