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Managing a Successful Business Project (MSBP)

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5076
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/508/0491
  • Downloads: 653
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss the importance of equality in business environment.
  • What is Gantt chart ?
Answer :
Organization Selected : Ledbury

Equality and diversity both components are considered as internal elements of an organisation and they connect with firm in direct way to achieve and attain high extent of profit margins and productivity in an appropriate manner. Diversity indicates to the aggregation of various civilization, beliefs, values, religions, language and others on account of similarities. It states to those components that make individuals unique from each others (Athanasoulias and Chountalas, 2017).

Equality refers to sameness and similarities of the people and employees like all the workforce treated in same way by the management of the company on the basis of values, culture, ethics and others in a  company. If the firm does not treat employees in equal way then discrimination arise at work force in different form like, gender pay gap, recruitment policy on social cultural background, gender and promotion etc. This report is based on The Ledbury which is a restaurant and Located in London. The written document will consist information about aims, objectives and project management plan that consider various aspects. Further, will describe research methodologies and data collection methods that are effective to gather information. In last, suggestions and reflection will explain on the basis of experience of researcher and task actions.

Project Aims and Objectives

Overview of company

The Ledbury is a restaurant which is incorporated in 2005 and located in Ledbury Road, Notting Hill and founded by Brett Graham. This company has its branches in London and England and offer its services in UK. It is a middle size organisation so the seatting capacity is 55 people. Ask for assignment writing help from our experts!

Research Aim

“To analyse the strategies through which gender pay gap can be overcome from the workplace of the company. A study on The Ledbury.”

Research Objectives

  • To analyse the impact of gender pay gap on employee's performance.
  • To measure the challenges that can be face by The Ledbury due to gender pay gap.
  • To determine the strategies that can be use by The ledbury to overcome the impact of gender pay gap .

Research Questions

  • What is the influence of gender pay gap on workforce execution?
  • What are the challenges  that can be suffer by the management of The Ledbury due to gender pay gap at workplace?
  • What are the plan of actions that can be implement by The Ledbury to overcome the issues that are generating cause of gender pay gap?

Produce a project management plan that covers different aspect

This plan can be describe as set of activities that is helpful in effective and efficient functioning organisation. This includes proper structures of organisation that is necessary and helpful for researcher to complete various project activities in effective manner. Project management plan includes various steps that is supportive in management of different activities of project in order to perform task in batter manner (Bell and Harrison, 2018). Project management plan is developed with the motive of identifying different aspect of project plan which is necessary for  effective performance of project. Management of project plan is supportive in evaluating cost of project, time or various other element which is mandatory for investigator to accurately management project plan. Different components of management  of project plan is mention below in detail.


This includes different the overall cost which is compulsory by researcher to perform all activities of project in effectual way. Cost refer to the funds that is need to perform all task of research. It is essential to have appropriate funds and cost in order to perform different research task in correct way. For this research approx 250 £ will be needed  in order to manage all task in effective way. For whole project report 450 £ amount of funds will be required to successful complete all activities of project.


It is crucial for researcher to analyse the scope of research project as this will help in identifying impact on equality and diversity at workplace. Through this researcher will be able to determine different ways by which company will be able to perform activities (Bibarsov, Khokholova and Okladnikova, 2017). Scope of this researcher will help in identifying the influences of gender pay gap of organisation as well as business activities. Need Assignment Examples?Talk to our Experts!


This refer as the time period that will be required by researcher to perform different activities of researcher. It is crucial for investigator to analyse or ascertain the approximation of period of time which is needful by researcher in order to correctly perform all task of project. Time which is mandatory by researcher for culmination of this program is 6 months (Buttrick, 2018). This researcher will be completed in time frame of 4 months. Researcher needs to set appropriate time as per different task and activities of research.


It is crucial for investigator to keep the attribute to maintain quality of activities. In this investigation project, investigator is collecting data and information from different sources. This will lead  to have direct impact on quality of research. So it is essential that investigator is gather data form relevant resources as well as using in it in appropriate manner. This is help in creating an effective searches with high quality of information. Quality is significant for setting higher standards of researcher in order to attain set outcomes.


Communicate is considered as crucial components of this plan and this will support in collecting  data. In this research, it is necessary for investigator  to communicate with various individual for gathering more accurate and right data. Effective communication will help in gather and analysing data in appropriate manner in order to perform various task in required way.


There are different types of risk that could occur while completion of research project in appropriate way. It is essential to identify and determine all set of risk in order to develop better strategies for minimizing risk. The major hazard that is connected to this investigation project includes lack of time, insufficient funds and other resources.


It is significant for researcher to  use all resources in correct and accurate manner. This will help in successful performance of research as well as timely achievement of set objectives. It is required that researcher is using better tools and techniques to use various resources in appropriate manner (Cleden, 2017). This will lead to accomplish of desired objectives of researcher with provided resources.

