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Business Environment

Table of Content

  1. Introduction


Working with and leading concept in the present business environment provides useful and effective methods to seniors for leaning subordinates and employees at the workplace. With an aim to comprehend this concept in the practical context, the paper here is discussing the approach and process to the fair recruitment and selection of new members and how to achieve corporate objectives with their effective management and support.


1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new staff for UPS

As given in the case, 50 members plus some senior managers left the UPS courier firm and in order to fill these vacant posts of the HR department will prepare the following document to select and recruit new members:

Approval of recruitment

The process of recruitment is started with the approval of recruitment from organizational authority. The particular department of the company who needs new personnel must send a draft with description and a document of position which describe the needed education and skill for the post. After approving the draft, the UPS's authority transfers it to human resources department for the further process (Adair, 2009).

Position description

Before giving the advertisement in the market, it is essential for the UPS to describe the position for which it is going to recruit new member. Moreover, the organizational authority approves the position description of the post. The description of position contains the responsibility and duty of the position. The human resource managers of UPS's describe the position as administrator and driver (Bisk, 2017).


For the recruitment process advertising is very important process, which is done by human resource department of the organization. For required position, the organization gather potential candidate from the advertisement. There are different media by which company can post their job advertisement, and it is depends on the human resource department to use any suitable media for their job posting (Friedman, 2017).

Need of recruitment: This is the firs step that create the need of the recruitment. This is very important process to develop the organization growth and objectives. This is very important to develop the company performances.

Job specification: The second process of the new staff entry that determine the employees tanning and development. The united parcel company provide the tanning and development process of the new staff.

Job advertising: This process create the many techniques and method to attracting the new customer in the business. The company provide the sales promotion, advertisement and personal selling.

Collection of applicants: The next step collecting the number of the applicants and select the best applicants in this organization.

Selection of cv's of the applicants: This step collecting the employees cv's this is including the person objectives their qualification, past experience and strength and weakness.

Conduct interview: The next process contacting the human interview related to the company job profile. This step including the hiring and firing process of the employees. Short listing: The nest step short list the many employees in the tanning and development process. The UPS shorting the best qualification and experience person.

Check qualifications & experience& knowledge: This process checkout the human qualification and experience related to the job profile.

Assessment/testing: This is the best stage that testing the new employees health and their experience related to the job. This is the best documentation to select and recruit the new staff.

Reference collection: The selection and recruitment process also collecting the many references related to the people. This is quickly hire the new staff in this company.

Job offer: This stage provide the job offer and position of the new staff in this company and organization.

Complete employment documents: This process create the complete document related to the human sectional and recruitment.

Offer letter: The last one is define the offer latter for the job. This is including the salary and many inquires.

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1.2 The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process for UPS Company

Before starting the recruitment process, the HR manager of UPS has to be aware about some rules and regulation. Awareness of rules and regulation aid the firm in risk minimization, interview question, job posting, checking job offers, etc. There are many types of law which have linked with recruitment process and their impacts are described below:

Impact of sex discriminatory act- United Parcel Service is bound to continue the sex discriminatory act. If any person is qualified for their job whether it is male or female, the firm is bound to recruit them without any discrimination based on gender (Germano, 2010).

Impact of race relation act- The individual who has legal work permission in UK is capable for the job of UPS without any concern of their nationality or race.

Impact of equality (age) regulation- The HR manager of UPS has to provide equal benefits to the young and old citizens in recruitment process, if it offer special rights to any of two group, it will be illegal and break the equality (age) regulation act.

Impact of law in Advertising stage- In order to give advertisement of job the HR department of company makes sure that the particular target to all without discriminating any group of people against their sex, age, race, ethnicity etc. and should ensure that advertisement does not break the law (Greenwich, 2000).

Impact of law in Interview stage- Interview process of UPS must obey the law and the interview board has no right to ask any question that affect their religious, treat every candidate equally.

Impact of right to employment- The interview board should check that the individual has legal right to work in UK and verify their criminal record.

Impact of statement of employment- UPS has to provide statement of employment to the new employee in which all terms are mention about their salary, working hours, etc (Johannsen, 2014).

