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Scope and Purpose of the Human Resource

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3585
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/2929
  • Downloads: 1217


The most essential driving force of organizational behavior and structure of any organization is their human resource department which is run by the human resource management team of that company. The first and for most responsibility of the human resource management of an organization is taking care of the employee relation of that organization. However, the prime duty of human resource management is controlling and supervising the human resource meaning the employee of the company. in this context, the mentionable point is that the human resource cum working force of any organization is considered as the backbone of that company and hence it is way too essential for any company to strengthen their human resource from all aspects and this particular duty is assigned to the human resource department of the company. The responsibilities of human resource manageme3nt include designing the recruitment procedure, taking interviews of the interviewees, then selection and short-listing of the capable candidates, thereafter making them aware of the terms and conditions cum the contracts they need to sign with the organization. Apart from that, the human resource team is responsible for the training processes the fresher candidates and the newly joined employees go through in order to understand their duties along with the organizational goal in a better way. Besides all that, the human resource department of the organization requires involvement actively in the decision-making procedure of the company. The HR team plays the role of the communication medium between the employees and the employer of an organization and therefore is actively related to the growth strategy of the company.

The following assignment is going to discuss and evaluate the core responsibilities of the human resource management of an organization in order to enlighten the impact of the human resource department on the company cum their employees.

LO 1: The scope and purpose of the HR department in fulfilling the organisational goal:

As discussed in the earlier section human resource department plays the way too essential role in developing and forming the organisational structure of an organisation. Human asset administration is a discipline and practice in the working environment that has formed and advanced further into different territories. The changing condition of association in commercial centre enhances effectiveness in conveyance process and creation by expanding the capacity of individual administration in hones. Human asset manages individuals existing in association with having the capacity to release their ability. In this context, the mentionable fact is that HR Administration (HRM) is intended to boost the execution of representative's inside the association. At first, extraordinary issues identified with HR are significant for the administration individuals of the association. This report depends on HR administration. This report will depict the part and duties of HR capacity and HR work, the agency's business arranging, enrolment and choice, improvement and preparing, execution administration and honour framework. The business law will work in the association. This report will likewise dissect and assess the present methodologies utilized by the organisation.

The scope and purpose of the HR department in fulfilling the organizational goal are evaluated through the following evaluation.

The scope and purpose of human resource management in shaping the organisational structure of a company:

By and large Human asset pros or chief is in charge of some of the key capabilities of an HR division. A viable HR division can give an association well structure and satisfy the business needs through it assets (representatives). There are a few HR regions; typically HR has six basics capacities. These are:

1. Recruitment and Choice:

The enrolment and determination process begins with the associations staffing prerequisites. The organisation’s line chiefs and managers are in charge of making working process. Anyway HR office completes the obligations of selecting plans. At the point when an organisation launches their new services and goods that time they promote work opportunities, screening candidates through essential meetings, game plan face to face meets, in the last stage giving direction to directors on designating choices and for new representatives.

2. Training and Advancement:

From the phase of the new worker introduction, HR preparing and advancement duties start. Another fundamental advance the company's HR office is getting ready exercises for recently enlisted labourers and make the connection between the business and representative. HR division additionally gives initiative preparing and expert improvement.

3. Employee Relations:

Worker connection's capacity is another vital piece of HR work. Representative relations incorporate; arranging worker acknowledgement and reward occasions, exploring representative grumbles, recognizing work environment issues. The company dependably endeavours to oversee great connection between the labourers and the management. Providing rule to the administrators how to direct representative occupation execution evaluations, advancement and execution administration can likewise incorporate into worker relations capacities.

4. Compensation and advantage:

Remuneration and advantage system is the extremely fundamental capacity of an HR office for an association. Pay technique positions the association as a rival in the work showcase, which pulls in best-qualified individuals for employment opportunities. Advantage incorporates restorative protection, extra security, retirement, and so on. The organisation likewise take some remuneration and advantage arrangement for its representative; say security and investment funds designs.

