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Importance of the Cultural Diversity for the Business Productivity

University: University of London

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5715
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1038
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss the importance of cultural diversity.
  • Discuss factors important for business productivity.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Marriott

For the business it is very necessary for the companies to manage all its working in equitable and diverse workforce. This is crucial because of the fact that equality ensures that each and every employee within the company is provided with the equal and fair opportunities to grow. Also, there are many employees coming from diverse cultures and it is the responsibility of company to manage the needs of these employees coming from diverse cultures. Thus, for this the hotel Marriott is selected and the research is directed towards identifying the strategy which Marriott can adopt in order to improve and manage cultural diversity. Marriott is a diversified company dealing in hospitality sector which was founded in 1927 by Alice Marriott and J. Willard Marriott for providing services of hotel and resorts to the consumers.


To investigate the different strategies for managing cultural diversity for enhancing the productivity at workplace. A study on Marriott.


  • To understand the concept of cultural diversity within Marriott.
  • To identify the importance of maintaining diverse culture over productivity of company.
  • To examine the different strategies which can assist Marriott in managing cultural diversity.
  • To recommend Marriott in regards to improving profitability with help of diverse cultures.

Research questions

  1. What do you mean by cultural diversity?
  2. What is the importance of cultural diversity in respect of maintaining high productivity of company?
  3. What are the different strategies which can help Marriott in maintaining diverse culture at workplace?
  4. What are some measures which will help Marriott in managing culture for increasing its profitability?

Concept of cultural diversity

As per Bouncken, Brem and Kraus (2016) the concept of cultural diversity is stated as the understanding the capability and skills of each individual and also the ways which they pertain to attain the task. Thus, in business, it is necessary to diversify the individual in respect of getting more creative ideas in business. As every individual are unique and carry certain capabilities to design the products according to their own thoughts and ideas. The only things which they had to undertaken is relating to proper guidance and motivating and thus it is necessary to diversify the culture regarding examining every person skills to attain the task in right way. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Merkley, Michaely and Pacelli (2019) argued that through adapting the concept of cultural diversity, it results in increasing the risk in the business, which indicates that less quality products are examined. As the risk can be reduced through accomplished the task as team and thus it helps in gaining better productivity within set time period. It also results in facing reducing the employees turnover in business regarding not getting equal opportunity to present the views and ideas in better way.

Audretsch, Belitski and Korosteleva (2019) stated that in respect of understanding the benefits of the cultural diversity, it helps in increasing the working environment in business. As employees are interacting and working with different culture people, thus, they are gaining wider range of information and knowledge of different culture. Through these aspects the positive impact arise in business and also increase the products through providing more quality products in market.

Civitillo, Juang and Schachner (2018) criticised that through carrying the different culture employees at work place, it results in facing conflict regarding presenting the thoughts and ideas with each other or implementing them to gain better results. Conflict is raised regarding not accepting thought of each other or unity is established between the same caste and different caste people. Thus, it reflects in affecting the reputation of the business in market.

Importance of maintaining diverse culture over productivity of company

According to Bahuchet (2017) in respect of increasing productivity in business, it is necessary to increase the employee's engagement in business. In context of increasing the employee's engagement in company, it can be conducted through organizing the outing for the employees or carrying the theme based day in which appropriate activity is undertaken which enhances the skills and learning criteria of the employees.

Brewis (2018) examined that through maintaining the cultural diversity in business, it results in helping organisation to maintain good human resources through promoting the company in good manner. As in respect of appointing or recruiting the new staff, this procedure is useful as they also get chances of interacting with different person and examining the working criteria to bring changes in their style of working. For e.g. in case of Marriott hotel, they mainly trained their staff regarding dealing with the customer or also learning new things from their seniors.

Wang, De Graaff and Nijkamp (2016) suggested that if the diversity is sustained in business, it results in bringing more creativity in organization. As employees can freely share their ideas and thoughts with their superior and also take advice regarding bringing chances in their working style. Thus, through getting proper guidance and also training regarding attaining the task, it helps in improving the level of creativity and also attain task in better perspective (Keighley, 2017). Thus, with these aspects, the level of productivity is increased and also the quantity and quality of the products is better regarding bringing creativity in exiting products.

