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St. Patrick's Day and the Sociological Impact on Communities

26 Jul 2022 2883 Views Share
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In the modern-day, where boundaries and borders are growing thicker and thicker between nations, which is creating a constant struggle for humans to ignite any connection. Festivals like St. Patrick's Daycare play a big role in bringing communities together. In this blog, we will precisely look at St. Patrick’s Day and its sociological impact on communities. If that intrigues your interest, keep reading further.

What is the Sociological Process of Cohesion?

The term simply means the coming together of communities and the sense of solidarity among them. When talking specifically about the subject of sociology, cohesion is the sociological process of assimilation of ideas and thought processes of people of a particular community in such a way that they are very functional as a unit.

Social cohesion is also referred to as community cohesion, social relations, solidarity, social harmony, etc.

Community cohesion has some basic features like:

  1. Social Relationships
  2. Connectedness
  3. Orientation towards the common good
  4. Equality

It is easier to understand all these features and the working process of community and cohesion through the example of an event or a festival, per se.

In the next part of this blog, we will go into detail about community cohesion and its features with regard to St. Patrick's Day. Keep reading....

How St. Patrick's Day Is Sociologically Impacting Communities?

In any part of the world that you go to, you will see different societies and different communities, so it is very clear that community building is a universal process. So is the process of social cohesion. Festivals have been playing a major part in bringing communities together, one such event is St. Patrick’s Day.

Every city has its own origin story for how the St. Patrick’s Day parade came to be. It is the best example of how communities work and blend. The assimilation process took place and people adopted and accepted other people's cultures. Like sociology says, communities always come together.

St. Patrick’s Day brings communities together in the following ways:

Social Relationships

This festival has traveled across the small country of Ireland to entire parts of countries like Australia, the UK, and the USA. It has aided in the development of social relations between people of different nationalities in such a way that it no longer feels strange to dance along to the beats of Irish traditional music.


Anywhere in the world you go, you will find a few people who know the festival inspite of it being a national holiday of Ireland and having its roots in Irish culture. This is what we mean by "connectedness," as the festival has brought people from all over the world together despite their differences. As an example, consider:

  • Green coloration of the Chicago River
  • Saint Patrick’s Day parades all over New York
  • Performing the Irish Trad
  • light show on the Empire State Building, etc.


This festival is a strong example of how there is no discrimination when communities come together. Irrespective of the fact that you are from a poor community or rich, you can be binary or non-binary, etc. You are welcomed with open arms. Humans are treated as humans.

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