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Personal and Professional Development - Travelodge

University: UXBC College London

  • Unit No: 23
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 19 / Words 4707
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: T/601/0943
  • Downloads: 1287
Question :

This assessment will cover some topics which are discussed there under:

  • Discuss about the Evaluating the approaches to self-managed learning.
  • Discuss about the Benefits of self-managed learning to the individuals and company
Answer :
Organization Selected : Travelodge


Personal and professional development plays a significant role in the development and growth that helps to manage own learning and growth throughout the career of an individual. It is essential for an individual to continue to learn and develop the skills and knowledge (Althauser, 2015). In order to work effectively and legally, it is necessary to ensure up to date and appropriate knowledge and skills. In this present report, Travelodge Hotel is chosen which is working in the hotel and hospitality industry. Approximately, 500 hotels are operating in the UK. Its operating income is about £153.5 million. This assignment will include approaches to self-managed learning as well as ways by which personal and professional development can be encouraged. Furthermore, personal and development plans are devised to identify the weaknesses as well as time to improve them. Beside this, this report will be also includes the use of effective time management strategies.


1.1 Evaluating the approaches to self-managed learning

Personal skills of an individual plays a vital role in attaining the success in professional life. Learning is a non-stop process as it never end thought the life of person. Learning helps in reaching at the final goals and objectives of life.

There are some models which help people to learn and develop. Models are described as below:

Neil Fleming Vark Model

In order to know your-self, this model is very useful. This model is also helpful for understanding friends, family, colleagues, parents and other people. In normal life, it is essential to know our-self as well as to understand family and friends too.

There are four stages that are involved in this model which are given as below-

Visual- According to this stage, visual power of an individual is identified. These preferences will include information in symbol like maps, spiders diagram, charts, graphs and diagrams (Ariza-Montes and, 2017).

Aural- As per this stage, listening power of an individual is identified. Individual who want to learn how to give bets lectures, group discussion, email, web chat. It includes talking out load as well as talking to oneself.

Reading/Writing- This stage of model states that reading and writing skills are necessary for an individual. Without these skills, man cannot do anything in his/her life.

Kinesthetic- This stage of model states the ability to resolve problems and issues by experience and knowledge (Brody and Hadar, 2015).

David Kolb's Model

This model was proposed by David. This model states various ways through which people get to learn things. There are four stages involved in this model which are written as below:

Concrete Experience- In this stage of model, individuals face various types of situations and try to relate with the prior experience.

Reflective Observation- As per this stage of this model, individuals will face and experience new situations and acquire knowledge.

Abstract conceptualization-This stage of model states that individuals give rise to new idea and alter as well as modifies of an existing concept.

Active Experimentation- The new experience and knowledge which learner acquire will apple an implement in any kind of situation he faces.

From above this model, David Kolb's model is best for Travel Lodge Hotel as this model will encourage theirstaff to engage self-learning. By using this model,employees can manage self-learningwhich is a part of personal and professional development as well as it enhanceslifelong development.

1.2 Ways by which lifelong learning in professional and personal development can be encouraged

Learning is a lifelong search for both knowledge and information for personal and professional development. In order to improve and develop the personal growth, it will help in improving the skills, knowledge as well as understanding (Dimmock, 2016). There are some ways for boosting lifelong learning in professional and personal development which are as follows-

Self-reflective learning- This is all about judgement, reviewing views and personal understanding. It aids in increasing the new skills along with uprising present skills by efficaciously guiding and managing obligations and functions (Bukor, 2015). It amends personal skills as well as it assists in increasing the knowledge. The manager of Travel-Lodge Hotel can encourage its subordinates and employees to raise present skills and encourage them to develop self-reflective learning.

Personal Assessment-This is the best way to learn and develop personal skills that one should observe oneself. It includes value, skills, traits, knowledge, personality, interest, etc. Personal assessment can be identified by applying SWOT analysis of an individual. By SWOT analysis, it will become easy to identify and know the individual's strengths and weaknesses. The manager of Travel Lodge Hotel can make use of SWOT analysis on his own way and make others in hotel to do personal assessment so that straight and weaknesses can evolve out.

