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UNIT 6 Managing A Successful Business Project of John Lewis

University: North East Surrey College Of Technology

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3885
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1134
Question :

The project is being assigned by the manager to conduct research with different business functions some of the questions are mentioned thereunder:

  • Provide the aims, objectives, and timeframes of John Lewis.
  • Manage small-scale research with data collection, generation of knowledge, and other support in the project.
  • Provide an appropriate recommendation with a conclusion of John Lewis with their evidence and analysis.
  • Reflect on the value needed for conducting sustainable organizational performance.
Answer :
Organization Selected : John Lewis


In business world, every company wants their project to be launched and managed successfully in order to attain the predefined goals (Adzic, 2011). So, it is the responsibility of manager of company to manage their operation and project to bring effective result that will increase the productivity and profitability of company. In this context the John lewis is selected to understand the importance of managing project successfully. It is a chain of departmental store and had branches in different part of UK.

In this report, main aim is to establish project, purpose and time period, different method of research and data collection and important tools and techniques are shown. The report discusses appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions. Report also shows the value of doing research that help to accomplish targeted objective. It will help to sustain long term market sustainability and improve performance.


P1. Project aim and objective.

In present era, Globalisation is defined as the process through which business entity impact international market by exploring their business activities in different part of world. Marketing also plays an important role in expanding business of company as it make individual aware about product and services offered by company (Ariely, 2012). So basically it is related to making suitable and faithful changes in business process of company to makes their business project more successful at national level. It is observed that influence of globalisation on activities and operation of business is pervasive and extensive. So, John Lewis wants to set competitive price for their product so that they can easily expand their business at global market. In general the main aspect of globalisation involves advance technology, effective strategies of business an international trade etc.

Topic: Positive, ethical, cultural and economic importance of globalisation different business functions within company, “A Case of John lewis”.

Objective of research:

  • To analyse the concept of globalisation in respect to John Lewis.
  • To calculate the impact of globalisation to increase the level of labour migration between different nations.
  • To reckon economical and ethical influence of globalise activity on marketing in company.
  • To recommend the manner by which John Lewis could explore its business activities with success at national level.


  • What are the Idea of Globalisation to John Lewis?
  • How to evaluate the influence of globalisation in order to increase level of labour migration?
  • How to reckon influence of globalise activity on marketing to John Lewis?
  • What conclusion can be suggested to John lewis to expand its business in effective manner?

P2 Project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.

In general, project management plan involves the different concepts of project that must be consider to make effective and valuable outcomes (Coker, 2014). These aspects are cost, quality, time etc. So it is the duty of project management to create suitable and faithful plans, organise in well manner implement these plan and support to achieve pre-determined goals and objective at a particular time frame. Therefore, the management of John Lewis require to follow the above mention aspect in order to ascertain the upcoming growth and development opportunities and make their existing project run successful. Basically the project management plan in an important document that help manager of John Lewis to allot work and duties to each employees of company. The basic aspect of project management plan is discussed below:

Scope: This is basically related to kind of opportunities that help companies to expand their business at national level. So It is very significant for manger of John Lewis to use the basic concept of marketing function so that they can reach at global level (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). Thus, there is wide scope for John Lewis to make advantage of globalisation and expand their business in different countries so they can generate huge profit. Therefore marketing team plays a vital role by exploring business to large number of people and making them aware about the product offered by John Lewis. The scope of research is wide that help to attain the future goals.

Cost: This is considered to be an amount incurred by companies to run their business project. Manager of company always tries to control or minimise their cost in order to increase profit. Thus management of John Lewis tries to control or reduce their cost involved in production process that help them to run business successfully and maximise profit. To run and perform well at global market company must provide goods to customer at faithful prices that will support to sustain in global market. For example:

Total forecasted budget



Implementing technology cost


Promotional expense


Advertisement expense




Training charges


Total cost


Time: This is defined as the actual time period require to complete a particular project that will deliver valuable outcome and increase the productivity and performance of company. Therefore it is the duty of manger to fix a time period for every project and make sure that it perform accordingly (Fisher, 2011). In John Lewis the manager set time period for their employer and ensure that these project are executed and managed well. Thus predetermined guideline help worker to work with their entire potential and make company achieve goals at global level. The actual time taken is 5 week to complete the research work.

Quality: This is considered to be one of the most important aspect of project management plans. As for growth and success organisation offer best quality of product. Thus to maintain good image and sustain well global market John Lewis must offer best superior goods that attract more customer. The research quality must be consider at the most valuable one which do not hurt the respondent and must be done in legal form.

Risk: This is also considered to be an essential factor that can affect the business operation and reduces the performance and productivity of company. It is defined as “no risk no gain” that means without taking risk in business operation company will not be able to earn sufficient profit. So it responsibility of marketing team of John Lewis to make effective strategies and plans to deal with uncertainties and increase business at global level. There are different types of risk at global level that are faced by John Lewis such as exchange rate, sudden changes in government policies, economy instability etc. If marketing department of John Lewis does not have complete information and not prepared with effective plans than these risk may reduce their productivity. In order to accomplish the research project there may be a risk that will reduce the financial position of company.

