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Managing HR in HSC

Factors that need to be consider in recruitment planning of an individual in HSC

Recruitment is process of finding and hiring the best-qualified and skilled candidates for job opening, in timely and cost effective manner. For HSC organization selection and recruitment planning is important and plays crucial role to appoint skill people by analyzing requirements, attracting employees, screening and selecting applicant to perform the function and deliver quality services to patients. Southern Health and social care trust is providing high quality patients care to services user that highly depends on recruitment and selection of employees who are well matched to operations and tasks as well as committed to success of Trust. An effective selection and recruitment process will helping organization to achieving the goals and get the desired outcome in effective and efficient manner that also results as reduction in turnover of staff (Kaya and, 2009). Organization is following traditional method of selection and recruitment for new employees which contribute in working process for maintaining quality in function of HSC as well as provide feedback to improve the services for patients that encourage brand name of Southern Health and social care trust. Following are the key factors that need to be consider by management for the planning-process of recruiting qualified human-resources:

Education: In the planning-process for recruiting people in Southern HSC, HR department consider the level of education according to job. The education background of employees need to be strong for knowledge and understanding the task of Health and social care organization that has high risk involvement (Walker and Bamford, 2011). For example, to perform the task of blood testing and developing report organization can not appoint individual without certified degree and completion of course. It will be more risky and illegal for Southern HSC as well as for services users. Hence before appointment, HR check the education qualification of individual and hire to perform the tasks.

Work experience: This factors might be one of the most important consideration for recruiting employees in Southern HSC to maintain and deliver quality services to patients. Experience will play significant role in managing operations and services in different conditions at health and social care organization. It is responsibility of management to give preference to experience candidates which will influence the work and overcome the extra burden on other employee (Grimshaw, Rubery and Marchington, 2010).

Personality: In health and social care organization warmth and smiles indicate the types of employees and behavior which influence the decision of services user and visitors. In the planning of recruitment, HR manager need to consider the personality of candidates in which behavior, style of communication and level of interaction will be judge before appointment.

Skills set: This is also a important factor that need to be consider in recruitment of new candidates. For working in health-care organization candidates must have the skills to manage the emergency conditions, effective communication and good understanding of responsibilities to manage the work as well as time to deliver quality services to patients (Uchida and, 2009). These skills need to be consider by the management of Southern HSC for recruitment planning.

Confidence: In organization like Southern Health and social care, employees has to be confidant and mature enough to make decision according to conditions and requirements. For recruiting employees for managing work and delivery of services, HR manager has to consider and analyze the confidence and maturity level of applicant to get the job and fulfill the requirements.

Job description and person specification for post

Southern Health and social care organization is going to recruit new employees for developing the service areas and managing the operations more effective manner (Tanjila, 2010).

Person specification:

  • Candidate has to be professional by personal presentation and communication.
  • The qualification and skills of candidates must be as per the criteria proposed by the HR in job description.
  • Applicants have to be knowledgeable and capable of performing task and improve the quality of services for patients.
  • Candidates have additional quality like management skills and courageous to implement changes.
  • Person must have good understanding of values and belief of local people and honest towards the work.

Approaches for selection:

General approach: This approach is effective for predicting future requirement of human-resources at health and social care organization. According to this approach management analyze the need of employees in particular departments and develop plan to select new candidates. By using general approach management evaluate funds, turnover and future demand in health and social care services (Lauten nd, 2013). This will help Southern HSC, HR manager to select appropriate candidates who has the quality and skills for managing services and meet the requirements of services users. This approach will support organization to improve the selection planning and quality of human-resources management.

Structure approach: This approach is based on fix process of selection, in which HR management of Southern HSC can easily recruit new employee. Structure process followed by analysis of need, financial conditions of organization and guidance of top management. For section HR manager go trough evaluating application, general test and interview of applicants (Higgins, O’Halloran and Porter, 2014). This approach will help organization to recruit quality employee to menage operations.

Key legislation and policies to select 'right' individual for job

Southern Health and social care organization has to consider legislation and policies for selection and recruitment of candidates. Government of UK has applied rules and regulations for selection and offering of job. It consists of Equality legislation which includes Equality Act 2000, Work and Families’ Act 2006, The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999. These acts prohibit any kind of discrimination during selection and recruitment process (Key Legislation regarding Recruitment and Selection, 2014). According to UK law, government has given rights to every individual for working and persuade in selection process of organizations which has announced job opportunities for young professionals for contributing in improvement in the organization culture and achieving goals. In addition to that Employee regulation Act 2002, management has to implement less restriction on permanent workers as compare to new employees that working in probation period (Cho, Choi and Lee, 2014). For default unfair treatment organization will pay claim to employees. In addition to that organization rules and regulation has been implemented by the top management that help to develop legal frame work and positive image in the industry. According to Parliament of UK, government has proposed Civil Right Act 1964 for anti-discrimination of employees on the basis of religion, sex and race which must have been followed by the all organizations This rules and legal aspects influence the operations of Southern health and social care organization.