Rukavina and, (2019) viewed that by maintaining cultural diversity at work place, it helps in focusing more on clarifying the thoughts which is undertaken by employees in respect of attaining the task. Thus, leaders focus on individual and also helps them in walking with other people and also enhances their learning power through developing new things. Thus, it results in bring more productive results in business and enhances their confidences regarding accomplishing the activity in better way.

Different strategies which can assist by hospitality sectors in managing cultural diversity

Huang and Jaszczolt (2018) interpreted that by adapting the communication strategies regarding reducing barrier between the employees in respect of coordinating with any thought or views with each other. Thus, it refers to the best strategies which is adapted by hospitality sectors to trained their employees regarding sharing any problem freely. Through these aspects, they are interacting with every employee personally and also enhancing the capability in respect of accomplishing the task in better way.

Hiew and Leung (2017) on the other hand language training is one of the best strategies regarding bringing clarity in business and also to communicate with others. For e.g. In respective of Marriott hotels, this is basically used regarding communicating with the customers. As customer only order the meal or avail the services of hotels, once they clearly understand the languages of the staff regarding ordering the meal. Thus, accurate training is given to the staff or also given liberty to deal with them personally. Through this manner it results in building confidence among them and also helps in gaining knowledge by communicating with them. Order assignment help from our experts!

Laird and Tedam (2019) highlights the strategies regarding choosing the organization culture concept. Thus, in this aspects ethics is to be maintained by employees at work place regarding dealing with any matter which results in enhancing the brand image of organization. As it also depends upon the values and brief which is carried by the employees regarding interacting with other staff. Through these aspects, the team work and retention of employees is determined and thus results in increasing the productivity in business.

Blackstock and, (2018) stated that, in respect of taking feedback reviews from the customer once they avail the services helps in choosing the best strategies to bring changes in their working style. As feedback mainly helps senior to undertake the best strategies regarding guiding their staff through bringing chances in their working criteria or undertaking the things in right manner. Thus, this is useful in hospitality sectors regarding managing the cultural diversity in better way through focusing on individual and building learning techniques on them.

Research methodology

The research includes different types of methods and process which are used in order to conduct the research in a successful manner. Thus, the researcher needs to develop a methodology of research which is helpful for the researcher in reaching to the aims and objectives of the study.

Research type- The meaning of research type is the different methods with help of which the researcher in initiating and completing the research in proper manner. This type of research is of two types that is qualitative and quantitative. As per the qualitative research the research is continued with help of non- numerical way of ding the research that is analysing the conceptual meaning of the research. On the other hand, quantitative research is the one which is numerical and which analyses the numeric information and reach to the aims and objectives of the research. For the current study the researcher used the qualitative research because they wanted to know the theoretical aspect of the different strategies of maintaining cultural diversity at the workplace.

Research approach- These are the different process or pattern which are being followed at time of collecting of data, analysing and interpreting and using them. The two approaches of research are inductive and deductive (Quinlan and, 2019). The inductive is the one which starts with observations and theories relating to the research topic. In contrast to this the deductive approach is the one which aims at setting up of hypothesis and testing them. The present research is completed by using inductive approach because this aims at understanding of the concept and completing the research.

Research philosophy- The research philosophy is defined as the beliefs on the basis of which the whole research is continued. The philosophy is of two types that is interpretivism and positivism (Lariviere and Kandampully, 2019). The positivism is a philosophy which is based on only the factual data and knowledge and the analysis of this information and concluding results from it. The interpretivism is the philosophy which states that the research can be continued only when human interest is there in the study and it focus on analysis of the theoretical side of the research topic. The research philosophy which is used for the study of different strategies for managing cultural diversity interpretivism has been opted. This was used because of the reason that this assist the researcher in developing the theoretical aspect of the study.