Trading standards: These standards determine the many impact of the company selection and recruitment process this is also create the many difficulty situation. This is more effective in the work environment and create the many rules and regulation.

Ethical impact: This impact reducing the employees performances and united parcel company recruitment and selection process. this impact also more effecting to develop the organization goals and objectives and create the poor environment related to the company services. The government take the many rules and regulation related to the work environment.

1.3 Taking part in the process of selection

After positing the agenda of personal specification and job description, I took an active part in the recruitment process. My main role as a HR assistant and how I engaged in the whole process is given below:

Panel of selection and recruitment- First of all, I will select some executives to take candidates interview.

Applicants short listing- It was a critical job for me, as all applicants were best qualified for the post. Thus, to select the best one, I design a MCQ questionnaire together with a written examination paper to short list the individuals in an unbiased manner (Lewis and Gates, 2005).

Interviews- I formed a structure to ask some basic questions related to work by the interviewer, in order to keep them on the track and provide adequate time to all candidates. For this work, I was really appreciated by the senior members, as it saved their energy and valuable time.

Appointment- I was responsible to prepare and offer an appointment letter to the selected applicants by including all necessary information in, i.e. work method, system, payment terms and date of joining (Marquardt and Horvath, 2014).

1.4 Own contribution to the selection process in the UPS Company

Other than the selection process, I was involved in various tasks to ensure that ethical practices are integrated and legal obligations are met in the overall procedure of recruitment. For instance, I organized senior executives meetings to discuss upon the recruitment and selection aspects. I was also responsible to keep the overall procedure fair and legal by maintaining an adequate level of transparency, accountability, equality and objectivity (Mattson, 2016). Throughout the interview of new staff members, I remain busy with the activities of application screening and analyzing individuals potential to shortlist them for the interview. Moreover, my duty includes the written test of applicants, calculating their marks and reporting the outcomes in proper manner to senior executives. The complete procedure was key transparent and the applicants, who were not selected was provided with valid reason. Therefore, it can be said that I played an effective role in the UPS recruitment process by making it reasoning and logical for all (Perrin, 2010).

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2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

The following managerial skills are required by the leader of UPS:

Technical skill: Worker expect from their leader to be expertise in the particular activity that comprise methods, procedures, processes or techniques to sort out technical problems.

Human skill: The leader of firm has ability to work with, motivate, understand and communicate with folks and groups as well as should be capable to communicate with people, to work with discipline and resolve conflicts (Prive, 2012).

Conceptual skill: The leader should comprehend abstract or general ideas and apply them to particular situations.

Diagnostic skill: As regard of this skill it is very important part for a leader job to find out the nature of a problem with people, thing or event and ideas.

Political skill: It is an ability by which the leader attains the power that is needed to achieve the objectives (Schunk and Zimmerman, 2012).

Besides above, there are following some personal qualities that needed for good leadership:

  • Emotional balance: The leader works in various situations which involves leadership meeting targets, conflicts, authority, etc. and to face all these situations confidently and successfully, the leader has to maintain self-control and emotional balance (Vernon, 2015).
  • Being proactive: The leader has some aim to attain it. But there are some situation which are risen suddenly, in that situation the leader of UPS should capable with having missionary ability, being committed, taking accountability instead of passing the blame to others.
  • Creativity: Leaders should be creative, in any situation to come up with adequate and effective response (Ulrich, 2013).

2.2 Difference between leadership and management and how does this help towards better understanding with special reference to UPS





This is define the ability of an the individual to influences the motivation theory.

This is define the many process to developing the human personality and their mind set related to the selection and recruitment process.


Leadership is a people orientated function.

Management is a task oriented function.


Leadership focus on the leading with the people.

Management function manage the many work and task.


Leadership apply the proactive strategies.

Management apply the reactive strategies.


This is required good range of the proactive strategies. it is a long term perspective.

Management has the short range perspectives.


Leadership formulated the principles and many guidelines.

Management formulated the policies and procedures.

United parcel services is the one of the largest parcel service in the united kingdom. They are currently having the leadership and management problems. This company provide the supply chain management process and define the relationship between the supplier and and of the distributor. The manager and leader of the company not manage the company problems and not achieving the highest performances of the company. The UPS losses for the failure to delivers in the time their facility and services are very poor that the company apply the many strategy in this organization.