P3. Work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide time frames and stages for completion.

Work breakdown structure:

This is related to division of business activities in small project that help in performing and completing a task in effective and accurate manner at a predefined period of time. It is beneficial for manager of company to easily look upon small part of work and increase their performance and productivity. In respect to project management, it helpful to divide and allocate large project or task into small project and elements so that it help to reduce the reason of future risk and issues that might be faced by employees while executing different task. In John Lewis manager wants to expand their business at global level so that they must divide work in appropriate manner in order to remove the possibilities of uncertainties. Thus, it is consider to be an effective approach to execute multi step as well a complex task done (Furlong, 2013). The main objective of WBS is to ensure that each and every employee of company understand and perform their jobs and duties in effective manner according to work allotted. So, as a result it help to increase the performance, profitability and productivity of executed work in future period of time. The WBS of different project report is delegated as follows:

  1. Objective of Research.
  2. Literature Critique
  3. Problems faced by business firm.
  4. Purpose of research
  5. Selection of targets
  6. Forming effective and appropriate plans
  7. Recommendation

Gantt chart:

This is related to a type of graphical representation of time period that help manager of company to make useful plans and track the certain business activities related to project. Thus, it deliver valuable result to particular project in future time period. This help employees of company to track the actual time taken by them to attain the predefined goal and objective in fixed time frame. As per provided information, a Gantt chart is formulated for John Lewis. In this, task of project are divided based on expressed time-frame.


P4: Small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods.

In general, research methodology is described as the systematic approach of examining the different factors that are significant for researcher (Research Methodology, 2018). These methods help to execute effective research that will deliver effective result. Thus to conduct researcher there are basically two method kind of methods that are consider by researcher to extract valid observation an d conclusion. These methods are discussed below:

Qualitative: With the help of this approach researcher basically focus on gathering useful information of qualitative means (Intriligator, 2017). The collect data with well supported facts and figures those are subjective to research. Researcher use to collect, interpret and analyse the behaviour of individual those are part of research.

Quantitative: With the help of quantitative research methods researcher primarily focus to collect and measure data in numeric form. Thus researcher require adequate knowledge and skills that help to interpret data and determine the valid conclusion at the end of survey.

So from, the above mention methods researcher adopt qualitative approach to get more reliable and accurate information and draw conclusion related to the topic.

Data collection: This is related to collecting of useful and relevant data according to the specific topic of research through help of primary and secondary method (Pekuri and et. al., 2014). These are discussed below:

Primary: This type of research help to collect first hand information through different means like questionnaire, surveys and even personal interview etc. It will provide appropriate and best result to the relevant topic.





Q1) Are you familiar with the concept of Globalization ?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) Is government helps in expanding business operation at global level ?

a) Yes

b) No

Q3) Is there any requirement of maximising resources while John Lewis expand its business operations at Global level?

a) Yes

b) No

Q4) What can be favourable results of Globalisation that may received by John Lewis ?

a) Desired marketplace

b) Landscape economical scale

c) Free trade

d) All of the above

Q5) What can be the major resources that are required for John Lewis at time of Globalisation ?

a) Financial resources

b) Terotechnological resources

c) All of the above

Q6) Is there any requirement of conducting training and learning sessions for employees while John Lewis expand their business at global level ?

a) Yes

b) No

Q7) What can be the major consequences that faced by John Lewis When reaching at different countries ?

a) Maximum number of existing rivalries

b) Labour migration among countries

c) Heighten trade

d) All of the above

Q8) What can be the major activities that are required while conducting business activities at global level?

a) Training for employees

b) Implementation of advance technology

c) Management of funds and resources

Q9) What are the major challenges faced by John Lewis at the time of globalisation?

a) Brand loyalty among customers

b) Reduction in employment growth rate

c) Unfair working environment

Secondary: This method is related to collecting of information through indirect sources that will give relevant information and support evidence related to topic. Such as newspaper, articles, sampling etc.

Sampling: This process of choosing restricted respondents which represents their thoughts as for whole population. Such individual consider worker, targeted group etc. By using such method, the researcher choice 40 respondents as a sample size of population that will help them to provide suitable result (Mhamed, 2012.).


P5: Research and data using an appropriate tools and techniques.

Q1) Are you familiar with the concept of Globalization ?

Interpretation: From the above mention graph it has been observed that 30 out of 40 responded assume that they are families with the concept of globalisation and 10 wants to get more about the topic.

Q2) Is government helps in expanding business operation at global level ?

Interpretation: The above bar graph shows that 28 individual accept that yes government provide help to company in expanding their business at global level, while 12 don't think so.

Q3) Is there any requirement of maximising resources while John Lewis expand its business operations at Global level?

Interpretation: The above mention graphs discuss the result that 10 candidate of research assume that John Lewis not need to maximise their resources. On the other side 30 respondent accept that there is a very much need to increase the resources in order to globalise business at global level.

Q4) What can be favourable results of Globalisation that may received by John Lewis ?