5. Compliance:

Consistency with work and business laws is extremely a basic human asset work. Apart from that out of line business hone, hazardous working conditions can influence the efficiency of the representatives. The organisation’s HR office knows and routine with regards to work low and business low.

6. Safety and Hazard Administration:

The company must have a commitment to record security data, damage at work and basic hardware and basic gear. This data is normally given in the Wellbeing and Security segment. HR capacities control the hazard through creating programs that the two workers and clients enhance security.

LO2: The core parameters of the human resource management and their influence on organisational behaviour:

The discussion below is going to emphasize on core parameters of the human resource management and their influence on developing an appropriate organisational behavioural strategy.

The ability and aptitudes of the representatives are vital in business as they increase the value of working environment by distinguishing it (Reiche et. al. 2016). In this way, the Specialist bistro should be proficient by being better as one should be productive by utilizing the assets viable. The assets should be arranged and paid for the aptitudes by cleaning it with successful means. The motivation behind Orderly bistro is to serve its clients with the correct item by fulfilling their requirements. In each structure, the correct abilities ought to be consolidated by controlling and overseeing it viable. The abilities required for performing work in the association are portrayed beneath:

Innovation Effect

Innovation is affecting the specialists that ought to be utilized in a working environment as it changes the work way. It depends on specialized ability as the aptitudes required by workforce are for overseeing employees. Chaperon bistro is influencing utilization of innovation by receiving E-To mail, cell phone and web for speaking with representatives.

Aptitudes Review

It is named as a procedure in which the diverse aptitudes of gatherings or association are measures by building far-reaching abilities lattice. In the Orderly bistro, it helps in recognizing ability change, insufficiencies and aptitude misfortunes. This aids in improving the preparation programs by decreasing its cost. The association executes Human Asset Data Framework (HRIS) for recording the subtle elements of aptitudes.

Hierarchical Assets

These assets are for the most part utilized as a part of playing out the exercises in working environment by making utilization of the crude materials, capital and human resources. The orderly bistro is available in two areas and the workforce is their fundamental resource.

Ability Assets

Ability securing is the most imperative component of a business as they ought to guarantee that their staff ought to have the correct aptitudes to address the client. Preparing is the essential component that makes the representatives proficient and persuaded to work.

Ranges of abilities

The range of abilities is expected to make the work more compelling by making the activities effective in angle. The orderly bistro is a capital escalated business that goes for making benefit by utilizing the HR as required and required. The diverse aptitudes set remunerated by the senior supervisor in Chaperon bistro are characterized underneath:

  • Strong relational abilities
  • Leadership aptitudes
  • Time administration
  • Teamwork
  • Coaching
  • Solving clashes
  • Multitasked

The range of abilities characterized above is particular for people according to their assignment and role and it can't be exchanged to another person. At the point when aptitudes should be distinguished the holes should be surveyed by taking a shot at enhancing capacities at the primary spot. A business goal must be met by perceiving the competency holes by counteracting organizations to cut cost when fundamental. Every worker is not the same as each other so preparing plans should be defined for your representatives by making preparing plan. The expertise distinguished sooner rather than later has to be met with finding exiting abilities by recording the hole (Jamali, El Dirani and Harwood, 2015).

LO3: The essential influences which have a great impact on the decision-making process of the Human Resource Management and the employment legislation:

There are certain factors which play way too crucial role ineffectual decision making along with employment legislation. A fruitful HR framework supplements an association's fundamental objective and goals - so what works for an industry creature won't generally be sensible for your private wonder. The parts affecting HR practices aren't static: To open up enlistment and upkeep, and to restrain labourer issues, autonomous wander boss ought to perpetually screen internal and external regular factors and change HR strategy fittingly. To do that, it's basic to acknowledge what the internal and external components can involve.  If you want to ace your dissertation then without a second thought, seek our dissertation help.


