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Ethics, Organisations and Society

University: University of Oxford

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3481
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 16033

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Findings
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Discuss about the Ethics in human resource management.
  • Discuss about the Impact on stakeholders
Answer :


Ethics in human resource management means every business firm need to make sure that their HRM team is having ethical work practice so that goals and objectives. Ethics are those values which has been imbibed within an individual on reinforced externally that him to distinguish between right and wrong (Carrigan, Marinova and Szmigin, 2005). In this respect it can be said that exploitation of cheap labor for profit by corporate business is also considered as ethical issue in respect to HRM. It also allows to provide appropriate response. In addition to this, it can be said that ethics in HRM provides a treatment of employees with ordinary decency and distributive justice. By having improved focus on ethical business the business entity can have effective accomplishment of goals and objectives. In present report the ethics in HRM will be evaluated so that concept of ethics can be understand in desired way.


Ethics in human resource management

It has been noticed that if human resource management of business entity is facing issue in regard to brand loyalty then it can be considered as ethical issues. It is significant for business firm to have improved focus on ethics so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired way. In order to meet the ethical standards the organization must consider moral values so that satisfaction among employees can be advanced. It is considered as ethics in human resource management (Griffin and Moorhead, 2013). In addition to this, it can be said that businesses are facing issue due to unethical practice in which cheap labour is getting exploited. It has been noticed that if company is allocating over load work to the employees and not offering them high pay. It will be referred as unethical practice in regard to HRM which might affect business in diverse manner. There are number of unethical practices that are related with the HRM. If management is focused towards not offering incentive on time in respect to extra work then it is referred as unethical practice of HRM. It can be considered as biased attitude that might impact the overall outcome. Biased attitude towards employee and any specific situation is also ethical issue and it may impact the business firm in desired manner. Other than this, promotion of child labour is also considered as ethical issue that may impact business firm in diverse manner (Adler and Gundersen, 2007). It has been noticed that labour are being hired by businesses at low cost in which overloaded work has been allotted to them. In this, proper pay is not being provided to children. For example, company has hired children for placement of goods from one store to another and they are having working near by 15 hours a day. But the pay is not according to work allotted then it will be considered as ethical issue. In order to maintain the ethics, it is significant for business firm to make sure that human resource department is well focused towards diverse principles of HRM. If policies are not framed in ethical manner then it will also impact the success of business. Along with this, any kind of discrimination in HRM policies is also unethical. It is significant for HRM to make sure that financial support is being provided to members in respect to functional activities according to ethics. It has been noticed that ethics in regard to HRM are also might get affected in situation where employees have false claim of personal details. It means if any employee is involved in unethical practice like sharing of information with other parties, etc. It will be referred as ethical issue that might impact the working of business entity (Bratton,  2015).

Promotion of ethics in HRM is also significant because it helps in sustainable development. Breaches of ethics in human resources can lead companies into a world of legal trouble.  Work allocation also need to be according to employee capability so that ethics can be promoted in appropriate manner. It also has great impact on the company reputation so management need to consider it in appropriate manner. Ethics can be promoted effectively in respect to HRM by having improved focus on discrimination, sexual harassment, etc. It means the employees exploitation must be considered as critical factor in order to promote ethics. It will also improve the working of HRM and make sure that low pay labor is not getting exploited. Employee satisfaction can also be promoted by having effective focus on ethical issues. If ethics are not well promoted then it might be possible that morale of employee will get decreased. It will also enhance the negative aspect within environment which may enhance the unethical practice. It means by having improved focus on ethics the business firm can easily accomplish key goals and objectives. Ethical human resource practice also allows to set out new measures so that low pay labour might not get exploited at work place.

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Impact on stakeholders

As per the detailed study, it can be said that stakeholder are considered as one of critical aspect because any kind of changes in stakeholder perception might impact the business firm. A stakeholder is any person or group associated with the organization that has a stake in the organization's output. It has been noticed that business decisions are also influenced due to stakeholders so management need to consider it in appropriate manner (Rudolph, 2016). Stakeholders of business can be classified as shareholders, customers, employees, managers, local community, environment and suppliers.

