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Role of a Project Manager

Discussing the role of a project manager

According to Hodgson & Paton, (2016), a project manager is an important leadership of human resource management. The main responsibility of project manager is to conduct a project successfully. Hence, a project manager has the need to be very updated according to the information technology, Microsoft software management. Project management is about high tech leadership. It is not about only guide a team energetically but also technically. That is why it can be said that the project management defines technical term of leadership. To lead a project successfully is not any plain sailing. It is about the tremendous positive skill of software management. It is the age of information technology majestically. Hence, the study of project management is about promising career. In this particular assessment, the leadership of project management is the best priority. The aim is to determine the skill of strategy. Without aimful strategy, success is hardly possible. Hence, the initial stage of a project is to have the initiation. Initiation means aim. Then strategy is needed to plan a project. To make strategy is the first task of a project manager in order to conduct a successful project. After that according to a strategist, execution has to be led exclusively. This execution task of a project is practically important (Arends, 2014). To chalk a skilful strategy means to execute half of the project work theoretically. The practical job of is execution of a project. A project manager ought to try to stick with his strategy in any situation. Sometimes a situation takes a tremendous turn. In those cases, the wiseness is to return to the blackboard.
To make further strategy is necessary all those cases. Such kind of situation is not raised in general. To control situation is badly needed skill for executing any kind of leadership. In this regard, project management is high tech leadership. Therefore, he needed technical skill in order to control project member. The project manager should allow his members a necessary flexibility. Project management is tremendous professional part of management task. Hence flexibility should be limited. Otherwise, excessive freedom may be a cause of disorder in executing a project. The disorder is not an exception in execution task. Orderly execution leads a good success of a project. In the executing stage in project management responsibility, a project manager needs to be cautious to validate theoretical strategy at every step of execution and after execution. Project management is a crucial part of organisational success. Hence, it is a sensuous job. Validation of every execution is the clear evolution of a project. Crystallines of project evolution determine the efficiency and success of a project. A project manager has a need to be very updated according to the information technology, Microsoft software management. The person needs to take all the responsibilities on whatever which is happening in the company on working on a project. The project manager will be the person who would be responsible if anything goes wrong. It is about the tremendous positive skill of software management. It is the age of information technology majestically. Hence, the study of project management is about promising career.

Once again, it is repeated that project management is technical leadership skill. Hence, technical design is one of the major responsibilities of project manager in meeting the project target. Leadership means all know monitoring that. Monitoring of project manager is a huge risk (Hodgson & Paton, 2016). At every stage of conducting a project, a project manager badly needs the skill of facing risk. Hence, project management is a constructive leadership of immediate wiseness. That is a born technical skill. Risk management is the crucial responsibility of a project management. An ability to overcome risk builds an appropriate project manager. Facing risk is a challenge. The job without challenge is like boring. Hence, the job of project management is exciting and challenging also. Project management is a responsible job for organisation exclusively. It is an honourable designation of human resource management and marketing management for the organisational profit. The job of a project manager is a valid task.

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Considerations John needs to make while adopting the role

In the following topic, john is a project manager of a company and he needs to get the things going. A project manager needs to have the qualities to take care of the team with the different tools and techniques which the person going to require in the expedition. The person needs to use the direct resources towards the accomplishment of the unique, complex, one-time task within time, cost and quantity context. Each task needs to be conducted according to its tools and techniques structured to fit in the task given to the team. The planning, organisation, monitoring and control of the task would need to be controlled by the project managers. The motivation needs to be given so that the task given would be completed successfully. The project needs to take the responsibility in the way of achieving this (Mossalam & Arafa, 2015). Different suggestions needed to be made to work effectively. There are some criteria which are needed to be followed by the project manager is the person wants to have a good amount of work. Sometimes suggestions, which had been made, would be impossible to work on and it may harm the work, which is being done. It is possible to create problems if the criteria, which had been taken, do not work properly. There are two types of errors like those that errors may be done when something has gone wrong already like poor planning, inaccurate calculations and lack of control. The second type of errors may be like if something is forgotten during the work and it affects the rest of the work, which does not meet the criteria. Both the errors are different from each other. There are temporary planning and management which are being seen and being decided that whether the projects are going according to the plan or not. These criteria may be short-term or long-term and it depends on the way of conducting of the process that is being done in the company (Colombo, D'Adda & Pirelli, 2016). The project manager is an important leadership of human resource management. Measuring the process criteria for the project is the work of project manager to see the criteria, which need to be chosen. Measuring of the criteria is the work of the project manager and to see whether the work is being done properly or not. The project manager needs to see are:

  • System Quality
  • Information Quality
  • Use of the Information
  • Satisfaction of the users who are using the criteria
  • Impact on an Individual
  • Impact on the Organisation

Discussing validity of the statement

According to Homburg et al. (2014), time is such a thing which none can conquer. It is mighty power to dominate each human being of this world. Many proverbs exist for expressing the mightiness of time like time is fleeting. However, time cannot be defied and defeated. The only thing that can be done is to go with the time in the best way. To control situation is badly needed skill for executing any kind of leadership. The only thing that can be done is to go with the time in the best way. As strategy makes everything to goal, time management is another determinant in order to shot goal. Wasting time is the greatest waste in this world. As project management is high polished technical leadership, time management is the key term of managing project. Time and dating mean scheduling is the premium responsibility of project management skill. Project management relates the whole things about the project. A project needs to be tightly conducted within time. Otherwise, it is a great loss of money. Extra time means extra expenses.