The political, as well as government influences, play a vital role in the decision making the procedure of the human resource management. They need to abide by the rules and regulations along with different laws while making decision associated with their employees and labours. While setting you up, need to consider likely changes to business divisions, spending designs and availability of fitting hopefuls due to later or anticipated political effects. For example, if a distinction in government is possible in the coming year, fathom the new association's needs in association with business areas, endeavours and associations (Paillé et. al. 2014).


The financial status of the company cum the net liquidity of the organisation, getting ready and equipment is the most incite stress in human resource masterminding. In any case, the external budgetary angles expect a comparably fundamental part. For example, people don't have as much trade to send out a money-related downturn and tend to be considerably more specific in what they buy or organizations they use (Clark et. al. 2016.). This suggests a couple of endeavours, for instance, those making excess things or trifling organizations, offer less and may even need to lay off some staff. This, along these lines, makes the area economy significantly more troublesome. Building money related components into the HR configuration predicts what number of specialists you will need and you can pay.


After political and financial influences the next essential factor which has a great influence on the decision making, as well as employee relation of the human resource department of an organisation, is the social factors. The social elements include the social, cultural, regional, religion, economic, educational and family background of the employees. All these factors play an essential role shaping the attitude and behaviour of an employee and indirectly influence the organisational behaviour of the company. Therefore, the human resource managers and supervisors require taking account of the social influential factors while developing their employee relationship as well as decision-making strategies (Cascio, 2018).


In the next step of the decision making the human resource management needs to focus on the technical factors. In this context, the mentionable fact is that with the up-gradation in technology there are a number of modernized procedures and digital infrastructures the modern global industry has been adapting day by day. Therefore, the organisation should not be leg behind when it comes to welcome technical modifications. The human resource team needs to make sure proper utilisation of technology in the communication system in order to intensify the co-relation and the collaboration inside the company (Hendry, 2012).

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Afterwards, the human resource team of the organisation needs to pay attention to the legal influences in order to make sure transparency and fairness in the decision making as well as employee relation strategy. The human resource managers and supervisors must follow the rules and regulations incorporated by the central government of the country while making essential decisions regarding their human resource. Apart from that, the need to make sure the following of different laws such as labour law, wages law, consumer law along with the maintenance of the contract signed with the employees in order to incorporate transparency in their organisational practice.


The nature and the environment is one of the core elements which the human resource team needs to turn their spotlight on while making decision associated with the manufacturing of goods and commodities. They need to make sure the proper availing of the natural resources along with the usage of different renewable resources despite the huge usage of non-renewable resources. Apart from that, they need to emphasize on the waste management process. They should make their employees understand their value of nature and clean environment in their life in order to add value to their eco-friendly policies (Brewster, 2017).

However, the motivational sessions are the internal drive that drives singular conduct by guiding them towards objective as it helps in managing and stimulating human conduct. It is an instrument that aids in holding individuals by being inventive as they go past job. The procedure of inspiration is created from need an impression of representative. The need created require in Specialist bistro is satisfied by picking options by being guided through the perspective (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow, 2016). It directs the workforce to fulfil the strategy by expanding the execution. Execution is an element of inspiration and capacity as employment execution equivalents to motivation ability of person. It makes the representatives more gainful by treating them reasonably in perspective, utilizing encouraging feedback, defining objectives and prizes depend on work execution. In human asset administration inspiration are of two kinds inherent and extraneous where, natural or interior inspiration is the inward jolts for playing out the task. It includes societal position that is wanted by every, social contact that cultivates social associations, energy of impacting others, freedom of being exceptional, acknowledgment for being picked by others and their choices and furthermore collaborators (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2017). In Orderly bistro by assuming part of senior director in working environment by giving the workforce status, respect, acknowledgement, autonomy in their work part appointed. Then again, extraneous or outer inspiration is driven by individual from outside world through outer fortification. It incorporates commend, cash, motivations, rewards, benefits bundle and perceiving representative month. The motivational hypotheses are additionally used to clarify representative's satisfaction by inspiring them for workers who are missing it. The different procedures of inspiration are as per the following:

Reward Framework

Association can acquaint compensate framework with spur workers like representative of the month or representative of the year, where they can be remunerated either fiscally or non-monetarily. On account of Specialist Bistro, they can present like additional time off the month or giving a gold or silver star. In the event that a bleeding edge worker gathers reliably gather the stars can be directed to centre administration program as a reward (Purce, 2014).

