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Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

University: Imperial College London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4210
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 864
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss different research methodologies.
  • What is the importance of gender equality in workspace?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Tesco

This report is about gender discrimination in business organization that can affect the performance of business organization in target market MAKENA, (2017). Report is based on Tesco PLC which was established in year 1919 by Jack Cohan in Hackney, London, United Kingdom. Grnder discrimination will be evaluated for the performance of organization in international business environment.

Aim and Objectives


“To study gender equality in leadership and management of organization to reduce gender discrimination with in organization.”- A case study of Tesco PLC


Main objectives of the research paper are

  1. To identify the meaning of gender equality in high diverse organization like Tesco PLC.
  2. To study the Importance of gender equality in leadership and management of organization.
  3. To analyse the challenges faced by organization to maintain gender equality in top leadership and management.
  4. To find different methods to improve gender equality in an organization.

Research Questions

Main research question for this research are-

  1. What is the meaning of gender equality in high diverse organization like Tesco PLC?
  2. Why it is important for manage gender equality in leadership and management of organization?
  3. What are the challenges faced by organization to maintain gender equality in top leadership and management?
  4. What are different methods to improve gender equality in an organisation?


This topic is very important for the business organization because their performance and reputation in international market is depended on the work place environment of organiation.


This topic is selected for the research work because most of organization want to implement some changes in their organization to improve their workforce diversity and equality with in the work place to get better response from target market. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Literature Review

Meaning of Gender Equality in High Diverse Organization Like Tesco PLC

According to the Breuer, (2016) Gender equality is considered as an ethical factor within organization in which all people who are working in organization are considered equal in the work place. There are different type of people works in high diverse organization with in the workforce. This is important for the business organization to treat all people. There are different considerations are made by the organization to provide equal opportunities and rewards in organization as per their performance in the work place. Work place equality is explained as condition where the people are able to aces and enjoy equal rewards, opportunities and resources regardless of their gender. Within the work place gender equality is explained as achievement of the broadly equal resources and opportunities in the organization. An organization here all people are treated equally and do not get judged over the aspects like their gender or their attributed which are not related to their skills and profession Bryant, (2019). In current time most of organization are working on the gender equality within organization to provide better opportunities to them with in the work place. For example companies where all people are treated equally can be considered as organization which are consists of gender equality criteria.

Study the Importance of gender equality in leadership and management of organization

According to Moron and Mujtaba, (2018) gender equality is important for the business organization in different ways. For different organization work place discrimination is major issue that can affect the performance of business organization in target market. This is major concern for organization to deal with issues that are related to their work place efficiency. There are different benefits of gender equality for organization it can improve the performance of organization in target market. Some of major benefits of the organization can help them with behaviour aspects with their business process. Some of major benefits of gender equality for business organization are related to improve the national productivity and performance of organization in target market. The main advantage of the gender equality in the business organization are improved national production and economic growth of the organization. It can improve the motivation of the employee in organization. This is how employee motivation can help the organization to improve their performance in the target market. Effective equality policy and practices help the organization can help the organization to retain their talent to maintain performance in the target market. This is also important for the business organization to maintain their reputation in target market. Gender equality can help the organization to maintain the reputation in target market.

Challenges Faced by Organization to Maintain Gender Equality in Top Leadership and management

As per the view of Firpo, (2017)there are different organization can use various processes to improve the gender equality with in the business organization. Some process and practices can be used by the organization to maintain gender equality within the organization work place. For example organization can improve the equality policies to maintain the equality with in the work place. In the process of training and development process organization can implement some processes that can help the employees to maintain effective work place environment in the work place. There are some processes can be implemented in the organization policies in order to make employees to follow the rules and regulation to develop effective environment which is improving gender equality Within the organization work place. Some other processes also can be used in the business organization to improve the workplace environment in the organization. For example management and leadership of company can implement various technologies can be implemented in the organization to maintain monitoring and tracking on the employee activities in the business organization. This is how organization can improve gender equality with in the organization.

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Methods to Improve Gender Equality in an organization

According to the Motamed and Yarmohammadian, 2017there are different improvements that can be implemented in the business organization and company work place to improve gender equality. All the practices that are work practises that are implemented in the business organization are designed developed by the organization management to offer equal opportunities and resources to people who work in organization. Some of main practices that can be implemented in the business organization are- re-evaluation of the job specification that are prepared by the organization human resource department. By making effective changes in the job specification organization can provide equal opportunities to both men and women. This gender gap also can be reduced vy decreasing gap between the male and female employees. This paygap also can be targeted by the organization for the complete removal process through this process organization can effectively take positive action to remove the pay gap in the organization. Work life balance also can be improved to offer better opportunities to both male and female employees. Mentoring and coaching process also can be implemented in the organization to offer better work place environment to male and females in organizational work place. There are also some rules and regulations also can be implemented by the organization to offer better environment to the female employees in organization. This is how gender equality can be developed in the business organization. Ask for assignment writing help from our experts!