Data collection- This is defined as the assimilation and gathering of the data for the research and are of two types that is secondary and primary. The primary data is the one which is collected directly from the source and is used for first time. On the flip side, secondary data is the one which has already been used in other research. For the current study the researcher opted for the mix of primary and secondary source. This is being selected by the researcher because this provides a better data base for the research to be successful.

Sampling- This is referred to as selecting a small sample from the whole population and then test the sample to reach for some conclusions. The sample can be chosen with help of two different methods that is random and non- random sampling. The random sampling is the one which every participant has equal chance of getting selected and the non- random is the one where the respondent does not have equal chance of getting selected. The sample for the current study is 20 managers of Marriott hotel which are selected on basis of random sampling. The sample is chosen with help of random sampling because of the fact that for every person in the population has the probability of getting selected.

Data analysis- This is defined as the analysis of the collected information, facts and figures for reaching to some conclusions. This is the most crucial part of the research because here some meaning of the collected data is inferred and interpreted. For the present study the researcher has used thematic analysis out of the two methods of data analysis. Under this method first the data was collected in form of questionnaire and then it was converted into themes and presented the data in form of charts and tables.

Ethical consideration- This is also an important part of the research because this outlines the way the whole research is carried on. This methodology defines that the research needs to conducted in ethical and correct manner (Anae, 2019). The most important thing to be considered at time of research is to make sure that the ethical approval and consent form is signed by the participants of the research. Also, the researcher must respect the dignity of the respondent and if they are not comfortable with answering to some questions then they should not force the participants. Struggling with your dissertation, get dissertation writing services from our experts!

Data interpretation

Familiar with the concept of cultural diversity


No. of respondent

% of respondents

Are you familiar with the concept of cultural diversity?












Interpretation: After going through data collected it has been interpreted that there is good sort of knowledge of cultural diversity in the organization. As out of total pool of 20 employee 16 are having knowledge about cultural diversity, only 4 respondent has chosen no option. This will eventually help the company in passing on the decision more efficiently as there is good number of knowledge among employee in organization.

Benefit of having cultural diversity


No. of respondent

% of respondents

In your thought, what is the biggest benefit of having cultural diversity?



Reduced employee turnover



Increased profit



Improved Creativity



Improve working Environment






Interpretation: From the above data which has been collected with the help of primary data collection tool it can be interpreted that cultural diversity used to bring more than one benefit for the organization. As data shows that out of total pool of 20 respondent 8 has chosen the option of reduced turnover, 6 has chosen improved working environment, 5 has chosen increased profit and only 1 has chosen improved creativity. This result shows that there is not that sort of clarity among respondent about the same. This is well supported by literature review section as well, as author highlights that there are more than one benefit which is enjoyed by organization by managing good amount of cultural diversity in an organization.

Cultural diversity used to has an impact on productivity of an organization


No. of respondent

% of respondents

Is cultural diversity used to has an impact on productivity of an organization?












Culture diversity used to impact the productivity of an organization

Interpretation: The above data highlights that cultural diversity used to has an impact on productivity of business. As data collected shows that out of the total pool of 20 respondents 18 respondents are having opinion that cultural diversity used to has a impact on productivity of business. Only 2 respondents are having opinion that cultural diversity not used to has an impact on productivity of an organization. This result is well supported by Literature review section of an organization as author also highlights that cultural diversity used to impact productivity of an organization.


No. of respondent

% of respondents

In what aspect did culture diversity used to impact the productivity of an organization?



Used to increase employee engagement



Help organization in maintain good human resources



Improves level of creativity



All of Above






Interpretation: After going through the above primary data it has been interpreted that cultural diversity help the company in maintaining good sort of human resources in the organization, this eventually has a impact on the productivity of the business. As Literature review section also explain that maintaining good sort of human resource used to reduce cost of company, which eventually have positive impact on productivity of an organization. Out of 20 respondents pool 15 has chosen maintain good human resource, 2-2 respondent has chosen option of improves creativity, increase employee engagement each. Only 1 respondent has chosen the option of all of above.

Marriot hotel used to maintain good sort of cultural diversity in an organization


No. of respondent

% of respondents

Is Marriot hotel used to maintain good sort of cultural diversity in an organization?