Managers are people who perform the task of managing the business and is generally thought that they attain the desired objectives by undertaking the main functions of budgeting, planning, staffing, organizing, controlling and problem solving. On the other side, leaders develop a direction, motivate, inspire and align individuals (West, 2012). In other words, it can be said that the leaders have passion, creativity and soul, while a manger has rational, persistence and mind. A leader is innovative, courageous, inspiring, flexible and independent, whereas the managers are analytical, consulting, stabilizing, authoritative and deliberate. UPS should have an adequate mix of managers and leaders to succeed and in fact the courier firm actually needs many first-class managers and few leaders to run the business properly and deliver the services on time (Zaleznik, 2004).

2.3 Different leadership styles for different situations with special reference to UPS

The below listed styles are some basic leadership styles used in the different situations in a company:

Bureaucratic- It comprise the management by book in which every things are undertaken as per the decided procedure and policies. By following this pattern, the leaders impose rules on their followers. This style is effective when staffs perform regular activities and they require to understand some standards or process (Asquith and Scott, 2007).

Autocratic- It is the classical pattern by which managers keeps the power and authority of decision making with them. They do not make consultation with staffs and take their inputs in the decision making. Also, the employees are required to obey all orders given to them and don't get more explanations. This particular style is useful when there are new and untrained employees who do not respond properly to other leadership style. Furthermore, it is effectual when urgent decisions are needed to be taken at the place of work (Bamber and 2003).

Democratic- The democratic leaders comprehends that there is no business without its manpower. They look the position of others in terms of responsibilities rather than the status and consult them adequately in the period of decision making. While they values, solicits and considered the opinion of others but they see the final responsibility of making decisions as their own. Thus, they invite the staff member's participation, not just in making decisions but in shaping the corporate vision as well. This allows all to express opinions about how things must be undertaken and where the company should finally go (Basadur, 2004).

Laissez-faire- The managers by using the particular style gives no or less direction to staff members. Here, all authority and power is given to employees and they are free to resolve issues and make decisions as per their convenience. This style is only adequate in case of highly talented staffs, who are pride to have their jobs (Behfar and, 2008).

2.4 Ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives for the chosen scenario

Maslow's need theory: This theory define the human basic needs and wants related to the company services and their motivation process. This theory define the five stages related to the human needs and wands are as follow:

Biological and physiological needs: This stages define the basic human need related to the air food, shelter etc. this stage provide the self motivation related to the company environment and their services.

Safety needs: The UPS company not provide the safety needs their employees so the company not growing the company goals and objectives. This stages including the protection, security and stability related to the freedom.

Love and belonging needs: This is the third stages of the human needs and wants related to this UPS company in this organization. This stage including the friendship nature and trust related to the company leader and manager.

Esteem needs: This need including the self respect, achievement and independence this is very important to take the nest decision and achieving the organizational goals and objectives.

Self-actualization needs: This is the last stage that define the personal potential and self-fulfillment need.

McClellenad motivational theory: This theory archiving the two stages related to the human needs and wants and define the company position related to their services. The step are as follows:

Identified drivers: This united parcel services company not provide the motivation for their employees. This is properly identify the personality and post action of the human and change the strong needs of the person in this organization.

Structure your approach: This stage define the company structure and many approaches related to the leadership style. This theory achieving the many smart projects.

In the present scenario of UPS, when all staff members and seniors of the company are leaving their jobs, the following motivational practices would be beneficial to retain the productive employees for the long period:

Provide competitive package- The firm can provide life insurance, health insurance and saving plans to retain staffs. But the other perks including flextime work should be given to show them that the company concern about their outside lives as well (Daily and Huang, 2001).

Offer small perks- Free bagels on weekends, delivery and pickup are some facilities that would allow staffs to manage their lives better and due to which they will retain more in the firm.

Foster open communication- The regular meetings should be hold in between management and employees where everyone can ask questions and offer ideas (Dewhurst, Guthridge and Mohr, 2009).

Involved managers- The firm should also require its managers to spend some time in guiding and coaching employees, supporting good performers to move to new designations and lessen the poor performance (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt and Van Engen, 2003).