Research Methodologies


Sampling is a process that is defined as process in which people from large size population are selected for the research process. There are different processes are used by the researcher to select people for the process for selecting for the research process. There are two main processes are used by the researcher for the selection which are probability and non probability sampling. Probability sampling is known as process where researcher use to select people in the research project without any biasness. All the people who are selected in the research process have equal probability to get selected in the research process. The other process is non probability sampling in which people are selected for the research process people are selected by process where specific criteria is followed for the selection process. In this research process probability sampling is used for the selection of people for the research process. Specifically in the research process simple random sampling is used in the research process. There are 30 employees of the Tesco PLC are selection for the data collection process. Main advantage of this process is related to the effective process of data collection which is unbiased and can not be influenced by organization and other factors. This is one of the best and most effective process for selection of the people for data collection.

Data collection

Data collection process is used by the researcher for the collection of data from various sources that are related to the topic of research. There are different type of data collection process are used by the researcher for the data collection process. Main data collection process that are use by the researcher for data collection processes are primary data collection and secondary data collection (Gray, 2019). Primary data collection process is consists of primary sources of information for the data collection. Main advantage of primary research are about the effectiveness, precision and accuracy of data. The other data collection process in the research process is secondary data collection in which secondary sources like books, journals, articles and blogs for data collection process related to the research topic. In this research project both approaches will be used in order to collect data to conduct research in effective way. Primary data will help the researcher to maintain accuracy of data and secondary data will help the researcher to get brief introduction about the research topic.

Data analysis

There are various methods and techniques are used by researcher for the analysis of data that is collected in the data collection process. The selection of the technique for data analysis is dependent on type of data that is collected in the research process. For the numerical data mathematical data analysis process tools like excel and SPSS. For the theoretical data analysis process like thematic data analysis process and other processes that can be used for the theoretical data analysis. As per the qualitative research that is used in the research process so in this research thematic data analysis process is used. There are different advantages of thematic data analysis process. Main advantage of the thematic data analysis is about the vast level of exploration of data collected data on vast level based on various themes. The main advantage of this data analysis process is regarding the knowledge that can be acquired in the data analysis process. (Rosenthal, 2016). This technique is used for data analysis because it allows to analyse data from different perspectives.

Research design

There are different research techniques are processes are used in the research process. Research design is considered as the frame work that is used by the research to complete the research work in efficient manner. Research design can help the researcher to improve the effectiveness of the complete research process to get better solution for the research questions that are selected in initial process. Some of the main research design that are used in the research process are based on the objective of the research topic. Main research design that are used in the research process are descriptive, explanatory and exploratory research design. There are different research design used in the research work which are The research design that will be used in the research will be exploratory. Because it can provide better evaluation of current situation exploratory research can help the researcher to effectively explain the research topic effectively.

Research approach

There are different approaches are used by the researcher to improve the effectiveness of research work. This can be considered as the planning of the research process to improve the effectiveness of research project there are different research approaches are inductive, deductive and abductive. The Research approach that will be used in this research project will be inductive to develop knowledge and understanding. The inductive research will help the researcher to develop new theories based on data collected by the researcher.

Research philosophy

Research philosophy is considered as process in which researcher consider specific process and mind set to conduct research with high effectiveness. This is important for the researcher to use specific mind set to complete research work more efficiently. This philosophy is used by the researcher to maintain the effectiveness of research work. There are different research philosophies are used by the research in the research process to improve the effectiveness of research. Main research philosophies that are used in the research process are positivism, realism and interpretivism. Positivism is known as approach that is used by the researcher to develop theory that is based on theories. In this philosophy researcher use previous theories to explain research work. Realism philosophy is the research where the different theories are used in the research process which are related to the real life situation. Other research philosophy that is interpretivism in which collected data is analysed on basis of previous theories to explain the data collected in the research process. In this research process project interpretivism research philosophy is used by the researcher for effective analysis of research topic.

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Ethical considerations

There are various ethical consideration are made by the researcher to get better analysis of data and better accountable and reliable report for the particular report. these considerations are made by the researcher to keep the research more reliable and effective which is completing all the objectives. Some of the main ethical considerations that are made in the research processes are-

  • No person is subjected to harm during the research process.
  • Respect and dignity is effectively maintained in the research process to avoid issues in research process.
  • All the respondents are provided with ethical consideration form in order to reduce the ethical errors and data falsification in the research process.