Family Benevolent

Association can be family benevolent to spur representatives, when we say family amicable they can offer adaptable attempting to youthful families and furthermore give youngster mind bolster either on location or in the type of marked down vouchers for childcare (Marchington et. al. 2016).

Extra Advantages

Extra advantages can likewise be a helper for representatives to perform in their working environment. It can be extra training like financing further instruction, moreover, enrollments to neighbourhood pleasantries and markdown vouchers for shops and eateries can be a piece of extra advantages (Storey, 2014).

LO 4: Implementation of human resource management in the practical field:

Great human asset administration hones make a considerable measure of contrasts in enhancing the efficiency of the representatives for an association. The attention on HRM manages individuals and how the choices will influence their efficiency. HRM helps in building groups, assembling a hierarchical culture, individual’s commitment and advancement in an association (Brewster, Mayrhofer and Morley, 2016).

HRM aides in procuring and preparing the workforce:

A standout amongst the most vital duty of HR division is labour arranging (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The company’s HR chief set the contracting procedures for the correct staffs in the company. The planning of working responsibilities, which is suited for the part of the retailer, is another undertaking for HR trough. In the wake of contracting they make the arrangement for the representative acceptance with a good arrangement of tanning and improvement anticipates them (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014).

HRM needs to focus on several administrative activities:

The HR division is in charge of keeping individuals feel inspired for their work. To begin with, they set a people part, after that, a viable criticism component framework encourages the workers to enhance their abilities (Brewster, 2017).

HR aides in building society and qualities in the association:

Making a decent and happy with workplace is normal from the HR office. Better execution relies upon the work air and culture of the association. The organisation has a notoriety for their hierarchical culture that aides in bringing the best of a worker and makes a higher activity fulfilment (Kramar, 2014).

Conflict Administration is likewise a critical obligation of HR:

Each association need to maintain a strategic distance from clashes before it's occurring (Cascio, 2018). There can be numerous issues from where the difference may emerge between the representative and boss. The company’s HR division is going about as an instructor to sort the issue of a contradiction. The HR makes an auspicious move with the goal that question does not leave hand (Taylor, Doherty and McGraw, 2015).

HR is in charge of growing great relations:

Setting up well-disposed relations amongst representative and boss relies upon HR. The organisation’s HR division is in charge of holding gatherings, classes and every official action in the interest of the administration (Purce, 2014). Here and there this division additionally gives some assistance for drafting business and advertising gets ready for the organization (BraStorey, 2014).

From the above examination it is seen that an organisation’s HR division helps in building and dealing with the organization (on and Gold, 2017). That is the reason organizations need to give more prominent accentuation on setting up solid and compelling Human Asset Office (Sikora and Ferris, 2014).


From the above evaluation, it can be inferred that human resource management is a manner by which workforce is overseen by fulfilling their request and needs. On the other hand, the representatives need to perform by being beneficial and satisfying the objectives set by working environment.


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • BraStorey, J., 2014. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Brewster, C., 2017. The integration of human resource management and corporate strategy. In Policy and practice in European human resource management (pp. 22-35). Routledge.
  • Brewster, C., 2017. The integration of human resource management and corporate strategy. In Policy and practice in European human resource management (pp. 22-35). Routledge.
  • Brewster, C., Chung, C. and Sparrow, P., 2016. Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.
  • Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. and Morley, M. eds., 2016. New challenges for European resource management. Springer.
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