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Unit 3 Corporate Accounting Level 4 Regent College - Waitrose

University: Oxford University

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Ph.D./Doctorate
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3418
  • Paper Type: Course Work
  • Course Code: 454
  • Downloads: 12595
Organization Selected : Waitrose


Corporate accounting is an essential aspects of accounting that deals with the accounting for companies for the formulation of their financial accounting for an organisation. In the global scenario recognising that integrated reporting is playing vital role in respect to good corporate governances and effective stewardship. This project module aims to determine all crucial aspects those are associated with the integrated reporting of “ADAIRS LIMITED”. A proper balancing is needed to be determine as per various stakeholders those are associated with the day to day operations of an organisation. The overall report is focuses on effective investors and outside stakeholders those are making appropriate impacts on the business operations of the company (Andrew and Cortese, 2011).

Integrated reporting

A good corporate governance is about to be considering the results that a business model has on their surroundings. The positive role that it can play in formulating the future health of the company in order to attain their aims and objectives in more quick and effective manner. It has been developed that promoted through Accounting boards of regulators, investors, standard setters and profession as well as non-governmental organisation. It focused on indicating the linked of strategic objectives, risk and performance to evaluate how “ADAIRS LIMITED” create value to their stakeholders. This means that every organisation required to determine and report every areas of performances present in the company on short terms financial outcomes. There are certain aspects associated with integrated reporting are mentioned underneath:

  • A compact communication of “ADAIRS LIMITED” planning, governances and performances can be measure in effective manner.
  • Analyse the connection among their financial performance and their wider social environmental and other financial situations of an organisation (Carcello, Hermanson and Ye, 2011).
  • Organisation used to create value over the short, medium and longer period of time.

It means that integrated aspects of an organisations to perform in terms of both financial and other value associated data of the company. It used to provide large context for performances information that clarifies regarding total value of data which fits into operations or a business in order to help companies in respect to make appropriate decision-making. It assists in overall financial sustainability in accounting reports that are being prepared by accounts managers during a financial period of time.

Balance in business- Stakeholders

The idea of generating the appropriate balance in a business can cover plenty of aspects. One the major level that is having primary concern must be the balance of work and accounting transactions that are done during a financial period of time. It would be associated with short term requirements with wider aspirations selecting operational necessity and core value inconsistency must be followed in effective manner (Herzig and Schaltegger, 2011). It is crucial to determine where their value are struggle with each other as well as with an organisation. It has been found that “ADAIRS LIMITED” company did not accurately assess the power of their stakeholders values risk being dazzled sided in effective manner. The forces of stakeholder value would exist and will make impacts on the companies performances, whether or not company measure and act on their impacts. However, to balance the influences from various stakeholder, it is crucial to align corporate values with primary stakeholder groups. They are mainly focused on various factors such as:

  • Stakeholder Assessment: It important to determine any kind of conflicts resolution, project management and other vital aspects. It is an effective process of assessing a decision influences on relevant parties. It is done to examine all important primary and secondary stakeholder that have a vested interest in the issues with which the project is being associated with the company.
  • Stakeholder ROI: It has been seen that stakeholder would have an important positive and negative factors on “ADAIRS LIMITED” ability to attain a return on their total capital investments be that for anything from their available resources. These actions can prevent planning projects from getting valuable outcomes in case loss of investments and which can reduce income from current assets. Conversely successful action can make smooth the direction to attain planning return on investments with stakeholder becoming for any companies (Hui, Klasa and Yeung, 2012).
  • Creating and maintain balances: In case corporate values is not aligned with stakeholder values, that risk can destroying important stakeholder composition. It is expected companies to determine and abide through their personal values. Getting your organisations into placement with values which is crucial for decision-making.

Types of stakeholders:

Shareholder: It is kind of individual body which is directly related with an organisation in their profit and loss share decision-making. They are legally owns one or more share of an organisation.

Customers: It is an said to be an appropriate purchases the goods or services which is providing business. Attracting customers is the primary aims of most public facing businesses that is being appoint supply for products and services that are being produces by the company in coming period of time (Jefrey, 2018).

Suppliers: Shareholder and staffs are internal parties that are being own or work for their business. It can be internal or external to the businesses which is crucial interest in business or their activities of an organisation.


Good corporate governance and effective investor stewardship

This particular system of rules and regulation that is processes through which a firms is guided and controlled. It is basically consists of balancing the interest of a companies various stakeholder. Such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, capitalist and government as well as community. The purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective and prudent administration that can deliver long term attainment of the company. It associated with balancing there value or interest of “ADAIRS LIMITED” various stakeholder. It acts as the foundation through which corporate determine and go after their aims within externals factors that are affecting the productivity of an organisation (Jones, 2011). Accountants are held responsible for effective communicating corporate governance structure from top to bottom level of department. While accounting aids wider corporate planning, it is also crucial for making short term decisions. It assist company to leaders to manage prioritise and to take concrete financial actions.

