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Personal Portfolio

University: University Of London

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 15 / Words 3776
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MGN442
  • Downloads: 318
Question :
This assessment will cover following questions:

  • What is the purpose of developing a personal portfolio according to the report?
  • How does the report define self-leadership skills?
  • What are the key benefits of self-leadership skills as described by Guinote (2017)?
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


The aim of this report it to improve or develop the right skills with the help of action plan. Portfolio is collection of materials that represent personal skills, beliefs, education, experiences, qualifications and training. Personal portfolio is the best way for individual to display samples of their performance, completed task, details about themselves and better explain current skills that they have. It is evidentiary document designed to cater better information about themselves, personal portfolio is used to organize, work samples, plan and document skills. This portfolio serve as proof of personal abilities, potential and skills in future that help in developing better personal as well as professional career. It helps to cater the complete picture of person's achievements and abilities. Personal portfolio shows past or current work and experiences that individual has when they work in large organization.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods for developing skills and improve the current ones effectively. The goal of this report is to define strength and weakness through self development tools, that will be improved for further career growth. This study explains literature summary based on self leadership skills, current level of skills incorporating 3600 feedback and justifies the area of strength as well as areas for improvement. Furthermore, this report clarifies the action plan that identify all activities essential to achieve SMART goal. In simple words, study aim is to analyse skills, strength and areas for improvement throughout developing the best action plan for ability development. Get Assignment Help to achieve A+ Grade in your assignment.

Literature summary based on self leadership skills

 As per view of Guinote, (2017) leadership refer to the ability that influence people seeking to get work done properly. Self leadership is the power to consciously motivate behaviour and thoughts of person as results achieve personal goals and objectives. Every person posses self leadership skills that they can use while working as employee in multinational organization. It means having developed sense of what individual can do, who they are and where they are going coupled with skill to influence its emotions, communication & behaviour on way to getting there. People with self leadership skills set personal targets and take their own decisions without any discussion with others. This ability is typical of top managers, mentors, entrepreneurs etc. it helps to strengthen confidence level much better than before. Individual self leadership abilities when the foresight, choices on their own and makes appropriate decisions & exhibits dedication towards achieving personal goals. It is quite beneficial for person as it help make them great seld leaders.

On the other hand, Freeman & Tonkin, (2019)  stated that self leadership skills develop self-confidence and enhanced abilities for taking own decision, but it is to risk for person. Along with benefits, self leadership ability have some drawbacks that affect individual performance and the way they work on specific task. It takes long time to make decision that might be good or not while using in process of achieving specific goal & objective. Decisions sometimes taken in effective way, which can be disadvantage of self leadership skills according to the author. Get free assignment examples for your assignment needs.

Current level of self leadership skill development

Score table-


Current scores

Required scores

Degree of skills

Leadership skills




Communication skills




Motivational skills




Time management skills




Decision making




Problems solving




Self motivation




Mentoring skills




SWOT analysis-


Communication is one of the skill that every person had among themselves, it helps to understand information quickly and affectively given by other, that might be written or form of oral (Hargie, 2018). I can receive and provide information in written format to other people effectively, it is one of my strength that I can use to communicate in personal as well as professional career. I am able to communicate and share my own thoughts, wishes, ideas and opinions that always been essential for survival. With the help of having effective communication ability I was able to fosters trust with others, I was capable to listen attentively as well as embrace different view point that helps other faith that I can make optimal decisions for everyone in unit. As I serves as role model, this faith and trust of my people on me will extend to my team, and they definitely feel as though they trust other people in group to fulfil their accountabilities and duties.


At sometimes I cannot be able to give proper direction to other people around me, due to lack of mentoring skills I cannot be able to lead a team and become successful leaders in the future. It shows my weakness that impact on current and further work in professional and personal career.


By developing leadership, mentoring, self motivation, time management and other skills, I will grab the opportunity to become successful leader in the future. Skills development give the best chance to me, for developing my abilities. When I develop above skills it makes me able to perform effectively and do my job much better than the other people.


Lack of above skills render me more vulnerable to downsizing when firm in which I am working needs to cut jobs. Increased workload is one of the threat that impact on my performance negatively because lack of skills that required to work effectively.


  • Do you think that I can communicate properly with different workers within workplace?

        A. Yes

        B. No

  • Do you agree, I can guide workers in workplace effectively?

