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Unit 6 Managing a Successful Business Project

University: ITCM College London

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3801
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: TOP6128
  • Downloads: 1150
Question :

This sample assessment consists of:

  • Project aims and objectives
  • Making project management plan
  • Research analysis and data usage
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


To effectively manage a company, it is essential to enhance digital technology to ensure smooth operations. Technological advancements occur through creativity and innovation in existing systems. In the current competitive landscape, every company leverages digital tools and technologies for efficient work management. For small companies, these technologies foster growth and innovation by securely storing data and enhancing protection. Additionally, digital tools facilitate effective communication among employees, the organization, and stakeholders. The primary objective of this report is to evaluate the impact of digital distribution innovation and how it transforms business challenges into company strengths.


P1 Explain project aims and objectives

In every organisation, it is important to determine their aims and objectives for implementing advance technology for enhancing growth and development process of company. It is needed for enterprise to innovate some technologies and introduced digital disruption and transformation for making functions and operations more relevant as well fast. With the assistance of digital technology information and data can be transfer to each and every member working in firm. So that they can work as per the aims and objectives of business and no delay in achieving these. An organisation can enhance their opportunities and bring several advantages in the competitive business environment by adopting several new technologies as per the recent trends.

Background of Project

company have to adopt various modifications and changes which is important for sustain in the competitive business environment. Digital disruption and transformation not only help in development and growth only but they solve many conflict and issues which emerge because of several complicated situations. It becomes necessary to adopt digital technology in every system like products manufacturing, proper data record which is important if their any requirement of information in future, through digital technology employees can easily access files in some seconds. When an association is adopting latest technologies or models in their day to day working then it will automatically provide value to their goods and services. Through this company is able to build unique image within the competitive environment.

Topic: “How businesses have coped with the major challenges of digital disruption and transformation: A case study of Real Foods Ltd.”

Aims: Major aim of Real Food Ltd is to be most popular and famous as well choice of the people. Want to expand their business worldwide area. The organisation is focusing over 'How businesses have coped with the major challenges of digital disruption and transformation: A case study of Real Food Ltd.'


  • To determine the influence of digital disruption in Real Food Ltd.
  • To measure the alteration of business enterprise after the digital disruption in Real Food Ltd.
  • To measure the effect of digital disruption and transformation in resolving major challenges of the organisation.

Research questions:

  • How digital disputation impact the business of Real Food Ltd?
  • What are the impact of digital disruption and transformation in solving major problems?
  • What are the transformation of business of Real Food Ltd after the disruption of digital technology?

P2 Making project management plan

It is necessary for an enterprise to frame proper plan for managing a project for evaluation of group and proper management of project. The same assist in conducting proper research as well avail in gaining facts and logical findings without any hurdles. Management plan of project help in determining scope, time, quality, risk, resources, communication. When there is proper management it help in saving time, cost and also minimise unwanted barriers in implementation of strategies. There are several elements which includes for analysing functioning of the operations.

  • Cost- For developing any project it is important firstly that budget must be prepared so that cost can be maintained as per the requirement. When project is started in that several activities take place such as data analysis, questionnaire, Gantt Chart, IT which required experts. Thus, association have to make budgets and allocate cost in several so that work going will never become expensive.
  • Scope- It is important element which must be consider by an enterprise for analysing the scope of study and project for which planning is going on for execute. Along with this it is also essential to analyse the effect of digital disruption in challenges hindrance for continuous development. It avail firm in finding proper methods and approaches which avail an organisation in developing.
  • Risk- Very new thing involve risk when it is related to business environment same in this also when an enterprise initiate a project several risk and dangers comes with it. All these obstruct in the procedure of project management of Real Food Ltd must be managed properly for better outcomes. Major risk can be that people are used to of traditional techniques which is using by respective firm. If suddenly they use new then there is chances of risk to the company.
  • Quality- Quality matters a lot for this enterprise have to take care that they are offering must be of fine quality. This is necessary for an administration or researcher to create the good or service in effectual manner for supply efficacious quality of the operations which have been undertaken. It is needed to undertake the full actives in a correct way through examine the content or information deeply to get to the actual outcomes and research result to the organisation.
  • Communication- Effective communication is important for transferring information and important data to every individual working. When Real Food Ltd. Is implementing any changes in their working then they have to convey it to their customers. This can be only possible through communication such as e-mails, messages, pamphlets and several others. In this project questionnaire methods is using for graphics, facts and Gantt chart for proper scheduling of entire project. All these increase creativity of project which is organised by Real Food Ltd.
  • Resources- This is important and day to day requirement elements of organisation because without resources company is not able to meet their daily basis target. It must be analysed before forming any business project as well company need various resources for determining the effect of digital disproportion and how it will assist in the transformation. Resources required are human resource, financial, technological and so on.
  • Time- Time is very crucial because when its go never comes back as well it is important assets of organisation. When their proper time management enterprise can gain several advantages but in some situation it can be the reason of failure also. It is needed that firm have to complete their project on time, duration of finishing the project is decided in the beginning. Most probably duration is of 30 days in that time period it most be finished so they can serve customers on time as well gain competitive advantages.