The purpose of corporate governance is to determine effective and prudent management that can be deliver for long term success of cited company. By this stakeholder as well as owners of an organisation can evaluate their business governances in respect to enhance their future productivity as well as earning for the company. Through accounting managers would need to see and evaluate available to spend and their to make strategies in order to increase productivity of an organisation (Maas, Schaltegger and Crutzen, 2016). There are certain role of accounting in context to corporate governances. Some of them are discussed underneath:

Project planning: It an essential accounting practices that are highly effective tool of corporate governances. Corporation can make benefits and intelligent decisions regarding their business operate in order to expand their project through proper evaluation of accounting data. As planning is known as important aspects for every organisation. This can make early control of extra costs that are affecting the growth and financial stability of an organisation (Napier and Haniffa, 2011).

Public responsibility: It is traded corporation have legal roles and responsibility to disclose its business practices to external global. Those kind of corporation must be related with accurate and reliable financial statements in every months that consist of balance sheet, income statements and other reports. Investors make use these statements needs to decided whether to purchase shares in accordance to their business corporation.

Shareholders responsibility: In extra to its responsibility to global market and local authorities are needed to release detailed financial data to their shareholders. A company decision influences whether shareholders used to keep and hold their shares in respect to stakeholder stock level. Most investors relies on financial statements which is being complied through accounting departments in order to make most appropriate decision in accordance to increase profitability in near future time (Corporate Governance, 2018).

There are various characteristics of corporate governances:

Discipline: It has been analyse that corporate discipline is appropriate commitment through which a companies superior management is adhere that is recognising and attain in corrective solution to a given problems. This encompasses as a companies is aware of underlying principles of good governance which is particularly at upper level of departments.

Transparency: It happens to be more ease with which an external is able to make appropriate analysis of a companies overall actions, its fundamental and non- financial aspects associated with the business. This used to measure about total positive management is at making valuable information present in the company (Panaretou, Shackleton and Taylor, 2013).

Accountability: Any individuals or group in an organisation need to make decision and take crucial decision on a particular problems which is needed to be accountable before taking steps for future planning. This used to provide investors with the means to assess the actions of owners and committees at the same point of time.

Fairness: This seems that systems that exist within the company which must be balanced in taking into consideration for all those that are having interest in a company to attain future aims and objectives. The right of various group have to be acknowledge and respective in coming period of time. All decision which are to be taken and their implementation that will not be allowed to develop unfair benefits to every particular outcomes in order to increase future benefits for the company.

Benefits of corporate governance:

It ensure that transparency which ensure that every strong and balance economic development can be done through effective management of an organisation. In addition, business ethic and corporate awareness is helpful to create more valuable results to an organisation during the period of time. This will make ensure that the interest of all stakeholder would remain safe and secure so that maximum growth opportunities can be increase in coming period of time. It has been seen that positive corporate governances can ensure that huge success and future growth for the company. Strong corporate used to maintain investors proper confidence as a results of which a company can increase capital efficiency and effectively. Good corporate governances would secure an effective operations of “ADAIRS LIMITED” in interest of all stakeholders. It provide assurance the management is acting in more proper interest of corporation, thereby contributing to business prosperity by openness in disclosures and better accountability. The key benefits of good corporate governances to a corporation consists of:

Saves time and money: It is known as one of the important advantages that a good corporate governances can always helpful to save time and amount for the company. As all the resources are effectively utilised in respects to increase profit as well as growth of an economy in near future period of time.

Better risk management: It is an effective aspects that gives comfort to shareholders, customers, employee and community at wider that a business is being managed in more proper manner. It is more applicable to organisation such as large and small.

Low cost of capital: This would study all impacts of firms level corporate governance on cost of equity and cost of debt obligations that are associated with the company. It has been seen that shows that firms with having good corporate governance are more consistently related with both low cost of equity in an international level.

Enhance reputation: The researchers has analyse that corporate governances would has an increasing continuously. A corporate governances police can boost overall growth and position through making effective planning of proper utilisation of capitals. This can consist of lenders that seen to have strong fiscal policy and internal control such as charities a person with to promote business, local bodies, employees and media. The practices of exchanging internal information with key stakeholder is said to be more transparent which allows people to feel more positive during the daily working activities in an organisation.

Better stakeholder relations: It said to be more reliable aspects for corporate governances which is to ensure that contract must be more done as per the interest of stakeholders. It would determine the rights of stakeholder that are established by a law or through mutual agreements with regard to determine relationships with stakeholder of an organisation. A stakeholder is any individual or organisation that can plan a claim on an organisation attention, resources those are affected by the output. They have proper stake in the company that are something at risk and therefore something to addition or failure as outcomes of corporate activity. In order to create wealth to stakeholder they need to make use of good corporate governances and implement appropriate policy to operate their business in more effective manner.

Limitation of corporate governances:

It has been always seen that corporation is happens to be an individual entities those are wholly distinct from their shareholders. It is the shareholder used to elect the board of directors those are responsible for proper managements of organisational resources. There are certain limitations that are crucial determine in effective manner. Earning per share used to have an impact on the share prices of an organisation which are valuable to determine more accurate and reliable solution to the company. Some of them are discussed underneath:

Increased cost: In accordance with corporation with having administration costs because of greater management requirements than those of limited partnerships. Boards must be either meet or create proper resolution to enter into financial arrangements of contractual aspects of an organisation. Corporation must consists of stock purchase and sales as well as other legal compliances.

