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Unit 6 Sustainability UKCBC College BTECH Level 4


The concept of sustainable development originated from the need to achieve human development goals while ensuring the ongoing provision of natural resources by natural systems. It's a guiding principle aimed at effectively managing all resources. This report will discuss Nike's key aspects regarding sustainability. One significant challenge faced by Nike is a shortage of resources, leading to inefficiencies in product production (Saquib, 2018). To address this, Nike should collaborate with global communities to devise a suitable plan, fostering sustainable growth. The report will cover sustainability, associated core issues, strategies for mitigation, and the development of an actionable plan. The company's primary goal is to enhance product quality through sustainability, addressing issues such as production levels, profitability, and global presence. Maintaining a robust sustainability policy is crucial for Nike's effective operations.

Core issues in relation to Nike sustainability

Nike is an American multinational corporation that deals with marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. Recently it is facing challenges regards to suitability. Thus, it can be said there are various kinds of issues which are facing by the firm in relation to the issue in regard to sustainability. Such issues can be discussed in following manner as are-

  1. The one of major core issue in relation to sustainability is the level of production, it is continuously affecting sue to availability of the resources.
  2. Due to sustainable factor the firm is used to costing the product on the high level, in this customer refuse to buy the product.
  3. The key challenges in environmental sustainability is inclusive with the high level of prohibited substance.
  4. The one of the major issue in relation to adopt the factor of sustainability is that buyers in market are not ready to buy the expensive product that are environmentally friendly.
  5. Due to lack of resources the firm is not able to meet its level of production.
  6. The company is facing the issues in order to face with the challenges which is coming with Zero waste system.
  7. Due to adoption of sustainability the firm need to charged the high prices, this is work as to have reduction in the market share of the firm.
  8. In this manner Nike should make the rules and regulation so that they are able to take the various initiative in the effective manner.

Solutions to the issues facing by Nike due to sustainability-

There are various solution in relation to overcome with the factor of sustainability implementation in firm as are-

Green product- In order to maintain sustainability in the competitive business environment, Nike company should focus on the green products and services. It should focus on such products that will have an environmental benefit on the customers. Corporation should focus on maintaining sustainability in the production process by reducing overall wastage in the manufacturing procedure and also reduce water consumption (Kernbach, Eppler and Bresciani, 2015). For maintain the sustainability within the business environment, firm should introduce such effective green product and services which have not any negative effects on the environment. In the manufacturing procedure, company should use effective approaches of the operation management such as total quality management, Six Sigma, lean production through which quality of product can improve and reduce additional wastage and associated cost.

Educate employees- This is another one of the effective strategy to develop solution of associated issue in Nike firm. Company should train and educate its workforce regarding the green product and services and maintain sustainability so as it can gain competitive advantage in the market. By provide knowledge and awareness among workforce regarding sustainability, green product and services, approaches of operation management etc. This strategy helps to company in developing innovative product and services in the market.

Work with global communities- Nike should focus on the global communities for maintain effective sustainability of the local environment (Jaber and, 2015). With help f working with global communities, cited venture can effectively maintain the sustainability of the local environment because it has several chances to improve its existing business performances and different kind of sources regarding business.

Set environmental Law- In the UK country there are some legislation and law has been developed by government in regarding to maintain healthy environment for business enterprise. At the time of production and business operation company have to follow that law related to environment. With assistance of environmental law and legislation, company can promote sustainability and avoid conflicts with the environmental codes (Houdet, Trommetter and Weber, 2012). With help of environmental laws and legislation in effective manner company can easily avoid unclear and vague statement in their policy and carry out their process of business in more effective and efficient manner.

Promote renewable raw material strategies- This is one of the major effective strategy to promote sustainability in the business. As per this practice, corporation should renew raw material strategy to improve the sustainability within the business. Company should use such renewable strategies and practices through which used product and service can again reproduce. In order to promote the renewable raw material strategy company should work with suppliers from different parts of the world. (Grünig and Kühn, 2015) This strategy will help to the company in maintaining sustainability and manage the re production and renewable product and services in the market.

Develop sustainability for supplier, employees and communities- In order to maintain sustainability with business, company have to develop sustainability with suppliers, employees and communities.

