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Resource and Talent Planning

University: Albion College – London

  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3663
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 30008
Organization Selected : N/A


Resource and talent planning can be defined as the basic function of human resource manager. This is performed by HR is order to make sure that the business entity is able to attract talent and retained skilled workers. When the planning is done in appropriate manner then it may help to enhance overall performance of the enterprise as highly proficient individuals will be hired by HR (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This project report is based on the planning of talent and resources in the context of an organisation. For this purpose the company which is taken is Argos which a British catalogue retailer and operating its business in UK successfully. It was founded in year 1972.

This assignment aims at various topics such as analysis of labour market trends, appropriate legal requirements, determination of current and anticipated skills requirements. Application of documents and processes which contribute to effective recruitment and selection, evaluation of the way in which human resource life cycle within the context of HR strategy etc. are also been covered under this report.


Analysis of current labour market trends that influence talent management and workforce planning

In Argos the managing directors of the organisation have asked to the human resource division to prepare a report that may influence the process of talent management and workforce planning. The generated report is as follows:

Talent: It can be defined as the skill that an individual is having and that helps to perform all the tasks in appropriate manner. Argos is planning to hire talented candidates who may contribute towards the development of the organisation (Carbery and Cross, 2015).

Talent management: When business entities commit to recruit, retain, hire and select talented, skilled, superior and experienced candidates then it is called talent management. In Argos the managers have planned to analyse ability, power and competency of the employees in order to appropriately formulate workforce planning strategies.

There are various types of current labour market trends that may influence the the process of talent management and workforce planning. All of them are described below:

Globalisation: After globalisation it has become more easy for the individuals to work in foreign countries. This factor may affect the talent management and workforce planning of Argos because now they have more options to hire employees. If such workers are hired by the company who are not from UK then they will be ready to work on low pay scale hence this will influence the HR (Cascio and Boudreau, 2016).

Technological change: In all the industries technology is developing continuously and now it has started to influence talent management and workforce planning because it affects the requirement of labour. As it changes with time and frequently hence it impacts the requirements of skills and knowledge of the employees that the company is willing to hire. Argos is a supermarket and various technologies are required to execute business. Swipe machine, billing software etc. are the innovations that are used in Argos. Earlier the work is done on paper as technology is developing it is becoming digital hence it is affecting talent management because now organization needs to hire such employees who are friendly with technology.

Demographic change: This the another trend that affects talent management and work force planning because employees become old with time. At that point of period HR of organisations like Argos need to find the new candidates as the old once as they get retired. It increases liabilities of the HR to recruit skilled labour that may handle the work appropriately.

Increasing inequality: Currently inequality related to gender and other factors is continuously increasing which affects the process of work force planning and talent management. In UK pay scale for male and female vary and there is a huge difference between their salaries. It becomes very difficult for the HR of companies like Argos to retain its skilled female workers as they are not satisfied with their compensation (H. Church, 2014).

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All the above described current labour market trends influence the talent management and workforce planning of Argos by creating issues like increasing responsibilities for hiring skilled employees.

Different types of legal requirements that an organisation must take into account in workforce planning

Workforce planning: It is continuous process in which human resource managers identify work force requirement of company and then form strategic decisions to recruit new talent. It is done to make sure that business entity is meeting all the regulatory, legislative and other requirements. In Argos human resource managers plans to recruit such candidates that may contribute in the organisational development. There are various legal requirements that should be fulfilled by the managers in while workforce planning. All of them are described below:

Trend analysis: It is a process of which is used to predict the future movements in the market situations. It is very beneficial for the human resource managers of Argos because it may guide them to assess future need of the organisation. As technology is continuously changing with time which also affects the requirements of companies due to changes in customer's perception and market demand. It is very important for the HR to take into account this factor so that workforce planning can be done appropriately (Kavanagh and Johnson, 2017).

Analysis of labour demand and supply forecasting: It is very important for HR to take into account this factor because it may help to analyse the need of employees that are going to be hired by Argos. Managers can also assess the future requirements of labour and form strategies accordingly if this factor is considered by them.

HR legislations: There are various rules and regulations that are imposed by the government and it is very important for the HR to follow all of them while workforce planning for the betterment of Argos. These legislations are formulated to provide equal rights to the employees and provide them appropriate compensation according to their work and efforts. All the legislations are as follows:

  • The equality act: According to this the human resource manager is require to avoid different types of discriminations such as sex, race, disability, age, religion, equal pay etc. It is very important for for HR of Argos to treat each and every employee equally and provide them same rights. In UK pay scale discrimination has a higher rates, due to this issue the government implemented this act in which companies are directed to provide equal benefits to all the employees whether they are male, female or disabled.

If a company is not following the legislations then legal authorities may take strict action against them. To avoid governmental interference the HR of Argon is required to follow all the regulations and rules of regulatory authority of the country (Sparrow, Hird and Cooper, 2015).


