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Digital Marketing

University: Albion College – London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3565
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Organization Selected : Hungerfordhills


A detailed analysis of the digital channel is discussed in the study, which is needed to analyze the overview of the company Hungerfordhills. It is a famous wine company in Australia. The detailed analysis of their competitor in the wine industry is also discussed in details. The detailed study of the company and the current OVP of the company are also discussed in details. The comparison table is also made between the Hungerfordhills and Penfolds. The suitable recommendations are given elaborately in the report. A detailed conclusion is provided at the end of the study. The suitable appendices are given at the end of the study.

Analysis of digital channel

The wine industry in Australia has been tremendously affected and declined tremendously in the last few decades. The consumers are now getting more attracted and have increased the use of social media. The social media serves as a great promotional tool to reach to all the customers in the Australia. The use of social media websites like Google, twitter, Facebook should be used more to reach to the customers so that they can review the different products of the brand online (Signori, 2016, p. 22). It also helps the company to know about their faults and shortcomings in the review made by the different customers made online about the products offered by the company. Hungerfordhills has realized the use of social media to increase the number of customers to buy their products more compared to other customers buying wine from other organisations in Australia. They are starting to interact with the different customers about their products in the social media and use this tool to attract more and more customers in the market compared to the others in the market. The digital marketing serves as a communication base between the different customers in the market who are interested in buying the products and creates a link with the organisation.

A recent survey has shown that the companies like Woolworths, Alde, and Cools occupy a large part of the market so to stay in competition with the company the Hungerfordhills Company has used the social media websites to reach to the different customers in the country. The Survey has also shown that 80% of the wine customers in Australia use the social media and 40% of the customers also have shown interest to buy the different wine products from the different websites by using social media platforms like Facebook, Google etc.

The company to always maintain a long-term relationship with the different customers that buy wine from them (Tiago et al. 2014, p.30) uses the digital marketing more and more. The Hungerfordhills Company is increasingly using the social media as a tool and uploading different types of pictures about their products so that the customers get more interested in buying their products compared to other wine companies in Australia. The use of these techniques helps the Company to know about the faults in the wine products and the customers would understand that they are valued more by the company.

It would help them to increase the customer satisfaction and to increase the overall sales of the Hungerfordhills organisation. It would also increase the brand image of the company. It would increase the profit ratio of the organisation as compared to other wine companies in Australia. It would also help the customers to give the correct reviews about all the products offered by the company to the different wine customers in Australia (Ritala, 2014, p. 35).

Competitor analysis

The competitor analysis is done by the Hungerfordhills organisation to know its present position in the wine industry as compared to other wine companies in Australia. It helps the organisation to know about their shortcomings and what new promotional techniques should be used by the organisation to attract more customers compared to other customers in the wine industry (Zettelmeyer, et al. 2017, p. 46). It also helps to know the different value of customers using online propositions, sales model and also the use of different websites and digital or social media to attract more customers in comparison to the other competitor in the market.

Due to the competitor analysis made by the Hungerfordhills Company (given in appendix 2a), they have to keep in mind the following things to stay ahead of their rivals and also to improve their methods of digital marketing as compared to their competitor in the wine industry.

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The use of more innovative wine products is to keep in up to date with the use of new websites to attract more customers to buy only their wine products.

The customers should get the direct review option on the website of the company so that they can directly express their reviews to the head of the organisation. The company makes use of more social media platforms like Facebook, twitter etc to connect with the different customers who are willing to buy their products online in the market through their sites (Jin, 2016, p .48).

The Hungerfordhills organisation should also make use of the social media and express their views about the products so that the customers are more attracted to buy their products as compared to the products bought by them for the Pen folds company. If you want to help with thermodynamics assignment help without undergoing the stress of deadlines, plagiarism, or missing any guidelines, then turn to our experienced writers.

The Hungerfordhills Company is less reactive (given in appendix 2c) and should more importance in social media platforms like twitter and Facebook as compared to its rival company Pen folds. They should increase their rate of activeness on the social media platforms so that they get a one to one interaction with all the customers who want to buy wine products from them in Australia. The Hunger fold organisation should make better use of the different intermediaries, suppliers and they should develop the entire supply chain so that it helps in increasing the overall profit of the Hungerfolds organisation (Madureira, 2014, p .56).

The website traffic of Hungerfolds wine organisation is ranked 4th as compared to other wine organisations in Australia.

The Hungerfordhills organisation should increase more and more videos about their innovative products, which are being launched by them in the market to the customers who buy wine in the market as compared to its competitor Hunger I, folds in Australia (Yu, 2015, p. 58).

There should be increasing use of pop-up survey by the Hungerfolds organisation to capture direct feedback from the different customers who are interested in buying their products of wine in the market compared to its competitor Pen Folds in the market. It would help the customers to express their reviews and also the company should use these reviews to improve their products as compared to its competitor Pen folds in the market (Qu, 2013, p. 59).