According to Equality Act 2010, Southern Health care organization cannot discriminate any candidate by unauthorized intellect like age, physical disability, pregnancy and sex. HR department need to consider that legislation for providing equally opportunity to young professional to get the job and develop career (Mumert and, 2012). This Act applied for all organization in the business or health care industry. In the policies of health and social care, Southern management consider the background of candidates. In that organization evaluate details about criminal record, past behavior and physical fitness of application. It has to be above 18 and mentally sound to perform the tasks and function allotted by the management.

Theories of leadership for health and social care organization employees

Leadership is an interpersonal skills of individual which influence and encourage by the good work and impressive performance of team. A leader must have the quality of smooth communication, understanding of responsibility and encourage the subordinate and support them for good work. In HSC role of leader is critical as it has to make decision according to conditions and requirements of time (Ramli, Noah and Yusof, 2012). For that it need support of employees to work as team and get the desired outcome by meeting the satisfaction level of service user. For improve the effectiveness of leadership at HSC, manager can use the following leadership theories:

Transformational leadership: This goes beyond the traditional style of transaction leadership. Manger of Southern health care organization can use this style for supervising, organizing and encouraging performance of team and individual which will help manger to develop bonding with individual and groups (How teams work, 2014). Transformational leadership theory help manager to communicate vision of HSC and encourage employees to develop skills and deliver quality services to patients. For example manager can use this term in evaluation of performance of department or individual and make decision accordingly to influence the work of organization and craft improvement in performance of department and individual (Agazzi and, 2009).

Shared leadership: In health care organization, operation and functioning perform by effective team work and support of seniors. Leader can use this leadership style for developing relationship with employee and improve delegation towards task to maintain the quality in services. Shared leadership suggests that leader in health care organization has to understand and communicate the responsibility to individual as well as shared governance, learning and relationship at workplace (Mousumy, 2014). Effective team working is the key of achieving the goals and objectives. Shared leadership ideally results in individual staff member adopting leadership behavior, greater autonomy and improve the patients care outcome.

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Distributed leadership: This kind of leadership theory can be used for health and social care organization to distribute work which influence the quality of services. Leader of Southern health and social care organization can adopt fact of this theory to make balance, building trust and developing effective communication which create positive environment for working and overcome the issues in function of organization (Marchington, Rubery and Grimshaw, 2011). This style of leadership helps manager to interact with employees and collect feedback to evaluate actual condition of organization. In order to make decision for improving quality of services and identifying the areas for betterment manager of Health care.

Management and determination of nature of working relationship with peers and managers

In Southern Health and social care organization many departments work together to achieve the goals and objective in effective manners. The major task of top management is to develop effective and positive environment for managing relation with employees of different department which will improve the standard of services (Tailby, 2012). However managers and top management conduct meeting and training session for maintaining relationship and make changes in policies as well as analyze the need of improvement. In order to manage the worker according to their nature management can use the following approaches:

Communication: In order to manage effective relation with management and peers, worker has to improve their communication skills and style of interaction which will influence the relationship with peers and managers (Reid and, 2013). Communication is most influencing and important factor to develop effective co-ordination and relation. This will also encourage the work of individual as manger and peers will support in work to manage the operations and function of Southern Health and social care organization. In order to improve communication with co-workers and managers management can organize team and casual meeting to improve interaction.

Motivation: To manage relation and co-ordination with peers and manager, motivation from the management will encourage individual and groups to improve interaction and provide their feedback about the process of working. In health care organization employee work with stress and risk which hamper the communication and relationship with peers and managers (Hossain, 2012). To overcome the stress and mange the relationship as well as function of Southern Health care organization motivation from the management is required that will influence nature of individual and encourage them to work with positive frame of mind to satisfied the needs of patients.

Impact of personal and professional development and influence of leadership approaches

Personal and professional development is essential part of crafting improvement in my skills and knowledgeable to get promotion in organization. This also help me to meet the requirements and deliver quality services to patients and impress my manger. By following the personal and professional development plan I have discover new skills of time management, leadership and accepting changes according to situation (Miller, 2014). These modification and improvement helping me to develop good image in front of management as well as achievement of my personal goals.

Personal and professional development has helped me to enhance self-confidence, understanding, knowledgeable and judgment skills according to work. Continues professional development is required for sustaining the position and get the desired rewards and promotion. It also help to maintain relationship with peers and managers (Akhter, 2014). In personal development I have gain the skills to manage the emergency conditions, effective communication and good understanding of responsibilities to manage the work as well as time to deliver quality services to patients. These skills have been consider by the management of Southern HSC for appointing me in organization for managing work and improve the human resource power (Ahgren, 2010).