Interpretation: After going through the above data it can be summarized that Marriot hotel used to implement cultural diversity in the organization, but at the same time there is not that good number of opininon with them. As out of pool of 20 respondent 12 has chosen the option of yes. At the same time organization can not ignores that 8 respondent has chosen the option of no as well. So Marriott hotel has to make further step to improve cultural diversity in an organization.

Best Strategies to improve cultural diversity in an organization


No. of respondent

% of respondents

In your thought what is the best way to improve cultural diversity in an organization?



Language Training






Recruit over broader geographical area



organizational culture






Interpretation: After going through the above data it has been interpreted that there are two different ways through which organization can improve cultural diversity in an organization. As out of total pool of 20 respondents 8 has chosen training and 7 has chosen recruiting from broader geographical area. This is well supported by the literature review section of an study as author also throw lights that training and recruiting from broader geographical area are two best way through which organization can improves the cultural diversity in an organization. Remaining 3 and 2 respondent has chosen communication and organizational culture as a opinion of their

Cutural diversity help the company in building good employer value


No. of respondent

% of respondents

Is cultural diversity help the company in building good employer value?












Interpretation: After going through the above data it has been interpreted that cultural diversity in an organization used to build good employer value of the company in the eye of the employees. As out of the total pool of 20 respondent 19 has their opinion in the positive side, whereas only 1 has their opinion on negative side. This is well supported by literature review section as well.

Cultural diversity help the company in building good employer value


No. of respondent

% of respondents

What measure organization has to take at the time of implementing cultural diversity?



Clarity of thought among employee's



Proper knowledge of different culture



Proper monitoring of policy



All of Above






Interpretation: After going through the above data collected it has been interpreted that out of total pool of 20 respondent 12 has given their opinion that proper knowledge of different culture need to be taken as measure at the time of implementing culture diversity. Remaining 4, 1 and 3 respondents has chosen the option of Clarity of thought among employee's, Proper monitoring of policy and All of Above. This data clearly shows that Marriott hotel has to look at the different cultural knowledge before implementing cultural diversity.

What changes Marriott hotel has to bring to improve cultural diversity in an organization

Interpretation: After going through the opinion of different respondent it has been interpreted that most of respondent has suggested that organization has to be clearer about the different policy they used to bring in the organization. This will eventually help the company in improving the cultural diversity in an organization.

Managing cultural diversity impacts the goodwill of company

Interpretation: After going through the suggestion it has been interpreted that most of the respondent has chosen the option of yes as their answer and highlights the reason behind the same is that, organization with good cultural diversity always used to create good image of company in front of different interested external parties.

Conclusion and recommendation


After going through the above report it has been summarized that cultural diversity used to help the company in building good working environment in the organization and also maintain human resource. This help organization in improving the productivity of an organization. After that the report highlights the opinion of author on the topic of the research in the literature review section. This report than summarized that qualitative research is the research type which is used by scholar and also shown that scholar has chosen different supporting tools and technique which used to support selected research type.

After that data analysis section of report highlights that respondent are also in the favour that cultural diversity used to impact the productivity of business and also highlighted that training and recruiting from broader geographical area are two way through which cultural diversity can be improved in an organization. Also highlights that cultural diversity used to build good goodwill of company in the market. In the end the report summarized the different skills and knowledge which is gained by scholar in the process of carrying out the study for the organization. In the end the report highlights the different recommendation about the way Marriot hotel can improve the level of cultural diversity in an organization.


The first and foremost recommendation for Marriott hotel in maintaining the cultural diversity is that the polices makers of the hotel must continuously research over the values and moral of different cultures and must include all these various types of cultures into their policies.

Also, another recommendation is that the hotel must create a culture and environment within the hotel in such a manner that it reflects all the various kinds of cultures. This will be helpful for the hotel in two ways. The first is that the employees will be satisfied as they belong to different cultural backgrounds and this environment will motivate them to work in more effective manner. The second benefit of creating this type of environment is that this will also attract more of the consumers as the customers also come from different cultures and this respect of company will be good for attracting more of the

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