P4 Carry out Small scale research

Research is conducted by organisation for gathering several data and information for enterprise. Mainly this is conducted with the motive of identifying current market trends, customers needs and wants, taste and preferences etc. there are some methods of collecting data as well research types also. These are discussed below:-

  • Qualitative Research - This is most effectual research method because it focus on overall behaviour or attitude of people for looking at the quality related to the topic of study. This help Real Food Ltd in reassessment the opinion, thoughts and views of people which is joined with the digital disruption. Various methodologies are utilised for getting the result of qualitative research which involves interview, observation, questionnaire methods and so on. Mainly they choose those processes and method which can avail in gaining information and knowledge on the respective topic. This kind of research can assist in gaining effectual and most suitable results analysing effectiveness.
  • Quantitative Research - With the help of these type of research data collected is in the form of quantitative like amount, quantity and numerical data related to the subject and topic of research conducted. Results come out from this study is in the form of statics, logical and numerical data. It is totally distinct from qualitative form of research.
  • Primary data - this research is conducted for collecting fresh and new data related to the topic on which research is conducted. Sources for collecting primary data are feedback forms, questionnaire, observation and many others. This method can be used in both qualitative and quantitative research for reach to the outcomes.
  • Secondary data - This is the data which is gathered from any previous analysis and research. Secondary data is collected from several sources such as books, journals, websites, newspapers, articles, audio tapes, diaries and so on. It is not time consuming as well expensive process. Apart from this, sometimes past data of enterprise can also be used for further process. In simple term it is old data or can be used before by anyone and researcher is not the person who collect it.





Q.1. Does digitalisation is effectual for growth of Real Foods Ltd?

a) Yes

b) No

Q.2. Which digital technology is the top-grade and disruptive in the company?

a) IT software and technology

b) Virtual Reality

c) AI

d) Hybrid Wireless technologies

Q.3. How Real Foods Ltd Cope up with modification and digital disruption?

a) Organising digital platform

b) Managing IT service

Q.4. Do You think that digitalisation is the reason of challenges in operation and business activities of Real Foods Ltd?

a) Yes

b) No

Q.5. In what area the administration is feeling most issues and challenges within Real Foods Ltd?

a) Big data and ineffective leveraging

b) Dearth of clear vision

c) Organisational resistance

Q.6. Do you think that satisfaction level of consumers and quality of service have been enhanced after the Digital disruption and transformation of Real Foods Ltd?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q.7. Which technology have assist Real Foods Ltd in their operations and give direction it to innovation and growth?

a) Cloud techniques

b) Drone Delivery

c) E-commerce

d) scan As you shop

Q.8. Recommand your views on how food company can make out up with challenges from digital disruption and transformation?


P5 Research analysis and data using appropriate tools and techniques

In this project, sample size taken by the researcher is of 20 respondents which including consumer or employee both from which the evaluation of challenges and probable solution have been asked. Below mention is the interpretation of entire project: 

Theme 1: Does digitalisation is effectual for growth of Real Foods Ltd


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation :- From the above graph, it can be said that yes digitalisation is effectual for growth of Real Food Ltd. Because out of 20 respondents 15 are in the favour of this remaining are saying that no digitalisation is not helpful for the growth of respective organisation. Thus, conclusion is that yes digitalisation is effective for growth of business. 

Theme 2: Which digital technology is the top-grade and disruptive in the company


a) IT software and technology


b) Virtual Reality


c) AI


d) Hybrid Wireless technologies


Interpretation :- After going through this graph, it has been analysed that digital technology have give drastic modification in the working styles and operations of organisations. There are several kinds of technologies which have changed the style of working forceful. Mainly there are four types of transformation which are virtual reality, It software & technology, AI as well as Hybrid wireless technologies. After examine data, it is logical that most popular digital technology which is assisting retailing businesses specially Real Food Ltd is IT software and technology. 9 out of 20 peoples says that this is providing easy recording and documenting data, quick billing and so on. Where as AI technologies are second most helpful and effectual technique that've created convenient style. 2 out of 20 believes that Hybrid Wireless technologies also helped retailing companies but not Real Food Ltd.