Determination of current and anticipated skills required for a range of organisational examples

As the technology is continuously enhancing with time hence the requirement of Argos regarding workforce is also changing due to market trends. Now the company is willing to hire highly skilled, knowledgeable and experienced workers who have information regarding latest technology (Sparrow and Makram, 2015). A detailed determination of current and anticipated skills required for Argos which is based upon labour market trends and legislations is as follows:

Labour market trendsTrend analysisLegal requirementsCurrent and anticipated skillsExamples
  • Increasing role of small and medium enterprises
  • Dispersion of creativity
  • Accelerating functions of emerging countries
  • Requirement of Visa for the employees who are not from UK.
  • Crystal clear and favourable system for dispersion of creativity
  • Good communication
  • Problem solving
  • Motivational skills
  • New and advanced products and talent from SME

Technology changes

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Digitalisation
  • Robotics industry
  • Copy rights
  • Property rights
  • Label
  • High level knowledge of technology
  • skills to deal with technological barriers
  • Robots at the stores
  • Automatic sliding door

Demographic changes

  • Continuous increment in the population of developing and poor countries
  • Endorsement requirements
  • Necessity of Visa
  • Digital skills
  • Business creation
  • Work from home
  • Virtual team
  • Telecommuting
  • Teams in organisation for specific tasks
  • Internship for a small period

Increasing inequality

  • Government's strict actions against inequality
  • Strict rules against age, sex, pay scale, belief and other type of discriminations
  • Equality act 2001
  • Treating each and every employees equally
  • Now most of the companies in UK have started to provide equal wage to the employees.

From the above table it has been analysed that current labour trends have affected the human resource planning because now managers are trying to hire employees that are highly skilled.


Appropriate examples of job description ans person specification documents for effective recruitment and selection

For effective recruitment and selection job description and specification is required. It is very important for the Human resource manager of Argon to focus on both the elements (Tajuddin, Ali and Kamaruddin, 2015). These are explained below in detail:

Job Description: It is a written document in which job related information is mentioned. A description for the profitkle of sales man for Argon is as follows:

Job Description

Company:- Argon

Job Details:

Job title:- Sales man

Department:- Sales

Reporting to:- Sales manager

Location:- Manchester

Salary:-£ 82,450 per year

Job Type:- Full time

Job Purpose:

  • To handle all the customers who are visiting the supermarket.
  • Resolve all the queries of the visitors regarding the products.


  • Interact with customers.
  • Resolve their queries.
  • Provide information of the products that they are willing to buy.
  • Report to the senior manager.

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Thanks & Regards


Human Resource Manager,

Argon, UK


Person Specification: It can be defined as the document which is provided by Argon to the applicants in orde rto provide information of required skills, knowledge and experineces (van Zyl, Mathafena and Ras, 2017). A specification for the job profile of sales man at Argon is as follows:

Person Specification

Job title:-Sales Man


Candidates must have working experience of at least 2 years as a sales manager in the same sector and at least one year experience of working in field.


Applicants should have appropriate knowledge of software and a certification for the same.

Qualifications needed in educational sector

  • Internship in sales sector.
  • MBA from a recognised institution in makreting and/ or sales.
  • Bachlor of commerence form a recognised college.
  • Senior secondary with A grading.
  • Seconday with A grading.

Personal skills

  • Good communication skills.
  • High problem solving skills.
  • Skills to influence customers.

Interested candidated may leave their C.V. at

Different recruitment and selection methods for effective talent resourcing and planning

Recruitment and selection both are the elements of effective talent and resource planning. These are used by the human resource managers of Argon to hire such employees who are highly skilled, experienced and knowledgeable. Both the elements are described below in detail:

Recruitment: It can be defined as the process of finding best individuals with the skills that are required by an organisation inn its employees. There are various types of methods are used by the human resource managers for recruitments in the organisation (Recruitment,2016). All the methods are described below in detail:

  • Internal methods: In this type of methods human resource managers of Argon recruit employees from inside of the company. This method is chosen by the HR to motivate the existing workers and enhance their work quality. Different techniques under this methods are job posting, referrals, transfer, promotion, skill inventories etc. In these models workers are promoted to different designations and some times old employees giver their reference to the new once. It is cost saving method for the company because the organisation will not have invest money on the external recruitment.
  • External methods: In such type of methods work force is hired from outside of the company. HR of Argon find individuals through e recruitment, cross national advertising etc. models. It helps the company to hire new talent and skilled employees. It costs high but it is an effective way to fulfil all the requirements of the company regarding employees.

