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Business Environment

University: Anglia Ruskin University

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2685
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: BSSOO5
  • Downloads: 1375
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions mentioned below :-

  • Describe the justification in relation to the skills of the staff and the employees.
  • Identify the task and the job role that is required to be covered and managed with effective consideration.
Answer :


In the contemporary business landscape, various projects and programs play pivotal roles in the life cycle of organizations. Originally, the term "project" denoted actions taken beforehand. A project involves a structured and purposeful endeavor driven by perceived opportunities or in response to challenges, needs, desires, or requirements. It typically aims to produce an innovative outcome, such as a product, service, process, or specific research. In the business realm, projects commence with defined objectives, such as product development, service provision, process improvement, or project management initiatives (Bearzotti, Salomone, and Chiotti, 2012). This report focuses on the essential requirements including human resources, funding availability, and effective marketing strategies for organizing a Christmas event hosted at Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire.Get online coursework help from our experts!

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In proper organising and management of the event requires several types of arrangements for making the event a splendid event which requires the marketing strategies, financial planning and the human resource for the proper execution and management of the event called “Best Foot Forward” on 21 December 2018. The details regarding the context of these three are described below.

Marketing strategies

The marketing concepts describes the the main some elements of the organising event as these elements are essential for the proper execution of the event of Christmas, organising at Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire. The planning of an event requires the main seven elements are product, price, place, promotion, public relations, people and positioning . The explanation of these 7p's are mentioned as follows.

  • Product: the product may be treated as anything like an educational event, country fair, full-fledged convention etc. In this scenario, the product is Christmas event organising at 21 December at the Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire. It is an opportunity to get in on the floor of a splendid show of Christmas celebration. Besides this, the great part of marketing a particular event is to create history by attracting people into a synergetic activity and makes the event a glorious memorable day(Van der Wagen and White, 2018)
  • Price: It is the prior responsibility of the event marketing or the marketer, is to make arrangement of funds for organising the event not only this, the price element depicts the total costs which are to incurred in organising the event, which may or may not be recoverable from the people in form of entry fees or passes. The prices of event tickets are of £20 per head. Besides this, For the determination of the price of participation in event, it is crucial to make analysis about other organising Christmas events their costs of entry passes, facilities which are to be render in event, location of the organising event, chief guest in the organising event etc. these are the important contexts which are the base of the price determination of event.
  • Place: The element of place refers to the location of the organising event. The place or location depicts the character and personality of the event also. It is also an integral part of event planning and organising as the better location for the glorious event is essential to attract the people and the event site may even be the major draw featured in brochures and advertising(Morrison, 2013). The event is organising on 210 December at Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire as its the perfect place for organising the event. The place element comprises with the several contexts like proximity to the attendees , availability of parking for a commuter audience, ambiance and originality of site, safety and security of event attendees etc.
  • Promotion: It refers to the systematic activity for the promoting the event. It involves the key elements like speciality of event, chief guests, location, prices associated with the happening of the event with the help of social media, banners and with other modes of advertising the event like Christmas event in order to target adequate number of people for making the event more cheerful(Zarantonello and Schmitt, 2013). Now a days the most widely used measure is social media and it is used not only for advertising but, also for rendering several information like tickets costs, timings of event and other relevant details.
  • Public relations: It is the element that plays an integral part in the organising the event as well as in marketing of the event. Public relations determines the public reviews and thinking about the event that is to be organise mainly for the public. It is also a benefits of such events as they helps in building the public relations. Good public relations helps in gathering of more and more people and attaining best outcomes.
  • People: people includes the common public as well as the organizers, human resource team hired for event and it is essential for the happening of the event. The Christmas event organising splendidly or gloriously to make the day memorable(Mason and Paggiaro, 2012).
  • Positioning: Positioning refers to the strategy of quantifying, through survey, research, and brief analysis, these are the aspects associated directly with the consumer desires and needs that event can meet on the auspicious occasion of Christmas. Positioning strategies also pertain the consideration of the economic level and flexible nature of the public being wanted, and fulfil that expectations(Nunkoo, Gursoy and Ramkissoon, 2013). Some events where admission is free and the costs are borne by exhibitors, sponsors, and supporters. But the in others the cost of participation relatively high with the motive of attracting only the market represented by big spenders and industry leaders. So, participation fee issues are a significantly portion of right positioning the event and an important part in the marketing plan. Get No.1 free grammar checker tool  from expert  

Role of Human resource

Human Resource management plays an integral role in management of any event or tasks. As the human resource management is responsible for the recruitment of able workers for the particular event or task and also responsible for the proper delegation of jobs or work, Not only this, the HRM engages also with the proper utilization of acquired workforce and proper execution of work or job performed by the workforce(Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The HRM is crucial for performing and managing the tasks of event in most appropriate and systematic manner. Besides this, HRM department settles the hiring, ensures policies are followed, also ensures laws related to the employees are to followed. The HR recruits applicants for the vacant positions required to perform specific tasks or event. Only HR is responsible for finding and placing right person at a right job at a right time.

For the motive of managing the event it is essential to have skilled HRM as well as Skilled staff or workforce for the completion of the jobs, performed in organising the event. As there are mainly three responsibility of HRM in managing the particular event. These responsibilities are Safety, Hours and appropriate delegation of work among team (staffing needs). Also, considered under three different perspectives that are relevant to an event like pre, post and future. Get Assignment Examples.Talk to our Experts!

Planning team: This will be required in pre stage of an event and help in proper execution of all activities. This will includes four different members that undertakes the planning work for different aspects.