3.1 Benefits of team-working for UPS Company

Forming: This stages define the members and staff attitude and their personality related to the company. This stage clearly define the leader role and their responsibility related to the selection and recruitment process in this organization. This stage provide the team work and achieve the organization goals and objectives.

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Storming: The next stage determine the conflict between the team member and natural working style of the people. This stage reducing the many conflict and achieving the team member goals and objectives.

Norming: This stage create the attraction of the human related to the company performance and group activity. This stage reducing the conflict between the manager and company leader.

Performing: This is the last stage that define the employees performances and company growth. This is best stage to developing the organization goals and objectives.

Teamwork comprised that in an organization different folks and groups work together to maximize their efficiency and attain a common goal. With the risen experience of team member due to working together, the firm will get following benefits:

Improved morale: Teamwork permits the team members to take accountability for making decision and also allows them to control more of the work process. So this can improved the morale of employee as they can gain more authority and ownership over the project on which they are working (Govindarajan and Gupta, 2001).

Greater flexibility: An organization can get more business flexibility with the help of teamwork. By working together into one team can increase flexibility in the employee's nature to sort out all problems.

Increased innovation: UPS use teamwork to create environment of work which excels their creativity. In this the employees are free to give their innovative and new ideas (Jayne and Dipboye, 2004).

3.2 Working in a team and dealing with conflict as a leader or member

In a team, the activities are delegated to individuals based on their skills and capacity. When tasks are properly allocated, then the productive outcomes can be generated. Furthermore, it would support the courier firm to deliver best and timely services to customers. The leader must position all the members in their interested areas where their inner strengths can be effectively utilized for the business success. The failure or success of a team is greatly depends on the leaders ability to resolve conflicts that arise at the work (Kochan and 2003). As a HR manager, I face various human related issues and required to tackle them adequately by leading the team in the correct direction. In this relation, I will perform the following activities:

  • Create contract with teams by defining the team work rules;
  • Hold the debriefing of team member's intervention and discuss how their conflicts can be lessened;
  • Celebrate the achievements of team members (Lockamy and McCormack, 2004).

Besides above, I employ following practices to minimize the workplace conflicts and these are:

  • Concentrate on what can be performed adequately rather than focusing on what cannot be likely done;
  • Encourage distinct member's views and make honest dialogue with them;
  • Express feelings in a manner that not hurt anyone;
  • Solve issues while developing healthy relations with teams;
  • Respect the views of others (Lurey and Raisinghani, 2001).

The communication factor is the most important factor that create the conflict between the leader and parcel member. The poor communication create the failure to the listen and locale or distance to the office.

  • The failure listing is create the conflict between the company leader and their manager in this organization.
  • Distance to the office also create the conflict because this is define the long distance and poor time management.
  • Culture differences: The company has become define the people background and customer culture.
  • Attitude and ego create the many conflict for the company leader and their member because conflict arise the information.

3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

The team of UPS is much more operative in the modest world. The team of the firm required diversity of knowledge and experience to work in the other environment. But the team of UPS has variety of knowledge and experience, which aid them to overcome the challenges usually they faces. There is a need of proper ethical code of behavior in a team work to work with different people in the team. So they should also have a proper respect for the other team members. This can lead them to work together efficiently and effectively in the team.

Besides above, the Belbin's Team Role model also followed by the team in which various ways to organize the team much helpful and effective. In UPS, the Belbin model allow all the employees to have suitable role to achieve the goal of firm (Oldham and Hackman, 2010).


4.1 Factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance at UPS Company

The below are some factors comprised in the work performance planning, monitoring and assessment:
Planning- This is generally performed by the top executives and senior managers. Moreover, they should fix targets and plan tasks in a manner that encourage employees to perform their work in an adequate manner. This process developing the techniques related to the staff development and their performances. The UPS company creating the selection and recruitment process and provide the best training related to the company performances.

Monitoring- The entire business procedure of UPS must be monitored by the seniors. The employee's performance should be measured by monitoring on timely and regular basis. After that, the managers should be provided with regular feedback on the employees work performance (Vaccaro and, 2012).