In addition to this, it can be said that stockholders are expecting that they want to ensure that managers are having operations in ethical manner. If company is not offering proper finance or pay to employees in respect to work. In such conditions investors will get disappointed. It will also influence the perception of investors that if payment policies are not structured that means their money is getting misused by mangers. It is necessary to make sure that investors are not feeling risky while having investment in business. If capital investment is engaged with unethical aspects then it will impact the brand image. It means investors will back step while having investment in the business. In order to maximize the investment aspect within business it is necessary to make sure that working is well considered in ethical manner (Ruiz-Palomino, Martínez-Cañas and Fontrodona, 2013). If business firm is not reputed in market in respect to ethics then perception of investors will also get influenced in negative manner.

Managers are also key stakeholders that can also feel demotivated while having operation in unethical manner. If ethical aspects and standards within firm are not well maintained then it might impact the morale of members. It has been noticed that if low labour employees are facing exploited then it will impact the perception of manager as well. In such conditions it might affect the manager perception that in future management may also give him more work according to pay. It will decrease the motivation of manager. Along with this, if working hours of manager are also increased and no extra pay is being provided then he will also feel exploited. It is also considered as critical section of ethics in HRM. Moreover, the policies are being implemented by manager. It means if low pay labour are facing exploitation then manager and employee relation will get influenced. It means manager reputation will also get influenced in desired way. If ethical issues in regard to HRM has increased then managers will not feel secure in job (Bulley, 2015). It means overall working of organization will also get influenced in desired way. It is significant for manager as a stakeholder to expect a good return or reward by investing their human capital. It is beneficial to have promotion of ethics within organization.

Employees are also considered as critical aspect of business entity. If employees are not satisfied and ethical aspects are affecting working then overall outcome might get influenced. Along with this, in order to meet the expectations of employees in respect to the ethics the companies can have ethical work promotion. It helps in creating occupational structure which promotes working. It also promotes the equitably rewards so that employee satisfaction can be advanced. In addition to this, if low cost employees are not receiving reward in respect to hard working then they will feel exploited. As same the worker is having hard work in the organization but he got injured during the working hours. Company has not provided support in respect to the incident then it will also be considered ethical issue in respect to HRM. Ethical values are not well maintained then it might be possible that the issue in respect to health and safety work can also be advanced. Suppliers and distributors are also considered as critical aspect because the company success is also dependent on them (Bach, 2009). It has been noticed that if suppliers are not receiving payment on time then it will also influence the morale. It might also promote the ethical issue which might influence overall outcome in negative manner. Customers also need to have efforts to advance the efficiency and effectiveness in order to create loyal brand. If brand is involved in such kind of unethical practice then it will impact the brand image so company have to ethical practice in order to meet goals and objectives.

Role of manager

As per the detailed study, it can be said that manager plays a critical role in success of every organisation. It is one of key reason that managers has to ensure about ethical issues. Managers monitor the behaviour of employees in accordance with the organization's expectations of appropriate behaviour, and they have a duty to respond quickly and appropriately to minimize the impact of suspected ethical violations. It means the monitoring is one of key role of manager that helps in meeting objectives (Berridge Robinson and Aldridge, 2009). It is significant for manager to make sure that decisions are being taken into account as per employees as well as organizational need. It has been noticed that managers hold a position of authority that make them accountable of activities. It means if any kind of unethical practice has taken into account within organization then manager need to take accountability. If manager is not responsible for activities then corrective measures cannot be implemented in desired way. In addition to this, it can be said that manager is also accountable to bring changes in services so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. It has been noticed that changes can only be implemented with a help of managers. It is also necessary for management to make sure that employees are well aware about all ethical codes so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired way (Boxalland Purcell, 2011).

In addition to this, it can be said that manager need to make sure that working policies are being designed as per government norms. Working hours and pay scale also need to be decided by manager according to government legislative aspects. It is beneficial to have promotion of services so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. Managers also need to analyse the work conditions in appropriate manner so that issues can be identified in desired way. By having proper understanding in regard to the subject the strategies can also be designed in appropriate manner so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in effective manner. Managers also hold accountability to uphold the ethical standards in their own way (Budhwar and Debrah, 2013). In addition to this, it can be said that planning of strategies is also one of key role of manager. By having improved planning of activities the business ethics standards can be improved. It means the management must make sure that assignment of roles and responsibilities to members is also considered as critical aspect. It indicates that the business firm is having better opportunities in the market. If responsibilities are not allotted effectively then overall development might get influenced in desired way. It also indicates that manager need to design strategies as per reference of issue of low pay labour exploitation so that work conditions can be improved.