Data Collection Process


Question 1. Do you feel equally treated with in the business organization?



c)Not Sure

Question 2. Policies that are used by the organization are effective to maintain gender equality with in organization.

a)Strongly Agreed




e)Strongly Disagreed

Question 3. Recruitment process designed by organization is effectively based on the gender equality.

a)Strongly Agreed




e)Strongly Disagreed

Question 4. Do you think that management of organization take strong action against any discrimination activity in organization?

a)Strongly Agreed




e)Strongly Disagreed

Question 5. Development in policies which are made by organization are effective to maintain gender equality with in business organization.?

a)Strongly Agreed




e)Strongly Disagreed

Data Analysis

Treatment with Employees in Organization

Question 1. Do you feel equally treated with in the business organization?



a) Strongly Agreed


b) Agreed


c) Neutral


d) Disagreed


e) Strongly Disagreed



As per the research process 10 respondents among 30 are strongly agreed for the above statement. 8 respondents are also agreed to the statement above. 2 people have provided neutral response. 5 people have shown disagreement and 5 people have shown strongly negative response. From above data it can be interpreted that all the employees in Tesco PLC are treated equally in organization.

Effectiveness of Company Policy

Question 2. Policies that are used by the organization are effective to maintain gender equality with in organization.



a) Strongly Agreed


b) Agreed


c) Neutral


d) Disagreed


e) Strongly Disagreed



As per the data collectedin research process 5 respondents are strongly agreed that policies made by organization are effective for maintaining gender equality in organization. 20 people have shown agreement, 0 people have shown neutral behaviour. 3 people have shown disagreement and 2 people have shown strong disagreement. From the above data it can be interpreted that policies that are made by organization are effective for maintaining gender equality in organization.

Effectiveness of Gender Equality in Recruitment Policy

Question 3. Recruitment process designed by organization is effectively based on the gender equality.



a) Strongly Agreed


b) Agreed


c) Neutral


d) Disagreed


e) Strongly Disagreed



As per data collected in research process 5 respondents are strongly agreed to the statement above. 20 respondents are agreed to comment and 3 people have provided neutral response. There are 2 people from the group of 30 people have provided negative response. Among thee 2 people 1 was disagreed to the statement and 1 respondent has provided strongly disagreement for the statement. From above data it can be interpreted that recruitment process that is used by Tesco PLC is effective and accurate for gender equality.

Effectiveness of management Action

Question 4. Do you think that management of organization take strong action against any discrimination activity in organization?



a) Strongly Agreed


b) Agreed


c) Neutral


d) Disagreed


e) Strongly Disagreed



As per above data it can be interpreted that most of people are agreed to the statement that actions taken by management of organization are effective to handle various issues in organization related to the discrimination based on gender. Form above answers it can be concluded that management is highly concerned with the effective environment in organization.

Policy Development

Question 5. Development in policies which are made by organization are effective to maintain gender equality with in business organization?



a) Strongly Agreed


b) Agreed 


c) Neutral


d) Disagreed


e) Strongly Disagreed



As per the data collected in the research process most people are agreed related to the development of the organization policies are need to be developed further to offer better work place environment to the employees of organization. 15 respondents are strongly agreed to the statement. 5 respondents are agreed to the statement, 5 people have shown neutral respond, 3 people have shown disagreement and 2 people have strong disagreement.


There are different processes can be implemented in the business organization to improve the work place environment to female employees in Tesco PLC.The best process to implement better environment in the organization for employees. For example technologies like RFID and camera surveillance can be implemented in the workplace to control the cases of gender based discrimination. These technologies can help the company to develop better work practices in organization. Processes like policy implementation and rules and resolution designing process organization can use strict process to ensure effective environment in organization. Employee tracking, job specification designing and gender pay gap can be reduced or removed in the organization to


From this research I have learned a lot of things regarding gender equality and its importance in the business organization. In this study I have also evaluated the importance of the equality and diversity in organization like Tesco PLC in global market performance. Various aspects related to the work place diversity has been considered in the research process to develop better understanding of gender gap and its adverse impact on the work place environment of company. I have also studied the negative impact of gender based discrimination on performance of organization performance in target market. I have studied various recommendation made in the research to improve the work condition in the organization to reduce or remove gender based discrimination in organization.


This report is concluding importance of equality and diversity in the business organization like Tesco PLC. Various consideration has been made in the research process on the topic of gender equality with in business organization. Various research methodologies has been considered in the research process to get better result from the data collected and analysed in the research process. Different secondary sources has been considered in research process to get better analysis of data that is collected in the research process. Different employees of the Tesco PLC has been considered in the research process. Various recommendation has been made in the research process to improve the gender equality in the business organization. Get Business Essay Help from our experts!

Alternative Research Methodology

Research methodologies are used in the research process to improve the effectiveness of research project. There are different alternatives are possible in the research process that can be used by the research to improve the credibility of the research for the target people. The sampling process that is used in the research process is effective for better result. For the data analysis process researcher only can use primary data collection for high effective and relative data collection. For the data analysis process thematic data analysis can be used by the researcher on the basis of previous articles and journals for effective result. Different research designs ca be used by the researcher to get better result with the research process.

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