Assessment- The leaders must evaluate the effectiveness of whole tasks undertaken by the staffs. It is significant, as it supports in assessing the employees progress by keeping records that support in making further comparison with the decided targets. In case such targets remain un achieved than the firm should take relevant steps (Zaccaro, Rittman and Marks, 2002).

Review and evaluate: This stage determine the last stage related to the company performances. This stage define the human performances and development related to the selection and recruitment process in this organization. The united parcel company provide the many facility related to the staff development. This stage evaluating the best decision process and create the best strategy.

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals at UPS Company

The employee's development needs assessment can be conducted in the below ways:

Employee's job description re-value- The skills of team members and their assigned jobs should be assessed by the leader and then compare with the standard responsibilities and roles of the job.

Organization of meetings- The meetings must be organized on the continuous basis to make discussion with managers and employees. In these meetings, the staffs should make discussion about their development needs with the executives to get positive guidance in the career enhancement (Jayne and Dipboye, 2004).

Performance assessment- A proper control should be made by the leaders on the regular performance of teams.

Additional information collection- Additional data about the development needs of people must be gathered from their peer workers and supervisors at the previous jobs.

Analyze from above and keep a record- A record should be maintained by the leaders through the above assessment and tally it with other data to plan valuable programs for the employees development.

Take action- Finally, an adequate action should be taken to fulfill the development needs of employees (Dewhurst, Guthridge and Mohr, 2009).

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4.3 Success of the assessment process

To achieve the assessment process success, the management of UPS should organize training sessions for the staff members on regular basis. Such training would support them in obtaining proper knowledge about the advanced and novel working methods. It would support in putting best potentials of the staff members in the success of business. Also, an open discussion is beneficial for senior executives and staff members to assess the company's overall performance together with the individual's performance. Moreover, the business events and seminars can be organized by the companies to call outsiders and business professionals to share their ideas and knowledge with the employees. In addition to this, the end results assessment and survey of employees can be conducted as a part of the whole process. Therefore, the given process would support the organization to reach the synergistic level successfully (Basadur, 2004).

Formative evaluation: This evaluation define the company performances and their services and create the company best project. The company provide the many techniques and method to evaluating the company growth and objectives. This is define the best project to implementing the aims and design of the project. This stage create the best trainer of the united parcel company.

Summative evaluation: This method focus on the company outcomes programs and develop the particular time of the parcel services. This is the best techniques to provide the tanning and development of the human mind set.


It can be concluded from the above report that an adequate documentation of job description and person specification is significant in the company to short list the potential staffs for the vacant position. In this relation, an advertisement must be publicized after taking the senior members approval. Furthermore, a competent leader is needed to evaluate the employee's performance and reward them in an adequate manner to keep their satisfaction and long-term retention at the firm. The management should also set an example in the type of motivation and encourage employees to perform best, in order to generate positive outcomes in the business. Thus, the productive results can be attained by the company through the constant evaluation of its management and employees performance.


  • Adair, J., 2009.Effective teambuilding: How to make a winning team. Pan Macmillan.
  • Bisk. 2017. What Makes an Effective Leader. [Online]. Available through: . [Accessed on 15 February 2017].
  • Friedman, E., 2017. 10 STEPS TO KEEPING EMPLOYEES ENGAGED AND MOTIVATED. [Accessed on 10 March 2017].
  • Germano, A. M., 2010. Leadership Style and Organizational Impact. [[Accessed on 15 February 2017].
  • Greenwich, C., 2000.Fun and gains: Motivate and energize staff with workplace games, contests and activities. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
  • Johannsen, M., 2014. TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES. [Accessed on 10 March 2017].
  • Lewis, R.D. and Gates, M., 2005.Leading Across Cultures. Nicholas Brealey.
  • Marquardt, M. J. and Horvath, L., 2014.Global teams: How top multinationals span boundaries and cultures with high-speed teamwork. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Mattson, D., 2016. 6 Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace. [Accessed on 15 February 2017].
  • Perrin, C., 2010. Leader vs. Manager: What's the Distinction. [Accessed on 10 March 2017].
  • Prive, T., 2012. Top 10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader. [Accessed on 15 February 2017].
  • Schunk, D.H. and Zimmerman, B.J. eds., 2012.Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. Routledge.

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