Produce a work break down structure and Gantt chart to provide time frames

It is very important for investigator to identify and analyse the time frame that is required to perform different activities in effective manner. Time frame will help in providing appropriate period of time that is essential for successful completion of business task. This will aid in better decision making as well as setting guideline to conduct task and activities of research. It is crucial for researcher to develop and produce proper stages and time frame. This will lead to smooth functioning of investigation activities. There are different method such as work breakdown structures and Gantt chart that will support researcher to take better decision for conduct research task in proper way.

Work breakdown structure

This is tool that will be researcher to execute research in proper and effectual way.  This structure is define as the key components of the project  work that is helpful in organising as well as managing different task of project in better and effective manner. This is a significance method that support in simplifying complex task into smaller parts (Defusco, 2017). So that researcher can manage different task of project in better way. This structure can be represented in the form of hierarchical tree that will lead to classify different activities of research project in smaller parts in order to complete researcher project impressive way.

Gantt chart

This can be describe as an effective method that will help in conducting different task and activities with in required time frame. This model was formed by Henry Gantt who was an American engineer, the model is helping researcher to manage different task of project plan in successful way.  Gantt chart is represented in the form of horizontal bar char that includes each and every activities of research with its time. This is developed with several components such as list of task, timeline, dateline, bars, milestones, assigned resources, progress etc.  This is considered as most popular way which display the task and activities against with the required time. 

Carry out a small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods

Research methodology

It is specific techniques used to identify, select, analyse information about research topic. It is a framework which conduct research, survey, experiment and observation. It is process of collection of data and information for making business decisions (Halibozek and Kovacich, 2017). It also help to analysis and study about market which is applied for solving future problem of company. It is defining the business problems, formulation of hypothesis, analysis of data and survey market. To applied concept their must be study area, sources of data, sample size and techniques. It help to deduct problem and find a solution hypothetically and make conclusion. Two types of research methodology are :

Qualitative method

It is a methods that ravels meaning of typical research measured in terms of quality to know what outcomes or output is measured. It is primary explanatory research. It is a scientific methods of collection of data which is observation of gathering information in non numerical data of underlying reasons, opinion and motivation. It used random sampling of data which is not proper or fixed for research (Janssens, 2019). It is used to test theories and assumption to relate facts. It includes group discussion, interview, case study and focus groups.

 It is highly appropriate method for suggestion possible factors, causes, effects and dynamic process and its survey is easily understandable because of descriptive research methods. As its involve a lot of time and cost because of large data collection, analysing and interpreting them become very lengthy.

Quantitative method

It gather data and information in form of ranks, units to construct graphs, rows and column in tables. It research done in systematics manner with the techniques of metamathematical, statistical, graphs, bars and tables. The collection of data is in numerical forms which is pools, questionnaire, survey form, mobiles survey, telephonic, feedback, interview and through mails. Such survey used instrument required in numerical way which is characterised to the subject of investigation. It focus on collection of data and information in form of numerical value with the help of group of people which relate to particular activities.

It collect reliable and accurate data which is easily collect by researcher and useful for testing and construct theories with wider scope of data collection. As poor knowledge of application of statistical analysis may effect negatively to  evaluate or survey data because of large sample size is required to accurate the data.

 As per  defined research methods, it can  be analysed that for the accomplishment of this task, the investigator can use qualitative method to gather information. Researcher select this method because it assist in collecting pure and first hand data regarding particular topic (Keers and van Fenema, 2018). With the assistance of this investigation methodology, surveyor can get deep and correct data which can be beneficial to accomplish research objectives.

Data collection method

It refer to those tools and techniques which are used by the investigator to gather information. There are two method and source of data collection, they are as below:

Primary source- With the help of this data collection method, investigator can gather pure and first hand information by making direct communication and conversation (Martinsuo and Hoverfält, 2018). There are different tools like questionnaire, group discussion, interview, questionnaire and survey etc. through which surveyor can collect accurate information.

Secondary source- It impels second hand data which is already available on different sites and gathered and used by other individuals. There are different tools like government sites, journals, books, articles, internal records of companies, reports and websites etc. from which the information can be collected by the individual.

From the explain source of data collection, it can be evaluated that in existing investigation document, the researcher implement primary source of data collection because it is effective to collect appropriate data and correct information from selected size of sample. In current research report, the researcher will use questionnaire as a tool of primary source of data collection. 

Sampling- It is a tool and technique which used by the company to select and choose a small size sample for a wide group of people and population. It help the researcher to collect accurate data to accomplish investigation task. In this investigation project, the investigator select sample size of 30 people from employees of The Ledbury and use simple random sampling.

