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6 Natural Beauties You Must Take a Look at

23 Aug 2023 6587 Views Share
Natural Beauties>

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“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Among all the creations of the God, the Earth is blessed with the finest beauty. It is covered with the most serene views that will make you awestruck any time. You can say that the natural beauty is breathtaking, beautiful, heartwarming and pretty convincing. It makes you forget your pains and sorrows, and you will feel to be in a heaven-like place. Some people find peace in a forest, love the rhythm of a stream, dream in the meadow. All things come from nature and go back to it, leaving a long-lasting impression on you. You might have heard of the natural lightshow called ‘aurora borealis.' Earth is flooded with several such natural wonders that can make you spellbound. Want to know more about such beauties? Read the blog:-

1.) Skeleton Flowers

Have you seen the petals of any flower that are as clear as a glass? Well, there is a miraculous flower which is called skeleton flower. When water falls on petals of this flower, they suddenly become transparent. The cell structure of petals is such that they soak water drops and increases the transmission of light, thereby giving the flower a transparent look. Once dry, petals' color turns back to white.

2.) Tricoloured Crater Lakes

These three crater lakes that lie in the foot of Mount Kelimutu, Indonesia. Apart from the appearance, their color changing abilities make them strange and mysterious. There are many stories that you can hear from the locals related to these color changing water bodies. Some say that color of the water reflects the mood of the ancestors' spirits. But, actually the responsible factor behind this mystery is the bacteria present in the water of these lakes.

3.) Desert Roses

These crystalline roses are found in the Sahara Desert and composed of gypsum and baryte crystals piled together for several hundred years and transformed into the rose like shape. The crystalline character comes after the water gets evaporated leaving behind the porous structure that resembles the rose. Many a time, they can be found in clusters that look like a sandy bouquet. The largest desert rose is nearly 25cm high and its weight is 57kg.

4.) Spiderweb Fields

If you are afraid of spiders, then these fields blanketed with spiderweb will definitely creep the hell out of you. In New Zealand, this natural phenomenon is called ‘spider bum parachutes.' This bizarre situation occurs after the heavy downpour in the country and the bushes, trees, and fields get cocooned in the spider silk. The gigantic spiderweb can span to one kilometers in length enough to give you silken nightmare.

5.) Stripped Iceberg

The Antarctic is known for its massive glaciers and icebergs. The surprising fact is that sometimes, these icebergs get colorful decorations on them that appear like gemstones. The colors appear on the ice when the freshwater comes in contact with sea water that consists of different sediments and minerals. On freezing, the strips appear on icebergs.

6.) Spotted Lake

The spotted lake is also known as the most magical place in Canada. It is not an ordinary water body, but a lake covered in many large, colorful polka dots. The interesting fact is that the colors also change from yellow to blue depending on the water conditions.

Nature holds the key to your aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive, and even spiritual satisfaction. So, try to connect yourself with it. Hope you enjoyed reading the blog.

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