Engage with Corporate social responsibility- In order to maintain the sustainability in the business, corporate social responsibility is one of the effective action through which company can effectively develop competitive advantage and sustainability within the market. By help of several activities like engage with charity event, voluntary work, women education, recycling activities, green products company can engage with corporate social responsibility in the market.

The Nike is embedding the factor of sustainable development at the each stage its life cycle so it will be helpful in relation to have higher production and to environmental friendly products. There are various solution in relation to problems facing by the Nike due to the factor of sustainability as are-

In order to cope up with the challenges, facing by the Nike the firm need to have the use of 3 leg stool model, its explain the main factor of the firm in the following manner as are-

  1. Economic- in the First leg there will be description in relation to the economic condition of the nation in which company is operating its business activities. It works as to complain the condition of jobs as are good, bad, fair wages this all need to be given by the company to their employees, security, infrastructure and all the policies is need to be framed so that all action can work properly (Meier, 2018). Thus, it can be said that Nike oppressions are affecting the growth economy of nation in both positive and negative manner.
  2. Environmental- In this it can be said that the firm is operating its business activities without affecting the environment measures. In order to cope up with this they need to follow the all rules and regulations of legal authorities. Environmental factor used to define the pollution done by the firm at the time of its oppression as are waste, renewable energy and all used by Nike in order to undertake production activity. They need to operate its business activities as per the rules set by them. The environment factor will not get affected due to production of
  3. Social factor- it is helpful in relation to explain working condition of the firm, health services provided by company to their employees. In this factor the culture, community and social factor of the firm are affecting in the large manner, the social factor is surrounding people and the workforce (L'Haridon and, 2018). Nike need to rake various initiative in relation to produce those products which are helpful in order to maintain the needs of present without compromise the requirement of future.

Action plan-

It is need to be prepare in relation to defines the action which is need to be undertaken so that firm can face with the issues in relation sustainability, so that it is defined in following manner as are-

Development actions

Actions to mitigate it

Time period

1. Find out the solution in relation to sustainability development

Conduct the research so that lacking activities of firm can be identified.

1 month

2. Coordinate with firm activities involved in implementation

With the help of discussion, implementation procedure can be carried out successfully.

2 months

3. Implementation training

It is need to be given to the employees after deciding the course of actions.

1 month

4. Install the production solution

One take solution's is need to be installed.

1 month

5. Verification of solution

It is need to be verified by manager and employees so that things can be done in corrective manner (Alves and, 2018).

3 month

6. Implement new procedure

If the taken action is not corrective than there is need to implement the new procedure to cope with practice of sustainability development.

2 month

7. Monitor the solution

At this stage solution is need to be monitored, to find out the gap between actual and planned, if there is than corrective actions are need to be taken.

1 month

Hence, it can be said that proper solution is need to be taken in order to carry out the firm function in the effective manner (Liern and Pérez-Gladish, 2018). The main object behind making the action plan activities is to perform activities with the aim to minimizing the wastage so that Nike do not have to face the issue in relation scarcity of resources.


Based on the above report it can be concluded that Nike is the well know brand for the footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and service . It is major focussing over sustainability of Nike so that firm can adequate amount of resource. The main aim relation to adoption of Sustainability development is that firm need to various initiative in order to minimise resources so that level of production cannot get affected. The present report will be inclusive of the factors like major issues in relation to activities of Nike, strategies to get overcome and action plan which is need to be implemented in order to get the success.


  • Grünig, R. and Kühn, R., 2015. Strategy Planning Process. In The Strategy Planning Process. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Houdet, J., Trommetter, M. and Weber, J., 2012. Understanding changes in business strategies regarding biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecological Economics. 73. pp.37-46.
  • Kernbach, S., Eppler, M.J. and Bresciani, S., 2015. The Use of Visualization in the Communication of Business Strategies An Experimental Evaluation. International Journal of Business Communication. 52(2). pp.164-187.
  • L'Haridon, J and, 2018. Ecodesign of cosmetic formulae: methodology and application.International journal of cosmetic science.
  • Meier, L., 2018. Beating the Microbead: How private environmental governance has influenced the regulatory process of banning microbeads in the UK.
  • Alves, V.M and, 2018. Development of Web and Mobile Applications for Chemical Toxicity Prediction. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 29(5). pp.982-988.
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