1.3 Benefits of self-managed learning to the individuals and company

There are some benefits of self-managed learning for both; the individuals and company. In order to gain something valuable, it is very important to take advantages of self-managed learning. Benefits from self-managed learning for individual are as follows-

  • Workers become capable in solving the issues and problems
  • Presentation skills are also improved by regular and continuous assessment of one's disadvantage and with corrective measures
  • Communication skills are also improved by continuous assessment. It will also improve the writing skills.
  • It also makes individuals to become independent as well as independent to work that results in coming up of new ideas and concepts which is useful and beneficial for both individual and company.
  • Company's expenses and charges are also reduced by effectual and impressive decision making.
  • Employee's level of competence will also enhance (Patti, Holzer, Brackett and Stern, 2015).
  • Team working skills are also increased by the self-managed learning.


2.1 Evaluating own current skills and competencies against professional standards and objectives of organisation

My purpose of working in Travel-Lodge Hotel as a marketing manager which is the biggest hotel in London. To work there as a manager of marketing, I need to have some skills as it is essential in order to accomplish the job in an effectual way. Skill assists in enhancing the self-confidence of an individual.

Skills that I must posses

Competencies which I must possess

  • Skills of team working
  • Management skills
  • Effective leadership skills
  • Patience is very necessary
  • Ability to trust others
  • Active and effective skills of listening
  • Open minded
  • The Best judgement (Visser, Evering and Barrett, 2014).
  • Flexibility
  • Solve the battle
  • Analytical thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Capability to measure
  • Interpersonal awareness
  • Goal oriented
  • Skills of management
  • Leadership skills
  • Innovative and creative thinking
  • Effective Communicating skills


2.2. Identify own development needs and the activities required to meet them.

There are some areas which is very essential to develop effectively in order to achieve both individual and company's goal are as follows-

Active Listening Skills-It is very essential for an individual to develop active listening skills as sometime it happens that manger has to listen to more than one people at same time. So it is very necessary for manager or an individual to develop effective skills of learning so that barriers in listening will be overcome. Barriers of listening also occurs when one is not interested to interact, tired, or in tension etc.

Effective Communication Skills-It is very essential to have good and effective communication skills as because in every business, interacting plays a crucial role. Effective skills of communication reduces lot amount of barriers as it increase the productivity, confidence as well as reduces errors and mistakes. Interacting in effective way with employees increase there moral. Without impressive communication, the message which is to be sent may not be properly expressed. This occurs because of incorrect choice of words. In case the receiver misunderstands the message then communication becomes meaningless.

Development needs and ways to meet them are as follows-

Needs Ways to meet them

Effective communication - Open meeting, attending conferences, giving

Presentation, giving speech, and interacting more.

Leadership skills - By controlling and monitoring team.

Time management - Check List.

Active Listening Skills - By giving attention on what people saying, focusing on words, concentration.

Presentation - Seminar, programs, campaigns.

2.3. Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs.

To meet current and future needs for the development of knowledge and skill I will go through following source:

  • Internet- In the era of modernisation, internet is the most essential part of the business as well as for individual. It is mostly used by people. Internet is the most essential source of getting information regarding various changes which took place in different organization like market price of share and change in index value. In order to develop knowledge about share market, it is very helpful for individual development and growth (Nadelso and, 2017).
  • BooksandJournals- This is also the best sources which can be available inside the hotel or organisation as reading skills is also improves as well as it increases bit of information. By reading books, there is so a good deal of knowledge develop in the mind like background, history which in result increase the memory power of people.
  • Institutions- In order to provide training on financial framework, there are so many institutions. Individual will be capable to increase knowledge regarding various ways in which these frameworks or theory which are prepared in excel by taking help of these institutions.
  • ExpertsandSpecialist- Organisation calls experts and specialist to give training to there employee's, so by the knowledge and skills of experts, individual can gain knowledge and skills like how to speak, how to convey and many others is improved by listening and watching them.

2.4. Devise a personal and professional development plan on identified needs.

Table for evaluating Personal and Professional Development.








Listening Skills.


Proper Listening

Observing Videos

Online tests feedback's

10 days



Effective Communication.

Graceful interaction with others.


Reading books, articles.

Tuition classes.


Online tests.

Written Tests.

Verbal Communication.

2 weeks

Peers Friends

Presentation Skills

Fluent Interaction.


Body movement and style of standing.

Coaching classes.

Videos for seminar presentation.

Video recording performance feedback's.

18 days





Delegation of duties to others.


Videos Performance

2 weeks




Planning and Organizing


Enhancing the level of confidence.

Observing Seniors and subordinates.

Performance feedback's.

3 weeks


Time management


Completion of work on time.

Making Schedule



Performance Feedback's.

10 days

Top Authority Seniors.

