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Assessment on Adult Nursing practice

University: Barony College

  • Unit No: 16
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2788
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: HLST261
  • Downloads: 1119
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • State knowledge and skills are used in healthcare sector in appropriate manner and eradicate the threats and issues which is associated with any patient.
  • Determine the role and responsibilities of a nurses and how they are associated with patient life and create the difference as per the regions.
  • Provide in-depth understanding of the complications related to patients and their measurement and what are the consequences which is associated with the patient
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Nursing is defined as a profession in which they help to serve with their potential by providing them quality of care and quality of health. As per this, they have capability and knowledge that is learn by during their academic and practice of nursing. As a profession where no discrimination and equality are circulated in order to provide a best service to the patient who are facing a dealing with issues. This is used create complication and life-threatening disease is a practice which is based on various studies. As per this, the medication, diagnosis, interpretation of test reports and majorly, a number of associated studies are held in this practice. For this, they need proper focus and concentration to be transform from a student to a nurse. As a nurse there are a number of roles and responsibilities were played in the healthcare sectors. As per aspect of patient in this report the reflection is based on how the study and knowledge is approaches for a student to turns a good and valuable nervous for their future concerns. This report helps to state about various factors and implementation techniques which is usually learn by a nursing staff in their is studying. For the practice period which provide them extra knowledge and skills to approach critically with the patient for their compliance. Whereas, the knowledge and skills are used in healthcare sector in appropriate manner and eradicate the threats and issues which is associated with any patient. This aspect of the life-threatening issues. As per this, the main focus in this project is to the turning points and transformation which is evaluated for the student to being a nurse (Aldaz 2019).


Strength of nursing

As per my concerns there are various careers are being rewarding for their achievement but overall, from one of them is nursing. This is a professional conduct and professional respect with a flexible job, advancement potential and also this provides evaluation to make the difference in the people life. This is just a nothing aspect which I recognise while I am pursuing the practices for being a nurse (Nyika 2018). As per this, there are various aspect which is associated with the healthcare sector. But with this the challenging factor which is associated with the health care is demanding by various approaching for their comfortability of patient and they play a part of successful and a happy nursing. It helps to have a source personal characteristics and attribute is recommended before taking the expect of nursing some of the strength and qualities of a good nose is to be mentioned below which year after the completion of my course (Brown, 2017).

Empathy: That is defined as ability to feel another person who is experience in from their point of you. As per this, in the nurses they are mean putting themselves in their patient and trying to understand the complications and their measurement and what are the consequences which is associated with the patient. Some of the patient watch nurse helplessly in the hospital then nurses are only for their care and their repeatedly. They are trying to assist by their potential and their learning skills this is learnt by me. As per this, they are also an ability to learn the people who are really need a care this all factors are will studied by in the practice for the academic session of finishing. This provide and sympathy for the care and being helped to the patient who are really needed.

There are a number of factors which is being is stop momentarily to ensure the patient have in their way. These all aspect which is internally developed in the healthcare experiences and help to build in valuable trust. With the vulnerability people for the diverse background have and learning aspect in the vision of nurses because without any discrimination. They are working their work with full potential and with the energetic ways (Noh, 2019).

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Emotional stability: A nurse job is mentally demanding as per I studied while I completed my practice of pursuing. In this situation, the emotional stability is very essential part in the life of nurses in their higher range of powerful emotions including Joy, surprise, sadness and frustration. This issue is very tough situation in all days off work as a nose but they are effectively managing patient and their family members. As per this, they always maintain arise solution come with happy faces and they are experiencing a lot of things which is essential.

Emotional stability is and skill which is learn which help in the practice of nursing. It takes longer period of time and nurse need to be patient with themselves. This is an intense reaction for the refining expectations balancing perspectives and creating the mindful. These are some effective approaches which help in the context with the losses for the patient (Cho, 2017).

Communication skill: Communication is an emotional tool which is connected with the impacting without communication. There are number qualities of any person. In the context with this, the basic focus is depending on a communication skill which play a vital role. The quality of nurses because this helps to understand the pain and complications which is the shared with the patient and the ways by which the recover the patient instantly method which is essential for the family members not usually provide motivation and inspiration in order for their appropriate condition which is help to stabilize the complications.

