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Effective Ways to Stay Creative Even on Dull Days

08 Jun 2017 6189 Views Share
Stay Creative>

Stay Creative in Your Dull Days

For some university students, being creative is their second nature while for others it is more challenging than composing a top-notch academic document. If you find yourself more similar with the latter group, don't panic, you're not alone. Your imagination might be hard to find, but it is not lost. Take a read through the following so that you can find some creative ideas when you are feeling a bit irritated and lost, but before that, read a quick tip:-

Jot down everything

Keep a small memo that travels as much as you do. The funny thing about ideas is that they pop at the most inconvenient hours. You might think that you'll write it down somewhere later, but will eventually forget it and like that, a great idea is gone. So, never be unprepared! Let's now take a glance at the points which will help you on those annoying and dull days:

Look around

Look at what's in front of you? Had a close and quick look around? Do you see anything? Look at its colour, shape, texture, size, and its overall aesthetic. Now take the ordinary, and give it finesse. This way you'll feel better as you can come up with something. The improvements can be made later.


When you are out of ideas, then instead of sitting and wasting your time, you can have a discussion with your team, family or friends. Working with a team or brainstorming your thoughts increases your capacity to achieve any goal, and adds playful competitiveness. As long as you participate with an open mind, brainstorming is a stadium to complement the creative process.

Take a break

The most efficient of all tricks is taking breaks. Ideas are like wild animals, fierce and unpredictable; you won't be able to harness the power of your creativity if you force it. Ideas are more of a spontaneous thing; you will have to put in a lot of efforts to turn them into reality. So take a break if you are not able to complete any task.

Spend time with creative people

A famous motivational speaker has once said that “You are the average of the five people you spend most of your day with.”  Your natural abilities could melt away based on the people you surround yourself with, this is shocking but holds weight. Therefore, surround yourself with creative people.

Ask questions

To be persistent in your performance, you ought to keep aside your pride and ask questions. Creativity is not something which you see every day, it is far more bizarre, unexpected, and different from others. Challenge perceptions that are established and cross-check the facts.

And above all, Read

You should be indulged in reading as much as you can because for one sole reason that no one can ever take away what you have learned. Studies have shown that individuals with reading habits, can be exposed to more than a million words of text in a year. Chances are, one out of those is going to be the first word of your next story.

These will surely help you because your creative revelation is closer than you think. Always remember, “spontaneity breeds creativity”, do not force yourself, and you will succeed.

In case your creativity is hampered because of too many academic documents with an upcoming deadline, then approach our team now!

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