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Personal & Professional Development Skills

University: University of Oxford

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 8 / Words 1995
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 289923
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Explain about the different approaches to self managed learning.
  • Discuss about the Reflective Learning and Development Plan
Answer :


For every individual to build their own place and to sustain in any organizations, it is very much essential to develop their skills on a regular basis so that they can be able to grasp opportunities that revolve around them. By developing personal and professional skills, one can overcome various challenges that arise between their paths of glory (Johns, 2012).

Personal development is a procedure through which an individual enhance their skills, identity, talent, quality of life, realize their dreams and aspirations and also attain their various goals of their life (Cassidy, 2006.). Further, it includes achievement of knowledge and skills in order to conduct their work and ensure career growth over a time period (Ottewill, 2002).

In this report, various aspects of my personal and professional development is being discussed and evaluated. I planned my development scheme in order to fill the gap that are arising in my path and hamper me from attaining my goals. I undertook various methods for self-managing the learning method and also identified the field in which my competency lacks.

Different Approaches to Self Managed Learning

Personal skill plays a vital role to any individual and it also direct them in attaining the success in their professional or student life. Further, it is beneficial for the organization, as it assists in attaining the progress to the organizations. It is a never ending procedure, which leads to the attainment of organizational and personal goals (Hughes and Youngson, 2009). In order to self-manage the learning procedure, various key skills or approaches are required which not only helps in executing works to meet organizational goals but at the same time help in becoming successful in their life (Personal or Professional Development Plans, 2012). These basic approaches include effective communication skills, interpersonal skills, proper management of time and available resources and also have an effective problem solving attitude.

In addition to these, to gain knowledge on various issues regarding organization or outer world different methods of learning can be incorporated. These are seminar and conferences which provide handsome knowledge to the listeners from various delegates of different field and background. This helps in enhancing the thinking power of individual too (Professional and Personal Development, 2013). Further, social network site can aid in increasing personal skills and knowledge by interacting with their friends and family member. They are also able to gain information regarding various activities that are taking place all around the World with this. Apart from this, internet act as an ocean of information and one can get all sorts of information and knowledge from the internet and enhance their knowledge and IQ. These will ultimately help in becoming more competitive in the society and may leads to success for the individuals (Miles, 2012).

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Ways for Encouraging Lifelong Learning in Personal and Professional Context

Lifelong learning is a term assign to the continuous, self-motivated and voluntary search of information and knowledge for both professional and personal cause. This attribute of lifelong learning not only improves social enclosure, personal growth and dynamic citizenship but it also enhances the competency and employability skills of an individual (Eisele and, 2013). In order to gain lifelong learning, personal assessment of individual is required along with self reflective learning. 

  • Personal Assessment: It is a process of observing oneself with a motive to evaluate aspects, which are essential to one's identity. This involves analysis on the basis of one's interests, values, skill, talents, personality and other similar factors. Self-assessment can be done with the help of SWOT analysis of any individual and this will also help me in identifying the area of deviation from the desired one (Andersson, 2012). With the help of self-assessing through SWOT analysis, I can observe and point out my strength, which may help me in attaining my goals or aspirations. Further, with this I can also identify my weakness, which may become a probable barrier in my growth. In addition to this, by analyzing future opportunities and threats, I can able to manage my skills. This will help me in lifelong learning for both professional and personal life and from this I can maximize my knowledge (Beausaert and, 2013).

  • Self-Reflective Learning: It is all about reviewing opinions, judging, personal understanding and acting, which one is willing to grasp in their personality. Self-reflective learning assists in gaining new and efficient skills in the organizations. This will develop personal skills of an individual by effectively managing the roles and responsibility that is assigned to them in the organizations (Cunningham, 2006). By this methodology, I can able to learn various aspect of any specific situations and this will help me in enhancing my skills and knowledge by assessing it on my level for lifelong. Order  assignment help from our experts! 

Benefits of Self-Managed Learning to Individuals and Organizations

Self-managed learning has number of benefits for both individuals and for organization of which that person belongs. It is all about taking initiative in order to gain something valuable in return. Benefits from self-managed to learning to me are mentioned below:

  • Skills of working in a team will be gained that helps me in contributing up to my fullest level in my team (Smith and et. al., 2007).
  • Presentation skill will be upgraded by continuously assessing my drawbacks and taking corrective measure to overcome it.
  • Self-learning will ultimately help me in enhancing my communication skill, which will assist me at the time of interview and group discussion
  • Leadership skill can be gained by becoming class representative and taking various responsibilities on my shoulders.