Beyond the realm of law: It cannot be regulated through using appropriate legal legislation which lay down a common framework by following certain rules and regulations. It ensure that to moral and ethical value, legal and regulatory framework and to adopt a positive position in coming period of time. It is this background that a company whole embraces good governances practices during the period of time.

Principles agent conflicts: It can be arises in case a corporation shareholder do not actively participate in the business and instead being buying management to run the business in more effective manner. The managers used to represents the shareholder but often has various aims and perspectives. The manager acts as best interest as an employee but does not able to create wealth to their shareholder. The study relies mainly on financial accounting reports which are capable to handle. The article contains that information which only on various locations that are helpful to increase future aims of an organisation.

Easily corruptible: It has been seen that good corporate needs to a certain level of administration oversight to avoid increasing levels of corruptions. It leads to miscalculation of credit that actually worked in respects to deal with any kind of competitions.

Family owned companies: Corporate governance works at their one of the best when shareholder and board staffs those are able to make objectives decisions that are in best interest of a companies. As per this, a business used to make planning firms, family run corporation such as not be to make performances to make valuable growth for the company.

Costs of monitoring: To effective governances a publicly traded corporation, shareholder used to speak with one voices that are having sufficient enough information to increase their profitability which is not sufficiently supportive to an organisation.

Effective investor stewardship

The main idea that institutional investors would behave as active, long terms bound “Stewards” that has coughs on globally. It is concern with rules and regulations concerning with principles that every organisations investors are expected to follow. It was released that financial reporting authorities can used to directed at asset managers who hold voting rights on shares in different parts of Australia. Safeguarding their customers overall assets for longer period of time is being determine in effective manner for the company. It is a focused resources for portfolio managers. The primary goal of stewardship governance is to define as someone that are protects and takes valuable care of essential needs of other companies.

Under the stewardship theory, “ADAIRS LIMITED” executive to protect the interest of their owners or shareholders and use to make judgement on their behalf of companies owners. Their sole aims is to create and maintain a successful organisation so the shareholders used to make future decisions making in order to increase upcoming sustainability for the companies. There are various Stewardship elements those are helpful to increase future aspect. Such as:

  • Institutional investors would publicly disclosure their policy that they discharged their stewardship responsibility of an organisation (Renner, 2013).
  • Investors or stakeholder required to robust policy on managing conflicts of interest in accordance to stewardship which will be publicly disclosed in the departments.
  • They need to follow certain clear policies with other investors where appropriate to take crucial decision to increase their future aims of the company.
  • Companies investors need to have specific periodically on their stewardship and voting activities.

A long term orientation is utmost crucial aspect is to manage effective stewardship because involvement engagements efforts are typically bear various implications that are affecting profitability for an organisation. Stronger legal norms needed to encourage funds engagements that are essential for increase maximum chances of growth among one another. It has been examine that having too many obligation on every parties can make huge impacts on the overall growth in near future time. If you are worried about online homework help? We provide the best writing service at an affordable budget. 


From the above detail analysis of corporate accounting, it has been concluded that the integrated reporting is needed to be prepared on regular basis. This will assists them to make future decision-making for the purpose of attaining maximum profit as well as smooth running of their business for longer period of time. All the informations which is being mentioned are analyse through using appropriate accounting standards that are crucial for increasing future aims and objectives in coming period of time.


  • Andrew, J. and Cortese, C., 2011, September. Accounting for climate change and the self-regulation of carbon disclosures. In Accounting Forum (Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 130-138). Elsevier.
  • Carcello, J. V., Hermanson, D. R. and Ye, Z., 2011. Corporate governance research in accounting and auditing: Insights, practice implications, and future research directions. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. 30(3). pp.1-31.
  • Herzig, C. and Schaltegger, S., 2011. Corporate sustainability reporting. In Sustainability communication (pp. 151-169). Springer Netherlands.
  • Hui, K. W., Klasa, S. and Yeung, P. E., 2012. Corporate suppliers and customers and accounting conservatism. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 53(1-2). pp.115-135.
  • Jefrey, C. ed., 2018. Research on professional responsibility and ethics in accounting. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Jones, M. ed., 2011. Creative accounting, fraud and international accounting scandals. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Maas, K., Schaltegger, S. and Crutzen, N., 2016. Integrating corporate sustainability assessment, management accounting, control, and reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production. 136. pp.237-248.
  • Napier, C. and Haniffa, R., 2011. Islamic accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Panaretou, A., Shackleton, M. B. and Taylor, P. A., 2013. Corporate risk management and hedge accounting. Contemporary accounting research. 30(1). pp.116-139.
  • Renner, M., 2013. Occupy the system! Societal constitutionalism and transnational corporate accounting. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 20(2). pp.941-964.
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