       A.  Agree

       B. Strongly agree

       C. Disagree

       D. Strongly disagree

       E. Neutral

  • Do you think I am good motivation speaker?

       A. Yes

       B. No

  • Do you agree, that I can complete different task in company within deadline?

      A.  Agree

     B. Disagree

     C. Neutral

  • Do you think, decisions taken by me are highly efficient as well as beneficial for firm?

      A. Yes

      B. No

Theme 1-





Theme 2-



Strongly agree




Strongly disagree




Theme 3-





Theme 4-







Theme 5-






According to the theme 1, it has been analysed that I can communicate with my co-workers at workplace effectively. Out of 30, 28 respondents are in favour of above statement, they think that can interact with my team members as well as other people in effective way because it has strong communication skill. Along with this, out of 30, 11 respondents disagree from statement 2, they think that I cannot be able to guide my team effectively, according to them I have lack of mentoring skills that impact on my performance negatively, which I need to improve for professional career growth. 22 respondents think that I am not a good motivational speaker as they think that I have lack of self motivation skill. In additional with this, 20 peoples are totally disagreed from statement 4, on the other hand 27 respondents are in favour of statement mentioned in theme 5. They think decision taken by me is highly beneficial for company. Overall findings, shows that I need to develop time management skills, self motivational, mentoring and motivational skills because it is essential for my career. Without mentoring skill, I cannot be able to encourage my team members to recognize their own strengths. Lack of time management skills, decrease my work efficiency and increase threat of losing job. Those workers who are able to manage their work on time, can grab the opportunity to become leader which is not suitable for my career as it have to improve and develop  my abilities better than other staff member. Furthermore, respondents think that I have good communication and decision-making skills that I am using effectively in my work, without lack it.

Strength and area for improvement

After, identifying strengthen, weakness, opportunity and threat above, I need to reflect areas of strength and limitations in specific situation. By using STAR L system I was able to reflect my level of strength and identify areas which I would like to improve efficiently that helps in similar situation that I faced. The situation, task, action and reflection is mentioned below briefly.

Star L system-


Globalization is one of the factor that affect current as well as further performance of business in specific sector for longer. It increased demand of skilled workers required at workplace who are able to contribute in competitive environment and help to gain competitive benefits at the time of globalization. This work is undertaken as part of administrations subject in which I have to perform effectively and give my 100 percent because I work as human resource practitioner in organization. Situation is term in which experience of work occurred, decision taken in above condition will impact on my further performance. So I have to handle the above situation in effective manner, that provide positive results. It is very difficult to hire and recruit skilled workforce within short period, I bring a lot of difficulties for me. I faced different  challenges, due to sudden demand for talented applicants from pool of talent. Globalization affects business in several ways that might be good or bad, it contributes to increased high level of competition among existing firm, where company demand for hiring more workers. Along with this I have to managed existing work force as well as source new staff, that needs more efforts and take a lot of time. Senior people are also facing the same situation, they also think about who to handle it.


It is what was actually needed of me in above situation, my task is to fulfil the requirement of company in globalization or competitive environment. Organization want to gain competitive advantages with the help of hiring new people, it is quite beneficial for them as it  support to sustain business for longer period. I am working as recruitment specialist in firm, I am responsible for recruiting and hiring new workers to work within company. Interviewing, testing and screening potential applicants, it is my task while working in organization. I can handle the situation when I can do my task according to the condition. Along with this, taking effective decision, motivating existing workers at the time of globalization and leading team is also considered as my task which I need to perform in context of above situation. I have to assure that hiring procedure is running effectively, team work according to their job role and completing their task on time or not. Changes occur when firm globalize their business or to gain competitive advantages. The management of business will change the current work structure and timing of work, which is not acceptable by many workers who are doing their job. My task to consult with other workers to identify their needs and preferences.


It refers to steps that I personally took in response to above task. To hire new applicants in company I have to make effective plan, after considering the demand of people, I have to take better decision and communicate with other departments. I was able to communicate with other people effectively because I have good communication skills. With the help of this ability I can identify issues and requirement of business in globalization environment. I am able to improve relationships with my team members, share ideas that enhance creativity and increase employee engagement in procedure of achieving common goals. All these things happen because I am able to communicate and interact with all the people. But due to lack of motivational skills, I cannot be able to motivate my team in short period, I don't know how to motivate them as it affects work of people. I can take hiring decision effectively and make final judgement based on that current situation it reduced risk of developing barriers in way of handling the situation. With communication skills I can interact with others effectively, but due to poor motivational skills I am unable to motivate staff. Are you woory of How to complete your Chemistry Homework. Don't Worry we are here to Help You.