Ethical theories

According to in depth study, it can be said that there are number of theories that can be adopted by business entity in order to have effective promotion of ethics. By having improved focus on ethical theories the business firm can have sustainable development (Dowling, 2008). It has been noticed that there are different kinds of theories. Classification of theories can be as virtue theory, duty theory and consequentialist theory. It indicates that manager can also take number of benefits that may boost the working of organization.

Other than this, duty theory is also beneficial because it helps in meeting key goals and objectives. In addition to this, it can be said that duty theories allows to focus on morale and specific fundamental principles. It means duties must be well implemented in order to make sure that the standards are well maintained. It is necessary for manager to have allocation of duties as per capabilities so that issues in regard to working and ethics can be overcome in desired way. It indicates that if manager is showing concern towards activities that helps in overcome the issue of employee exploitation. It will provide a great support to duty theory because it helps in application of duties. Along with this, conditional duties are also being implemented in appropriate manner. Conditional duties involve various types of agreements, the principal one of which is the duty is to keep one's promises.

In addition to this, it can be said that there are few more ethical theories that can also be adopted by business firm so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. It has been noticed that absolutism is a theory which key principle is to conform the forms. It means with an assistance of this, objectives can be accomplished in desired way. By having significant focus on diverse practices the ethical practice can be controlled in appropriate manner. Along with this, it can be said that utilitarianism is also critical theory that helps in ethical practice. It has been noticed that it is considered one of significant theory. It is a morale theory that implements fair choices in an effort to make sure that all parties are following policies. It means with an assistance of this, it can be make sure that manager has ensured that employee exploitation is not affecting the work conditions. In this, manager need to decide course of action according to employee exploitation level and pay policies of organization.

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Information required to make decision

It has been noticed that there are number of sources that need to be used by management while making decision. With an assistance of this, working can be improved in desired way. It also assist in promotion of ethics so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in significant manner (Guest, 2011). It has been noticed that management need to collect strategic, tactical and operational activities information so that decisions can be taken into account. By having improved focus on ethical principles the business firm can also improve work conditions. If manager is not having appropriate knowledge in regard to ethics and key working principles then overall impact might get affected.

In addition to this, it is significant for business entity to make sure that key problem is being defined effectively so that decisions can be taken into account. Along with this, it has been noticed that by having improved focus on problem the manager can also bring changes in activities so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired way (Halpern and Taylor, 2010). It means changes in work hour policies and pay policy must be according to evolution of problem. Information about culture, product and overall working also need to be gathered so that issues can be overcome in desired way. With an assistance of this, information can be collected for effective decision making process.  It also provides an assistance in respect to key values that can cut down the level of exploitation. Concern of all parties and unions also need to be taken into account so that goals and objectives can be accomplished. In addition to this, it can be said that if manager is not having appropriate working conditions information then critical decisions can be taken into account. By having improved focus on operational information the businesses can have better opportunities.

Conclusion and Recommendation

As per the above study, it can be concluded that business firm to have improved focus on ethics so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired way. In order to meet the ethical standards the organization must consider moral values so that satisfaction among employees can be advanced. Employee exploitation and low pay at high work scale is one of most common issue that impacts business. Stakeholder are considered as one of critical aspect because any kind of changes in stakeholder perception might impact the business firm. Along with this, improved focus on ethical theories is also beneficial because it helps in meeting key goals and objectives. It has been noticed that there are number of sources that need to be used by management while making decision. With an assistance of this, work conditions can be improved in desired way so that level of employee exploitation can be controlled. Management need to collect strategic, tactical and operational activities information so that decisions can be taken into account.

According to above study, it can be recommended that there are number of ways that can be adopted by business firm in order to have promotion of ethics. In this respect, new standards can be set out by management so that issues can be overcome in desired way. By having improved knowledge about ethics and its principles the ethical application can also be advanced in appropriate manner. In addition to this, it can be said that business firm can also focus on pay and salary act so that issue of exploitation can be overcome. Application of working hours as per work hour policy of UK government the issue can be resolved. Along with this, active participation in trade associations is also significant so that business firm can have sustainable development.

Company can also have effective planning of practical challenging practices that may enhance the ethical working. It will improve the awareness among members and helps in sustainable development. With an assistance of this, ethical practice can be promoted in desired way. In order to have improvement in ethical practice the businesses can also focus on improvement of communication process. It helps in identification of ethical issues so that goals and objectives can be accomplished in desired way..


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