Safety: It is crucial responsibility in event planning and current requirement of an event, as heavy equipment are available due to their requirements. As the Christmas event requires the decoration, involvement of fixtures, stages and large pieces (Chelladuraiand Kerwin, 2017). Not only this, the items requires like forklifts and other large equipments to shifts the items from one place to another place. All these problems develops the need of safety measures that are essential to reduced the risks from the workings of staff while performing their job. The HR department engages in developing safety processes and ensures the safety to staff member as well as the public in event.

Cleaning staff: These are the individual which are helpful after completion of event to clear up all the essential accessories which are used in that event and take up care of all the resources perfectly.

Developing Job descriptions: Developing appropriate job descriptions is an integral part of recruiting the staff or the workforce either on permanent, contract or voluntary staff for organising the event like Christmas. Besides this, job description is essential for meeting the several purposes which include:

  • Helps the people in understanding the jobs and their role beingness advertising.
  • Rendering the right objectives and guiding needed by the people for effective work performance.
  • Facilitates the consistency in performing job performed by the people.
  • Helps the managers to recruit right person for right role at right time (Aswathappa, 2013).

Managing performance in context of managing event: some of the important roles of HRM in improvement of performance of staff members while managing the specific event like Christmas, are as follows.

  • Framing appropriate job descriptions for permanent, contract and voluntary staff
  • Advertising the requirement of skilled person the specific job positions with 100% creativity
  • Arranging and conducting interviews with potential staff members or workforce.
  • rendering and organising proper training and guidance for perfection in workings of each staff member of engages in any type of work.
  • Delegating the work among employees and ensures the control and coordination progress
  • Managing workers performance whilst fixing realistic tasks within their jobs , for proper management of event.
  • Facilitating the workers to get their compensation on time, so they work with their full potential and manages the event properly.
  • Ensures concise safety measures to protect both staff as well as attendees.

The recruitment process of Staff persons involves several stages for the recruiting right person for right job at right time. The stages pertain under the systematic process of recruitment which is described below.

Recruitment Planning: The recruitment process begins from the first step of recruitment planning. planning pertain a broad job specification for the vacant position and required right person for right job, stating its all responsibilities, developing skills, experiences and qualifications required for grade and level of pay. Along with this, also describes whether the employee is recruited for temporary or permanent basis and clarify all terms and conditions associated with the employment(Bratton and Gold, 2017).

Strategy Development: After knowing the fact that what qualifications of applicants are mandatory for the required job position, after that it is crucial to build suitable strategy for recruitment of the candidates in the entity as well as for specific task or event.

Searching: It pertain attracting job seekers towards the vacant job positions. There are mainly two sources used for searching the suitable candidates for the vacant job positions. These are as follows.

Internal Sources: This source involves promotion or transfer of internal employee at the higher or same level job position without hiring the employees from outside of the organisation.

External source: this source includes the recruitment of employees from outside of the organisation with a motive to acquire the fresh talent in the organisation or to fulfil the vacant job position.

Screening: This stage of recruitment process is the described as the beginning of selection process and as the after the applicants have been shortlisted the selection process begins Applications are screened accordance with the required qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and experience mentioned in the job specification. Besides this, the applicants were rejected who are not able for the required position(Nickso, 2013).

Evaluation and Control: The appreciable costs incurred in the selection and recruitment process, its analysis and control is also imperative part of the recruitment process.

The costs normally arises in a recruitment process include:

  • Compensation to recruiters
  • Costs of time spent for formulating job analysis and developing the advertisement for vacant jobs.
  • Administrative expenditures
  • Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled
  • Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates

Role of Financial Planning

It is also an crucial to make estimation regarding the expenses which are to be incurred organising the event as it is crucial to make budgets for the effective planning of the event. The events which are organised by the organisation the expenses incurred by the sponsors, organisation or by the organizer for promoting the product(Masterman, 2014). But the events organised for the public without the support of the sponsors or organisation, the events like Christmas event that is “Best Foot Forward”. The estimated and actual expenses incurred in the event are as follows.


From the above report, it has been concluded that the report pertains the knowledge about the requirement of human resources, funds availability and appropriate marketing strategy for the organizing a Christmas event, a brief analysis is made in order to make proper understanding of organizing the event as well as the business report. For this, marketing strategies, the role of HRM in event management and financial management is essential to understand. Along with this, the calculation of profit margin and termination of total expenses and profit is made for the proper understanding of the event management and its relation between HRM, Marketing strategies, as well as financial planning, are involved in it. Need about online assignment help UK from experts at the best price. Contact our experts.

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  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Nickson, D., 2013. Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge.
  • Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017. Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Aswathappa, K.E.M.A.L., 2013. Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Van der Wagen, L. and White, L., 2018. Event management: For tourism, cultural, business and sporting events. Cengage AU.
  • Morrison, A.M., 2013. Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge.
  • Zarantonello, L. and Schmitt, B.H., 2013. The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude.International Journal of Advertising, 32(2), pp.255-280.
  • Mason, M.C. and Paggiaro, A., 2012. Investigating the role of festivalscape in culinary tourism: The case of food and wine events.Tourism management,33(6), pp.1329-1336.
  • Nunkoo, R., Gursoy, D. and Ramkissoon, H., 2013. Developments in hospitality marketing and management: Social network analysis and research themes.Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management,22(3), pp.269-288.
  • Masterman, G., 2014.Strategic sports event management. Routledge.
  • Bearzotti, L.A., Salomone, E. and Chiotti, O.J., 2012. An autonomous multi-agent approach to supply chain event management.International Journal of Production Economics,135(1), pp.468-478.
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