Apart from these, there are various benefits from self-learning to the organization that I will have after accomplishing my course. These are described below:

  • Effective decision making skills of mine will help the company in minimizing their loss or expenses and also assist in maximizing their profit sharing.
  • From my personal experience, I incorporate that remaining ethical in various situation is the best methodology and this will be beneficial to the company also (Throop and Castellucci, 2009).
  • Problem solving attitude will prevent company in landing from any problem.
  • Self-managed learning helps me to work along with flexibility. This will be beneficial for the organizations and this will help in attaining their corporate goals.

In order to overcome my various weaknesses, I prepared a development plan so that I can effectively work upon it. In order to enhance my presentation skill, I plan to participate in various activities so that I can effectively manage and improve it. Further, to increase leadership skill, I decided to take responsibility at various levels and also lead groups at the time of any event. This will ultimately help in enhancing my leadership and intellectual skill. In addition to these, I planned for better management of time. From all above, I will be majorly focusing on developing leadership and presentation skill and I have already started taking initiatives in this context. I am emphasizing much on this part only because from this I can be able to groom my personality and capability too and this will ultimately help in meeting with other skills.

Critical Reflection of Reflective Learning and Development Plan

Reflective learning of the workshop helped me in identifying various loopholes which I possess in my personality and I was totally unaware about it. From reflective learning, I came to know about various aspects of individual personality and at the same time, their impacts over the professional life were also understood by me. With this, I undertook that I had a deficiency in the presentation skill and urgent need is there to remove it so that I can able to make my career with profitable and successful firm. With this purpose, I incorporated developing presentation skill in my development plan in order to attain my aim. Further, I realized about my deviation under the context of leadership skill which is again a great hindrance in my successful future. Hence to remove it, I included it in my development plan and gave top priority to it.

This is so because by overcoming this shortcoming, I will be able to make effective decision on various topics and this will enhance my key qualities also. Hence, these helped me in attaining my goals and objective and also assist me in overcoming from my main weaknesses. Finally it can be said that reflective journal assisted in reflecting upon my weaknesses and to overcome them I prepared a personal development plan. 

Evaluation of Future Progress

While formulating my development plan, I included various measures from which improvement can be judged. For measuring the improvement in the presentation skill, I incorporated level of confidence and structuring of the presentation. This helped me to a great extent in enhancing my skills. Further, by gaining feedback from my faculty member and friends, I was able to identify areas where my presentation skills needed improvement. For this I took guidance from my faculty only and this helped me to overcome it up to a great extent. Further, I initiated to take responsibility at class level and also participated in managing seminars which was conducted at university level. From this, I managed to take various decisions and significance of time was also learnt by me. By measuring my performance in this regard on the set criteria of development plan, I found that I got enough confidence to interact with various delegates and faculty member presented in that seminar. Further, feedback and guidance from my faculty member on required basis helped me in managing my team member and my role.

Problems at the time of Implementing Personal Development Plan

At the time of implementing the development plan in the practice, I found various hindrance and problems. These are mentioned below:

  • Improper management in the initial days
  • Unable to seek any improvement in the personality up to many days
  • Lack of confidence in attaining change in the personality
  • Lack of proper resources and guidance
  • Not having sufficient time, etc


Hence, from this report it can be concluded that personality development pays a crucial role in enhancing the employability skills and gaining an edge over other individuals. By effectively managing various elements that are related to personality i.e. attitude, beliefs, thinking power, intellectual power, leadership skills, presentation skills and various other key skills and talents, one can be able to gain his/her personal and professional development (Tams, 2008).

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  • Andersson, T., 2012. Normative identity processes in managers' personal development training. Personnel Review.
  • Beausaert, S. and, 2013. Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development. Journal of Workplace Learning.
  • Cassidy, S., 2006. Learning style and student self-assessment skill. Education + Training.
  • Cunningham, I., 2006. Quantum theory and self-managed learning. Development and Learning in Organizations.
  • Eisele, L. and, 2013. Employee motivation for personal development plan effectiveness., European Journal of Training and Development.
  • Hughes, J. and Youngson, S., 2009. Personal Development and Clinical Psychology. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Johns, H., 2012. Personal Development in Counsellor Training. SAGE.
  • Miles, F. R., 2012. Personal Development Growth. Clinton Gilkie.

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