Questionnaire- It refers to a written document which consist number of question or a series of questions to gather pure and first hand information form selected number of people (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). It is an essential technique because by implementing this tool, the researcher can directly communicate and interact with people and collect accurate data as per requirement.


Q1.  Do your aware with the concept of equality and diversity?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Q2. Does gender pay gap affect employees performance?

(a) Agree

(b) Disagree

Q3. What are the causes of arising gender pay gap among employees?

(a)Lack of flexibility
(b)Stereotypes in working environment
(c)Discrimination at workplace

Q4. What are the issues that The Ledbury face at the time of imposing equality in working environment?

(a) Negative employee attitude

(b) Employee turnover

(c) Lack of employee involvement

Q5. What are the ways though which The Ledbury can minimise the issues when equality impose at workplace?

(a)Prioritising employees working life cycle
(b)Providing equal growth opportunities
(c)Offering training and development sessions

Q6. What are the challenges  that can be suffer by the management of The Ledbury due to gender pay gap at workplace?

(a)Lack of flexibility
(b)Unequal pay
(c) Ineffective organisational culture

Q7. What are the plan of actions that can be implement by The Ledbury to overcome the issues that are generating cause of gender pay gap?

(a)Mentoring programmes and sessions
(b)Encouraging female workers
(c)Transparency in salary

Q8. What are the advantages that can be gain by The Ledbury by managing and maintaining gender pay gap at workplace?

(a)Fairer growth options
(b)Increase employees morale
(c)Recruit skilled workforce

Q9. Provide suggestions to deal with the issue of gender pay gap at workplace to create a healthy working environment?

Analyse research and data using effective tools and techniques

Theme 1: Concept of equality and diversity

Q1.  Do your aware with the concept of equality and diversity?


(a) Yes


(b) No


Interpretation- Above mentioned graphical presentation, it can be conclude that among the population of 30 representatives, 14 are viewed that they are familiar with the conception of equality and diversity that arise workplace of a company. Where as remaining 16 people are replied that they are not aware with equality and diversity.

Theme 2:Impact of Gender pay gap

Q2. Does gender pay gap affect employees performance?


(a) Agree


(b) Disagree


Interpretation- from the above define visual communication, it can be summarise that between the sample size of 30 respondents, 13 are viewed that gender pay gap affect employees execution whereas 17 individuals are disagreed with it and viewed that gender pay gap does not impact manpower performance.

Theme 3: Causes of arising gender pay gap among employees

Q3. What are the causes of arising gender pay gap among employees?


(a)Lack of flexibility


(b)Stereotypes in working environment


(c)Discrimination at workplace


Interaction-From the above explain statistical information, it can be analyse that among the group of 30 people, 10 representatives are answered that lack of flexibility is the main reason of generating gender pay gap between workforce. Where as remaining 12 are supported to stereotypes in workplace and 8 agreed with workplace discrimination  respectively that these are the cause of arising gender pay gap among workers.

Theme 4:Issues of imposing equality in working environment

Q4. What are the issues that The Ledbury face at the time of imposing equality in working environment?


(a) Negative employee attitude


(b) Employee turnover


(c) Lack of employee involvement


Interaction- It can be evaluate for preceding describe graph that among the sample, size of 30 representatives that 11 people are supported to negative employee attitude and 9 responded towards employee turnover that these are complexities and problems that face by an organisation at the time of imposing equality at workplace. While remaining, 10 individuals are supported to lack of employment engagement that it is the major problem which is faced by firm at the time of imposing equality at workplace.

Theme 5:Ways of minimise issues of when equality impose at workplace

Q5. What are the ways though which The Ledbury can minimise the issues when equality impose at workplace?


(a)Prioritising employees working life cycle


(b)Providing equal growth opportunities


(c)Offering training and development sessions


Interaction- As per define graphical presentation, it can be evaluate that between the group of 30 people, it can be determine that 7 representatives are replied that by prioritising employees working life cycle, the firm can reduce the issues that arise at the time of impose equity. Whereas remaining 10 people are supported to  equal growth opportunities and 13 agreed with training and development programmes that by offering these options to employees, those problems can be minimise that occur at the time of imposing equality in working environment.

Theme 6:Challenges suffer by the management due to gender pay gap

Q6. What are the challenges  that can be suffer by the management of The Ledbury due to gender pay gap at workplace?


(a)Lack of flexibility


(b)Unequal pay


(c) Ineffective organisational culture


Interaction-As per describe the above statistical data, it can be determine that between the group of 30 respondents, 7 individuals are viewed to lack of flexibility that it is the major challenge which is faced by administration cause of gender pay gap. Whereas remaining 14 people are supported to unequal pay and 9 responded that ineffective working culture are major challenges that suffer by the company due to gender pay gap.

Theme 7:Strategies to overcome the issues of gender pay gap

Q7. What are the plan of actions that can be implement by The Ledbury to overcome the issues that are generating cause of gender pay gap?