Analysis of the company

The Hungerfolds organisation is a wine producing organisation, which has its headquarters in Adelaide, Australia. It produces different types of wine products for different customers in Australia. It produces different types of products for the consumers so that number of customers gets attracted to buy their wine products as compared to the products offered to the customers by the other rivals in the market.

The Hungerfolds organisation uses the social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to have an account of the total number of customers who like their products and also is interested in buying their products of wine as compared to the other wine organisations in the market like the Hunger I folds organisation. The online value proposition of the Hungerfordhills organisation helps them to stay ahead of their rival wine companies in the market and also aimed to build a strong one to one interaction with the different customers in the market who buy their products (Confos et al. 2016, p.62). It helps to increase the customer satisfaction and retain more customers so that the market share of the Hungerfolds organisation also increases to a large extent as compared to other rival companies in the market.

The key role of OVP is to make the successful ability of the customers to buy the products they want to buy from the official website of the company (Haumann et al. 2014, p. 60). It is also known as an online value proposition. It is seen that the OVP of the Hungerfolds organisation is inferred in a different way rather than going or succeeding in another way. The digital marketing is very much needed by the Hungerfordhills organisation to increase its OVP and maintain a strong overall interaction with the different customers who are willing to buy their products in the market.

The traditional marketing techniques of the Hungerfordhills organisation should be minimized so that the use of digital marketing is very much increased by the organisation. It is a cost effective and also vital method of promoting the different types of products which are offered to the different customers in the market (Karjaluoto, 2015, p. 64).

The use of digital marketing by the Hungerfolds organisation would help them to increase their demand of products to the different types of customers in the market and create a competitive advantage as compared to the other rival wine organisations in the market.

The Hungerfolds organisation gives strong emphasis on the more and more usage of social media websites like Facebook, twitter and other platforms for promoting their products to the different types of customers in the market. It helps to increase the overall retention of the customers and also helps to attract the customers with different types of products which are made suitable according to the requirements of the customers in the market (Takala, 2015, p. 66).

Comparison table

Digital marketing channels


The increasing of a subscriber's up to 20, 00 as compared to their rival organisations in the market.

Different types of blogs created by the organisation through the help of the different social media websites like Facebook twitter etc.

Different types of articles or news published on the website of the organisation to attract more customers as compared to the rival competitors in the market.


Uses platforms like Facebook, twitter to increase their customer attraction.

Uses pop-up media to directly have one to one interaction with the customers to know their feedback about the different types of products which are introduced by them in the market.

Short videos are introduced by the company showing details about the different products made by them for the different customers in the society.

Special subscription offers in the social media for different consumers who buy products from them through their official websites.

Different types of integration done by them in the social media.

Special facilities of gifts provided to the customers who buy more products from them through online by using social media platforms like Facebook, twitter etc.


In the following table, the different types of digital marketing channels are discussed in details about the two organisations Hungerfordhills and Penfold . It helps to analyze the different types of methods like giving special offers and also giving online gifts to customers who buy from the official sites of the organisation. It helps to attract more customers as compared to other organisations of wine in the market (Kubacki. et al. 2015, p. 70).

The different types of articles are also published by the Hunger I folds organisation so that the customers can get to know about all their products that are more innovative to the different customers in the market. The customers can also express their reviews in the articles introduced in the official websites and the organisation can review the shortcomings of the organisation in comparison to their organisations in the market. There is an increasing number of subscribers in the Hunger I folds as compared to the other organisation in the existing market (Stone, 2014, p. 78).

The Hungerfordhills also create different types of blogs through which the different customers can express their views about the different features of products offered by them to the different customers in the market.

The Penfolds organisation also uses different types of integration in the social media platforms like Facebook, twitter. It helps the organisation to completely sell their products as a whole in chunk to all the customers in the market. It is very much necessary for the organisation to integrate and use the different social media techniques to successfully promote their products to the different customers in the market (Buchanan et al. 2017, p. 84).

The Pen folds organisation uses pop-up media to directly have one to one interaction with the customers to know their feedback about the different types of products, which are introduced by them in the market.

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The Pen folds organisation uses Short videos showing details about the different products made by them for the different customers in the society.

The Special subscription offers in the social media by Pen folds organisation for different consumers who buy products from them through their official websites.

The Special facilities of gifts provided to the customers by the Pen folds organisation who buy more products from them through online by using social media platforms like Facebook, twitter etc.


The digital marketing used by the Hungerfordhills organisation is to attract more customers to buy their products than other customers. They also help to create a long-term relation with the different customers who are willing to buy their products. It helps to retain the customer base and satisfy more customers than other rival organisation in the market.