In the healthcare sector communication is work as a therapeutic tool. Because it helps to build the interpersonal relationship with their patients and with the proper verbal and nonverbal techniques, they provide a communication which is prioritise and create the patient feel more relaxed and willing to share. Their concerns so these are some facts which is I learn from my nursing practice (Choi, 2019).

A desire to learn: As a knows they are required occupational licence because for taking care of others safety and lives. This is essential to prove yourself as a clinical based by evaluating clinical skills when a student graduate from the schools. They have expected to do a number of things some of them are able to take their complex decision and circumstances which is based on their best practice guidelines. As per this, the healthcare is a constant evolving and while we're taking the program of nurses then they need proper skill and knowledge to create the competency and provide a care to their patients by particularly and some of the field such as in critical care emergency e-services medicine and infusion therapy (Miranda, 2017).

Critical thinking: Critical thinking is a base which is determined as an ability of an individual to evaluate the fact and come to the national conclusion. In a proper time period, it is based on a disciplined self-directed way which allow nurse to interpret that is reports and data by taking the priority. As a patient needs and their difficulties which is faced and the sector of clinical issues the ability to think critical determined that it is also important quality and respect of nurse. Because they are the part of a healthcare it and this autonomous behaviour create a profession decision. This helps to evaluate the diagnostic pattern and their patient is very determined and released their high-pressure situation and stressful mind as per by taking the concern of nurses (de Souza Ferreir, 2019).

Open mindedness: In my vision the nurses must play a part to create the different in the patient life. As per this, then they trust experiences which affect their thinking and behaviour and sometime they are trapped into the unconventional opinion. The context with the healthcare and they accept it without any difficulty as an example when a patient declined to take the blood transfusion. Because of their religious believe then it is difficult for the no says convince her or him for that particular treatment. So, sometime this cultural competence creates some of the discrimination and their practice and face some challenges which is not recognised by the paperwork but difficult down with emotional straight for the longer period of time (Lake, 2017).

Area of improvement in aspect  

Respectfulness: Nurse as a profession in my thoughts have a respect full journey from a student to nurse because they have achieved number of qualities and they are creating and overcome situation from their life. This all depend on the up and downs this is number of challenges from the religious factor for some time. They take some of the death as a cause so for. it is very difficult to handle the situation or to tackle the patient pain. As per this, they are used to can develop motivation for their work and this all are generated and numerator by providing and giving the respect to the nurses (Emory, 2018).

Flexibility: This is a challenging expect which is faced by nurses which is called as flexibility. Sometime, to a being a part of a health care system they must provide aspect of care to the patient and during the critical situation. They must here for the longer period of time there is durability and flexibility of work make them equality of nurse. This type of nurses must have potential to face the challenges which is immerse in any healthcare sector flexibility is also a part of nurses to adapt to change in the healthcare system. In a general term while taking the example in some of the bloodborne pathogen risk through using cloth regularly when working with a bodily fluid was uncommon with these. Some of the mandatory aspects are taken the technological advances are using the landscape of medicine which help to shift the innovation which is introduced at the back neck is be so being flexible for the nurses help to adjust the type of changes with less frustration and stress (Kwon, 2019).

Physical stamina: We may know it is challenging and required by nurse to bend, turn, twist and stand regularly for a longer period of time. So, in terms of health care for the nurses they are friend with some the member and their families and act as nurse and they accompanied the tasks which is stannous and help to reduce. To stop injuries and improve patient safety as for this the role of nurses that they are required to develop the physical strength for providing a successful and effective treatment the patient buy fast-paced setting (Hung, 2021).

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As per the above discussion, this is well analysed that the nurse is a fairly vital role in the development of their professional skills and knowledge. While, in terms of student when they are pursuing the course of nurses. The practice of various things which is above mentioned and they learn various respect for this some of the area of improvement which is mentioned ever is required for the best output and to develop the quality nurse. This is essential part of this reflection is that this helps to determine the role and responsibilities of a nurses and how they are associated with patient life and create the difference in that particular region. You can get the answer: NUR 501 Nursing Theories and Models


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