(a)Mentoring programmes and sessions


(b)Encouraging female workers


(c)Transparency in salary


Interaction-It can be conclude form preceding described information that between the sample size of 30 people, 10 representatives are agreed that conducting sessions and programs  and 8 are supported to motivating female entrepreneurs are some strategies that can be apply by the firm to get over the problem of arising gender pay gap at workplace. While remaining 12 individuals are responded regarding transparency in salary that it is an effective strategy which can be implement by the firm.

Theme 8: Advantages gain by managing and maintaining gender pay gap

Q8. What are the advantages that can be gain by The Ledbury by managing and maintaining gender pay gap at workplace?


(a)Fairer growth options


(b)Increase employees morale


(c)Recruit skilled workforce


Interaction-It can be monitor from mention visual communication that between the group of 30 representatives, 11 are supported to fairer growth option that it is an effective benefit which can gain by the management by maintaining issue of gender pay gap in working environment. While remaining 9 people are agreed with maximisation employees morale and 10 are responded to hire skilled employees are some advantages that can be gain by company by managing gender pay gap at workplace.  

Q10. Provide suggestions to deal with the issue of gender pay gap at workplace to create a healthy working environment?

Appropriate recommendations as result of research and data analysis to draw meaningful conclusion

As per the study  some recommendation has been provided. These recommendation will   help The Ledbury  company  Manager  to perform business activities in effectual way. It is suggested that manager consider these recommendation to raise execution of task and productiveness of respective company (Polonsky and Waller, 2018). It is essential for The Ledbury company to reduce issues of  gender pay gap and provide appropriate pay to employee irrespective to their gender. Recommendation for The Ledbury is mention below in detail.

  • It is very important for this company to follow all rules and regulation that is set by government. This will help organisation to conduct different activities smoothly. There are several laws are developed related to employment. By following these laws  respective company will be able to perform task in effective manner. Employment legislations will lead to have major impact on productivity and profitability of respective company. This will help in providing right salary to employees irrespective to the gender of employee.
  • The Ledbury company needs to develop better and effective strategies in order to meet with anti discrimination activities. It has been analysed that anti discrimination practices with in organisation will lead to have major impact on performance and productivity of employees. By reducing anti discrimination respective company will be able to boost the moral of employees (Pramanik,  Mondal and Haldar, 2019). Respective company needs to consider anti discrimination act with in organisation as well as provide right pay to each and every employees. This will help organisation to provide right pay to each and every employee as per their performance. Anti discrimination policy will support respective company to offer right salary and other benefits to employees with out any discrimination.
  • This company needs to focus on developing new policies with in organisation. These rules and polices will be helpful in appropriate performance of organisation (Rowden, 2017). It is crucial to develop polices which is supportive in providing equal pay to employees as per their policies. This will lead to reduce organisational dispute and employees will be able to focus on their set goals.
  • It has been analysed that organisational culture and environment will lead to have major impact on performance and productivity of business. It is important for manager to enhance organisation culture and provide positive environment to employees. So that employees of  The Ledbury company can focus on their work and use their full potential to accomplish set objectives. Positive and friendly working culture by lead to enhancing work place diversity and employees will get right or accurate amount of pat for their efforts.
  • The Ledbury company needs to develop strong relationship with its employees as this will lead to have positive impact on business performance. Employees relation will help in decreasing the gender pay gap between different employees. By creating effective employee relationship respective company will be able to minimize the issues of pay gap and provide equal opportunities to each and every employees. Get Assignment Writing Service from our Experts!

Reflection on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives

During the time of executing my responsibilities and performing my task in research project I used by competencies and knowledge so that I can compete my work on time or in appropriate manner. In this my management skills support me because with the help of this competency, I segregated my work or task as per priority  and time period accordingly. With the assistance of my effective communication skill, I interact with several individual who belong from different religions and culture an use different languages in their conversation (Vanhaverbeke, 2017). The implementation of Gantt Chart and WBS model help in accomplishing the project aims and objectives in set time frame in term of keeping the quality of the task. With the help of this investigation report, I form improvement in my personal and professional skills. In addition to it, I also improve my management skill because WBS help in managing my work and task by dividing it in small portions. There are diverse tools like research method and data collection methods etc. used by me to collet reliable and correct information to complete the research project in adequate and appropriate manner.


It has been summarised from above mentioned data that equality plays an efficacious role in an organisation because it helps to develop profitability in an amended way. Along with it, gender pay gap is a common issue which is suffered by number of companies in current time. The outcomes of this problem affect the business of the company in negative manner and affect the success of firm. Therefore, by considering efficient action, organisation can enrich and maximise market share and revenue in improved manner.

Also Read- Knowledge and Creativity in Business Environment

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