Selection: It is a process of choosing individuals for a specific job profile offered by a company. HR of Argon tries to select employees through various methods. These are online screening, interviewing, psychometric testing, aptitude test etc. In online screening individuals are analysed by the manager on company's online or different job portals. In interview different job applicants come to the organisation all of them are interviewed by the HR and then suitable candidate is being selected. Aptitude test is also a way of selecting as it is used to determine ability of an individual to perform tasks (Waheed and Zaim, 2015).


HR life cycle and integrated to support strategic talent management

Human Resource life cycle: - This concept describe the stages of employee's life with particular company and the time period. What role played by the employees in particular department at every stage. Because every stage have different challenges for the employees and they always learn something in their life. Basically employees faces five stages of life cycle in their career.

  • Recruitment:- Recruitment is the first stage of employee's life, Argos company actively find the new and passionate talent for the organisation. HR team required to build strategies regarding recruiting new people. Finalise the compensation packages and other benefits in comparison to their rival firms. It also include the process of recruitment such as written test, aptitude test, face to face interview etc.
  • Education:- After recruiting any new employee in the organisation, it is important to provide basic information to the employee regarding their role and the expectation the company. For this human resources required to communicate with the new recruiter. Provide them proper training in respect of their role and responsibilities (Wilton, 2016).
  • Motivation:- First three months of employee is just for motivation because people will not able to survive long if they don't have any reason to stay. HR of the company can motivate very well in term of regular engage with employee, provide them commitments, compensation and other benefits. Give them assurance regarding personal growth in the company.
  • Evaluation:- After completing three stages of employee life cycle, it's time for evaluating new employees performance. These evaluation based upon their performances and the review given by the leaders. Which is helpful for the identification that the person is right for this role or not. Feedback also consider in the evaluation and prepare proper evaluation report.
  • Celebration:- Last stage of human resource life cycle is for the appreciation. It means office staff thank every employee for their hard work in the organisation and being a part of this success. They provide different benefits to the employees, so they can retain here for long time.

End of life cycle:- HR life cycle end because of families responsibility, retirement, leaving for growth or due to environment and leaving for further studies. Argon need to spend their time and effort to make termination strategies. It is important as recruitment and selection process of new employees.

Evaluation of HR life cycle stages which integrated with organisational HR strategies

  • Recruitment and selection:- Firstly identify the business needs and than find out the person who have potential for the vacant position. It means Argon need to find that their is requirement of any vacancy or not. Competencies of job specified the overall skills, knowledge and ability. Which is required in the person who is going to secure that position. Select those candidates who are eligible or fit for the vacant profit. This is a responsibility of human resource team that place a right employee for the right position.
  • On boarding and orientation:- This stage include the learning and development of the new employees. HR team set orientation program which make employee aware about the company. Employees meet with the other staff members and to know about their job responsibility. HR try to comfort new people in the organisation through staff engagement and regular communication with the employee.
  • Performance management:- In this stage, learning is continuously going on for the employees. HR of Argon collect feedback and any suggestion which is helpful the employee. For the training of new employee, organisation need to set different programs and these activities done by some professionals. These programs includes the talent management system, interview management system and development resources advisor.
  • Succession planing:- In this stage Argon may find out the new leader for the company who can replace the old one in case of death, retirement or leaving company. Succession planing increase the chances to find out experienced and capable employees for the role (Yadav and Dabhade, 2014).
  • Exit and transition:- If any employee plan to leave Argon, so leave on a good note. Organisation need to prepare proper planning regarding exit and transition. HR need to build strategies in respect of employee exit. Company provide all the benefit to the employee which is pending till the date of leaving organisation. Business need to prepare strategies for the exit and transition of employee. It will help the employees for leaving organisation with positive image.

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From the above project report it has been concluded that talent management and workforce planning are the two major functions of HR of different companies. Various legislations related to equality and other factors are imposed by the government and for the HR it is very important to follow all of them in order to meet legal requirements. Recruitment and selection both are used by HR to hire talent for the company in order to attain growth and development.


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Carbery, R. and Cross, C. eds., 2015.Human Resource Development: A Concise Introduction. Palgrave.
  • Cascio, W. F. and Boudreau, J. W., 2016. The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management.Journal of World Business. 51(1). pp.103-114.
  • Church, A., 2014. Succession planning 2.0: Building bench through better execution.Strategic HR Review. 13(6). pp.233-242.
  • Kavanagh, M. J. and Johnson, R. D. eds., 2017.Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.
  • Sparrow, P., Hird, M. and Cooper, C. L., 2015. Strategic talent management. InDo We Need HR?(pp. 177-212). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Sparrow, P. R. and Makram, H., 2015. What is the value of talent management? Building value-driven processes within a talent management architecture.Human resource management review. 25(3). pp.249-263.
  • Tajuddin, D., Ali, R. and Kamaruddin, B. H., 2015. Developing talent management crisis model for quality life of bank employees in Malaysia.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 201.pp.80-84.
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