Reflect or result-

It refers to results of actions, how did my actions contribute to completion of task given by authority. How did my actions affect final results of situations and other things mentioned in this stage. As human resource practitioner, I build trust among team members effectively and determine requirement of company in high competitive environment due to globalization. As results in successful team building trust, that contribute to make strong team. Due to lack of  time management and motivational skills the outcomes is not satisfactory in context of above situation. I take a lot of time while managing my work related to hire applicants and determine the needs of administration, it effects business performance and productivity. Poor motivational skills impact on my work, in which I cannot be able to motivate existing workers and inspire them to work hard for gaining competitive benefits. My senior has good interpersonal skills that they can use to handle the situation, at this time I feel very bad.

Planning/ Learning-

It refers to things person have learned from experience, from above analysis, it has been identified that I had good communication skills and decision-making abilities. But on the other side, I had learned from above experience that I had lack of motivational, time management and leadership skills which I need to developed for handling the similar situation in my professional career. At the time of making plan for recruiting people, I was able to communicate other people but I cannot be able to take decision in context of which applicant is good for company, I am taking a lot of time which is totally not acceptable in any way.

Action plan

After analysing the whole things, I have clearly determined the specific areas for improvement. To improve skills or areas I need to develop SMART goal that helps to achieve my personal aims and objectives.Action plan is one of the best and useful tool that I used to achieve my goal. My goal is to improve areas which I already mentioned above and identified while facing the situation in my professional career.

Areas for improvement or objectives

Importance of areas that will need to improve

Tactics use for improving areas

Time frame

Motivational skills

This skill is defined as strategies or actions that elicit desired response as well as behaviour from others (Fuller, Taylor & Wilson, 2019). Motivational skills is very essential in context of above situation it helps in achieving personal goals & professional as well. I want to improve or develop my motivational skills because it makes me able to motivate and inspire workers to do their job perfectly at any situation.

I can improve this area effectively as increasing my knowledge of great work doing by others. I need to work with my senior and focus on way how they motivate people by using different methods.

20 days

Time management skills

Time management skills is also essential for me to develop just like the other ones (Owen, 2016). It allows me to accomplish my work more in short period and also permits making action plan for handling situations, that leads to more free time.

To improve time management skills I have to choice the best and suitable strategy that provide better results. To manage my time, I will create schedule, mention day to day work and decide time for each activity, that help to manage my time and save it.

7 days

Leadership skills

As Human resource practitioner, leadership skills is very important for me which I need to develop through this action plan. It helps to lead team of number of workers at workplace (Chen & Rybak,  2017).

Keep learning, inspiring others and develop situational awareness are the best approaches that I can used to improve my leadership skills much better than before.

15 days

Mentoring skill

Active listening is basic mentoring skills, I need to develop my mentoring skills because it is very important for my professional career as my role is to guide number of workers at company and hire the new applicants. I want to develop this area because it makes me a good mentor and support to build effective relationships.

While working with my seniors and expertise people in organization I can be able to develop mentoring skills, they teach me how to guide person according to job role and duties which they have.

14 days

Self motivational

Due to lack of self motivational skills, I cannot be able to motivate my group members and other people in above situation, which make me feel so bad. I want to improve self motivational skills because it helps to make me able to inspire all the employees and enhance their performance.

With the help of developing or improving this area I can keep going even in face of set backs, show commitment to what I need to achieve. The best strategy is that keep learning from senior.

10 days


From above analysis, it has been summarized that motivational, leadership and time management skills are the most significant skills for HR practitioner, it helps them to handle any situation confidently. Self leaderships skills in point of view of different authors is beneficial for person in their personal and professional career. It helps to build own strengths, improve self motivation & image, over come past bad situation and make successful choices. It has been concluded that, STAR L system help to reflect personal experience person feel while facing specific situation. It is a technique used by individual to collect all relevant information about particular ability that job requires. Furthermore, it has been analysed from above report that person need to improve specific areas which they identified in conflict situation where they feel lack of skills such as self motivational, time management etc. Action plan is develop for strengthen and improving self-confidence and esteem as individual work on plan. It contains small stage of plan that will help to improve areas by using the right tactics.

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