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It is a cost saving tool which helps the organisation to know about the shortcomings and develop more innovative techniques of creating new products according to the needs of the consumer in the market.

The following recommendations can also be given to properly use the social media or digital marketing as a promotional tool to promote the different products of the Hungerfordhills organisation to the different customers in the market.

The digital marketing is used by the Hungerfordhills organisation to give a proper direction to them of how to promote their products to the different customers in the market. This digital marketing strategy gives them the right goals and objectives, which they should follow to stay ahead of the other rivals in the market. It also helps the organisation to build a strong and deep relation with the different customers who are willing to buy their products.

The Hungerfordhills organisation should use more of these strategies to properly know the online share of the organisation. It should help the Hungerfordhills organisation to properly know the customer behavior, make a proper analysis of their competitors and for properly communicating with the different customers in the market.

The digital marketing strategy adopted by the Hungerfordhills organisation helps them to increase their respective market share in the market as compared to the rival organisations in the market. The digital marketing techniques like giving the details of the products of the products of the organisation in their sites help the customers to be attracted more and to increase their market share.

The use of digital marketing should also help the Hungerfordhills organisation to have a clear and well-defined online proposition service, which helps the organisation to stay loyal, and also attract new customers in the market to buy their products.

The use of digital marketing by the Hungerfordhills organisation helps them to be more cost effective and also helps them to achieve their goals with using minimum budget by the organisation.

The use of digital marketing by the Hungerfordhills organisation also helps them to have an expert on each of the products so that it helps in resolving any type of feedback questions done by the customers about the different products at the time of buying the different products from their official website.

The 5s objective of digital marketing are as follows:


The first objective in the digital marketing is to sell the various products of the organisation to varied customers in the market according to their needs. The Hungerfordhills organisation uses the social media as a platform and through the help of this they reach to the various customers in the market and try to make products according to their products. It helps to sell more of their products to the different customers in the market and overall increase their sales percentage in the market.

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The Hungerfordhills organisation uses the social media like Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to know about the views of the customers in the market. It then helps the Hungerfordhills organisation to communicate one to one with the customers by watching the different feedback given by the different customers who buy their products in the market. It helps to rectify the shortcomings of their products and present the products with no defects to the customers.


This is a method used by the Hungerfolds organisation to create more value to the products that are bought by the customers in the market. The Hungerfolds organisation gives special offers and also gifts to the different customers who buy products from them directly through online.


The method, which is used by the Hungerfolds organisation to promote their products by means of digital marketing by means of posting the products in different social media, sites like Facebook, twitter etc. It helps the Hungerfolds organisation to use minimum budget and reach to different customers in the market with minimum budget.


This method is used by the Hungerfolds organisation very efficiently. It is a method in which the organisation uses it additional factors like customer loyalty, brand image to reach more to the customers in the market which helps to attract more customers in the market as compared to their rival competitors.


A detailed introduction is given at the beginning of the report about the essence and use of the digital marketing in the wine industry in Australia. A detailed analysis of the Hungerfordhills with the Pen folds organisation is done by creating a table in the appendix and also the need of doing competitor analysis is given elaborately in the study. A detailed analysis of the company and its brief overview is given in the following study. A detailed study of the OVP of the Hungerfordhills organisation is also given in the study. The detailed version of the comparison table between the uses of different digital marketing channels between the two organisations Hunger I folds and Penfolds organisation is also given in the study. A list of suitable recommendations is also provided at the end of the study. The importance of digital marketing in the wine industry is described and also seen that it is considered as a more less cost making technique than the traditional methods of a technique used by the Hungerfolds organisation.

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Reference List

  • Buchanan, L., Kelly, B., and Yeatman, H., (2017). Exposure to digital marketing enhances young adults' interest in energy drinks: An exploratory investigation. PloS one, 12(2), p.e0171226.
  • Confos, N., Confos, N., Davis, T. and Davis, T., (2016). Young consumer-brand relationship building potential using digital marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 50(11), pp.1993-2017.
  • Haumann, T., Quaiser, B., Wieseke, J. and Rese, M., (2014). Footprints in the sands of time: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of customer satisfaction and customer-company identification over time. Journal of Marketing, 78(6), pp.78-102.
  • Jin, J., Ji, P. and Gu, R., (2016). Identifying comparative customer requirements from product online reviews for competitor analysis. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 49, pp.61-73.
  • Karjaluoto, H., Mustonen, N. and Ulkuniemi, P., (2015). The role of digital channels in industrial marketing communications. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(6), pp.703-710.
  • Kubacki, K., Rundle-Thiele, S., Schuster, L., Wessels, C. and Gruneklee, N., (2015). Digital innovation in social marketing: A systematic literature of interventions using digital channels for engagement. In Innovations in Social Marketing and Public Health Communication(pp. 49-66). Springer International Publishing.
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