Homburg et al. (2014) stated that the effective skill of managing project is finishing a project within the given time to be stick with the project budget. The project budget is the part of the project strategy. For meeting the project criteria, project budget is badly needed to be followed. To exceed the selected time of project means exceeding of the project budget of an organisation. For an organisation, a day means a lot. For the project, if a day is even exceeded it confirms huge expenses (Arends, 2014). A type of project and topic of the project determines expenses of project features. In general, the charge of project labour is common to all projects. There is also a proverb like everything has to execute in the right time, otherwise, it gets too late in doing. Project management has deep connectivity with this proverb. The job of project manager is also defined mainly for fixing time and schedule. In this way, time management is the paramount responsibility of project management. Hence, the project management can also be called time management. In this regard, that is very evident that executing a project means literally to follow time positively. It is a major guideline to lead a project successfully. Any kind of leadership is about reflecting personality in order to impress team member. Hence, for executing leadership personality matters a lot. Personality depends a lot upon punctuality. In this context project, management leadership is a reliable term of punctuality. Hence, every project manager should complete a project according to the time framework.

Explaining condition of Paula

According to the case, it had been said that Paula is a project manager for a company and had ordered for a delivery, which had not been delivered properly. So Paula is needed to make the complaints on what may have been the problems that affected the delivery. The deliveries were not been delivered in a proper way which affected the criteria of the company to complete the given project on time (Arends, 2014). The project manager is an important leadership of human resource management. The main responsibility of project manager is to conduct a project successfully. A project manager needs to have the qualities to take care of the team with the different tools and techniques which the person going to require in the expedition. The person needs to use the direct resources towards the accomplishment of the unique, complex, one-time task within time, cost and quantity context. This may be because the delivery, which needed to be made, may have been sent to some other company of another country, or it may also happen that the delivery, which has been ordered, was given some inappropriate information, which had not been seen or observed effectively.

Sometimes a situation takes a tremendous turn. In those cases, the wiseness is to return to the blackboard. To make further strategy is necessary all those cases. Such kind of situation is not raised in general. To control situation is badly needed skill for executing any kind of leadership. This may have been the fault of the company as they needed to deliver the project or may be the fault of the project manager if he would have something wrong with ordering the package. The company who is sending the project to the company may have done something wrong because of which the project did not go to the correct destination, in this case, the project manager of the company needs to enquire about the package to the delivering company. Otherwise, it may be difficult to get the package on time, as it is very necessary for Paula to get a package. It may also happen that the package, which had been ordered for, may have been ordered negatively, as a result, the project may have been delivered somewhere else. There are some criteria which are needed to be followed by the project manager is the person wants to have a good amount of work.

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Preventive measures were taken by Paula

As a project manager, Paula needs to take care of the things that are happening around the company. If everything goes right then he will be praised and if something gets wrong then he will be the one who will be getting the punishment. So Paula is needed to make the complaints on what may have been the problems that affected the delivery. The deliveries were not been delivered in a proper way which affected the criteria of the company to complete the given project on time. Paula needs to get the information of how to get the delivery back in the company as it is urgently needed.  Therefore, with these steps, Paula got the package that was not sent effectively. The project manager always would need to work according to the criteria given and the ways it would be applied in the cases.

This may have been the fault of the company, as they needed to deliver the project on time. However, may be the fault of the project manager if he would have something wrong with ordering the package. So to control the following impulsive conduct, the project manager decided to take some remedy steps where Paula firstly with the help of the team he set out to find the reason of this misconduct. They first checked the site from where the product was ordered and then searched for the place from where the product started to travel. Then the team enquired about the product and from where it was sent from and after that they got the reason of this misconduct and it was rectified successfully.

Reference List

  • Arends, R. (2014). Learning to teach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Arends, R. (2014). Learning to teach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Colombo, M. G., D'Adda, D., & Pirelli, L. H. (2016). The participation of new technology-based firms in EU-funded R&D partnerships: The role of venture capital. Research Policy, 45(2), 361-375.
  • Hodgson, D. E., & Paton, S. (2016). Understanding the professional project manager: cosmopolitans, locals and identity work. International Journal of Project Management, 34(2), 352-364.
  • Homburg, C., Hahn, A., Bornemann, T., & Sandner, P. (2014). The role of chief marketing officers for venture capital funding: endowing new ventures with marketing legitimacy. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 625-644.
  • Mossalam, A., & Arafa, M. (2015). The role of project manager in benefits realization management as a project constraint/driver. HBRC Journal.
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