These all are the areas where I need to develop my skills in order to bring effective in my work or job. I need to improve communications skills, leadership skills, listening skills and many other skills too. I have to follow the above table so that I can able to develop and improve my knowledge and skills within in one or two moths.


3.1. The activities and processes required to implement the development plan.

In order to achieve the above plan for development, there are some activities and processes required to implement are as follows-

  • Self-assessment- This is the most essential way to conduct self-assessment as by conducting self-assessment one can know where he/ she is standing. It aids in determining various skills which individual posses. Individual should have tendency to ask question to himself regarding the areas where need improvement.
  • Creating milestones- In order to achieve goals and objectives, what is the goal and how it will be achieved should be well cleared. Beside this, time span always be kept in mind.
  • Specific- The objectives and goals should be specific, steps or tasks should be developed which will assist in achieving the specific goal.
  • Listing out- In order to reach and achieve the objectives and goals, one should list and lime line actions which is specific (Mak and Pun, 2015).
  • Identifying issues- In order to achieve goals and objectives, it is very important to identify the issues and problems that hinders in achieving the goals.
  • Setting time schedule- To achieve the goals and objective, an individual should set a timely schedule. By setting schedule and time table, one can know about his time management skills.
  • Implementation plan- All the work which have to be accomplished must be taped along with the time that would be taken to finish it. As an when individual is ready with all preceding steps then he/she should put his/her plan into action. Assessment should be done on a daily or continuous basis so that one can find out where he?she is legging behind.

3.2. Undertake and document development activities planned.

There are some guidelines which will be helpful in successful achievement of knowledge and skill are as follows-

  • Research helps in learning- There are so many researches on development and growth of the companies, so all these research study will be very helpful in acquiring knowledge and skills (Marlowe and, 2015).
  • Attending seminars- There are so many seminars and programs organize by experts and specialist by various institutions and companies. People who conduct seminars posses skills like fluent communication, presentation skills and many others which is very helpful for acquiring knowledge and skills. In order to develop my own skills I will observe and implement those skills in my personality.
  • Watching Videos-On social media or on internet, there are so many videos which guide in improvement of skills and knowledge. Videos related to management of time, communication, presentation, leadership, increasing confidence and many other skills are also improves and develop.
  • Attending Conferences- Conferences are conducted by professionals, suppliers, producers. They introduce and develop new processes and tools. By attending conferences, individual can develop many skills.
  • Online Tests- There are numerous tests for up-rising leadership, communication skills, test of management of time, etc. This will aid in studying ourselves and to identify the particular areas where individual is lacking behind.

3.3. Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan.

In order to fulfil the purpose of for working in Travel-Lodge Hotel as manager of Marketing, there are some skills which is very essentially required-

  • Communication- Communication is the essence of each and every type of businesses. In order to achieve the targeted goals and objectives, it is very essential to have effective interacting skills. Fluent communication is very essential. Without proper communication, none of the work can be executed as well as there is possibility of misunderstanding of messages. So, to overcome all these barriers of effective communication, it is very essential to have effective communication.
  • Leadership- Working in an organization, leadership quality plays a vital role as manger of hotel should be capable to delegate duties and responsibilities to others. Beside this, motivational skills is also very necessary in developing leadership skill as manager should increase the motivation of employees and make them engage in there work. So, I have to develop my leadership skills very effectively (Korthagen, 2017).
  • Solving issues-This is also the skills which I have to develop in order to become a good manager in Travel-Lodge Hotel. There are many situations arises where instant decisions or solution is required. Risk taking skills is also involved in this problem solving skill.

3.4. Update the development plan based on evaluation and feedback's.








Analytical skills

Knowledge of accounting.

Develop skills which are related towards statements of accounting.




Financial statements are prepared.

2 weeks


Time Management.


Executing work on time.

Making Schedule



Performance feedback's.

8 days

Top Authority Seniors.

Effective communication.

Graceful interaction with others.


Reading books, articles.

Tuition classes.


Online tests.

Written Tests.

Verbal Communication.

5 days

Peers Friends

Presentation Skills

Graceful interaction with others.


Body movement or style of standing.

Coaching classes.

Videos for seminar presentation.

Video recording performance feedback's.

10 days.



Listening Skills


Active listening




Online test

5 days



From the above development plan, it was identified that I have to improve my problem solving skills and analytical skills. In previous development plan, I have to develop planning and organizing but in this development plan, It is found that I have improved my planning organizing skills. Further, my time management skill, listening skills is also improved as I have minimized the days of bringing improvement.