In my working I have experienced many leadership approaches which has influenced my work and skills. In the leadership approaches, at my past organization manager use transformational leadership style which helped to communicate vision of organization and encourage employees to develop skills and deliver quality services to patients. For example by following that approach manager evaluation of performance of department or individual and make decision accordingly which influence the work of organization and craft improvement in performance of department and individual (Bezboruah, Paulson and Smith, 2014). This has influenced me to work with positive frame of mind and maintain effective relation peers. From my leader I have learned to communicate problems and issues to improve the quality of health care services which develop my professional skills. In addition to that my new manager at Southern HSC is following democratic leader approach to make balance in departments and individual relation, improve trust and developing effective communication which helps to create positive environment for working and overcome the issues in function of organization. This style of leadership influenced me to interact with employees and present my thoughts to contribute in development of effective services for patients as well as encourage my self for better working (Bryans, 2007).

Monitoring strategy and different techniques for promoting development in employees for health and social care

For monitoring the performance of employee, management of Southern Health care organization can use six steps approach. By following this approach management will effectively monitor the performance of individual and department. In that approach manager will collect the data about the task and functions performed by the individual and department, for that management can ask manager and supervises to gather the information about the performance of individual. In addition to that management also collect the information from patients and visitors to analyze the contribution of health and social care workers. In the next step management will baseline the collected data with standard sated for services and determining the quality of services (BELBIN TEAM ROLES, 2014). To monitor the performance organization will match the individual act with baseline and evaluate the performance. In the next step management will alert for performance according to baseline and develop matrix to determine the position of employees in organization. After alert management of Southern HSC will develop report about health care worker and supporting staff according to collected data and baseline. In report management will discuses positive and negative aspects of employees to effectively analyze the performance. After making the report management and head of the organization will analyze the performance and give their suggestion to improve the skills as well as personal and professional development of employees. In the last step manager will share the report of performance with direction to motivate and encourage the employee to improve performance (Hossain, 2012). in addition to that, to promote health and safety at work place management will conduct the meetings with the teams to analyze the issues regarding the skills and needs of employees. By the analysis of issues and suggestion of staff members management will able to take the decision for development of training plan for crafting the improvement in the skills of care workers. By using the Maslow hierarchy of needs management will also evaluate the expectation of employees that will help to development of individual according to needs of organization. This strategy will more effective for the development of skills as per the requirements of health and social care organization. Through this strategy, management will also can motivate the employees according to their needs and encourage for the improvement in the skills and qualities that required for delivering the health and social care services in professional efficient manners.

In order to develop skills of employees and health care workers management can use techniques in which HR administrator will have to perform relationship management in the organization. It means that he will have to build and maintain strong relation with employees. In addition to development techniques manger of Southern Health care organization can use the motivation technique from that will influence nature of individual and encourage them to work with positive frame of mind to satisfied the needs of patients.

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Critical evaluation of training and development needs in health and social care

It is observed that training and development is required at health and social care centers in order to enhance the working of company (Mousumy, 2014). The quality of services need to be improved but they may sometimes impact adversely to the company. While providing training to employees, the real time patients often becomes dummy for the practitioners. Under such circumstances, the real clients suffer by getting the experimental treatment which may generate harmful results. In order to identify the needs of training organization can use the observation and complaint methods which will help to develop the plan for improvement in skills by including the issues identified. This activity will be performed by the manager and supervisors of departments at health and social care organization. Other than such issues, the cost of experiments for training and development is borne by the actual clients in the form of increased royalty paid over fee. They cannot avoid such amount because of its mandatory payment included under the receipt of payment for the treatment. This has influenced me to work with positive frame of mind and maintain effective relation peers. From my leader I have learned to communicate problems and issues to improve the quality of health care services which develop my professional skills.


  • Walker, V. and Bamford, D., 2011. An empirical investigation into health sector absenteeism.Health Services Management Research.
  • Grimshaw, D., Rubery, J. and Marchington, M., 2010. Managing people across hospital networks in the UK: multiple employers and the shaping of HRM.Human Resource Management Journal.
  • Uchida, D. A. and, 2009. Congenital tracheal stenosis masquerading as asthma in an adolescent: The value of spirometry. Clinical pediatrics.
  • Tanjila, M., 2010. The practice of human reource management in Aarong & AAF.
  • Lauten, A. nd, 2013. Management of Tricuspid Regurgitation by Caval Valve Implantation: From Technical Feasibility to Evaluation of Efficacy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
  • Higgins, A., O’Halloran, P. and Porter, S., 2014. The Management of Long-Term Sickness Absence in Large Public Sector Healthcare Organisations: A Realist Evaluation Using Mixed Methods. Journal of occupational rehabilitation.

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