Interpretation: From the above graph is has been observed that 12 respondent means with desired marketplace John Lewis will receive best result while globalisation. 8 people thought that landscape economical scale will be better fir company, while 10 responded support that free trade is beneficial for John Lewis to give best result for growth. Research also defines that 10 people accept that above all reason are equal for growth.

Q5) What can be the major resources that are required for John Lewis at time of Globalisation ?

Interpretation: The graph shows that 10 responded support that Technical resources help John lewis to attain their goals, while 15 responded accept that with the help of financial and human resource company can easily globalise their business.

Q6) Is there any requirement of conducting training and learning sessions for employees while John Lewis expand their business at global level ?

Interpretation: The above graph shows that most of the 28 respondent means that there is a need of proper training and education programs that help employees to perform business activity at global level while 12 are not agreed upon that fact.

Q7) What can be the major consequences that faced by John Lewis When reaching at different countries ?

Interpretation: From the above graph it is clear that 15 people think that rivalries aspect that labour migration is big issue, 8 thought that high trade will reduce the business performance and 10 respondent accept that all reason will reduce the performance of company.

Q8) What can be the major activities that are required while conducting business activities at global level?

Interpretation: The graph shows that 21 respondent accept that training for employees will improve the performance of business activities, 9 people assume that by implementing advance technology the activities of John lewis can be improved and 10 respondent accept that managing funds and resources is very essential.

Interpretation: The above graph gives result that 13 people accept that brand loyalty is major challenge faced by John Lewis while globalizing their business. 15 responded thought that reduction in employment growth is major challenge while, 12 think that working environment is major problem that reduces the productivity of John Lewis at global level.

P6: Appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis

From the above mentioned and calculated sample data, it has been concluded and recommended that John Lewis would have positive and negative impact of globalisation. It will also either reduce or increase their business performance and operations. Thus manager of company must conduct effective training and education programs for their entire staff member. As a result, this will help in increasing their productivity and performance level to sustain at global level (Morris and Geraldi, 2011). Therefore it is significant for management of John lewis to have enough knowledge about politics, culture, behaviour of different people of various nation. That help them to deal with any upcoming possible issues and problems in order to globalise their business. It is also suggested that manager and leader of John lewis must hire trained and skilled employees that have good knowledge about the international market. So that they make use of their knowledge and abilities to expand business at national level and deal with problems and risk.

Thus, it is said that an organisation are required to manage their resources like, techniques, workforce and financial in effective manner so that predefined goals can be achieved. This also help to attain large market share and maintain huge sustainability at world level.


P7: Value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives

From this research it has been identified that globalisation have its impact on business activities of John Lewis. It is has been suggested that with the help of investigation accurate result and outcome are drawn that help to increase. To determine the globalised impact, I select 40 individual have been selected those provide their views and thoughts that support to bring valid outcomes. In reference to research, I have faced several problem such as insufficient time, skills at different points and monetary. I have selected secondary secondary form of data that assist me to gather relevant data specific to topic of research. The main reason of collecting secondary data is that while performing primary sources there are number of problem such as respondent feel uncomfortable to present their opinions and thoughts just because they feel to present such information may be confidential for company. Then to make them feel comfortable I respond with them in friendly manner and use my skills set and make them ensure that I will maintain the privacy about data collected.

In last I have also faced difficulties that are related to cop up with respondents such as culture differences, their family backgrounds, improper knowledge of common language. So I decided to increase and work on my weaknesses that faced by me while communicating with responded. This can be achieved though involving in different learning and training programs. Are you worried about assignment help UK from expert writers? Contact now.


From the above report, it has been concluded that in order to expand their business at global level company require their workforce to have proper knowledge and skills. This will help them to attain huge market share and competitive advantage at global level. To accomplish the same, John Lewis employ a researcher who activity research for them respect their effectiveness of increase of business operation at global level. It is also observed that with effective management plan company will be going to achieve their predefined goals. The plan includes important aspect such as coat, quality, time and communication so that valuable decision are made and they easily expand their business at global level.

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  • Coker, C., 2014. Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-first Century: NATO and the Management of Risk. Routledge.
  • Fisher, E., 2011. What practitioners consider to be the skills and behaviours of an effective people project manager. International journal of project management, 29(8). pp.994-1002.
  • Furlong, J., 2013, January. Globalisation, neoliberalism, and the reform of teacher education in England. In The educational forum (Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 28-50). Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Intriligator, M., 2017. Globalisation of the World Economy: Potential Benefits and Costs and a Net Assessment. In Economics of Globalisation (pp. 85-94). Routledge.
  • Mhamed, A. A. S., 2012. Globalisation and higher education in the Arab Gulf States.
  • Morris, P. W. and Geraldi, J., 2011. Managing the institutional context for projects. Project Management Journal, 42(6). pp.20-32.
  • Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • Pekuri, A., and et. al., 2014. Managing value creation: the business model approach in construction. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 8(1). pp.36-51.
  • Zajda, J., 2015. Globalisation and its impact on education and policy. In Second International Handbook on Globalisation, Education and Policy Research (pp. 105-125). Springer, Dordrecht.
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