Theme: 3 How Real Foods Ltd Cope up with modification and digital disruption


a) Organising digital platform


b) Managing IT service


Interpretataion:- It is needed that an organisation have to come out with the challenges which is required for growth and development. This can not only keep the growth of organisation but destruct the whole administration through revealing their silence. 10 out of 20 respondent that through digital organizational platform, the association can carry off the affairs of digital technology and its act which can aid in resolving problems. As well as carry off IT services can provide different assistance to administration which Real Food Ltd which is making effort for managing issues from digital disruption and transformation. Apart from this, these are the best tools through which it can be resolved. 

Theme: 4Do You think that digitalisation is the reason of challenges in operation and business activities of Real Foods Ltd


a) Yes


b) No


Intrepretations:- 12 out of 20 respondent accept that digital disruption and transformation have provide alteration in the competitive time period. Because evey new thing comes with some challenges same as digital texchnology also which needs to be proper management. So that working of enterprise cannot affect and it will work smoothly. 8 out 20 people says that there is not much issues from digital disputation which isn't so big to obstacle the growth.

Theme: 5 In what area the administration is feeling most issues and challenges within Real Foods Ltd


a) Big data and ineffective leveraging


b) Dearth of clear vision


c) Organisational resistance


Interpretations:- The prima challenge the administration face is related to the big data and ineffective leveraging. 10 out of 20 respondent claim this situation. Also many of the associations are facing organisation resistance within staff members, consumer as well as problem with the framework and structure which keep whole growth of firm. 4 says that company loose clear vision after the digital disruption and transformation which are creating objection for enterprise. 

Theme: 6 Do you think that satisfaction level of consumers and quality of service have been enhanced after the Digital disruption and transformation of Real Foods Ltd


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretations:- According to this graphical presentataion, out of 20 respondent 11 are saying that yes satisfaction level of consumers and quality of service have been enhanced after the Digital disruption and transformation of Real Foods Ltd. Apart from this remaining 9 are not in the favour of this. With this quality of offerings can be managed because latest techniques have their new features which is different from others. For customers quality matters a lot which can satisfy them.

Theme: 7 Which technology have assist Real Foods Ltd in their operations and give direction it to innovation and growth


a) Cloud techniques


b) Drone Delivery


c) E-commerce


d) scan As you shop


Interpretataions:- Real Food Ltd will be facilitated through E-commer and it will help in their innovation as well growth. Along with this organisation have settled cloud techniques for their internal system and info or data security that have provide digital disruption and transformation in the retailing industry such as Real Food Ltd. Drone delivery as well as Scan as you shop is also facilitating technology which is rising in present scenrio. Out of 20 respondent 10 are in the favour of E-Commerce at first number than after that at second 8 are in the favour of cloud technology. 

P6 Recommendation

Digital technology not only bring growth and innovation in business but in some situation it comes out with various challenges and issues. This is time for Real Food Ltd to show their smartness and manage such problems in better manner that their will be no problem in achieving goals and objectives of business. The same organisation and several other grocery company require proper solution to solve the challenges which they are facing due to implementing digital technology. Internet things and mobility are the two leading pillars of digital disruption. An asociation can manage accurate administration and IT services and take the assist of digital platform for removing the issues of firm which is linked with digitalisation.

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P7 Reflective Report

After going through the whole report, digital transformation help company in achieving their goals in effective manner as well employes also in doing their work on time with minimum accuring cost. But in some situations it create several complications also thus, business have to manage digital technology in proper manner. Major issues can be created by the same is hacking, data leverage and so on. Although it is important for company to come out with these challenges to come out with the proper development in business.

Along with this, I learn how to frame a report and make proper business project. This report taught me how to make a systematic and organized work to make it more reliable. With the same i learn how to use Gantt Chart, interpretation software and several other computer system for designing a research project. Also I lessoned how to evaluate books, journals and other written document within a minimum time period.

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From this report it has been concluded that an company require to develop proper management and administration of digital technology so that conflicts and issues can be managed which is emerging while advancement. While transformation and digital disruption organisations are facing various troubles which needs to be resolve within specific time period or before its taking large shape. Organisations are coming out with this situations through managing good software, AI as well various another process to minimise these issues and problems.


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