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4.1. Communicating in variety of styles and appropriate way at different levels.

There are majorly three ways by which all the main decisions are taken which are as follows-

  • Strategic Level- All the major decisions of organisation is taken at this level as it is the top most level of company. Regarding employee's they have all the informations who are employed in the company. Informations like leaves, absent, and performance or any other infos also are recorded by them. On the basis of information, decisions are taken after that they convey the information to the middle level.
  • Middle Level- This is the level which is responsible for implementation and applying decisions that are taken by strategic level. They communicate decisions by the strategic level to low level workers. Beside this, they are responsible for controlling and managing further activates at the work place (Donelan, 2016).
  • Operational Level-They are the people who are responsible for implementation of decision which are taken by top authority of management. Human Resources managers are mostly responsible for implementation of decisions. All the informations regarding financial and non financial activities such as bonus, incentives. Furthermore, all the policies, rules are also conveyed by HR. departments.

4.2. Evaluating and use of effective time management strategies.

Employees have many responsibilities to perform so many activities in a given time. It becomes very challenging in executing these activities in given time. There are some strategies of time management in order to solve various kinds of problems are as follows-

  • Setting up priorities- Workers should be confident in setting up priorities as it will assist them in executing the work which is more essential to finish. Time period for performing all activities must be analyses.
  • Plan Perpetration- In forming a plan for workers, they acquire thoughts and ideas and render preferences to the business which poses greater essential. It assists them in executing their work in short period.
  • Schedule Preparation-Workers should schedule all the activities. Those work which can be completed in short time should give more importance as well as it should be completed first (Chee, Mehrotra and Ong, 2015).

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From the above report, it was summarized that self-management learning plays a vital role in professional and personal development. Furthermore, this report will also make understood Personal and professional development plays a significant role in the development and growth that helps to manage own learning and growth throughout the career of an individual. Beside this, personal and professional development plan is also formed in this assessment. Moreover, Neil Fleming Vark Model and David Kolb's Model for personal skills of an individual in attaining the success in professional life are also discussed in this above report.


  • Althauser, K., 2015. Job-embedded professional development: Its impact on teacher self-efficacy and student performance.Teacher Development,19(2), pp.210-225.
  • Ariza-Montes, A and, 2017. Employee responsibility and basic human values in the hospitality sector.International Journal of Hospitality Management,62, pp.78-87.
  • Brody, D.L. and Hadar, L.L., 2015. Personal professional trajectories of novice and experienced teacher educators in a professional development community.Teacher development,19(2), pp.246-266.
  • Bukor, E., 2015. Exploring teacher identity from a holistic perspective: Reconstructing and reconnecting personal and professional selves.Teachers and Teaching,21(3), pp.305-327.
  • Chee, Y.S., Mehrotra, S. and Ong, J.C., 2015. Professional development for scaling pedagogical innovation in the context of game-based learning: Teacher identity as cornerstone in “shifting” practice.Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education,43(5), pp.423-437.
  • Dimmock, C., 2016. Conceptualising the research-practice-professional development nexus: mobilising schools as ‘research-engaged'professional learning communities.Professional Development in Education,42(1), pp.36-53.
  • Donelan, H., 2016. Social media for professional development and networking opportunities in academia.Journal of Further and Higher Education,40(5), pp.706-729.
  • Korthagen, F., 2017. Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: towards professional development 3.0.Teachers and teaching,23(4), pp.387-405.
  • Mak, B. and Pun, S.H., 2015. Cultivating a teacher community of practice for sustainable professional development: Beyond planned efforts.Teachers and Teaching,21(1), pp.4-21.
  • Marlowe, J.M and, 2015. The integration of personal and professional selves: developing students' critical awareness in social work practice.Social Work Education,34(1), pp.60-73.
  • Nadelson, L.S and, 2017. Am I a STEM professional? Documenting STEM student professional identity development.Studies in Higher Education,42(4), pp.701-720.
  • Patti, J., Holzer, A.A., Brackett, M.A. and Stern, R., 2015. Twenty-first-century professional development for educators: a coaching approach grounded in emotional intelligence.Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice,8(2), pp.96-119.
  • Visser, R.D., Evering, L.C. and Barrett, D.E., 2014. # TwitterforTeachers: The implications of Twitter as a self-directed professional development tool for K-12 teachersJournal of Research on Technology in Education,46(4), pp.396-413.
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